Have you ever met another SGer you've only known through this site in real life?
Meeting with SGers is something I can say never even occurred to me as a thing, I guess 'cause I've always considered it a way more laid back place than that for people to just trade games rather than create close bonds. Meeting people from online is definitely something I've done though and has completely changed the path of my life, and I've got World of Warcraft to thank for that, so that's about as nerdy as it can come. Not only did I meet with them, I quite literally lived with them for an entire year. It was definitely an unusual experience, two of them came from the UK, ended their relationships and quit their jobs without any careers planned after moving (a high-end chef and a property salesman) to travel overseas and live with me in Ireland. One of them was known for pretty much nothing but trolling and we'd never even seen pictures of him so when we were waiting at the ferry to pick him up we weren't even fully confident that he'd actually be there, but there he was. And then a fourth guy who's also Irish that I'd become acquainted with for years after a primary school friend of mine met him in secondary education and she got us to meet up, and a fifth guy who lived nearby but basically slept at ours every day without paying rent like a bitch.
I could go on for years with how crazy of an experience it was for me and how much it changed my life blah blah but I've already wall of text'd too much. So yeah, long story short, five WoW nerds who met in game and ended up living happily ever after together. For a year at least.
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Well since you asked, don't blame me for the book you're about to have to read. Differences did end up occurring. The chef turned out to be a complete pig and a half. He would leave his dirty clothes spewed across the kitchen floor, including a questionable amount of socks for one person... he was a pretty heavy guy with not enough changes of clothes so would use the washing machine basically every day, eventually ended up breaking it and then used the kitchen sink to wash his rank ass clothes until it was fixed. and the other three of us agreed to essentially end paths with him. Funnily enough he still lives here in Ireland though, with a Polish girl he met on OkCupid while we were living together.
But behind the scenes of that, me and the salesman who ended up coming closer than ever also wanted to end paths with the other Irish guy. Not on a friendly term, just living terms. He was a bit of a mommas boy who had no respect for the living terms of others and just expected everything to clean itself. Just had absolutely no sense of independence. He'd use other peoples pots and pans to cook his stuff if his was dirty and just leave them there with chunks of food left over drying on to them over night. It got to the point where I literally ended up taking the role of the house mom. I confiscated all the spare plates, cups, cutlery, bowls, everything. Everyone was restricted to one set of dining material that they had to take responsibility over, which surprisingly did end up working out quite nicely.
The problem with that was then it was down to three of us. Me, the salesman, and the leech. The leech wasn't prepared to use his finances to actually pay rent, so then it was two, and the salesman went an entire year living off his savings because he couldn't get a job in our garbage country despite having a university diploma, and couldn't afford to risk another entire year unemployed, so had to go back to the UK to collect his life a bit.
The other Irish guy went back to live with his parents and I'm in a complicated position between education and medical issues that I won't get in to, but the plan is once I get over this current hump in my life, I finish my Computer Science degree and move to London with the salesman to share a place together and finally live happily ever after.
Edit: welp, this is being read by more people than I'd originally anticipated. I'll have a root around for some more pictures and add them to the post when I get home in a couple hours.
(I've no clue how to keep the descriptions with the images, they seem to fall to the bottom no matter what formatting I use, so I'll just have them listed for reference instead until I figure it out. If it's even possible.
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Wow, that's quite a story! Thank you for sharing, Teliko. It's amazing how other people live, as if they were raised by wolves (referring to some of your former roommates)! I would not have lasted a year, lol.
Good luck getting over the hump and living happily ever after with your salesman. :P
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Yeah.. nature vs nurture when it comes to parenting can evidently have a much heavier impact than I could've imagined, it was crazy witnessing it at first hand. The other Irish guy was the one I'd known the longest, 5 years at that point (This was all 6 years ago now) and the one I'd expected to trust the most but ended up being the most unbearable one to live with in terms of cleanliness, but we were all bound in by contract for a one year lease so it was pretty much non-optional, no escape.
(I've added a couple pictures to the original post if you can handle more)
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Thank you for the added pics, and for the notification. I've never seen a fridge packed like that...oh my.
