TL;DR – What is your reasoning for blacklisting people and what is your opinion on blacklisting someone for their posts? Do you think "excessive blacklisting" is a problem, or whether there is such a thing as an "unjustified blacklisting," and how do you think this impacts the community? What could be done to fix this issue besides removing blacklists or enforcing rules which prohibit unjustified blacklisting?

I'm initiating this discussion after seeing multiple frivolous and unwarranted blacklistings occur. Even I have been blacklisted without justifiable cause (I won't name names, but you know who you are), and I've come across a number of times wherein I cannot view the giveaway due to being blacklisted by the contributor, despite how I don't recall ever encountering or interacting with that person in my life. It appears to me that many people are abusing the blacklisting system, which is really only intended for rule breakers and those who share puzzle answers, by blacklisting anyone and everyone who doesn't completely flatter them. I'll probably be blacklisted for this very thread, and it's a concerning thought.

This is ultimately a giveaway site and blacklisting seriously restricts the user's ability to use it. The site has a forum, but I feel discussion and conversation is being stifled out of fear of being blacklisted for anything one might say. I usually voice my opinions and speak my mind even at the risk of negative consequences, yet even I have given a second thought to posting even the most innocuous of things out of fear that I'll be blacklisted from giveaways for it. Is this the sort of community we wish to foster? One in which users are afraid to converse due to idiots who treat blacklisting as the same as blocking, while only really restricting their chances to enter into certain giveaways? Even once blacklisted, you can still see the user's posts, so why are people blacklisting based on posts? What is the rationale?

Feel free to weigh in and voice your opinion below. For what it's worth, I won't blacklist you regardless of how much I disagree with your post. I encourage discussion, not stifle it.

Important Update (February 3, 2015)

This thread has sparked a lot of debate (which is a good thing!), but has also led to some rather distasteful arguments between users (which is a bad thing), and I'm guilty of this as well. Although it may be wise to lock this thread in order to prevent more conflict, and so that I don't get blacklisted even more than I probably have by now, I've made the decision to keep this thread open in order to provide a place of discourse about the topic of blacklisting for the SteamGifts community.

I will continue to monitor this thread and do my best to respond to everyone over time, though I'll be posting less frequently from hereon out. For those of you who'd rather not sift through all the shit and spats below, here is a highlight of notable posts and comment chains throughout the thread:

(This list is by no means exhaustive and there were many worthwhile contributions throughout. This list simply summarizes notable exchanges in this thread that incoming users may wish to peruse. For those of you who'd like to see the full range of opinions and arguments, feel free to scroll down and read them all below.)

Other notable posts: EViLiSLuRKiNG, Pizzaice, omnitau, Zomby2D, Lifedreamer, TheCyberDruid, Sinovera, nlspeed911, GauRocks, Rhahael, jbondguy007, Thexder, naps420, Aquillion, ZooZoV, SSteve, RedCoats, Jekaterina

Thank you to everyone who's participated! The above lists may be updated as more posts are made.


  • February 27, 2015 – Thread moved from "Off-Topic" to "General."
9 years ago*

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Do you blacklist people?

View Results
Yes, anyone I want. Blacklisted.
Yes, anyone who offends me or posts something I don't like.
Yes, but only those who are known scammers, cheaters, and regifters, or who deliberately breaks the rules.
No, though I may in the future.
No, and I don't plan to.
There are blacklists?

i don't even

9 years ago

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Well, the only reasons I find to blacklist someone are breaking the site's rules. If a person cannot follow the rules of a site they shouldn't be able to reap the rewards of said site. With that said, I've also created a "itstoohard" puzzle on the FAQ that allows users to take it and be granted to be taken off my blacklist. Not a big deal as I don't hold grudges. I personally don't see it as a big deal as they have been around forever it seems like.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thanks ^.^

I tried thinking of a constructional way to punish people, but bring learning at the same time. If that makes sense. It probably doesn't cause its late at night :D

But I think it's better to provide learning and have people grow as a community then to shut them out altogether. In most cases, of course.

9 years ago

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That seems like a great idea and I commend you for it. As for your blacklisting habits, I usually blacklist for the same reasons, though I do also occasionally blacklist users who I believe are toxic to the community. I do this only as a fair flip-side to my whitelisting habits, where I whitelist users I believe are constructive and helpful to the community. For example, I have you whitelisted.

I also completely agree regarding your sentiments in your other post above.

9 years ago

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Maybe I'm a little late on the argument train, but all I can say is wow... This thing is being taken way much more seriously than it should be. I don't know what the gifting community's like, since I don't partake in it either way (and have been for a year and a half at least), but last I remember this site was for generous people being generous and bundle keys being put to a use that you'd probably never activate. Now we have full politics and philosophy about blacklists, and the ethics behind it.

Wait, this thread is real, and I didn't get too high again, right?

9 years ago

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For now I've removed all my blacklist, until I come up with a more definitive system.
Sugh as those with worse rations then 4:1 of won:sent, or have someone that has won 50 or more giveaways compared to their sent.

9 years ago*

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i didn't use that feature so far. nobody gave me a reason to blacklist him yet.

9 years ago

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I don't want to argue about blacklisting, but I think we all need to acknowledge OP's impressive job on maintaining the first post and putting notable subthreads on display.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't care for contents as long as it looks neat. Like Nazi uniform, for example. Super neat.

9 years ago

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I'm not trolling and if I wanted to troll, I'd have tried harder.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Wow, so much fuck in one paragraph.

9 years ago

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I was going to respond, but I guess he didn't want me to. Oh well.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And this is less rude? I am not a child, nor am I interested in becoming a moderator for another site, especially since recent concerns in my life have prevented me from being as active a moderator on the first one. The reasons why I invest so much time in trying to discuss these issues with the community are that:

  1. I believe that this is the least I could do to contribute to the community since I am not able to contribute financially in the way of giving away games;
  2. I personally enjoy discussion and I think these in particular are worthwhile to have, and may help me better develop my own views and not just those of others; and
  3. believe it or not, I care about the welfare and health of this community and wish to promote a more improved and less toxic environment than is currently manifest on SteamGifts.

I have already done much for the site I moderate and will continue to do more if I'm permitted. I still provide advice and counsel on the decisions made regarding policies and actions taken on specific cases, and I do my best to help promote a healthy environment for all. As a result of the efforts of the team, and especially of the administrator, the site has been a major success and our community is far more conducive an environment than I would have ever expected.

Of course you don't need an answer because you're too busy presuming who I am and standing by that libelous slander to actually consider that you may not be the mind-reading god that you seem to assume yourself as being. Perhaps if you cut out the bigotry and open your mind to the possibility of being mistaken, you'd realize that your view of me is wholly false.

My contributions have helped expose the toxicity, not contribute to it. You are a prime example of the fruits of my labor.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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I call the community toxic because the majority of it behaves in a toxic manner and for the most part, the conduct of its members resemble as much. There are many admirable posters and contributory members of the community who I respect and even whitelisted for their behaviors, but these people are seldom to rare and easily drowned out by all the shitposting and idiocy of the rest.

I have seen you toxic toward others as well, and in general you are usually only welcomed and accepted when you shitpost (and only by other shitposters). When you're serious, however, you are usually aggressive and assertively forceful, and those aren't respectable trait to possess. I have made it a goal to help facilitate change within this community and expose its flaws; you, however, are bent on sustaining the status quo and ensuring that no improvement occurs because you're more satisfied rolling in the filth of today than helping build a better tomorrow.

9 years ago

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Thank you. I'll continue to update the original post with more links to posts when I have the time.

9 years ago

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I don't blacklist anyone, but I sometimes post "blacklisted for ..." just for fun. Even got blacklisted for it.

9 years ago

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I blacklisted someone who won one of my recent giveaways and didn't mark it as received, though I can clearly see the item in his account.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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It's not "revenge" blacklisting. Winner was just rude, and I prefer not to give something to somebody who's not going to follow the rules or at least common courtesy. I don't understand how this is revenge. It's not like I blacklisted him for not giving a pre-emptive thank you (which I think is more petty, but that's just my opinion). I waited a good few days past the 7 day mark, and it's still marked "Awaiting Feedback."

Edit: Uhm... what?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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1) I don't "live my life" on this site. I visit occasionally.
2) Gee, thanks for your permission which I do not need.

9 years ago

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You should probably report that to SteamGifts Support if you haven't already. They may be able to suspend or at least manually mark the gift as received for you so that you don't have that blemish on your account. Sorry to hear that happened.

9 years ago

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Thanks for your kind and constructive reply. I'll do that.

9 years ago

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If I could be of any further service, feel free to let me know.

9 years ago

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To the person above me

I won a public giveaway and the GA maker blacklisted me and I havn't even added or talk to him yet...

super confused of what I should do

9 years ago

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To whom exactly are you replying? If it is to Scotia, then perhaps you should reply to that person directly, if that's what you intend to do.

