Thanks for the great tool-- just used it for the first time. :)
Tiny bug report: the window (or tab) opened by the "Wishlist for whitelist" button is titled Whishlist for whitelist.
Thanks again!
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Ho, thanks for the info, never noticed that :) I'll fix it soon, it's server side. Happy gaming !
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It's possible that it's only the temporary title while it's processing. Just search the code for "whishlist." :-P
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Bump for update, please post there in case of weird result, it can always occur with upgrades :)
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No, it's working fine, I just tested it. The problem you encountered was surely temporary :)
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Using the latest version of Chrome (53.0.2785.143.m) and Tampermonkey (4.1.10), I click "Fetch wishlist from whitelist" and after a few seconds, the button text changes to "Result window opened", but nothing has opened up and I'm getting no notifications of any blocked popups or similar.
In Chrome's console I'm seeing warnings about the form going to an insecure URL, but going into your script and changing the action on line 251 to the HTTPS version of your site hasn't fixed it sadly. I also have uBlock Origin installed, but disabling its popup blocker hasn't fixed it either.
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Thanks for your precise feedback. I can't check it right now, but I'll come back to you soon.
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Hi Kelnage, I'm afraid I'm unable to get this issue on my computer (Linux, Chrome Version 53.0.2785.143 (64-bit), Tampermonkey 4.1.10), it's working fine here. My Chrome setup is quite standard, only installed TamperMonkey, my script, and Steam Inventory Helper which has no reason to interfere.
Could you have tweaked your Chrome installation, so it uses more restrictive security options (like forbidding posting data from a script in a page to another webserver, for example) ?
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Happy to see you found a workaround. I use Firefox and uBlock Origin too with no trouble, but I'll try that on Chrome, thanks for the clue :)
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I'm getting
error: expected identifire, string or number
code: 800a0404
source: microsoft Jscript complilation error
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Please tell me:
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That is the error i get on chrome (how do i check version number?)
on fire fox the script appears just as text on the webpage like this:
// ==UserScript==
// @name SteamGifts Whitelist Tools
// @namespace
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @version 0.2.3
// @description Displays top wishlisted games for users from your whitelist and adds backup/restore/empty functions
// @author m0l0
// @require
// @match
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
var tmpList = "";
var bFound = 0;
var i=0;
var refTarget;
while(bFound==0) {
refTarget = document.getElementsByClassName('pageheadingbreadcrumbs')[i];
if (refTarget.innerHTML.indexOf('<a href="/account">Account</a><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i><a href="/account/manage/whitelist">Whitelist</a>')==0) {
bFound = 1;
} else i++;
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I guess you are missing Tampermonkey. Did you install it ? If not, go there:
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i tried un-installing and re-installing tamper monkey on fire fox and i think it is working now
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Is this script dead? I and a friend installed it and we both get something like that on the result page:
INSERT INTO steamwishlists (steamsqlid,gameid) VALUES(0,605)
I am using Firefox ver. 49.0.2 and Tampermonkey with auto-updater enabled (so should be up to date). I have 235 whitelisted users, if it matters.
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Is this script dead?
I and a friend installed it and we both get something like that on the result page:
Same thing here, it's obviously for everyone. For your information, it's happening on the server side, so once I'll have fixed it, it will be fixed for everyone.
Thanks for reporting this new problem as of today, I'll dig into it and fix it ASAP. Should be done within a day, it's probably some HTML change somewhere on Steam that needs to be dealt with. I'll update here when it's done.
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It's back. Still a little bit slow this morning, but it's working.
For the record, I changed nothing, it was a problem at the server level, the hosting company fixed it.
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Is there any way to load wishlists bigger than 700?
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Currently, no, sorry. The limit is at the wishlist-reading level: if more than 700 items, user's WL is simply skipped (not read in detail, not stored in database). I set up this limit because I wanted to reduce the load on the server, but it also seems to me that such a big amount of wishlisted games doesn't mean much.
By the way, you're the first one to give some feedback about that, congrats :)
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Using Chrome/Tampermonkey, and the whitelist buttons have stopped appearing for me. I tried disabling all other userscripts and uBlock Origin, but the buttons still aren't showing up.
When SG Whitelist Tools is enabled, I get this error in the Chrome Console:
VM4684:30 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of undefined
at Window.eval (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:30:22)
at Window.dispatch (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:7:6444)
at r.handle (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:7:3219)
at <anonymous>:2:297
at b (<anonymous>:2:142)
at F (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:46:26)
Any idea what's going on?
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That's the first time this is reported, so I'm a little bit clueless right now. The last update on my side is quite old, I've just ran a test on my chromium / tampermonkey thing and it's still working fine for me. My first guess would be something wrong on your side, but this is only a guess. I'll try to dig a bit further asap - but with family this weekend it will surely be next week now...
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No. Also, Whitelist Tools is working again. Not sure what the problem was.