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Oh, how much I can relate to it... You never really know a person until you live with them. I had one friend - we knew each other since mid-school, I wouldn't call him my "best friend" but "friend" at least. We were in same pack of friends, meaning we would often party together, skip school together, party and drink together, do stupid shit together, spend parts of summer holidays together by going camping or to music festivals etc. Like I said - not kind of best friend you'd share your secrets with, but kind of a friend you like partying and spending time together. Then when we went to Uni 1st year he was living in studen't dormitory and I was living in reented flat, so we were still meeting as usual, partying and liking each other, but on 2nd year he moved out of dormitory, one of my roommates moved out as well so I suggested he moves in his place. And oh god what a mistake it was.... I do not mind drinking, I drink a lot myself, plus as a student you drink a lot more. But his drinking was problematic even for me - 6-8 beers was his minimum each evening and around 5th he'd start being loud. Normal day I'd just amp up the music, but what if I was studying? And his cleaning and eating habits were the wors thing in the world. He'd never cook for himself - he was not capable of boiling a water and making himself a pasta, so basically all he ate was either frozen food or ordered food, mainly pizza. He ate it all out of the box and would just leave the boxes with remainings of food lying around... In onle month he ordered 20 pizzas, and each time he finished he'd put a box with remaining crust, pizza leftovers etc by the wall, next day another box on top of that, by the time he built 20-box tower the lowest boxes were already developing intelligent life... In 6 months he lived with us he cleaned his room and took out his trash ONCE. Long story short - a friend I liked and knew for years, started to live together, took me just 6 months to start hating him and kick him out. Luckilly the flat was rented for me only and I was just finding roommates on my own, thus I was not legally bound to keep him around.
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Euuugh. Sounds about right. I can relate to the takeouts problem, hugely reoccurring in a house with essentially 5 guys. Other Irish guy would often leave two slices of pizza in the box with the box thrown somewhere randomly in our living room and then finish them off for breakfast. Then of course we'd never see the end of the box unless someone else took care of it for him which wasn't happening. Once it got bad enough that something had to be done about it, we just waited until he wasn't around and threw them all on top of his bed. He has the option of complaining/doing the same to us and looking like an absolute asshole, or actually throwing them out. I'm pretty sure they spent the rest of the year in his bedroom but whatever. His smelly problem.
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You have a good memory. How could I forget Bob? And yes he does make a mess! But I love it That's what you get when you take your dog out to the forrest, into the water and when he is all wet through the sand every day. But at least he does not open new bowls of water every time he drinks :)
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Truer words, man. When I was 18 and being a brat to my parents, they sent me to this apartment we own in the city. It's a place my parents bought years beforehand as a sort of backup home for work. They both work very long and very late hours. Our family home is far out from the city in the countryside so it's a long and tedious drive they have to make every day. Depending on how work was and how early their next morning was, they'd sometimes spend the night in the apartment. So it was just a little place to make life a little easier for them from time to time.
So my punishment was that I was sent there indefinitely to live alone. I'd need to find my own way to college, cook, acquire my own groceries via a student grant I was now going to have to try apply for, keep the place spotless for when they were spending the night, clean my own clothes etc. I thought my life was over. When I look back on it now I just can't help but laugh. The following year was the year of the story and my god was it an eye-opening experience for me. I've a lot to thank for it despite how tedious it was, because it definitely helped developed my independence tenfold.
I'm sitting here now at 25 back in that very apartment typing away all on my lonesome and I couldn't be more in heaven. Everything is the way I want it, everything is where I left it, my food doesn't vanish, everything works and everything is clean. Granted I'm getting it pretty easy because I don't need to pay as much rent as one living alone typically does seeing as it's my own family's place (just electricity), but still. Bliss. (Sorry for another wall, I get carried away far too easily)
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Sounds like it was a fun visit! A very uplifting story, glad you shared! :D
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Why not? It doesn't have to be international thing, there are plenty of SGers in Poland (heck, we are 3rd biggest nationality on SG after muricans and russians), probably you'd find a few close to your location if money is the problem ;) I met with 4 fellow SGers, with some on several ocassions, without even moving from my own city ;p
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It's still a sacred gathering place. Ancestral memories of the big octopus slide run deeper than can ever be wiped away by bulldozers.