Whatever the case, I sympathize with your issue. It's happened to me before, too.

9 years ago

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nah just added that in cause its almost like the exact opposite happened to me

9 years ago

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There's morality to giveaways?

You consider it immoral to blacklist a scammer or complete jerk from entering a giveaway? Isn't that what blacklists are for?

9 years ago

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No, I don't consider it immoral to blacklist such people, and in fact encourage it as some of the only justifiable reasons for blacklisting. With all due respect, did you even read my post or any of those in the thread? If not, I strongly recommend you do so before commenting further.

9 years ago

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To be 100% honest I had just gotten home from college, was exhausted, and only read the "TL;DR" version and the first couple of comments and that's what I got from that.

9 years ago

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Well, if you are interested in continuing the discussion and would like to learn more about my and other's perspectives about this issue, I recommend reviewing the thread and the important posts I've listed therein. You may enjoy it, if this topic interests you.

9 years ago

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Is there a way to level up the my blacklist so its power is increased to the point where whoever I blacklist slowly suffocates on their pillow whilst they are asleep.
If not then why not.

9 years ago

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I only have one person on my blacklist. Just because the guy made a stupid (begging probably) thread and another user mentioned something about blacklisting, so I just hopped on the bandwagon while concurrently trying the blacklist feature out.

Anyway - everyone is free to blacklist anyone THEY desire. However - if a blacklisted person asks for the reason or explanation as to why is he on someone's blacklist, he should receive the explanation. If the explanation doesn't satisfy him, that's too bad. You don't need to like it, but at least now you know why you're stuck on it. No matter how absurd the reason may be.

This is just yet another chapter of unnecessary internet drama...

9 years ago

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Personally I blacklist people who write offensive ( = homophobic, misogynistic, racist, anti-feminist, etc. ) or just plain assholish or trolling comments in the forums or giveaways.

Even once blacklisted, you can still see the user's posts, so why are people blacklisting based on posts? What is the rationale?

I don't want people who I actively dislike win the games I give away. That said I sometimes make mistakes, I'm currently revising my blacklist :P

9 years ago*

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That's the issue with which I'm struggling right now. I'm not sure whether to blacklist people for certain views with which I strongly disagree. For example, should I blacklist someone who is homophobic, or racist, or zealously nationalistic? What if that person is respectful on the forums? Is there any limit to the qualifying belief or view? For example, is it just to blacklist someone who's religious if you're irreligious, someone who's antitheistic if you're ambivalent toward religion, someone who's right-wing when you're left-wing (or contrariwise)?

I'm not certain where the boundary should be made, where the line should be drawn. I wouldn't want to give them the game, but am I right to refuse them the opportunity simply based on an opinion, however wrong or immoral I may believe it to be? Perhaps more importantly, should I even have the right to blacklist someone for such a reason?

I may create another thread exploring these issues (and to try and put this one to rest). I'm not sure yet.

9 years ago

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I don't think there's a one size fits all answer for these. It all depends on each of us's personal views. That's why I'm happy that blacklists aren't policed, because this really should be decided by the individuals themselves.

I see the "do I have the right" question from another angle: the game/key one is giving away is their property, and who they want to give it away to is fully up to them to decide. No one is entitled to receive free games from random strangers. Now that the blacklists are an implemented fuction of the site I don't see a reason why one shouldn't use them to edit the pool of people they want to give games to.

9 years ago

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Well, without some standard for what is considered appropriate blacklisting and what is not, how can one determine—let alone combat—what is abusive? Some, like those above and before, have argued that there is no such thing as blacklisting abuse; however, that is like arguing there is no such thing as abusing power, since blacklisting is a tool for users to exercise their individual power on SteamGifts. Any feature or component of any system could be abused, and thus so could blacklisting. Without any discernible standard, though, how could such abuse be ascertained?

I suppose my concern is whether the blacklisting system is fair to all parties involved. Despite how the gifts being given away are (presumably) the contributor's property, like you said, does that therefore excuse any and all absurd or arbitrary restrictions placed upon it by the contributor? For example, if I blacklisted someone because they were Hispanic, or Jewish, or male, or just because I don't like their profile avatar, should that be considered therefore appropriate by virtue of the gift being given away being owned by the contributor? It may be within their rights (unfortunately), but that still doesn't make it appropriate.

I just feel it's unfair to entrants and it gives contributors a tool through which they could discriminate and restrict anyone they wish for the most minor of excuses, or for none at all. It may be their right, but I don't think it is right.

9 years ago

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So, in the end, this thread changes nothing. People's stances have been made even before you made the thread.

I'm on that 'anything I hate, blacklist' category.

9 years ago

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It changes nothing because people are too unwilling to change. They came into this thread with their views on blacklisting already cemented, refusing to reevaluate or reexamine, or even reconsider, the integrity of their opinions.

That reflects poorly on the community, not me.

9 years ago

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Why the need to change when it doesn't even break rules in the slightest? If anything, people would react if it actually changes their comfort zone against the rules (of SG). This doesn't.

I got blacklisted, then I just move on. It's not like I need any game from those people anyway. I have more than enough and I can buy anything I want. Which makes me wondering if that's the motivation of yours so that you created this thread.

9 years ago

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Since when has the rules ever been the only measure for determining whether change is necessary? "Comfort zone" is a vague term of no real merit since it cannot be quantified or ascertained, especially among a community of varying people; thus, you cannot determine whether the current blacklisting system violates the "comfort zone" of SteamGifts, especially when SteamGifts itself doesn't know it.

So do I, but that doesn't make it right. (Hypothetically) My dog died because it was kidnapped and had its throat slit, so I moved on. Does it make it right that my dog was kidnapped and murdered?

I've already explained my motivations for creating this thread numerous times.

9 years ago

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Unfortunately, despite your explanations, that's just your explanations. What people see are different, just like I said. And none of of your explanations reflect your intention that I see.

Fact is, it won't change. If you still want to waste your energy, be my guest, I'll just look from the roadside and laugh.

9 years ago

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What people see can also be wrong, as is the case here. My intentions for creating this thread was to discuss this issue after I was the victim of a couple of instances of blacklisting abuse, and I observed it proliferate on the forums. Whether you or anyone else blacklists me, I don't particularly care. It's pathetic and I find it pitiful (just as it is that you did), since I'd rather the blacklister confront me and explain their reasoning so we can talk it out (something you should probably do), but blacklisting me doesn't really affect me. It's just a display of powertripping by most.

If you wish to continue to refuse my explanations, then feel free to continue living in your deluded bigotry, but I'm telling you why I am doing what I am and my actions reflect as much. Any further accusations are based on conjecture and bias.

It won't change, like I stated before, because people refuse to change. It's not my fault so many are obstinate and refuse to act responsibly.

9 years ago

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I told myself I would not comment here anymore, but I have to break that for a moment.

You obviously DO care Nokkenbuer, since you keep going in circles with the whole, "This community is toxic" and "Backlisting is being abused" message. You say you are right and everyone who does not agree with you is wrong. You keep saying this community is toxic because they feel there is no abuse and they will not take your side on why you think it's being abused. You will not let this thread die.

Now, I have only been around for a little over 6 months, but I spend a lot of time here in the forums, more so then on some of the other forums I used to spend a lot of time at, such as Steam's forums, Gamefaq's forums, and some other forums based around certain games, such as Terraria, Minecraft, Starbound, and other forums. If this community is toxic, then I'd HATE to see your views on some of the other forums out there. Compared to some of those others, this place is pretty friendly I've always found. Sure, there are some bad eggs, no matter where you go you are going to have them, but to say the WHOLE community is bad because of that is just crazy! I just don't get it, maybe I am crazy, just don't see it.

Also, you used to say that blacklisting for anything other then rule breakers is wrong. People shouldn't have a say who they wish to give games away to. You also kept bringing up how it's morally wrong for someone to blacklist a user based on them not liking what they said, not getting along, ect... Who's morals? I asked this once before, you posted a link to it on the front page, yet you never bothered replying to it. Again, I say EVERYONE on this planet has different morals. Morals, are not based on what YOU find right and wrong, but are based on how they were brought up and are usually based on the views of the parent(s) and/or family. Just because you feel something is morally wrong, does not make it FACT that it IS morally wrong.

I still continue to stand behind that blacklisting, despite what you think is right or wrong, should be used however each users wants to use it. If they want to add assholes only, they can. If they want to just block random users, they can. If they want to only block rule breakers, they can. If they want to add people they disagree with, they can. Who are us to judge why and how anyone should use the blacklist feature? You use the blacklist system as you want and stop telling people how right and wrong it is how they use their blacklist!