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I'm not sure either :) If it happens again, please drop me a line here or in Steam chat. By the way you may be interested in knowing that a new rewritten version of the script is on its way, with side menu items as entry points.
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Hi, and thanks for the precise feedback. Sorry that it doesn't work well for you, did you try what Yunie mentionned as a solution there ? It looks like changing order of the scripts in Tampermonkey can solve the problem (mine first, then SG++). Please tell me if it solves the problem :)
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Then maybe it's something new on SG++ side which creates a new interaction with my script. I have to test that on my side, I'll come back to you.
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Just to let you know: my own test didn't let me reproduce the problem. However, with more and more scripts adding endless scrolling and others things, I think it's time to rewrite the whole thing as I've been willing to for a long time :) I've started the work, it's already functionnal here with left menu items instead of breadcrumb items. I have yet to make a decent "popup" thing instead of my old, ugly one, and make the Ajax calls asynchronous/recursive so it can display progress with Chrome (synchronous Ajax is not handled well by it). I hope it will fix the problem for you, expect an update by next week (or sooner if I can).
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Job done ! See main post for the links. Now I'm preparing myself for all these bug reports :)
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Bit of a shameless plug, but you might want to take a look at the SerialRequestsQueue for JS that I made if you want or need for some reason synchronous requests. You should never make actual synchronous requests, since it completely freezes the browser until they are completed, but you probably know that already.
Thanks for the advices, very much appreciated. The first version of the script has been developped on Firefox: it handles sync ajax in a way which is totally ok for the script purpose (not freezing other tabs, script can still display and update information while working), so I went the easy way... Still, I agree, sync calls should be avoided.
I'm not sure if I'll go for SRQ, I planned on using jquery built-in ajax calls with page-level js variables to control the calls. Anyway I'll throw an eye on it :) Thanks for the tip !
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Last week I wanted to use my WL to add additional people in case I don't get 5 entries in a group GA and so I created a backup of my WL using this script and then cleared my WL. The backup part worked as usual but when I wanted to clear my WL using the Empty Whitelist button it looked as if the script was working and it went through the names claiming they were removed but afterwards my WL still had ~ 250 people on it like before. I didn't think it was a big deal and manually removed everybody.
Today I wanted to import back my WL and I noticed all buttons of the script are gone (as I noticed later they are only gone on the WL but [most of the time] still there on the BL). I'm using Chrome and a few other userscripts so I thought there might be some conflict between them and first tried disabling all other scripts which didn't help. I once managed to make the buttons appear on the WL but couldn't reproduce it. I've tried moving the script to the fist place in the Tampermonkey Dashbord as you suggested but that didn't help neither. It might be worth mentioning that contrary to most people reporting similar issues recently I'm not using SG++ but have switched to rhSGST.
So since I normally use SteamGifts on Chrome my next thought was it might be a good idea to give it a try on Firefox without any other scripts interfering and indeed on Firefox the buttons are back but sadly I'm facing the same problem like when trying to clean my WL with the script: When I enter the backup of my WL the script goes through a list of names, claiming they were added but afterwards my Whitelist is still empty except a single user which was not part of my WL to begin with. I thought 250 users might be too much for the script to process in one go so I tried adding them back in portions but that didn't change anything.
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Sorry for the late reply, I've been a bit busy these days. I've made some tests this morning and I think I found what's about: somethings has changed on SG side (the URL to use as a universal gate to a user profile, with Steam numeric ID). I updated the script and it's now working fine from there. Can you please try the latest version (see OP) and tell me if it also fixes the problem on your side ?
Also, just in case, please note that there's the script now uses left menu items instead of the top buttons, which have been removed since the february update.
And many thanks for the feedback :)
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Sorry for the late reply, I've been a bit busy these days.
Don't worry. I assumed so ;) With your recent changes on the script I've been able to place the issue better and apparently the menu not appearing on Chrome and the script not adding / removing user from the WL are 2 seperate issues.
The good news is that the change you have made related to Steam numeric ID seems to have worked and the script is now working as intended for me on Firefox. Import Whitelist & Empty Whitelist now actually add and remove users and Export Whitelist already worked to begin with.
Bad news is that the issue with the menu only very randomly appearing on Chrome still exists but since I mostly use the Export / Import Whitelist function of the script being able to use it on Firefox is a perfectly fine workaround for me :)
But since you're probably still curious about the Chrome thing here are my continued notes on that:
On Chrome I first disabled all other scripts and then deleted my old version of Whitelist wishlist in Tampermonkey and installed the latest version. The issue remains pretty much unchanged. The first time I loaded my Whitelist page the menu was there but as soon as I changed to the Blacklist and back to WL to see if the menu now consistently stays there it was gone again (on both BL & WL).
But as I said as long as I can use the scipt on Firefox to empty my WL for occasional special GAs that works fine for me. Thanks for the help :D
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Thanks for the detailed info. Happy to see the import/export thing is fixed, I'll dig further into this Chrome problem but I'm afraid I won't have time for that before a day or two. Of course I'll keep you updated !
