I tried a few minutes ago and got no problem (Firefox, around 150 entries). Could you try again and tell me if you still encounter this problem ? It can be many things, from a temporary downtime of "my" server to a temporary downtime of Steam mirrors. If you remember what happened, can you tell if the problem came when fetching whislist from a particular user, or at the very beginning of the process, or was totally random ?
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My pleasure ! Happy to see things are back to normal. This issue was obviously network-related. For curiosity sake, is any of your 15-17 numbered users having a huge wishlist ? Some people add half steam store in it, that leads to big webpage to load.
By the way, I'm thinking about rewriting the whole thing with cached wishlists so it goes faster at the cost of less up-to-date datas. Nothing done yet :)
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First time something like that is reported :) Thanks for the feedback, I have to leave home in a few minutes but I will investigate this afternoon. I'll keep you informed here.
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I found where the problem came from and fixed it (minor HTML change on Steam website), it's working fine now (slowly as usual, but fine !). Please let me now if something is still wrong on your side...
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Works like a charm on firefox+greasymonkey.
Thanks to this I now have a worse opinion on my whitelist's taste of games.
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Very cool, thanks.
Is there any way to adapt this to very the wishlists for a group? There used to be another script that did it, but it no longer works and I don't think the person is interested any more. There's overlap between my Whitelist and the group, but I'd like to see solid numbers so I know what people want.
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You're right, it looks like Mabako's wishlist checker doesn't work anymore (the "who owns a game" part is still working). I thought there was another online script that did the same work, but I can't find it. It may use the same code, anyway...
It would be possible to adapt my thing for group wishlist, yes, I have to think about it and find a little time to do it. I'll drop a line there when / if something is done.
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I just removed you (don't panic, I put you back in) with no problem at all from your user page, but I have the same bug from the whitelist page. Probably there since the beginning without being noticed :)
Thanks for the report, I'm looking into it.
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I was passing by and saw this thread on the top of the discussions list at the good time
I think I have found where the bug come from, but I don't have much time to fix it right now... I'll keep you updated, but you shouldn't expect a superfast fix :)
By the way, no magical import/export fonction planned, but if I'm right it should not be too hard to code. I'll look into it in the next days, so I'll be able to tell if I'm going into doing it or not.
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Thank you ! If I can de-drunk myself in the following hours I may make the required o'day giveaway.
Don't panic, in the opposite, I'll make it in the upcoming days :)
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Looks like it's a lucky day for naive frogs :) See first post.
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After my ticket event, I could test the new import-export-features
First I cleaned my whitelist to put in my regular one back( from a list that I made before your update).
Two people fell of the list, cause name-change and I can´t find them in the users list.
With your script, backup and import works (of course) even with a different name...and it´is so fast...and convenient.
And for my ticket-events I just have to store and edit the list of ticket-owners in the same format you use (in fact a excel-macro converts my format to yours ;-) )
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Yes, the script uses steam ID instead of SG username to access profiles, so it can handle people who change their nickname. Thanks very much for your kind feedback, it's a real pleasure to see that my little work is appreciated :)
Also, if anyone wants to play with that: the import/export format is simply a single line of text containing SGname/id64;SGname-2/id64-2; and so on.
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First of all - Thank you. I used this script before and it is very handy.
Unfortunately when I was trying to use it today, it opened the page to display the results but came up with an Error:
Error : database connection failed
Maybe something changed? I'd be very happy if you checked up on this =)
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Hello, and thanks for your kind feedback.
I just ran the script, it worked properly at second try, with 237 people in my WL. I guess what you encountered was only a temporary downtime of the database engine (I'm using a cheap hosting plan, which leads to cheap service !). Can you try it again and let me know if it's back to normal on your side ?
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bump for I had no idea I've been using an outdated version for 4 months
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After it read all the wishlists, it just kinda stopped... did I miss something or do something wrong?