By the way, reply or don't, I will not reply back. I said it before and I'll say it again, just let this thread die already!

9 years ago*

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You say you are right and everyone who does not agree with you is wrong.

I say I am right because I believe I am right; if I knew I was wrong, I wouldn't be arguing in favor of it. I do not say that anyone who does not agree with me is wrong, though. I am very rigorous and uncompromising in my reasoning, that much is true (and I don't think that's a bad thing at all), but when I am shown to be wrong I admit it and when I am proved incorrect, I concede. The reason why I have not conceded is because I have not been proven wrong. There have been numerous valid arguments in this thread, some of which have caused me to seriously reconsider my stance on numerous issues. In fact, my views and behaviors regarding blacklisting have changed since I first created this thread precisely because of the discussions therein. Having said that, it's completely and utterly false to paint me in such a bigoted and closed-minded manner, especially when just the opposite is true. An unwillingness to acquiesce to fallacies should not be treated as identical to being obstinate and dogmatic in one's beliefs.

You keep saying this community is toxic because they feel there is no abuse and they will not take your side on why you think it's being abused.

The reason why I think this community is toxic has been explained by me multiple times, yet you still have the audacity (or the willful ignorance) to completely ignore these explanations in favor of contriving your own. Like I've stated before, I believe the community is toxic because it is hostile to criticisms, rude and hateful toward critics, obstinate when confronted, and abusive when its flaws are exposed. Evidence of this is clear within and without this thread. More specifically, the problem lies in the regulars of the forums and the sort of atmosphere they cultivate—namely, one which is for the most part spiteful and bigoted toward any and all opinions which do not conform to an arbitrary, self-conflicting, and ever-shifting set of criteria.

You will not let this thread die.

I am simply responding to responses in this thread, which I stated in my update to the original post will remain open indefinitely in order to provide a platform for people to discuss the issue of blacklisting. I may close this thread at some point, if a moderator or another staff member does not, but only after I believe this discussion has been explored to its maximum. Until then, I see no reason to close this thread, just as I see no reason why I shouldn't respond to newcomers posting in it.

If this community is toxic, then I'd HATE to see your views on some of the other forums out there.

Comparing the stench of pile of shit to another only confirms that one is stinkier. These forums may not be as bad at times, but that only implies that those other forums are even worse than bad. Anyway, unlike those other forums, users here have the power and ability (by virtue of the blacklist system) to fundamentally alter which giveaways are seen by the community based on the most impetuous and unreasonable of excuses. Whereas users of other forums and sites can only block certain users, the users here blacklist them without recognizing the crucial difference between the two functions. (I've already explained the difference between a blacklist and a blocklist on two separate occasions before in this very thread.)

Sure, there are some bad eggs, no matter where you go you are going to have them, but to say the WHOLE community is bad because of that is just crazy! I just don't get it, maybe I am crazy, just don't see it.

I have spoken negatively about "the community" as a whole because the community is best represented by its regulars and they are the users with whom most tend to interact. Perhaps I should have been more specific in stating that my problem is with the behaviors, attitude, and conduct of the regulars of the community, though I have admittedly seen similar behavior by nonregulars as well. Even if this sort of toxic behavior represents only a volatile minority among the entire community, it is nevertheless an issue which can and should be addressed by the community, especially when that minority is as vocal and noticeable as it is.

Also, you used to say that blacklisting for anything other then rule breakers is wrong.

Technically, I specified that the primary function of blacklists would be to blacklist those users, not the only function and certainly not that it is the only right way to use blacklists. In any case, I have since then changed my position (due to the discussions in this thread, mind you).

People shouldn't have a say who they wish to give games away to.

I never once stated this or anything even remotely similar to that. In fact, I've stated the opposite. Your caricatured misrepresentation of my statements only misleads the reader and betrays your bias.

Who's morals? I asked this once before, you posted a link to it on the front page, yet you never bothered replying to it.

The morals themselves are up for discussion. When I condemn something based on moral principles, however, I am doing so based primarily on the general ethics of fairness to all sides, and respect for the basic rights and privileges of every individual. I am not attempting to espouse any particular moral doctrine; I'm calling into question the morality and ethics of the conduct itself and demanding an examination of them, if only to discern what precisely are the ethics surrounding blacklisting. It is irrelevant that morality itself is a controversial subject and damn near every person has a uniquely different set of morals; my criticisms are based on general moral and ethical arguments which are commonly accepted in most moral or ethical systems.

The reason why I haven't responded to you is because I've been extremely busy and have for the most part avoided any major debate or post. Your post was thorough and thoughtful, so I have avoided it since I realize that your post demands some serious thought and consideration, and may result in another long discussion like those before. I have been mainly focused on picking off easy targets in this thread (no offense to those who I have responded to in the past week or so) since they are fairly easy and simple responses, and often won't lead to any lengthy exchange like would one as intensive as yours. That's also why I highlighted your post in the update to my original post: I briefly skimmed over your post and found it to be something thoughtful and even though I didn't really agree with it, I felt it was a worthwhile contribution to the thread and thus deserving of being mentioned.

If they want to just block random users, they can. [...] If they want to add people they disagree with, they can.

Why should this be appropriate? On what basis should this be considered acceptable behavior, and why should this sort of behavior not be condemned—or at least discouraged—by the community? Again, I am not arguing for the right of users to do this, so pointing out the obvious that it is their right leads us nowhere and fails to address the issue. This is a matter of propriety and what is best for the community, not what it is permitted to do as stated by the Rules & Guidelines.

Who are us to judge why and how anyone should use the blacklist feature?

Any and all people have the right to judge. The issue is whether that judgment is correct, valid, appropriate, or justified. Who are they to judge that someone with a certain type of profile avatar, or certain opinion, or certain color or religion or orientation, should be prohibited from entering into their giveaway based solely on these criteria?

You use the blacklist system as you want and stop telling people how right and wrong it is how they use their blacklist!

I will once people begin to think for themselves and start to make informed, rational decisions. Guess when that will happen?

By the way, reply or don't, I will not reply back. I said it before and I'll say it again, just let this thread die already!

And I will not let that occur so long as I have the power to prevent it, not until this issue is resolved or all arguments have been posited. But so be it, don't reply. It's a pity, too, since you at least articulate your arguments better than most.

9 years ago*

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Blacklisting indiscriminately isn't wrong. I'll do full stop there.

The rest of your argument is invalid and sad.

9 years ago

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Justify your horseshit or wallow in it.

You don't decide whether an argument is invalid. Logic does, of which you apparently have none.

9 years ago

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I've never blacklisted anyone and don't think I ever will, though I belive others should definetly have the right to do so.

9 years ago

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I agree, but this thread is more about the propriety of what is considered justified blacklisting, not so much whether users should have the right to blacklist.

9 years ago

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I understand, but the main issue is people should have the right to exclude others from their GA for any reason apart from some really messed up ones like racism, homofobia, etc... wich would be impratical to control. So in the end, all goes, it's their games they are giving. I agree it's mostly silly to blacklist someone, but I can't impose my point of view on others(Although there's also nothing wrong in talking about it, like you are).

9 years ago

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Well, why should contributors not be allowed to discriminate based on race or sexual orientation? If they're permitted to discriminate for just about anything else, such as the user's profile avatar or opinion on anime, why should these be off-limits?

You don't have to discuss this with me, and I understand if you aren't looking to have a discussion about this. No need to respond if you aren't interested. Thanks for your contribution nonetheless.

9 years ago

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Well I belive that this goes much the same for other countries and likely the one in wich SG is based on, so the reason is that usually no one is permited to descriminate in any form based on colour, sex and etc... it's the same that(again assuming the laws in my country are at least similar to yours or the one cg is at) you can deny service to anyone from your bar as long as it's not based on the reasons mentioned before. But just like I said any "unfair" blacklisting one might want to refute it's just impratical to be controled by the support at this moment I belive. To another thing you said, this community is toxic because the internet is toxic, theres no minimum age or ignorance level to be heard here, wich is the beautiful and horrible thing about the internet, though putting in perspect this is one of the less toxic places on the internet I know of.

9 years ago

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Well, technically discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, nationality, or sexual orientation is not illegal and no prohibition is made against it on the Internet. Thus, the legality of it all isn't really a matter of concern, especially since there are many sites which are dedicated solely to racism, Neo-Nazism, and the like, and many of them are still alive and kicking. Unlawful denial of service largely only applies to physical establishments. To my knowledge, there are no laws which specifically prohibit denial of service based on certain discriminatory criteria for websites and other Internet services, so I don't believe SteamGifts would be covered under any anti-discrimination laws.

