as the other person gots some blacklists for creating a loli thread i wonder, what you think^^

do you believe, that everybody that consumes lolicon, is a pedophile and even if, do you think a pedophile is automaticly a bad person?
we had topics like "whats your favourite charackter of neptunia re:birth". they are looking very young (underage) as well but there was no hate, just people posting pics of their "waifu". so if there is hate, where starts it?

and an other question is: leads using lolicon into peadophilia and abusing kids or can it even used to be like a ventile to prevent people consuming child pron (with real kids) cause of rather consuming lolicon.

i know, there are many different questions and it would be better to split them into more threads but i dont want to swamp the discussions with too many threads and as the other thread isnt a place we are discusting, here is a new thread^^
feel free to blacklist me, but it would be nice if you could write your opinion (as long as its not just like "lolicon is for jerks")

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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pedophilia is legalized^^ its just forbidden to harm people (directly or indirectly like consuming child porn). but to have thoose feelings, isnt illegal

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

8 years ago

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+1 Podesta is scum just like all liberals.

8 years ago

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Actually it is illegal in many states. Presently, in most states those who have those feelings can't seek therapy, as there are laws in place to negate a drs privacy rules, and require them to contact the police if a person expresses interest in a minor.

If they haven't touched anyone, let them get help is my opinion, but that's the law in some places right now.

8 years ago

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Feelings and sex it is different things. You, pedophiles, like to confuse them.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Why bring up homosexuality in response to someone insulting liberalism? Being gay has nothing to do with that.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm a moderate so i'm in between you 2 but I don't see the need to start accusing others of things they haven't even said just because you disagree with something they said. Especially since what he said sounds more like a joke (A very simplistically worded one at that). But if you did take it seriously I assume the best response would just be some variant of "I agree" or "I disagree" and here's why, but not "Well if you think this then you must think THIS too even though it's a completely different topic, right?". See what I mean?

I mean I know what you just did makes a lot more sense to you, because, well, you did it. And I understand your perspective on it, but I'm just trying to show you my perspective. To me it seems like a mixture of feeding the troll and whatever the word for making accusations without any evidence is.

8 years ago

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I think borsdy is responding to the implication in Yahoooooo's post that "liberals" have already "legalized" some form of sexual depravity (else the statement doesn't really work). See also his reference to the idiotic Pizzagate hoax.

8 years ago

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that pizza place was using the logo for "boy love" in their store front logo masked as a slice of pizza so.....

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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they wont do a real investigation anyway so it don't really matter but there is alot of "that stuff" with politicians the most obvious is when they go to certain 3rd world countries 3-4 times a year. if its true or not i never cared enough to put the time into it. sources for REAL news nowadays is so scarce its a shame and the email stuff was just a distraction anyway but it shows how plausible the story could be.

8 years ago*

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there are rings eg: clinton foundation with victims of haiti

8 years ago

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do you believe, that everybody that consumes lolicon, is a pedophile


do you think a pedophile is automaticly a bad person?


I'm not gonna pretend to understand what is happening in the heads of people that derive sexual pleasure from lolicon merchantise...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm curious if you differentiate between someone who acts on his impulses or someone who fights them. someone who "defeats" their nature to adapt to the social norms still a "bad" person to you?

8 years ago

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Of course there's a difference but yeah, even if they don't "succumb" to their urges they're still people I wouldn't want around me. I don't know if "bad" is the right word for that instance but yeah... no ._.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Depends on the youngness.

8 years ago

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If you mean pedophile as someone who wants to fuck biologically immature children, then yes, it is even by biological standards something you can call deviant behaviour. (Funny enough, strictly speaking, homosexuality isn't though.)
If you mean someone who wants to fuck 13-16 year olds, then no, they are not "bad" pedophiles but potential conservative prime minister/president candidates.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I think, ephebophilia and hebephilia is the term for those age groups.

8 years ago

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Nice to see someone else knows pedophilia is only prepubescent kids.

8 years ago

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You deserve a whitelist just for recognizing there's a difference in age groups. Most people just try to ignore (or outlaw) the biological imperatives that have saved our species from extinction level events time & time again.

8 years ago

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I don't think every person who consumes "loli" stuff is a pedophile but they do have pedophilic tendencies. Is a pedophile a bad person? Well disciplining your kids is one thing but abusing them is another story.

8 years ago

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16+ is alright anything below is wrong, but depends on how old you are if you are 18 then maybe 15 is understandable. That being said Idk why these visual novels portray certain characters you can have 'sex" with as 12 year old boys. Guess there is a fetish for everyone?