About 180 users on my whitelist at the moment
EDIT: Ran it a second time and it worked - Strange - Thanks :D
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Thank you for your feedback. If you were at the wishlist reading stage, then it was probably a temporary network congestion. I'm using a cheap hosting plan, I have to upgrade it one of these days :)
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New bug - I have 179 users on WL - When I try to export my WL it only gives me the names of 73 XD
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I tried with my 241 people WL and got no problem. What browser are you using ? Does is stop always at 73 ?
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Chrome. I tried exporting a few times and for some reason, it borked again same number. Maybe it's someone's username? You can add me on steam if you want :D
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Just for grins I tried a third time. 73.
There's gotta be something weird going on.
And it doesn't stop on 73, it gets to D and then skips down to T
Everyone between those is skipped
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You're welcome :)
If you are using Chrome, you may want to use this instead: http://autogestct.cluster011.ovh.net/SGWishlist/testing/swwf.user.js
It fixes the problem reported by keohookalani (thanks again for the tests !). I'll make it a real update later, I have to add other fixes for better display.
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Interesting. This is only a referer check, do you remember doing something in particular, like copy/pasting URL or something ?
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Used directly from WL page.
I have not used it for some time, so I have no recollection what I could have changed in browser settings
"network.http.sendRefererHeader" (and others matching refer mask) have default values
In one retry it shown for a moment "fetching 2/..."
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I ran the script on my side just now and got no problem (about 250 people). I'm afraid I will not be able to investigate this deeper this week-end because of IRL things, but I will ASAP. In the meantime, I'd be happy to read from you if the problem still occurs.
The message you saw was something like that, rigfht ?
" Please wait while data is read from Steam servers
Progress: Reading Steam data for user 2 of xxx (SGUserName)"
The 1st user's data is read silently at first request, then the first server-side page is displayed while it starts reading data for user 2, and so on.
I can temporarily remove the referrer check if you want, that will not take me much time. But I cannot guarantee it will not have unwanted side effect :) Just tell me, I'll come back there quickly within 1 or 2 hours.
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Take your time, it's understandable you have life outside SG )
That was that message, but only once (after browser restart, when many pages were reopening)
Better don't, it's better when only I have the problem then many others )
I'll try to find a bit of time, dust off my js skills and see what's going on on my side (haven't touched js/browsers for a really looong time)
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Ok for that :)
The whole thing is not designed to work outside a session, if you use it by refreshing a few hours old tab, it may be the source of the problem. Can you try it again "from the start", I mean by launching the full process for the whitelist page ? I've added debug information in the referrer check message, if you get the error message again you should see something like:
This script can be used with SteamGifts only !
Debug data :
Where the info, if any, will be displayed between two asterisks.
Now getting to a meal, then to an outside walk under the sun :)
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Managed to fix it: there were entries in permissions.sqlite database. Older versions of FF allowed to define what to do with cookies for every domain. Looks like instead of removing it from sources, devs just hid the user interface for it. Long live the lazy man(tm) p
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Good news: the issue is fixed, and since there's nothing to do on my side, I can keep being the lazy man all weekend long :)
Thanks for the feedback, happy gifting !
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Thanks for your kind feedback ! It should be back online tomorrow, in about a little less than 24h from now. I'll bump you, so you don't have to check blindly in the meantime :)
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Good news for people on your whitelist, less good news for your wallet: it's back :)
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Frak, a new problem ! I'm looking into that right now, will update ASAP.
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The script has been updated and it should work properly, please uninstall previous version before getting the new one. I've tested import, export, and wishlist fonctions on Firefox, it seems ok now.
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I've just installed the new version but I can't get it to work, this is what I get after loading the results : http://puu.sh/ohK5Y/282046e7b5.png
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Mmm, that's weird. It worked fine for me yesterday, I'm trying it again - with 263 people, it will take a few minutes. Stay tuned !
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At first sight, it's a global issue on steam side. I get a blank page when displaying my own wishlist page on steam website, there are also users stating it's broken for them too.
It should fix itself for my script when valve fixes the issue. I can take the same screenshot as yours now ^^
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Alright thanks, didn't notice the wishlist issue on Steam so I thought it was on my side
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Hosting switch is now ended, things are back to normal. A few tweaks have been done on server side, please let me know if something goes wrong.