In perspective, yes, the SteamGifts community is less toxic than others; however, most other communities don't allot their members with the sort of control and power that blacklists provide. Anyway, just because another community is more toxic than this one (and I know of many), that doesn't mean this community's toxicity is therefore not a cause for concern. I just want to help promote a healthier, less toxic community on SteamGifts, which is possible and can be achieved even though it is a part of the Internet. It just takes a concerted effort by the community to accomplish and maintain; I've seen it occur before.

9 years ago

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I in no way implied what would be legal for SG to do I'm no lawyer, you asked my opinion and I gave it to you ;) Though I can confirm that "discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, nationality, or sexual orientation" it's ilegal in my country, including the internet, the issue is how hard it's to prove it and mainly how hard it's to take down things on the internet. I belive these issues are usually handled by providers since they always have rules against it. But this have no importance to the thread I only meant that the only thing I would not tolerate would be these sort of discrimination wich are against SG rules anyway(the problem once again being proving.)

9 years ago

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I'm just pointing out that your legal concerns don't really apply here, so it's unreasonable to pursue that line of argumentation. I cannot find any information indicating that it is illegal in Brazilian law to discriminate based on race, sex, sexual orientation, or nationality on the Internet, so I cannot confirm those statements. If you have any information you could cite verifying that, I would very much appreciate it. At least in the United States, I don't believe it is illegal to discriminate for any reason on the Internet. I doubt the laws are much different elsewhere in this respect, though I encourage anyone reading this to prove me wrong, since I admit I am ignorant on the topic of international law regarding discrimination on the Internet.

I understand that you may not blacklist someone based on any of those forms of discrimination, but what about others? As far as I know, there is no rule prohibiting such discrimination on SteamGifts, and especially none which pertains to blacklisting. Anyway, my point was: why should contributors not be allowed to blacklist for those discriminatory reasons? My purpose for asking this was to illustrate that the reasoning for not allowing contributors to blacklist for those reasons can also apply for all unjustified reasons for blacklisting a user.

I hope this makes sense. If not, I can explain further.

9 years ago

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Ok that's easy, this is the site of the Public ministery of a state in Brazil(something like a Ministery for District Attorneys in the US) this says how people should denounce crimes of racism on the internet and the headline says "Descrimination or prejudice of race, color, ethnic, religion or nacional provenance it's a crime.(Rough translation)
Denounce!" there are many other news and such in portuguese, this got to the media back when people used Orkut(sort of old facebook) to commit all these hate crime.
Oddly the guidelines on SG are quite vague about it but it does state "When posting content, it should respect the privacy and rights of others."

9 years ago

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Interesting, thanks for the information. From what I gathered, it appears that Art. 5 did not mention online or Internet activity[1], nor did any amendment or edition change this as far as I am aware. I can't find any ruling which declared as much, but I assume that Internet and other social communications activities are covered by Art. 5 based upon an interpretation of the article, and not the article itself. Art. 5 appears to have originally only apply to real-world activities, since no specification was made that it pertained to online activities as well (though it might have, since the Brazilian Constitution dates to 1988, well within the time period where the Internet may come into play).

This has nothing nothing to do with our discussion per se, by the way. I just thought it was interesting to note that no specification is made in the Constitution that Art. 5 of Title II applies to online activities as well. There was probably some Supreme Federal Court ruling of which I am not aware.

Oddly the guidelines on SG are quite vague about it but it does state "When posting content, it should respect the privacy and rights of others."

That is correct, but since it is vague, like you said, it's difficult to really use that as a valid argument against blacklisting people along those lines. It's not your fault, but rather SteamGifts' ambiguity. Anyway, there's no specification that this applies to blacklisting. In fact, it probably excludes that, since it is stated that this applies "[w]hen posting content".

Whatever the case, thanks for the information!

[1] – Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (3rd Edition), Title II, Article 5 [PDF]

9 years ago

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  • One word: Freedom.
    People are free to do whatever they want, including blacklisting all the sg users. They are entitled to.
  • Another world: Respect.
    If you give your opinion on an issue respecting the rest of opinions, you need not be afraid to express yourself.
9 years ago

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The first word is implied, but the issue here is propriety, not liberty; what is right, not what is a right. The second one holds no merit, at least not for the SteamGifts community, since I have been respectful for the most part and still have been blacklisted simply for stating my views (and that's the best reason they have). I wish it were that simple, but not in a community as toxic as this.

9 years ago

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  • Again, people is free to have a "behavior that is not accepted as socially or morally correct and proper" (Merriam-Webster definition) if that behaviour is inside the terms of use of the web.
  • I can't see how you can be so upset about 1 (3? 5?) person blacklisted you. There are still hundred of users who didn't blacklisted you.
9 years ago

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"I can't see how you can be so upset about 1 (3? 5?) person blacklisted you. There are still hundred of users who didn't blacklisted you."


9 years ago

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The terms of use of the website are not the only standards for behavior and conduct, nor would I argue that they should be used as such. Since the "netiquette" of the site and forums are poorly defined, especially with regard to blacklisting, I believe it should be examined and explored. Even if the netiquette of the site and forums were adequately (or even comprehensively) defined, that still does not preclude the option to critique it.

Like I've stated half a dozen times in this thread, my purposes for this thread is to discuss the propriety and place of blacklisting in the community, and what should be considered acceptable and fair use of it. Although I was blacklisted by one or two people before the creation of this thread, the main impetus was my observations of how widespread the abuse was. I felt that, since so few were addressing the issue, and those who were did so only on specific points, I should create a thread that could provide a platform for opinions and discourse about the issue in its entirety.

By this time, hundreds have blacklisted me, including the poster above, simply for this thread and my posts therein. If that was really what mattered to me, I'd have closed this thread down long ago.

9 years ago

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It seems that your point of view is that blacklists should be only intended for rule breakers and those who share puzzle answers. But note that there are already bans (from 24h for share puzzle answers to permanent bans for scammers) for that kind of behaviour. I see blacklists as a feature tool, and so we (and not the mods) have the control over it. Under your terms it seems you are advocating for the revocation of the blacklists. At thas point why not remove the whitelists too? They are unfair just in the same way that blacklists. They give the user the decision making ability. They were created with that feature in mind.

Sadly at this point this thread is very thick (4 pages of very really posts) and people is not going to read it all, if they come here most of them are only going to expose their own opinion, and nothing is going to change (which was the reason your opened this thread).

I know you are reading all of them, it is a hard task, and not only that, your are replying all of them too. I know you take this issue very seriously, and I respect that. I invite you to add me on Steam if you want so we can talk about this topic.

9 years ago

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Well, I did state as much before, both in the original post and in the thread, so I don't blame you for bringing that up. In fact, it's been one of the lesser-cited issues with my posts. Anyway, I've since then amended my opinions on what is considered appropriate blacklisting rationale (thanks to this thread), though I'm still struggling on certain parts.

Having said that, I believe the blacklist system should remain a feature and I have no once argued for its revocation, though I can see how my former posts could be interpreted as endorsing as much. Likewise, I tentatively suggested at one point for restrictions placed against certain blacklisting behaviors, but quickly abandoned that and have since seen it as futile to argue for such a change. At this point, I'm focusing more on the propriety of blacklisting and examining what is considered a justified blacklisting.

Even if the blacklisting system were removed, which I oppose, I don't think that should necessarily translate into the removal of the whitelisting system. Like I've explained before, the whitelist system is different from the blacklisting system, however slight, and serves a different function than blacklisting, and operates in a slightly different way.

Although many may not peruse this thread and read all the posts therein, at least it could serve as an archive of numerous major discussions regarding this issue. The reason why I haven't closed the thread yet is because I believe there is more to be discussed and explored, and I welcome new people to post their own opinions and interpretations (or join in on old discussions), even though my maintaining this thread open will only lead to me being blacklisted even further.

I do take the issue somewhat seriously, though at this point in time I'm more interested in exploring the place blacklisting has in the community as compared to trying to facilitate change. I've already come to the conclusion that the latter will not occur, at least not in this thread with all the old spats and disputes, though I may try to initiate a newer, better attempt after internalizing everything I've learned in this thread, one which isn't so provocative and which doesn't contain all my old opinions on the matter which are no longer accurate representations of my current views.

I'd prefer we discuss it here, though I suppose we can in private as well. I'd prefer it not be in chat, however, since that would permit any discussion we have to be more fruitful, seeing as I would have the time to consider what you say and respond thoughtfully. Chats are rushed and often brisk, and there is always pressure of responding in time, not to mention the character limit. For those reasons, among others, I usually avoid discussions in chat.

Regardless, thanks for your contributions to this thread. I do appreciate it.

9 years ago

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Until a few days ago I used to put the word "thanks" in many different languages in the comment of each GA I entered. Then I read a discussion about a user who blacklists people for saying thanks in the comments on his GA. It suddenly hit me that I might be getting blacklisted without even knowing it for simply the content of my comment! As much as I would love to leave a inspiring haiku in each GA I enter I don't have that kind of time. I've changed my comment so it will not stand out as much and have decided to stick to less controversial topics in these discussions.