8 years ago

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As far as manga and anime goes, there are some I've enjoyed with loli characters, and not all of those are work safe, like Lotte no Omocha! which I started watching. Liking those doesn't make me some kind of sicko (well, no more than I already was, I have 10000+ images in my favourites on a certain Booru site after all). Just because I'm okay with fictional characters don't mean I feel the same about real youngsters.

Now, paedophiles does feel interest in real children. However, not everyone acts on their interests. That is true of many fetishes. It is the act of someone actually doing something with those urges that is an issue. Some are more acceptable than others, but there is other stuff out there that is illegal in real life. Another is necrophilia. And there are a lot of others, both legal and not.

Now, related to lolicon media is something I do have trouble with, toddlercon. I'm sure you can guess what that is, and it is something I'd have a problem with even in fictional media. But like paedophiles, not everyone acts on it.

8 years ago

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Forniphilia - Turning a human being into a piece of furniture

Now I've seen everything...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Do I really want to click this link?

8 years ago

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it's safe for work if that's what you mean, but yeah. It's an experience xD

8 years ago

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Brave as I am I clicked it. Fucking love this shit, it's hilarious XD

They're not really serious though, are they??

8 years ago

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Seeing how it is fully scripted and shot as a reality show I doubt it, but you never know....

8 years ago

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there is a forum dedicated to people who think they where an inanimate object i forget the term for them but they talk about feelings of being that object and thing it went through.

8 years ago

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Until you've actually scratched the surface of JAV, no you haven't. I blame the Japanese for most of the -philia list.

8 years ago*

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in their defense until "mixing" most Asian woman looked like a kid till their late 40's

8 years ago

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I was referring to the Japanese weird fetish porn. Live Action Tentacles, The "game show" JAVs, the "act like nothing is going on" while we bukkake you, the timestop ones, etc.

All really weird stuff.

8 years ago

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yes i know all those and i can offer them no defense but for the loli thing =P

8 years ago

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i don't even have a clue what "loli" means exactly. well, i can more or less imagine what it is now. didn't hear it before.

8 years ago

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Lolicon, although it stems from "Lolita", a novel about a middle-aged man getting in a sexual relation with his 12-yo stepdaughter.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What do you mean? "Loli" is a shorthand for "lolicon", and "lolicon" comes from a variation of the novel's title. What additional meaning were attached to it in the past 60 years is another question, but the word's origin is that.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No, I am just telling where the word originates from.
By the way, the novel itself is not about perversion. It is among the literacy classics, on many Top 100 novel lists. Even had a Golden Globe winning film version directed by Kubrick.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It is the novel's title where the word "lolicon" originates from. What is so difficult to understand on this? :)

8 years ago

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Nothing really.

8 years ago

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The book/film does feature underage sex. That isn't the focus of the story although it is central to the plot. Far more is left to the imagination in the film than the book, although it was still considered highly controversial at the time. Although considered a cinematic classic it simply wouldn't have gotten made in this day and age.

The name of the novel gave rise to an number of terms. When I was younger flirtatious young girls were often referred to as Lolitas and men who liked young girls were often described as having a Lolita complex. Standards have changed during my lifetime and such terminology seems to have largely dropped out of use.

Lolicon, as a genre of drawn porn focusing on young girls certainly derived its name from the book.

I'm not an expert on such matters, but as an artist who who sometimes does anime requests I've increasingly come across 'loli' being used to describe cute young girls (or girls of young appearance) in a non-sexual context - often by people who don't appear to understand the origins of the term, and I think this is a source of a certain amount of confusion.

I can accept that some people can enjoy a loli waifu without being a dirty pedo - but for people aware of the origins of the word the usage of certain memes, etc can be cringeworthy at best.

8 years ago

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Off topic, but your username is fitting given this context! ^^

8 years ago

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Lolita - a 1955 novel written by Russian American novelist Vladimir Nabokov. The novel is notable for its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator—a middle-aged literature professor called Humbert Humbert—is obsessed with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze, with whom he becomes sexually involved after he becomes her stepfather. "Lolita" is his private nickname for Dolores.

  • after Wiki
8 years ago

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Ermm if I would describe, similar to petite?