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Sorry for the late reply, I may have found a workaround but I'll try it after the upcoming server switch. I may add you in the meantime to test that on your side, if you don't mind :)
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What version of the script are you using, is it the last one ? is this happening every time or randomly ? what browser are you using ?
Please note that I won't have time to dig into that before a day or two.
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Thanks for the info. I'm confident it was a temporary thing (unexpected response / timeout from the server), but if it happens again just tell me and I'll dig further into this. On a side note, I'm happy to see it's working (quite) fine on Opera :)
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Server switch ended, all is back to normal. Hopefully :)
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I just imported my Whitelist again after exporting it the other day and I noticed something strange. When I exported my WL I had 267 people on it but now after importing it again I seem to have lost 5 entries.
No idea if my WL is just too big to process or if it maybe has to do with username changes or what else happened. As you might remember from troubleshooting the last time with me I'm not a particularly technical person but I thought I'd still mention it ;)
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Thanks for the information :) Did you keep a copy of the export file ? I'd need it to do some tests and find what happened.
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Yes, I did. I always save it as two version Notepad and Word because I worry Word might mess with the formating and break it.
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Thank you, I copied it, you can edit your post and remove the datas.
I'll come back to you when I'll have the time to dig into this (should be within a day or 2).
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Oops, I just had a quick look and there are only 262 names in it, so if there's an error in my script then it is located in the export system. By any chance, do you have an idea who are the missing 5 ?
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That's slightly embarrassing. Sadly I don't and now that you made me aware of this I'm not even 100% sure there is somebody missing anymore. I didn't notice "it" because somebody that should be on my WL wasn't but rather because I labeled both files Whitelist 267 and I normally use Ctrg + A & Ctrg + C to copy the names so that shouldn't be the problem neither. Maybe I just had a brainfart and read 2 as a 7 although that would be strange because I'm normally rather pedantic and always have to double check stuff like that. I just tried importing it again, this time from the Word file and again it were 262 entries. I'll export + import my current WL again just to be sure but for now let's assume it was some weird mistake by me.
Sorry for wasting your time :( I hope you didn't have to count them manually because to be honest I was too lazy to do that myself before posting.
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Thanks for the info ! And never mind, I prefer to throw an eye on something that works, rather than ignoring an ongoing bug :)
Anyway, if you see something weird again in my script, you are welcome to tell me about it.
I didn't count, I asked my text editor to do the job for me because I'm a lazy guy ^^
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Thanks for looking into it eventhough it turned out to be nothing :)
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I tried again and I could not reproduce the problem. 264 entries exported, 264 entries sucessfully imported so it must have been my mistake. Again, Sorry for wasting your time ;)
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i've installed and nothing appears when i go to my whitelist?
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Then something is going wrong :)
Are you using many other userscripts ? If yes, can you try to disable them all temporarily, to see if the problem comes from that ?
If this check gives nothing, can you tell me what browser you are using (name and version) and what script engine (also name and version) ?
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A server upgrade has been done today, everything should be back online now. Let me know if you encounter any issue !
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My pleasure, thanks for using this !
I've rebooted the server a few times in the last hour (for unrelated issues), in case you encountered weird results it should be ok now.
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It's reported broken. Since a similar functionality has been integrated in ESGST and I'm lacking free time, please use ESGST and consider this script dead. Thanks to anyone who used it for the years it worked :)
Version 0.3.3 has been released. It's available here: Clicky
Previous update::
Please let me now if you encounter issues
Update August 27 2017:
A full rewrite of the result page on the server side: nothing to update on your side
=> now using Bootstrap CSS so your eyes should stop bleeding like before
=> page rewritten with Angular framework (you probably don't care if you are not a dev)
=> added function to auto-display (or hide) users name for all games
=> added ITAD links for each game (they are generated on the fly, so it may be a not 100% accurate process)
=> enabled for SG whitelist and for the few groups using this privately
=> new function
incomingavailable: a search function which allows to type part of a game name and get matching games on the fly. The search is made on the server on all games, so you'll be able to find matching game #150 while only displaying top 100 games. If you don't find a game, it means that no one in your whitelist has wishlisted it (or that my search engine is broken !).I will be very happy to read any feedback on this, including improvement suggestions, and bug reports. Also reports of proper functionning are welcome (feel free to state what browser you are using) !
SG Whitelist Tools
Main purpose: display the wishlist of your whitelist
Also with tools to easily import / export / empty your whitelist and your blacklist
Changelog for the last client-side release update:
Older changes:
Any feedback will be welcome, I'll do my best to fix any bug you will find. I have made some testing but I can't garantee that nothing will go wrong. Don't use the script if you can't take the risk :)
Thanks to HiroHiro for the good testing, and to Psycho345 and BarefootMonkey for the few lines of code I borrowed from them ^^ Also thanks to ESGST for the ready-to-use regular expression for ITAD links :)
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