I came here to win some games and, when I get some money in my pocket, to give away some games. If the toxic milieu that is The Internet starts affecting that, I likely stop participating in discussions and commenting on GAs all together.

9 years ago

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I noticed your giveaway comments and was wondering about your reason for posting them. It's sad that some people would blacklist you for simply saying thanks, though at least that's reasonable if they state for you to not do so in their description (if they don't, then I believe it's wrong for them to blacklist anyone who does).

I understand your frustration and feel the same way. I've considered withdrawing from the SteamGifts community altogether, save the giveaways, due to how toxic the environment seems to be. Then again, at least on the topic of thanking the contributor with giveaway comments, I may not be the best commentator, especially when it comes to the toxicity you've noticed. Perhaps I even contributed to it in that regard.

9 years ago

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When I joined steam gifts I noticed the variety of languages saying thank you. I also wanted to thank the user for offering the giveaway but just saying thanks in English when I wasn't sure what language they spoke seemed a bit shallow to me. At first I only had about 10 languages. Then users began to message me asking for their language to be included. The comment grew rather large and I started to get some negative reactions to it. Users would also copy/paste it which bothered me at first but I realized it didn't really matter. They are welcome to use it if they wish since I no longer do.

I understand the use and need of a blacklist. Some will use it for the flimsiest of reasons. I don't think there is much anyone can do to convince them not to.

9 years ago*

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Perhaps not, but the least the community could do is discourage such behavior. As evidenced in this thread alone, however, most users don't even acknowledge or notice a problem, and those who do refuse to do anything about it. Some even go so far as to justify such behavior.

9 years ago

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If you consider to withdraw, do so. If you want to stay, stay. There's no in-between.

This is INTERNET, where people do the worst because of anonymity. If Steamgifts is toxic, wait until you get into MOBA community.

9 years ago*

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Considering how I've clocked 7 short of 600 hours on Dota 2 and I've been a denizen of the chans for nearly a decade, I think I know just how toxic a community can get. That doesn't detract from my statements, however, because all you're doing is trying to dismiss negative conduct by citing worse conduct, which is no better than saying that we shouldn't focus on catching rapists when murderers still exist. It's a bullshit, noncontributory argument that leads us nowhere and fails to address the issue entirely.

9 years ago

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Don't fret, and don't listen to any of the bullshit. The whole thing has been blown up out of all proportion.

Nobody blacklists people for either saying "thanks" or for not saying "thanks". Users simply don't have enough blacklist spots either way. A couple of people have threatened to do so, but it's all jokes (or pale imitations of humour).

The OP has been busily beating a drum to scare new users. Don't fall for it.

If you want to thank, feel absolutely free to do so. Don't let someone else's negative, toxic view of the forums influence you. Thanking is nice, no matter how you phrase it, and you're not going to get blacklisted for it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise :)

Enjoy your time on Steamgifts. Be lucky!

9 years ago

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Nobody blacklists people for either saying "thanks" or for not saying "thanks".

Uhh, actually, I can think of at least one person who will blacklist entrants who don't comment in their private giveaways, and yes, there was someone who instructed entrants not to say thank you in their giveaway description and blacklisted those who did.

So, almost nobody...

9 years ago*

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You are right, although in these cases, it is clearly mentioned in the giveaway description.

Newbie users have nothing to worry about either way. It is, however, always a good idea (and, I would suggest, common courtesy) to read the gifter's description :)

9 years ago

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and if you do get blacklisted for thanking, well, just think that person is completely insane and would have blacklisted you anyway, even for making a giveaway or saying hi.

9 years ago

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I could easily say the same for most blacklisters I've encountered.

9 years ago

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This topic depends more on perspective than actual righteousness - there is no one path for anything. But in this case, the person giving-away has the right to blacklist people, I believe. Allow me elaborate. You go through a forum, and get yourself into an argument with someone who, in some way, manages to infuriate you for some reason. That, or you see a person making petty posts and being a dick about it (happens frequently). In such a case, the giveaway maker(you) may want to bar these particular people from entering his giveaway. And why not? The you have spent your own money, and are giving it away on this website when you don't need to, and are letting the public join them. So why are you not entitled to not share this giveaway with people you believe don't deserve to enter it?
Also, how are the people, who were blacklisted, entitled in any manner, to access these giveaways? Their behavior/mannerism/posts or the likewise offended a person, even if it isn't their fault that their content wasn't appreciated by some people who make giveaways. Additionally, this website is totally free if you simply want to enter giveaways, and just a few people blacklisting someone isn't barring that person from other giveaways.
Look at yourself as an example; you can definitely expect to be blacklisted by a lot many people, sheerly because your replies may have infuriated various people. Imo, you are trying to enforce your opinion through "logical fallacies" and whatnot. Yeah not really, people are entitled to their opinions and they have taken the trouble to reply to this thread, and you don't actually need to cross-question everything. To you, it may seem fair game and somewhat of a debate, but to others, it's a tiresome, tedious job having to put forth counter-arguments repeatedly. Respect everyone for their opinion, there's no need to be a dick about it and try to make out how their opinion is wrong. It is fair game in a discussion or a debate, but then again, here it gets you a red carpet entry to the blacklist.
Also, you mentioned somewhere that you get the blacklist for simply putting forth your views. Well, there's a difference between putting your views forward and hounding everyone else for their views on the problem. I mean, someone says "blacklisting owns <3", you can simply say "I disagree with your point, but your opinion okay". No need to escalate it further, because you never know with people. You can't simply expect everyone to understand your point of view or even try to make the effort. This is the internet, after all.
PS- No matter what you reply or have already stated, you aren't getting into my blacklist, mainly because I don't believe in maintaining one lol

9 years ago*

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You don't need a blacklist.. you haven't done an open giveaway in over a year. Everything you do is ALREADY in a invite or group closed environment.

I'm addressing you, but I see this same template in many higher level folks. (therefore, I'm pretty much just using you as an example, not attempting to personally attack you) They reserve everything they do anyway, which to anyone outside their group makes them about as bad as a level 0 leecher. (and yes, I'm aware my "best" stuff (what little there is) are also in group/multi-group setting)

Basically my point is... people who solely contribute to their own groups or "invite onlys" are already blacklisting almost everyone else.

9 years ago

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Before I joined the group, I did a giveaway of many titles, including triple-a ones, brand new releases, and so on, and not only me but many other higher folk do(you can check that). And the main difference between them and a level 0 leecher is that they pay for the games they give away as well, in order to win games that good. Why? Because its a site to win games. They want more chances to win so they give others chances to win as well.
Nokkenbuer though tries to justify leeching and uses all sorts of arguments, counter arguments to put his opinion straight, midst a veil of irritable courtesy. But for what's it worth, this thread is not changing anything, the "high folk" dominate the upper strata of high-end Triple-A title giveaways, the lower levels make do with smaller ones and the ones blacklisted don't get access to certain giveaways. There is no actual awareness being spread about the "Toxic" community. It's the internet.
Also, I'm lacking in giveaways for a year because I had been inactive all that time, and started using Steamgifts a week ago after almost 8 months.

9 years ago

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As I said, it was only a convenient example of a "different kind" of "blacklist" No judgement on yourself from me.

(I also usually don't go back further than a year for two reasons... #1 I wasn't even around. #2 (and more importantly) this shows the CURRENT mindset / actions of the individual.)

Also be aware, I completely support anyone's right to blacklist whomever they want and/or do whatever type of give away they choose. I CERTAINLY will continue to do so myself.

For instance, after seeing how many level 0 accounts there are/were when V.2 launched, I can assure you I'll never at any time do an fully open level 0 give away. Ever. I can find no justification for having a level 0 account other than pure inconsiderate greed.
( I won't accept poverty as an excuse, you own a computer capable of playing these games, AND your steam account is worth over $100 with everything counting at it's lowest value.... you CLEARLY have money for yourself at least)

9 years ago

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Sir or Ma'am. I ask that you stop this crusade against people of a different thought.(Had to come back and add this, you will claim it is not a crusade and its for discussion and thought. Its agenda pushing we get it) I have seen you post in other places and seem to have some reasonable things to say. This post in my opinion is not one of them. This post is more a problem than actual blacklisting because this gives people an issue to be divided by. If you don't like blacklisting I would recommend not using it. If you like black listing I would recommend black listing people myself included if you or anyone has been offended or feels I don't deserve one of their giveaways.

Giving feels good, in some instance if I were forced to give a game to someone I didn't want to have it(for any reason) I would be robbed of the joy of giving something away and potentially making someone happy, and instead myself have an inner monologue about giving something away being worth it. I never want to feel that giving isn't worth it.