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It does. Not as much as Ireland though. It's very very beautiful nature wise, people are still polite, it's "slow' in a good way but all facilities are slightly better than Holland. It's like Ireland 15 years ago before it got too crowded only without the poverty. So whenever you are ready to go to Wales please send me a message and I will pack my bag.
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Have you ever met another SGer you've only known through this site in real life?
Nope, but would really like to! I don't know anyone to meet at this point, but I still really like stories about how others have found people to meet! :)
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highly motivated to nothing not lazy :-)
Looks like you had a great time.
Also grilling noodles sounds great xD
I guess you came up with this idea after the beer and rum ?:-P
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I feel like a big meetup of a lot of people would end up worse than meetinh up with a few, 'cuase people would get ignored/left out.
That's nice y'all had a great time, those pics show the fun, it actually makes me wanna go camping again, something I haven't wanted to do for years.
I've never meet anyone from sg, though that may change this june. I have met another person from the interenet from another site though and they're my first and only irl friend, so that's cool.
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You found your only friend in the internet? Well, God bless technology.
So, if you rather meet only a few, JenniferVanessa, then you should go with what you're comfortable with. In my imagination we had the usual Sg gathering we're kind of all attending more or less regular, just in real life. I'd be so eager to see if the same people would sit together and chat as they do here. Or what really meeting would change in the way we act with each other, if we'd treat each other kindlier on occasions, because we were able to grasp a glimpse of the full existance of everbody and where we all stand.
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I just feel like the more people, the more some are left out, and I'm usually the one left out. So in my imagination an sg meetup would just be a bunch of people having fun and me being ignored and left out of most of it.
I've had a rough time with people the past few months. I can't imagine an sg meetup would necessarily prove to be better, especially with all the semi recent drama.
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bump :), remembers me of last year... we spent the majority of the summer firing up the grill in a garden one of my friends rents and ending almost every week with a big bonfire, much to the regret of his immediate neighbors, which had to inhale all the fumes ;D.
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damn, never did it. looks like you had a heck of a great time!
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Dear SG,
I've been lazy. I guess I have to face the fact that my Momma has always been right. Yeah. I'm lazy.
1000 games given away passed by like a breeze. 2000 games on Steam milestone day came and went (I was a bit shocked about the amount of games I had amassed, that was another reason nothing happened), 7 years on Steam birthday went by without celebration, 7777 games hidden even went unnoticed although I had it in the back of my head. So yeah well, SG. I did nothing but lurking in the past months.
But now the time has come, spring is on our doorsteps, to awaken our spirits anew and breathe some life back into this community!
I have a story to share! Last weekend DownwardConcept decided to get into a bus and drive down here to meet up with Paxnit and me! :D
This was the first time for me to meet a person I had only known through the internet and I found this to be so exciting. He arrived on a sunny Saturday afternoon and stayed till Monday. On Saturday we had some homemade pizza at Paxnit's place, followed by gaming, drinking beer and rum and listening to awesome music. We took the guy out to show him around our area the next day, we were lucky, it was sunny, and I think he fell in love with the place (let me know if I got the wrong impression, DC!), just as we love our homecountry :D
After that we went to my place, made a bonfire, had some more beer and music, made spaghettis on the fire and talked and laughed all night long. See pictures for impressions (and really sorry all you curious folks out there, none of us really was a foto person ;P). Right on Monday evening I became sick, must have caught a cold somewhere during the weekend, so that's why this thread comes with a week of delay also.
Whadd'ya think, SG, about a big gathering of as many of us as possible? That'be so great! Because now I want to meet you all great people!
I have some games to share as well and as I became tired of a trains I'll just post them here. Originally I wanted to do a puzzle, but this will have to wait till next time, it's late.
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Mood music ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
A Golden Wake- overKathy Rain- overTick's Tales- overJumpJet Rex- over10 Second Ninja X- overRobot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball- overGuacamelee! Gold Edition- overRisen- overSam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse- overSpace Run Galaxy- overChivalry: Medieval Warfare- overComment has been collapsed.