8 years ago

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as a survivor of childhood abuse I'm not exactly unbiased on the topic. my instinct is to say that any paedophile is automatically an awful person (in fact calling them a person is a stretch, they're more like vermin) and should be shunned worse than a unicorn who doesn't believe in confectionery landforms
but I'm reminded of a conversation in Skyrim with a dragon who makes a point of asking "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
if someone fantasises about children but never acts on that but instead resists those desires then I would have to admit that they're not actually an awful person, necessarily (they might still be awful for other reasons. for example they might be responsible for reality tv!)
in theory 'lolicon' could be a healthier way of satisfying their urges since it involves no actual children. whether it would actually help to resist the urges or encourage them is a far more complication question though and one that, I suspect, would have a different answer for different people

ultimately though, I wouldn't be comfortable around someone who admitted to liking 'lolicon', I would certainly not trust them around children (but if I had children of my own I am certain I'd be insanely paranoid of trusting them with anyone at all) and I would probably unconsciously be looking for reasons to hate them. I would try to remind myself though that they are not necessarily a bad person (in fact liking lolicon may not necessarily mean they fantasise about children anyway. perhaps they have a non-sexual liking for the art or perhaps they're only attracted to the cartoons and not real children anyway) and deserve the benefit of the doubt. were I a better person then perhaps I could even give it to them

8 years ago

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Can you please define ... what is Lolicon to you :)

Cause there are 2 VASTLY different options there .

8 years ago

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Happy Cake day \o/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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'than a unicorn who doesn't believe in confectionery landforms'

we gotta to to candy mountain charlie, candy mountain!!!

8 years ago

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Why is everybody assuming that anyone who likes lolis likes them in a sexual way? Am I missing something? It's a bit like saying that someone who states that little cats are sweet is zoophile. Do people who like lolis always state lolis make them horny etc? (Serious question - basically it's first time I even hear about lolis...)

8 years ago

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I dont really get that part either . Thats the main issue here .
There is the Waifu Loli and then there is the R18 Lolis ... the 2 are VASTLY different , a part which a lot of ppl seem to miss

Also , I like cats so im zoophile 2 i guess .

8 years ago

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Happy cake day Sa6peto :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ban SleepyCat for tempting us!

8 years ago

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Sleepys reaction when he saw that comment

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8 years ago

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Liking something is different from being sexually attracted to it. the term lolicon by definition implies sexual attraction. As you said you like the cat, you don't wanna put it in her.
However it's mistakenly often used for situations where there's no sexual attraction like Sa6peto's examples which is what causes most of the confusion.

8 years ago*

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Lolicon does. But the con in there is the sexual interest bit. Loli is a description. It means a young or petite girl.

8 years ago

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That's exactly why I put that part in bold.

8 years ago

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Going from lovol below, it wasn't clear enough. :P

8 years ago

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Seems like it (ToT)

8 years ago

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Yeah, it wasn't. For a noob in the matter like me it looked like loli is just short from lolicon :/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Shortened to Con in Japan, and with an N because we all know how they can be with English pronunciation.

8 years ago

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I see! As I said I know completely nothing about lolis, I thought they are only young looking characters, not young looking characters that you feel sexually attracted to EDIT: they are. To me it seems that feeling sexual attraction to 8 year old drawn character is pretty same thing as feeling sexual attraction to a drawn cat character. Also I've just hecked TindalosKeeper anime link and if I understood everything correctly there are scenes where 10 years olds are having oral sex... Well, if it is true then I don't understand how one could watch it having in the back of theit head that they're watching 10 years olds having sexual intercourse. Even if it's drawn. I don't really know how is that even legal. Personally I don't understand it how one could watch such thing but on the other hand I'm not saying they are pedophiles. They are crossing some boundary here in my opinion though.

EDIT: I misunderstood your post, therefore my reply was about lolicon mainly.

8 years ago*

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Yeah as Delta mentioned above and the dictionary link includes in the "Origin" part lolicon is short for Lolita Complex, aka Loli Com but since japanese doesn't have -m as a syllable it turned to -n. Lolita is a categorization that points to young girls while the complex part insinuates the sexual attraction. Lolita on it's own it's just a harmless age+gender group or a fashion category with no hidden subcontext. So you got the "loli" part just fine :P

They are crossing some boundary here in my opinion though.

That is the big thing, there's a veeeeeery thin and unclear line between fantasy and reality. I don't understand this category either but as long as it stays in the realm of fantasy I'm not gonna judge it. Many of us have fantasies about things we actually condemn when they actually pass that line from fantasy to action, a prime example of that: grape fantasies. No, not actually grapes, but let's mask it with an extra letter at the beginning, we wouldn't want that word to give SG as a google result when you search it... xD
It's a quite common scenario that many couples roleplay but that doesn't mean they actually have graping tendencies or want this to happen in any form. So yeah, it's a very hard thing to see where to draw the line when talking about these issues as long as they aren't acted upon

8 years ago

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The term "Lolita" was popularized by a 1955 novel of the same name, about a professor who becomes sexually involved with a 12 year old girl.