9 years ago

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Sir and this is not a crusade, as I've already explained multiple times in this thread. Even if it were, it is not a "crusade against people of a different thought." I am trying to encourage discourse about this issue and foster some examination and critical thinking in the community in the hopes of possibly facilitating change. You recognize this (otherwise you wouldn't have predicted my response so accurately), yet you still accuse me of crusading because "[i]ts agenda pushing." If you mean that without the negative connotations, then of course it is: why is an opinion stated if not to push an agenda or answer a request? If you do mean it with the negative connotations, then no it is not an agenda because that would imply I have something personal to gain from this. If I really was trying to benefit myself in some capacity, don't you think I wouldn't have created this thread, or at least close it down by now, in order to prevent me from being blacklisted even further? I believe I've stated that much before.

This post is more a problem than actual blacklisting because this gives people an issue to be divided by.

What I'm doing is exposing a problem people are either ignoring or failing to notice. I'm not simply finding problems where none exist or creating one in order to undermine the community; I'm pointing out a flaw and as people take notice, they choose a side. The division only exists because the problem exists.

If you like black listing I would recommend black listing people myself included if you or anyone has been offended or feels I don't deserve one of their giveaways.

I agree with this for the most part. The purpose of this thread was to explore the propriety of blacklisting as much as it was to discuss blacklisting in general, though. In my opinion, however, this statement (even if I agree with it) is not sufficient to resolve the issue because blacklisting abuse is not addressed and there are concerns within the statement itself which deserve examining, such as:

  • Is being offended reason enough to deny someone the opportunity to enter into your giveaway?
  • Why should the response be to blacklist the user? If someone has offended you, is it not better to confront them and talk to the person about it instead?
  • Is it right for the contributor to blacklist users simply because of their opinions, or for any arbitrary or otherwise unjustified reason?
  • Blacklists are not the same as blocklists. Since a blacklist affects which giveaways can be seen and entered, whereas a blocklist affects which posts could be seen by a specific user, why then are blacklists being used like blocklists?
  • Is it right to blacklist someone for conduct on the forum?

These questions, among others, are ones I believe need to be examined and explored if we are to establish some comprehensive understanding of the blacklisting system, what qualifies as a justified or reasonable blacklisting, and its propriety within the community and forums.

Giving feels good, in some instance if I were forced to give a game to someone I didn't want to have it(for any reason) I would be robbed of the joy of giving something away and potentially making someone happy, and instead myself have an inner monologue about giving something away being worth it. I never want to feel that giving isn't worth it.

That is a very important point and I'm glad you brought it up, since I have yet to encounter that particular reason throughout this entire thread. However, this raises the question of why you don't like this person, and whether this is sufficient reason to deny that person the gift they fairly won (or the opportunity to try and win the gift). Additionally, who's to blame here? The winner or user for having offended or upset you to the point of your disliking them, or you for disliking them and failing to separate your giveaway activities from your forum activities?

9 years ago

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Thank you for clarifying you are a Sir. I read and will not respond to your first paragraph for reasons obvious in the first post. Onward.

"What I'm doing is exposing a problem people are either ignoring or failing to notice."

No your not, your taking what is in fact a tool that, in some cases by your view may be being misused and describing it as a problem. That's not a problem well I suppose it is buts its not a community problem. Its a personal problem where you are having trouble with the way someone is using a tool. A car you probably have one or have been in one. When I go to work its great. When someone is a car accident we don't take out ads in the paper to take cars off the road.

"The purpose of this thread was to explore the propriety of blacklisting as much as it was to discuss blacklisting in general, though. In my opinion, however, this statement (even if I agree with it) is not sufficient to resolve the issue because blacklisting abuse"
Been checking the site cant seem to find a definition for blacklisting abuse. Again still a tool. Prior to this post I bet "black listing abuse" by any definition you want to use was probably less common than after this thread. as for the following
ΓÇóIs being offended reason enough to deny someone the opportunity to enter into your giveaway?
ΓÇóWhy should the response be to blacklist the user? If someone has offended you, is it not better to confront them and talk to the person about it instead?
ΓÇóIs it right for the contributor to blacklist users simply because of their opinions, or for any arbitrary or otherwise unjustified reason?
ΓÇóBlacklists are not the same as blocklists. Since a blacklist affects which giveaways can be seen and entered, whereas a blocklist affects which posts could be seen by a specific user, why then are blacklists being used like blocklists?
ΓÇóIs it right to blacklist someone for conduct on the forum?

The purpose of your thread was to push your agenda by manufacturing a problem that you imagined that may now be more of a reality due to your post. Your right and mine may not be the same. I worry you don't understand I am not you others on this site are not you. I have become sentient I can feel and think things separately from you. That's what you seem to be struggling with.

"That is a very important point and I'm glad you brought it up, since I have yet to encounter that particular reason throughout this entire thread. However, this raises the question of why you don't like this person, and whether this is sufficient reason to deny that person the gift they fairly won (or the opportunity to try and win the gift). Additionally, who's to blame here? The winner or user for having offended or upset you to the point of your disliking them, or you for disliking them and failing to separate your giveaway activities from your forum activities?"

No there is no question again reference first post. Black list me for any reason you see fit. See no question. If someone deems they do not want to give me a game or allow me to enter because it will take away their enjoyment or cause them to feel bad I won, who am I to have won or entered. Its a GIFT. Steam Gifts not steam free games for all. If you do not black list people then do not black list them. And "blame" its like you've gone off the rails. I don't believe you are a young man so I will assume you are not in your early schooling years... but to apply blame for some ones' generosity or lack there of is horrible. Probably the worst thing I have read on here. Have a good evening sir and enjoy the rest of your time on steam gifts.

9 years ago

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so this is another thread where everyone exposes their point of view but noone changes it.

9 years ago

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why cant we both have cake? even if you like chocolate cake and I don't? If we both eat cake do our opinions or differences matter?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I had never seen that, thank you very much and let me assure you at work I will be bitching about not having sky cake.

9 years ago

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Unfortunately, that appears to be the case.

9 years ago*

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I have made some rules for entering my giveaways (after getting frustrated with totally non-restricted GAs). People who don't follow those rules, get blacklisted.

In general I believe every Giveaway creator has full right to black list anyone s/he pleases. After-all, games are given away for free and they aren't basic commodity that anyone needs. So no one is really entitled to them.

Secondly, the point is moot anyway. A giveaway thats inclusive of everyone but the blacklist is nowhere near as exclusive as one thats inclusive only of whitelist/ Steam group.

I have already started doing most of my GAs exclusive to whitelist (which is free to apply for).. I still do some giveaways for my open public group (which has no restrictions to enter) and mostly use blacklist only to temporarily exclude people. I use permanent blacklist for offenses that aren't related to breaking rules and stuff.

If there were any kind of restrictions on blacklisting someone, then people like me will just stop doing any sort of GA except the whitelist/restricted groups. Which will be more damaging to people like OP.

So keep that in mind and be thankful for the blacklist.

9 years ago*

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As have been stated nearly a dozen times in this this thread alone, this thread is discussing the issue of appropriate blacklisting and the propriety of blacklisting. Pointing out the banally obvious fact that every "[g]iveaway creator has full right to black list anyone s/he pleases" does nothing but state what has already been implied from the start. Even if the games are giveaway are for free and aren't a basic commodity that anyone needs, and even though nobody is entitled to them, it is still unfair to the entrants and the rest of the community for blacklisters to arbitrary and unjustly blacklist whomever they wish.

Parallels between the blacklist and whitelist systems have already been drawn and discussed before. Although they seem at first to be two sides of the same coin, they actually operate differently and serve different purposes which aren't correspondingly opposite to each other.

It's your decision to take that course of action (if restrictions on blacklists were placed), but I would call into question the propriety and justice of that as well. At least that is not anywhere near as overtly abusive as how people use the blacklisting system, though, so that would nevertheless be an improvement, even if it damages me just the same.

9 years ago

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I don't have time to read all the posts, I just stated what I think and how I do my giveaways.

And its not 'unfair' for you to not be able to enter someone's giveaway when s/he specifically doesn't want you to. How hard is it to understand that?

You can't 'force' someone to giveaway free stuff. When someone blacklists a particular person, obviously there are reasons behind it. it DOESN'T MATTER if the blacklisted person thinks he's not at fault cuz he isn't the one giving away the game/s.

There are only two choices. Either plea to the GA creator to remove you from blacklist or move along. .

Or better yet, make your own GA and blacklist the other guy.

9 years ago

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Thumbs up from me.

This whole fairness thing almost gives off some type of political correctness type taste that I shun.

9 years ago

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I'm hardly "politically correct" and I don't see how such behavior is related to my demand for fairness.

