You missed an accent in "estas". It's actually "estás" ;)
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In Brazil it wouldn't be "Como estás" on most places.
"How are you" Would be:
"Como vai você?" or "Como você está?" or "E aí, blz?" :P
and the last:
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen?
Por que o presidente tcheco Vaclav Klaus roubou a caneta?
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Good morning - صباح الخير
Good evening - مساء الخير
Bon Appetite - بالصحة و العافية
How are you? - كيف حالك ؟
What's the time? - كم الساعة ؟
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - لماذا سرق الرئيس التشيكي فاتسلاف كلاوس القلم ؟
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heh... Kaana fee thi'nee an ujeeba, bal qaddamtanee bi haatha jawaabikal ahsan. D
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Good morning - Добро Утро
Good evening - Добър Вечер
Bon Appetite - Добър Апетит
How are you? - Как си?
What's the time? - Колко е часът?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Защо чешкият президент Ваклав Клаус открадна химикала?
and now I expect somebody else Bulgarian to come here correcting me for my grammar :D
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Good morning - Bon matin
Good evening - Bonsoir
Bon Appetite - Bon appétit
How are you? - Comment allez-vous?
What's the time? - Quelle heure est-il?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Pourquoi le président tchèque Vaclav Klaus a-t-il volé le stylo?
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Bonne matinée passe aussi si la phrase le permet.
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Mouai enfin bon "bon matin" je ne l'ai personnellement jamais entendu...
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Moi je l'entend chaque matin quand j'arrive au travail.
Après vérification, il semble en effet que ce soit un anglicisme. Son utilisation semble aussi plus courante au Québec.
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Voila donc l'explication, c'est utilisé au Québec, mais absolument pas en France.
Ahlala, déjà que la langue Française est complexe, si en plus les particularités régionales s'en mêlent... :p
Bonne matinée sert a conclure une conversation, pas a l’entamer, c'est plus proche d'un au revoir qu'un bonjour, enfin en tout cas dans l'hexagone...
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Good morning - Bom dia
Good evening - Boa noite
Bon Appetite - Bom apetite
How are you? - Como estás
What's the time? - Que horas são?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Por que o presidente checo Vaclav Klaus roubou a caneta?
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The last one sounds better as " Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Porque é que o presidente checo Vaclav Klaus roubou a caneta?".
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A de cima sôa a brasileiro. Deve estar certo lá para o país deles. xD
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It's 'Por que' ... "Porque" = "Because"; and "é que" isn't a accurate translation.
PS: PT-BR: "How are you?" = "Como está você?" Já que a gente raramente usa a conjugação do "Tu"
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It is if you're from Portugal: we rarely, if ever, use "Por que" in a sentence of this type. We do use, in a more formal context, the form "Por que roubou o presidente checo Vaclav Klaus a caneta?" (inverting part of the sentence), but it is usually not used in a coloquial manner.
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No Brasil, sim. Em Portugal, "Como está?" ou "Como estás?" é mais comum. Mas ambas são formas válidas nos dois países.
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And Afrikaans, a fusion of Dutch, German and English from South Africa
Good morning - Goeie more
Good evening - Goeie aand
Bon Appetite - ??? no clue never heard this one before, I guess it would be something like "lat dit lekker smaaak" or "Lekkerde eete"
How are you? - Hoe gaan dit met jou? (literal would be "Hoe is jy?" but no one says that)
What's the time? - Hoe laat is dit? (literal would be "Wat is die tyd" but that's poor grammar)
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Hoekom het die Tsjechische president Vaclav Klaus die pen gesteel?
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This is dutch! :)
Good morning - Goede morgen
Good evening - Goede avond
Bon Appetite - Smakelijk (eten)
How are you? - Hoe gaat het?
What's the time? - Hoe laat is het?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Waarom stal de Tsjechische president Vaclav Klaus de pen?
Greetings from The Netherlands.
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Good morning - Hyvää huomenta
Good evening - Hyvää iltaa
Bon Appetite - Hyvää ruokahalua
How are you? - Mitä sinulle kuuluu
What's the time? - Mitä kello on?
Why did Finnish president Sauli Niinistö steal the pen? - Miksi Suomen presidentti Sauli Niinistö varasti kynän?
The letter ä is pronounced like the letter "a" in the word bad.
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Good morning - Buongiorno
Good evening - Buonasera
Bon Appetite - Buon appetito
How are you? - Come stai?
What's the time? - Che ore sono?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Perché il presidente ceco Vaclav Klaus rubò la penna?
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lol I know "Buongiorno" from Assassin's Creed although I don't speak Italian :) who says games don't teach you about culture
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Good morning - Dzień dobry
Good evening - Dobry wieczór
Bon Appetite - Smacznego
How are you? - Jak się masz?
What's the time? - Która godzina?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Czemu czeski prezydent Vaclav Klaus ukradł długopis?
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Good Morning - Buongiorno
Good evening - Buona serata
Bon Appetite - Buon appetito
How are you? - Come stai?
What's the time? - Che ore sono?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Perchè il presidente ceco Vaclav Klaus ha rubato la penna?
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Good morning - Доброе утро
Good evening - Добрый вечер
Bon Appetite - Приятного аппетита
How are you? - Как дела?
What's the time? - Который час?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Зачем чешский президент Вацлав Клаус украл ручку?