I'd say the term "lolita" also implies sexual attraction.


8 years ago

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It normally does but in recent years it's moving further and further away from it and being branded as a fashion term mostly.
Also let's put some mood music, shall we? :P

8 years ago

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Nice post, I didn't even think of it - that's the reason people who have different point of view should always discuss in polite and respectful manner. For now I agree with what you've said although I'd have to give it another thought :)

8 years ago

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After giving it another thought I've came to conclusion that I am not able to go through the idea of anime with sexual content including children, even if it is all drawn. Sure, we can get excited by different things but the questions is where we've set the boundary we don't want to cross (it's up to everyone's own morality though). I have nothing against anime including children and I understand that someone can find it cute but once there's sexual content including children my morality just don't want to let me understand how somebody can find it cute. Personally I don't want to watch it and get used to it in a way that I'm gonna find it something "normal" eventually. I don't want to go this one step further in the said direction but on the other hand I don't intend to judge people who are okay with this (even though I don't understand it at all). For me it's too much though.

8 years ago

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Yeah, we agree, I don't understand it either and it's not something I like to watch. But as usual when I don't understand something concerning human behaviour/ideas the "analyst" in me wakes up and tries to approach it from a multitude of angles :P

That's why I picked the example I did above, it has more context hidden beneath the surface. As mentioned in that scenario the appeal of it is not in the act or the perpetrator since it's something that is happening in a consensual setting and only imitates the situation. Instead it has to do more with stuff like the lack of control or having total control depending on role, the "brutality" of the moment, the momentary disturbance of the power scale between the two etc etc
Similarly maybe the erotica depicting these kind of characters might be appealing to them not because of the age of the characters but because of other factors we don't understand. If I were to speculate maybe it has something to do with the innocent approach or something? Is it something that we can compare with regularly aged actors acting out the oh so common Teacher-schoolgirl fantasy? I dunno. Again this is all highly theoretical, I might be way off base.

Either way have a schoolgirl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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8 years ago*

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I know little of what loli stuff is I would have to google it.I suspect though it has a stigma to it because of the nature of said content.The same way so many assume if you are a sex offender you are a pedo/monster.When just the simple act of getting drunk and pissing and someone seeing it could land you upon such a label as a sex offender.

I suppose that is nature for humankind to judge a book not by its content but the cover.I do think though some content of VN and so on they do seem a bit youngish and seems a bit creepy but eh to each their own I guess.

8 years ago

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Thank you, you're my hero

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8 years ago

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Long story short .... everyone who compare the 2 is retarded .

Like srsly , there is massive difference about all the whole Loli waifu stuff , which is your favorite loli etc ...
Thats Fictional characters ... just like my profile picture .
The ppl who are ACTUALLY sexually atracted to that kinda stuff dont have the courage to go near real females , let alone abuse children .

Pedophiles on the other hand are fucking trash , they need to be put trough w/e they put a child trough x100 and then jailed for life .

I dont understand how can anyone compare the 2 in any way to be fair .

Like people who consume lolicon , what does that even mean ? People who watch animes with Underage characters and get on the fandom and add them to the wafiu list ?
I mean okay con fucking grats , everyone who likes Arya Stark is also a pedophile by that logic .

Pedophiles on the other hand are ppl who abuse other humans , and to make it worse its children .
As bad as it sounds , putting the fact that we are talking about children here , JUST abusing another human is illegal pretty much anywhere on the planet .

so srsly , can u jump down your highhorses , and beat a little bit of sense to your heads.
Just cause a portion of ppl on the internet ( mostly ) have that weird obsesion witth that 1 anime character , doesnt make them criminals .
and comparing them to trash , that abuses children is just fucking retarded

also clicking the blacklist button just cause i share a valid argument and not giving any response is pretty dumb ... thanks to all 9 of you ( so far ) for proving me right and bringing no real arguments in return .