9 years ago

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You don't have to read all the posts. A brief perusal, or a search using certain relevant keywords, could easily suffice.

It's unfair because the entrant is being punished, and potentially unjustly punished, for conduct elsewhere or on the forums which do not pertain to the giveaway section of the site. That's like if I did I background search of you, chose a fact about your history or a post you made at random, and used that as reason to restrict you from entering into my giveaways. Would that not be unfair to you? Would that reason for blacklisting not be unjust?

And its not 'unfair' for you to not be able to enter someone's giveaway when s/he specifically doesn't want you to. How hard is it to understand that?

As an entrant, you deserve respect as well and the blacklisting system in its current form allots the contributor with too much control over their giveaways, to the point that it infringes upon the rest of the community. Although entering giveaways may technically be a "privilege," it should be treated as a right when it comes to determining and balancing the roles and permitted activities of each side. In this respect, any unjust blacklisting or restriction effectively infringes upon their rights and oversteps the social contract of the site.

I already know that you will argue that there is no such "social contract" on SteamGifts among its members and that I appear to be politicizing this issue. To preemptively respond, I'd like to inform you that this is not the case. Even if it was, that shouldn't matter because SteamGifts is a social system like any other and every social system must contain some balance of powers and social contract among its constituents in order to ensure that all rights are fairly respected and that all privileges are fairly dispensed. Regardless of whether it's a group or governing body, a family or a fellowship, a community or a country, there must be some ethical and judicial foundation off which the social system could thrive, lest it be torn apart by its own misguidance.

You can't 'force' someone to giveaway free stuff. When someone blacklists a particular person, obviously there are reasons behind it. it DOESN'T MATTER if the blacklisted person thinks he's not at fault cuz he isn't the one giving away the game/s.

Depending on what you mean by "force," yes you can. Contributors are required to deliver the gift to the winner if that winner:

  1. fairly won the giveaway;
  2. did not violate any rules pertaining to the giveaway; and,
  3. satisfied the requisites for a valid giveaway entry.

If the contributor does not deliver the gift, they are subject to a blackmark on their account or even a suspension if deemed appropriate. In case you didn't realize this before, giveaway contributors have to follow the site rules as well and once they create a giveaway, they are implicitly agreeing to delivering the promised gift to the chosen winner, given the aforementioned criteria are met. If they do not, the contributor is punished for failure to deliver the gift.

At this point, I'm not sure there are reasons behind every blacklisting and if there are, that still doesn't answer the question on whether those blacklistings are justified. Would it be appropriate or just or fair for me to blacklist you simply because I hate the Assassin's Creed series and your profile avatar gives me the impression that you like it? It may be within my rights as a user, but that doesn't make it right.

There are only two choices. Either plea to the GA creator to remove you from blacklist or move along.

Many blacklisters don't even announce their blacklisting, so it would be difficult for me to determine who blacklisted me and exactly how many. Whenever I do encounter one, however, I tend to try and add the person as a friend on Steam and discuss the issue in private. What's sad, however, is that this is what the blacklister should have done in the first place: confront me about the issue, inform me of the reasons why they intend on blacklisting me, and permitting me the opportunity to discuss it with them. This is especially true for cases where the blacklister blacklists someone with whom they didn't even interact, which can be very confusing for the victim (as has occurred to me before on numerous occasions). Most people are content with silently blacklisting anyone they wish, however, and many users simply acquiesce to it, assuming that nothing will change.

Or better yet, make your own GA and blacklist the other guy.

Revenge accomplishes nothing.

9 years ago*

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I can argue with you and give you very rational and valid reasons but you won't understand that clearly unless you start contributing yourself.

Once you start creating your own giveaways REGULARLY, it will all become clear to you. No amount of discussion can prepare you for that.

9 years ago

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So, you'll only provide rational and valid arguments once I contribute, which is itself a fallacy? How more hypocritical can you get? I can already understand now, as I have encountered many instances of precarious giveaway winners as a moderator, and have created numerous giveaways myself. I think that alone is more than enough for me to qualify, though I would argue that none is needed whatsoever. All this can be intellectualized; it doesn't have to be experienced first-hand to be understood.

You have no "rational and valid arguments," you charlatan. Go ahead and blacklist me already, if you haven't already. Come back when you're willing to apply yourself.

9 years ago*

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No, I already provided rational and valid arguments. You just have problem understanding them cuz you don't have experience.

9 years ago

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And I countered them. I already have the experience. Your turn.

9 years ago

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Loved your post outside of the "the point is mute" its actually moot. Other wise a wonderful post.

9 years ago

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Corrected. Thanks!

9 years ago

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Although upandout8 is technically right, I should point out that one could argue that "mute" is a more apt description, since it connotes that a point is so unworthy of discussion that any further discourse is rendered "mute" with respect to its potency in a debate. Although mootness is a term in law, its contemporary usage does not correspond to its etymology and technical definitions.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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You aren't even in this discussion, man. No need to read it.

9 years ago

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Wow, you're just begging for a ban.

9 years ago

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Looks like the SG banhammer is working just fine.

9 years ago

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that was... fast.

9 years ago

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Well, for what it's worth, I reported it immediately.

9 years ago

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Heh, in a blacklist-themed thread, how convenient.

9 years ago

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You pissed too many people off and you are now afraid there won't be anymore free games for you?

9 years ago

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No. In fact, I was only blacklisted by one or two people during the creation of this thread; now, I'm blacklisted by hundreds. Do you seriously think I'd keep this thread open if I was concerned about not being able to enter into giveaways?

Read the damn thread and please stop jumping to bullshit conclusions.

9 years ago

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You don't like anyone's opinion then why start this fucking thread?

9 years ago

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I do like the expression of opinions—in fact, I encourage it! Otherwise, I wouldn't have created this thread. I don't, however, appreciate the sort of presumptive, unfounded bullshit that you seem fond of. Instead of reading the thread, or even doing a simple in-thread search for keywords like "created" and "thread", would show to you that your accusations are false and misleading, and I have no respect for people who won't apply their brains when posting.

9 years ago

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Likewise I have no respect for people whining about something as inconsequential as black/white lists. You DON'T understand the concept of MY-GAMES-MY-RULES. The gifter always reserves the right to deny ANYONE he wants from entering his GA. Black/white lists makes this easier and results in less support tickets and less quarrels. You have not been here that long, have you?

Do you understand now? Use your brains before starting a thread next time.

If you don't want to be on anyone's black list just use your brains before you speak.

9 years ago

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it seems like YOU are the one who is whining here ;-)

9 years ago

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"Likewise I have no respect for people whining about something as inconsequential as black/white lists. You DON'T understand the concept of MY-GAMES-MY-RULES."

Good luck educating him on that concept...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I've already explained that "my games, my rules" is a fallacious argument and I don't think I need to debunk it yet another time. I completely understand the concept, and because I do I dismiss it as being a structurally flawed and rather cliché. Likewise for your subsequent sentence.

I've been here for over a year, so I'd say yes, I've been here quite long—long enough to know how this site works, long enough to know how the community works, and certainly long enough to qualify as someone who could properly assess issues within the community. Then again, it doesn't take a veteran to realize a broken system; any keen stranger or newcomer's eye could discern that much.

Use my brains? Ha, try again.

9 years ago*

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'My games, my rules' is still better than 'your games, my rules'.

9 years ago

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Fortunately, it's neither.

9 years ago

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I have full control of my whitelist giveaways with my own created rules.

Again, you need experience to understand it.

9 years ago

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I already have the experience, in case you missed my stating so. Either step up or shut up.

9 years ago

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Experience as giver, not taker dumbo. Are you asking me to 'step down' to your level?

And look what we have here? You aren't even giving away anything and you already ordering people to shut up. One could only imagine what you would be doing if you were actually creating GAs for a change.

I can bet you would have one of the longest blacklist in the site.

9 years ago

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I have experience with giving away games. I've given away two here on SteamGifts and four on SteamCompanion, comprising a total of six. I am also a moderator at SteamCompanion and have handled dozens of cases regarding giveaway winners and contributors, so I'd count that as experience as well. But like I already stated before, experience is not necessary. The perspective of the contributor can be understood without being a contributor. At this point, you're simply using that excuse as a crux to hamper this discussion, when you could easily present the "rational and valid arguments" you claim to possess and continue this.

My whitelist is thrice as long as my blacklist and I rarely blacklist anyone, and only do so when given significant reason to do so.

If you don't cut out your provocative trolling and stupidity, I'm simply going to ignore your shitposting from hereon out.

9 years ago

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The only reason people even bother to post is that this whole thread is amusing. So unless you put your money where your mouth is, you will remain a joke.

And who the heck cares how short your blacklist when you aren't contributing anything? Giving two worthless games to attain a level is not something to be proud of.