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Good morning - Labrīt
Good evening - Labvakar
Bon Appetite - Labu apetīti
How are you? - Kā tev iet?
What's the time? - Cik pulkstens?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Kāpēc čehu prezidents Vāclavs Klauss nozaga pildspalvu?
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Good morning - Guten Morgen
Good evening - Guten Abend
Bon Appetite - Guten Appetit
How are you? - Wie geht es Dir?
What's the time? - Wie spät ist es gerade?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? Warum hat der tschechische Präsident Vaclav Klaus den Füller (Füllfederhalter) gestohlen.
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Füller = fountain pen
it's far more likely this is a normal or ballpoint pen though
therefore "Stift" or "Kugelschreiber" would be more appropriate
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Hungarian - Magyar
Good morning - Jó reggelt
Good evening - Jó estét
Bon Appetite - Jó étvágyat
How are you? - Hogy vagy?
What's the time? - Hány óra?
Why did Czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Miért lopta el Václav Klaus, Cseh miniszterelnök, a tollat?
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Good morning - Bună dimineaţa
Good evening - Bună seara
Bon Appetite - Poftă bună
How are you? - Ce mai faci?
What's the time? - Cât e ceasul?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - De ce preşedintele ceh Vaclav Klaus a furat stiloul?
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Good morning - selamat pagi
Good evening - selamat malam
Bon Appetite - itadakimasu ... selamat makan :D
How are you? - apa kabar?
What's the time? - sekarang jam berapa?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - kenapa presiden Ceko Vaclav Klaus mencuri bolpen tersebut?
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Good morning - Buenos dias
Good evening - Buenas tardes
Bon Appetite - provecho
How are you? - ¿Como estas?
What's the time? - ¿Que hora es?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - ¿porque el presidente checo Vaclav Klaus robo la pluma?
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Buenos días
¿Cómo estás?
¿Qué hora es?
¿Por qué el presidente checo Vaclav Kalus robó la pluma?* (Yo diría el boli/bolígrafo, pero bueno)
Si ves que tal, escribe bien al menos. ¿No crees?
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Good morning - Godmorgon
Good evening - Godkväll
Bon Appetite - Smaklig måltid
How are you? - Hur mår du?/Hur är det?
What's the time? - Vad är klockan?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Varför stal tjeckiske presidenten, Vaclav Klaus, pennan?
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Good morning - Buenos días
Good evening - Buenas noches
Bon Appetite - Buen apetito
How are you? - ¿Cómo estás?
What's the time? - ¿Qué hora es?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - ¿Por qué el presidente checo Vaclav Klaus se robó la pluma?
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mostly the same in my diolect of spanish but we tend to be more informal.
How are you? - ¿Qué lo Qué? or ¿están bien?
What's the time - ¿Tu tiene la hora?
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+1 i just dont have the correct keybord for it i use QWERTY, vut thanks for pointing it out.
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How are you? - Ola ke ase
What's the time? - ¿Imbecil la hora?
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Good morning - ola weon ke ase
Good evening - nos vemos weon
Bon Appetite - ta sabrosa la wea?
How are you - como va weon?
What's the time - weon me pasas la hora?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - porque weas el weon este se robó la lapicera?
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Swiss German - Switzerland
Good morning - Guete Morge
Good evening - Guete Abig
Bon Appetite - En Guete
How are you? - Wie gahts dr?
What's the time? - Was isch für Ziit?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Wieso het de tschechisch President Vaclav Klaus de Stift gstohle?
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(slightly) alternate version (former is correct as well)
Good evening - Guete Obig
How are you? - Wie gahts? , Wie häsches?
What's the time? - Wie spoht isch?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Worum het de tschechisch präsident Vaclav Chlaus de schriber klaut?
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Good morning - Dobro jutro / Добро јутро (dob-roh you-t-r-oh)
Good evening - Dobro veče / Добро вече (dob-roh vea-che)
Bon Appetite - Prijatno / Пријатно (pree-yah-t-no)
How are you? - Kako si? / како си? (kah-koh see)
What's the time? - Koliko je sati? / Колико је сати (koh-lee-koh yea sah-tee)
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? Zašto je češki predsednik Vaclav Klaus ukrao olovku?
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Good morning - labas rytas
Good evening - labas vakaras
Bon Appetite - gero apetito
How are you? - kaip laikais?
What's the time? - kiek valandų?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Kodėl Čekijos prezidentas Vaclavas Klausas pavogė rašiklį?
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Because german is already taken...
Good morning - 476f6f64206d6f726e696e67
Good evening - 476f6f64206576656e696e67
Bon Appetite - 426f6e204170706574697465
How are you? - 486f772061726520796f753f
What's the time? - 576861745c2773207468652074696d653f
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - 5768792064696420637a65636820707265736964656e74205661636c6176204b6c61757320737465616c207468652070656e3f
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Hi all,
I like to learn new things a lot and I would appreciate if some of you could write following sentences in your mother tongue. I'm pretty sure that we all will find some languages we have never came across yet :)
Good morning - Dobré ráno
Good evening - Dobrý večer
Bon Appetite - Dobrou chuť
How are you? - Jak se máš?
What's the time? - Kolik je hodin?
Why did czech president Vaclav Klaus steal the pen? - Proč český prezident Václav Klaus ukradnul pero?
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