Off to sleep , will see how this is going when i wake up

8 years ago*

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Happy cakeday

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy loli day!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cakeday ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I neither agree nor disagree with your statement, just wanted to raise this question for constructive discussion:
Don't you think that the examples you gave ("people who watch animes with underage characters and get on the fandom and add them to the wafiu list" and "a portion of ppl on the internet (mostly) have that weird obsesion witth that 1 anime character") are a signal of psychological problems these people have that MAY lead to deviant behaviour in real life? Or do you think that being obsessed with anime characters to the point where they sleep with their real-size pillows and so on, is completely normal and healthy?
this doesn't apply to regular anime fans who just watch it without idolizing characters, I only ask about obsessed ones

8 years ago

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They both can be "result" of similar "problem", but it does not mean that ppl with same "result" have always same "problem" imo

If that makes sense

8 years ago

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I get what you mean and I agree with you completely, just wondering what Sa6peto thinks since his statement seems to completely separate these two "problems".

8 years ago

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Ofc obsessed ones are an issue... That's the case for everything .
Just as fanatically obsessed with let's say a 10yold anime character can just lose it and start harassing children cause his definition for reality got fucked up at some point , the same can be said for someone with obsession to some movie character.

Ofc ppl like that are an issue and literally need treatment , but bundling everyone together cause singular cases is wrong .

Then again tho , the line between it just being fandom , and getting into the weird stuff like sleeping with bodypillows and stuff can get pretty thin over time ... Tho it's up to friends and relatives to kinda take action when things start looking bad .
Psychological issues are massive problem in this day and age sadly , and stuff just get more fucked up over time .

To sum it up I don't think a reasonable amount of fandom is wrong thing or a problem , its the complete opposite , how much that is tho is kinda up to a case that case basis .

The moment when you start having a cardboard cutout of your waifu on the table , and a body pillow in your bed .... It may be getting a bit to far ...
And I'm not saying that even then You are automatically child molester, but at that point ppl may need to consider working. On their social life a bit .

8 years ago

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Thanks for the answer :) Now you seem much more reasonable :D

8 years ago

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Well i did write the first one after 16h of work , and didnt really put much tough in it D:

8 years ago

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I feel ya :D

8 years ago

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+1 i agree with this

8 years ago

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You're my hero, thank you
I thought people understand that if I'm liking a loli character, that means she's adorable or cute
Just like we adore real child that's not annoying and genuinely adorable

That asides, please... you should learn how to spell.. I mean seriously xD

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8 years ago

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Nah ... that takes to much effort . Like i dont have proper punctoation and stuff in my native language ...

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8 years ago

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How dare you taking my ¯_(ツ)_/¯ gif!
I don't approve that!

Is that on purpose or what?

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Is there a way you have to tell if someone blacklists you? That sounds handy.

8 years ago

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You can go here to see when it increases.

Apparently I've received one over the last two weeks when my only posts were clarifying how points work with bundle games. I guess one of them didn't like the response they got.

8 years ago

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Oh awesome I'm on 34 blacklists! Makes me wonder why.

8 years ago

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Makes me wonder why.


8 years ago

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Good advice =P Cause im also on 24 whitelists for some reason. Shrug People click as they like.

8 years ago

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Its like saying, which breed of cats do u prefer?

If I think along the lines some of you do, I could say, everyone who loves cats are into bestiality. Well, cats are cute i guess, not for me but maybe for others lolis are too, which is why they like them. Humans need cuteness. without it, we destroy one another.

8 years ago

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it's not against the rules

yeah, they keep saying that.

8 years ago

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As far as I'm concerned, any pedophile who acts on his/her urges should have their genitalia removed and fed to dogs while they witness it.

8 years ago

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yeah, i feel the same. but what do you think about lolicon?

8 years ago

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lolicon - Noun (usually uncountable, plural lolicons)
(uncountable, anime) The sexual attraction to young girls.
(countable, anime) An individual fixated on young, generally prepubescent, girls.
(uncountable, anime) Erotic or suggestive art depicting prepubescent females.

Going strictly by that definition, I find it disturbing.

8 years ago

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Lolicon and lolis are 2 completely different things tho.
The main issue is that ppl don't make the difference between the 2.
You are not lolicon cause you like a loli in an anime , you are tho when that liking turns into sexual attraction.
It may be thin line for some between the 2 , but still most ppl don't cross it and bundling them together with once they do is just wrong.

8 years ago

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yeah, i feel the same. but what do you think about lolicon?

I answered.

8 years ago

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It is disturbing , and that's why I have it when you are called something like that cause you liked acharacter in an anime :/

8 years ago

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Agreed. It is one thing being a pedophile and fighting the urge or seeking out help. Another thing is willingly harming the children... often in more than just sexual ways.