You are a prime example why people start using the blacklist so much. Who needs another reason in your presence?
If your aim was to reduce that, you are doing exactly the opposite.

Now what you gonna do? Blacklist the people from your GAs who make fun of you? Oh wait.... you don't make any.

Is that provocative enough?

9 years ago*

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You really should relax and let it go. All your 'argumentation' in this thread leads only to the very opposite of what you might have intended in the very beginning. Being downright offensive is at best getting you a warning at some point...

9 years ago

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I understand that, but although I may be respectful to everyone else, I don't see why I should be courteous and restrain my frustration with people who show me no respect, who refuse to rationally discuss this issue, and who mock and insult me without the slightest compunction.

Just because I'm fed up with a couple assholes, I don't see why that should reflect poorly on me. That's like constantly harassing and berating someone for hours and hours, only to have that person finally snap and tell you to fuck off. Why are people's initial reaction to condemn the victim and not the troll?

9 years ago

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That argument wasn't debunked by you or anybody else. It's a perfectly valid proposition.

We're just going around in circles.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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How was it not debunked? I showed that contributors should not and do not have complete control over their giveaways and that providing that would upset the balance between giveaway contributors and entrants.

We're going in circles because people won't read the damn thread and choose instead to posit fallacious arguments which have already been shown to not withstand a rational analysis.

9 years ago

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It was not debunked.

You simply presented an opinion. Talk of "upsetting" a "balance" is, again an opinion. It's your opinion. To claim you have proven some sort of universal truth is as pompous and fallacious as it gets.

Giveaway creators can entirely control who enters their giveaways, by uses of whitelists, groups and blacklists.

They can even refuse to deliver the game they purchased to give away if they so desire. Everyone has a view on the morality of doing so, or occasions (if any) where this might be seen as appropriate, but don't tell me that gifters cannot control who enters their giveaways. They can't select who wins, obviously, but that's not what we are talking about here.

Whether you like it or not, or think it's "right" is an entirely different argument, and one based solely on opinion.

The reason your responses have caused such a colossal level of animosity is that you don't acknowledge anything that you don't like, or that doesn't fit your argument.You simply can't dismiss the valid (but contrary) opinions of other people as "fallacies", particularly not when they are anything but. It just makes you look like a cunt. In fact, this is the impression given by many of your condescending replies on this thread...

Enough people have provided perfectly valid counter-arguments to your arguments, but you have chosen not to acknowledge them, or to patronisingly dismiss them. That is the real reason for all of the animosity, and that's why your "Black Knight" moniker is so apt.

Your opinion is not FACT. You don't know better than everyone else, no matter how much you believe it to be the case. It's just one opinion. If you present it as such, and accept it as such, you'll get along just fine.

9 years ago

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If the above you posted wasn't your real agenda, what is? Bottomline is you hate group GA, CV GA and black lists because YOU are being denied the chance to be a freeloader.

Are you really that daft to even understand that it's MY game so I can do WHAT I WANT with it? Why the hell should I give you a chance to win MY game if I don't like YOU?

9 years ago

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I've already explained what my "agenda" is multiple times, in case you didn't notice throughout this this thread. I seriously doubt I need to explain yet another time, especially when all of these results can easily be found by simply searching for the keyword "thread".

I don't hate group giveaways, CV giveaways, and blacklists. I encourage the use of all of them and value them as important aspects of the site. What I don't like, and that with which I have a problem, is the abuse and misuse of these features, in particular the blacklisting system. My being a "freeloader" has nothing to do with this, and that isn't even what I am, and your accusation only exposes your complete failure to comprehend my position and intent.

I totally understand that, but I don't think that is a valid argument, nor is it supported by SteamGifts. As a contributor, you have to follow certain rules and guidelines as well, and when you create a giveaway certain restrictions are not permitted. Whether you "like" me is unimportant and if I were to win one of your giveaways, I have no problem marking it as "Not Received" if you refuse to deliver it for whatever reason. The same would apply if you won one of my giveaways.

9 years ago

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If I don't like you you could piss off from all my GA. Plain and simple. Why should you even be allowed to enter GA created by people you pissed off? Your sense of entitlement is disgusting. It's MY game so I decide who could enter. Get it?

9 years ago

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It's only that simple for the simpleminded. Anyone with a working brain in their skull, and one that they actually use in some meaningful capacity on a day to day basis, would be able to realize that it isn't that simple. I've already argued why it's not and until you can actually refute those arguments, your "plain and simple" answer does nothing but expose your simplemindedness.

I argue for fairness, not for entitlement. Maybe you should review my previous arguments, since I've already refuted this bullshit before.

9 years ago

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Blacklist have been in the site for a long time. I agree with Rinarin's reasoning that implementing them as core functionality is easier for moderators and allows more transparent and just system than the previous private lists. I strongly disagree with the notion that the contributor could not control or would not have the right to control his/her own giveaway as he/she pleased. The gift is always owned by the contributor, not by the site nor the community, until the ownership is given to the winner. Thus the contributor has the sole right to decide how the gift is shared.

Since the beginning, there has been multiple ways to control who can enter your giveaways and who cannot. This was formed because users themselves felt the need for it. Puzzles require wisdom or intelligence, hidden ones keen eye and activity, levels (or previously contribution value) wealth and genorosity, keys ninja skills, groups social relationships and so on. It is nothing new and those that desire such limitations should have the option to use them.

The only item that feels shady is the option to use blacklists in public giveaways as mentioned in the discussion already. They were usually considered as the most open option and allowing lists to be used differs from that. Personally I am not certain which side would suit better. The argument of greater good has been stated previously. It can be used in either direction. It could create fights where users keep blacklisting people. It also makes it possible for contributor to blacklist few which enables him/her to make public giveaways that would not otherwise be created. I personally have done mostly private and group giveaways. Time after time getting burnt by public ones enforces that direction.

9 years ago

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In SGv1 Blacklists and special rules could not be used not only in Public GAs but also in GAs for big official groups - like official SG group - and it was for the same reason - since the number of entrants in these GAs goes in hundreds to thousands, so it would require potentialy a lot of rerolls so a lot of support work. As now blacklists are automatic they can easilly apply to public GAs as well, as they were always intended to ;p

9 years ago

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OP-The phrase "pick your battles" comes to mind here. I don't see this thread doing any more good nor encouraging any positive debate as the opposite has occurred and will continue to occur. Just friendly advice.

9 years ago

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This is what I do not understand. He claims he will not end this thread because he wants to continue the debate, yet the debate seems to be going nowhere, nothing new is being added by anyone, and everything keeps going full circle. I just don't understand why leave the thread going when nothing new is being added by anyone that hasn't already been said a billion times already!

9 years ago

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Very much this.

The only purpose this thread seems to serve is panicking new users and spreading FUD.

Not sure why the OP keeps bumping it. The debate started going round in circles a couple of pages in.

9 years ago

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Like I've already explained, this has nothing to do with spreading FUD, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped fucking accusing me of that. That is completely and utterly false, and all YOU'RE doing is spreading FUD about me. So cut it out.

9 years ago

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Not so.

I will cheerfully call out your FUD spreading for as long as you continue to do so. You talk about being on "hundreds of blacklists" elsewhere in the thread. I'm curious to know where you get your inside information. I guess a couple of folks may have added you, and a handful claim to have done so, but unless you have clicked on several hundred different users' giveaways and found yourself unable to view them due to blacklisting, you're simply being a drama queen. If you HAVE had the time and inclination to do so, I worry for your sanity, and lifestyle choices.

Newbies are panicking about thanking, not thanking, participating in the forums, and not participating in the forums, all for fear of being blacklisted. You make no attempt to assuage their fears. You, sir are as "deleterious to the community" as an outbreak of virtual crabs in S.Gifts Chat.

9 years ago

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Actually, there have been some original and novel contributions to the thread, naps420. However, I believe this issue has not been fully explored and the only reason why it's so long is because I've been having to argue the same damn points over and over again, either because people don't read the thread or they don't accept my refutations. If people were to start thinking about this issue and take is seriously, some progress could be made and we could resolve this.

Regardless, I feel no regret for creating this thread. It has costed me a lot, but it has also helped me understand and reshape my views regarding blacklisting, as well as those of others. Overall, this thread has been a success, despite the circular arguing and shit-flinging that has occasionally occurred.

9 years ago

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I know, Khazadson, and it frustrates me that this thread has turned into what largely appears to be a neverending argument. It has become circular, and old points are being recycled by those who don't notice that they've already been argued and debunked.

At least this thread has accomplished its job of initiating discourse on the issue of blacklisting, examining and exploring its place in the community, and provide a platform for others to discuss. I may have marred my reputation, appeared as the villain, and found my way onto hundreds of people's blacklists, but it was worth it in my opinion.

9 years ago

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