I actually know of a case of a pedophile that based on his own decision underwent sterilisation. He hoped that he could prevent harming anyone this way.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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IMO this is pretty much quite similar to the "Videogames make people violent" topic. If someone enjoys killing people in videogames, does that make them or will that transform them into a murderer? Will anything virtual/fictional influence someone into reality? In most cases it wouldn't, the media is already filled with violence, sex and and ads that might lead to any sorts of unhealthy habits, but there will always be that small percent of people who are influenced really easily by anything or just already had certain tendencies before and by chance were involved in such activities ("x school shooter was also playing cod in his free time" using the cod as a scape goat), so they could be used like a MacGuffin for people supporting the premise that these fictional mediums are indeed to be blamed. So short answer, no, I do not think everyone that consumes lolicon is a pedophile.

Will consuming lolicon transform you into a pedophile? Neah, usually becoming anything involves certain (traumatic) factors in someone's past (youth) to lead him/her to do certain things, so I don't think it will be enough to consume some media, just like killing and stealing in gta won't make you a murderer/thief, (unless you are a kid with irresponsible parents that did not manage to educate properly and explain the difference between reality and fiction, good and bad, right and wrong), I've read some studies that suggest it might actually help decrease the criminality/sexual assault rate in countries where such things aren't banned.

Is a pedophile automatically a bad person? Probably, in most cases he/she'd be seen as a bad person. The definition of bad can be quite wide, but, I guess if someone with such tendencies has self-control and refrains himself from doing anything bad, feels a bit unfair to label him/her as bad. I will have to go on the presumption of innocence.

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8 years ago*

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+1. I'll agree with your point of view, no one can be proclaimed guilty without a proof of the criminal act or intention.

8 years ago

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+9001 /thread works too, most likely
People who know virtually nothing about the topic have been using games as a scapegoat by accusing them of raising murderers for years. We all know how ridiculous this was (or is, rather?), yet we apparently see nothing wrong with such statements as long as they don't consider our favourite medium. A healthy human mind and moral fibre is way too complex to be affect by fictional media, whether it be shooting hundreds of nazis or looking at a loli, in a such intense manner that it would basically take a 180° turn and decide on doing something as wrong as murder or sexual assault.
But I guess everyone needs some doubble standards from time to time, eh?

8 years ago

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Actually it is pretty different if you'll give it a thought. Sex drive (libido) is a biological need and there is no such thing like killing drive. The urge of killing lies directly in a human's psyche. Most of the people don't have urge of hurting another man, that's why we have law etc - normal people wanted to separate themselves from mentally instable, agressive people. Sure, if you live in a society where violence is normal you can get used to it. But that doesn't mean you will want to be violent too because it is not in human's nature (unless a human feels threatened). If you feel the urge of being violent it means you already have some kind of psychological problem. Now sex drive. Sex drive is a biological thing. BUT what we find attractive is a cultural thing on the other hand. What we find attractive is pretty much just a habit. It depends on the times you're living in, the culture you're living in, the society you're living in. So it's practically a matter of getting used to something. What we find attractive is then psychological thing but constantly driven by our biology, unlike urge of being violent which must first raise in you artificially. What I'm trying to say is that the risk of getting used to being turned on by drawn children is much higher than feeling urge of killing somebody by watching violent movie or playing violent game. In other words watching drawn children doesn't make you horny, you are horny all the time, it's biology. It might however lead to conditioned response of your psyche that soon you will become horny only when you'll see drawn children. Some people who very often masturbate during the shower for example have later problems with erection when they are not in the shower because their brain get used to it so much.

Not saying that watching lolis will turn you into pedo though, I'm just trying to say that it is something different than playing violent video games and that the risk of changes in your psyche is much higher because our libido is constantly driven by our biology while our urge of being violent is not (unless you already have psychological problems). I am not an expert though, I might be wrong but since we're discussing...

8 years ago

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This thread feels as safe as walking through a minefield blindfolded, but I'll try for the heck of it.
To try to answer the questions: I don't think that everyone that's into lolicon is a pedophile. I do believe that pedophiles are bad people. And I don't feel capable of guessing (lack of knowledge) if a fixation on lolis can lead to actual pedophilia, but it sounds to me like it's too much of a stretch.
Liking lolis for the cute factor is ok for me, but liking them in an erotic way is a bit of a worring fetish. That said I don't think that it's fair to compare erotica (a peculiar one I must admit) to real child pornography, or worse, sexual abuse of minors. Pedos should be treated and if possible kept in an asylum, they shouldn't run around freely, they're too dangerous.
So yeah, mixing the two doesn't seem reasonable to me.
Now if you excuse me, I'll dodge-roll out of the incoming shit-storm cos I like my sanity to be somehow stable.

8 years ago

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This thread feels as safe as walking through a minefield blindfolded

But when you get that sweet spot...

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8 years ago

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The term "loli" has been contorced during the time like many other words, right now is mainly used for a girl with a petite body not just for "little girls".
To be pointed that a person that likes these "loli doujins" and such, doesn't necessarily like real little girls in a sexual way because there's a difference between fiction and reality and way to many people out there seems to ignore this point.
Following that logic, everyone that plays games like GTA is a gangster, who plays Hitman loves killing peole and so on.
Loli lovers =/= pedos and putting fiction and reality on the same plane is wrong and stupid.

8 years ago

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what about all the cases of like 14 year old boys who have sex with their teachers and shit? Isn't that technically pedophilia? Yet for some reason society as a whole doesn't recognize that a male child can be a victim so long as the assailant is female.

Liberals like to talk about 'you shouldn't call a baby him or her, you should call the baby 'babyself' until they are old enough to determine their gender identity'..... so maybe the child that was having sex with his/her teacher did not identify as a minor and identified as someone 18 years old. This is the exact issue of liberalism and mental health issues.... your ability to defy genetics and biology and make your own decision as to your gender which may contradict with FACTS, is the exact same thing as having the ability to defy genetics and biology and make your own decision as to your age.

8 years ago

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In many countries the teacher will get a jail sentence for that.

8 years ago

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what about all the cases of like 14 year old boys who have sex with their teachers and shit? Isn't that technically pedophilia? Yet for some reason society as a whole doesn't recognize that a male child can be a victim so long as the assailant is female.

Many women have gone to prison for exactly that in the USA.

8 years ago

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It absolutely is pedophilia and the teacher is committing a criminal offense, there's no question about that.
The rest is because of gender stereotypes telling us males are genetically "wired" to crave intercourse with females and is expected of them resulting in a public opinion not condemning this case as harshly as they would if the genders were the other way around which is completely out of touch with reality.

8 years ago

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Technically (and by all means, practically) it is, and people go to jail over that.

This has nothing to do with gender identity, even if you feel different from what your body says (and it might be related to biology), there are laws forbidding certain things. If I believe i'm a duck and cover myself in feathers, i'm not committing a crime and I'm free to do so. But if I go outside naked and start biting people, that is an actual offense.

Our ability to "defy" genetics and biology (and nature in general) in some ways is what defines us as humans, rather than naked monkeys. Whether this is a good or bad thing is another topic.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Psst, if you exchange your kind of brackets with each other the formatting issue will be solved :)

8 years ago

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thanks^^ i´m too stupid for this formatting things. i allways try it first out in an old giveaway to make it right and i dont know why, but it looked right in the ga so i copy pasted it^^

8 years ago

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Well that's one of the reasons I don't like anime at all, even in animes which doesn't even have young characters at all. In my opinion loli is like the baby steps of pedophilia you start with that and as time pass your passion about underage humans grows and you want to actually experience such passion with a human.

8 years ago

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that's why im a murder and rapist today...

8 years ago

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shut the fuck up, you dont know me,
if u keep talking like that, ill kill you, and rape you. in that order

8 years ago

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Almost 200k people played Hatoful Boyfriend on steam. Am I at risk? Q_Q

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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They would be at risk tho

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, this is quite a difficult question. Of course, consuming any kind of hentai (futa, incest, yuri, tentacles, loli or whatever else) doesn't make you inherently a bad person just like playing violent videogames or watching violent movies don't make you a violent person. I'm sure pretty much everyone has fantasized about something that is illegal or immoral at least once, so as long as fantasies remain in the fantasy realm, there's nothing to worry about.

Pedophiles (and whoever has some kind of fetish that cannot be put in practice legally, as in rape or necrophily), as long as they don't act on these urges, might not be bad people as well. It is not their fault if they feel what they feel, and if they control themselves and seek help, I can't consider them evil criminals. Of course, harming children in any way (as well as consuming real-life child pornography) is definitely a serious crime that must be taken seriously and such people should by any means be prevented from ever getting close to a child.

In the end, one's actions define who one is, and it's upon his actions that one should be judged.

8 years ago

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Yuri isn't always hentai / porn. It's just a term for manga / anime with homosexual female characters, which may or may not involve sex.

8 years ago

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of course I was using it, in this context, as a hentai category (loli doesn't really have to contain sex as well, but the topic is about hentai) :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'll answer to the question with another question: does playing violent games like GTA make you a psychopathic murderer and/or a burglar?
No need to answer, I know what you're thinking: it doesn't, as long as you're able to discern fiction from reality.
That said, real life pedophilia is surely NOT a nice thing, but saying that someone might become a pedophile if they like media with possibly underage characters, is the same as saying that every GTA player is a sick mass-murdering psychopath.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Such aggressive opinions! :V

8 years ago

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Well, actually there's a massive difference.

You're using one to relieve a primal sexual urge.
The other can be replaced with any kind of a game (as long as you like the genre).

I'd say you have pedophilic urges if you get off to children being fucked. But it doesn't make you a pedophile per se. If you want to have sex with a child in real life, then there's a problem.

8 years ago

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You really gonna compare a action videogame with rape/pedophile animes? It should be a tough fight, but we are talking about videogames/violence for adults against a media that are for sexual pleasure only.

8 years ago

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Name me an example of a rape/pedophile anime... if you can, of course.

8 years ago

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Enzai. Absolutely sickening. But that's the extreme end of the spectrum :3

8 years ago

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I'm not even a anime fan, but Aki Sora is a clear example. It was a big point to avoid most of my friends suggestions of the genre.

8 years ago

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Luckily, it's just a really niche genre, and those usually don't even get localized due to being... a bit too extreme.
I AM an anime / visual novel fan myself, and I'm genuinely freaked out knowing about the existence of certain genres, some would even make rape look tame by comparison.

But apparently some people like to uniform all Japanese medias, and due to the existence of the aforementioned sick niches, they consider everything like those, just for having the "anime" tag.

TL;DR: some people genuinely think that everything concerning anime is sick, and that people who like anime are sick themselves... but that's just because they don't know any better, and they fear what they don't know.

8 years ago*

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you are so freaked out about it, as I am knowing that people still can blame videogames for being violent and causing tragedies.

but we can end this like "There are good and bad things about both Animes and videogames".


8 years ago

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Yes, I totally agree, there are good and bad things about everything.
What makes all of us different, apart from what we like / dislike, is how we relate to people with different tastes from ours, and how much we are able to distinguish fiction from reality.

Myself, I'm the kind of guy who could seemlessly switch from watching a heartwarming slice-of-life anime about cute girls, to mass-murdering innocent civilians in a violent videogame.
But neither of them will influence my real-life behaviour, I'm still a honest, law-abiding citizen, who has never stolen anything (and never will), and who doesn't even pirate games (although I used to it in the past, due to money constraints, but with the advent of digital distribution and frequent sales, I don't need to do it anymore).

8 years ago

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So you got two examples that are DVD only animations that can only be sold to adults in Japan, with rather mediocre reviews.

Yeah, totally an example of the generalization of the anime as a whole

8 years ago

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Who said anything about "anime as a whole"? ._.

8 years ago

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With a quick look I can see people generalizing, it wasn't exactly about you :/ Actually I have read all your posts here and i'm not disagreeing with you.

Anyway, sorry if you thought that I was referring to you

8 years ago

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Well, one of the examples were mine so... anyway no harm done. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't perceived as someone bashing anime. Ironically I'm the opposite, some of my favourites shows are anime, like Mushishi, Aoi Bungaku, Saraiya Goyou, Bokurano(now this is disturbing :P) etc etc

8 years ago

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I agree that Enzai is sickening, but as you say it's an extreme end of the spectrum that targets a very specific audience (thank god)

It was actually a lack of explanation from my part, I was actually thinking that OVA and DVD only products are not exactly an example of the industry as a whole

And I think Mushishi is one of the best series that I have ever seen :D

8 years ago

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Generalization, that's exactly the problem here. Refer to the comment I posted above for the TL;DR version of my rant.

8 years ago

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So if I like video games I'm a murderer?

So if I like girl on girl that means I'm a raging lesbian?

I walk into a bar and a guy is cheering at a match, is he a footballer?

I find loli cute and funny! Guess I better find a 50 year old man!^^

8 years ago

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when you say you like 'girl on girl', i think people might interperate that differently than what you mean

8 years ago

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In what way?

8 years ago

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wait, what was it supposed to mean, i was thinking that you liked lesbian themed plots/characters

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I also like girl on girl, but I can't be a raging lesbian because I'm a man, right? RIGHT? o.O

8 years ago

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Man... You are more lesbain than girl on girl D:

8 years ago

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Daaaaamn. :O How am I going to say to my parents now that I'm a lesbian man? Give me strength. ;_;

8 years ago

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We are all here for you. I respect you and your life! Just let it all out! I will give you the grills! :3

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Keksinator.