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Helpful script, thank you. Is there any chance you could get it to work with Extended Steamgifts?
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Sorry for the late reply. I don't use this script, is there an incompatibility between this one and mine ?
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Ok, I see. I'll try to have a look at that, but no estimation on delay :) Thanks for the feedback
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I made a quick test, but the buttons are correctly displayed on my side, as you can see on the attached pics. You can see my buttons, along with Extended Steamgifts elements and even another script (whitelist/blacklist indicator). Any idea of something else that could be the difference ? particular settings maybe ? What browser are you using ?
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I'm using Firefox. No other script has issues with yours but Extended SG so I tried messing around with options and Endless Scrolling is what messes it up. If I turn off Endless Scrolling then I get the buttons, if I turn it on then the buttons don't show up.
You are using endless scrolling from what I can see in your screenshot and it works for you though.
Here is how it looks like with Extended SG but with endless scrolling disabled, and here is how it looks like with Extended SG and endless scrolling enabled.
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Thanks for the precise info, you can now upgrade to the latest version (see first post for the link), it should fix the problem. For the record, it was working on my side because of the other addon I'm using. The problem came from the text modification made by ESG in endless scrolling mode (page number x), now it shouldn't interfere. Please tell me if it's ok when you'll have the time to test.
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Nice ! Since it was a really quick test, I guess we share awesomeness :)
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I just gave it a try and, on server side it is now "Reading Steam data for user x of 272". I have 272 users in WL (and 24 in BL).
Can you provide more infos ?
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If I get you well, you say that the numbers are correct (= the number oif people in your WL is the number of people used by my script) ? And when it comes to names displayed after each game, you see people from your BL, right ?
Can you launch it again and give me a debug info I need ? On the result page, the TITLE of the page (what is showed in your brower application window top edge) says "My SG Whitelist's Wishlist" with a number between parenthesis. I need this number.
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Ok, this is useful info. I have to dig a little bit, but I can tell you that it's related to cookies / session. I'll come back to you ASAP, thanks for the feedback.
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After some work, I can confirm it's related to sessions handling, and that this new bug has been introduced with last week host change.
I've set up something that solves the problem in a quick-and-dirty way:
Unless the temporary fix is reported not to work, I don't plan on doing much more work on that because I'm rewriting the whole thing on server side (in order to add wishlist caching and auto update on a daily basis).
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But If we use incognito, we will need to sign in every time.
Absolutely, that's why I modified the code so this should not be necessary :)
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It's reported broken. Since a similar functionality has been integrated in ESGST and I'm lacking free time, please use ESGST and consider this script dead. Thanks to anyone who used it for the years it worked :)
Version 0.3.3 has been released. It's available here: Clicky
Previous update::
Please let me now if you encounter issues
Update August 27 2017:
A full rewrite of the result page on the server side: nothing to update on your side
=> now using Bootstrap CSS so your eyes should stop bleeding like before
=> page rewritten with Angular framework (you probably don't care if you are not a dev)
=> added function to auto-display (or hide) users name for all games
=> added ITAD links for each game (they are generated on the fly, so it may be a not 100% accurate process)
=> enabled for SG whitelist and for the few groups using this privately
=> new function
incomingavailable: a search function which allows to type part of a game name and get matching games on the fly. The search is made on the server on all games, so you'll be able to find matching game #150 while only displaying top 100 games. If you don't find a game, it means that no one in your whitelist has wishlisted it (or that my search engine is broken !).I will be very happy to read any feedback on this, including improvement suggestions, and bug reports. Also reports of proper functionning are welcome (feel free to state what browser you are using) !
SG Whitelist Tools
Main purpose: display the wishlist of your whitelist
Also with tools to easily import / export / empty your whitelist and your blacklist
Changelog for the last client-side release update:
Older changes:
Any feedback will be welcome, I'll do my best to fix any bug you will find. I have made some testing but I can't garantee that nothing will go wrong. Don't use the script if you can't take the risk :)
Thanks to HiroHiro for the good testing, and to Psycho345 and BarefootMonkey for the few lines of code I borrowed from them ^^ Also thanks to ESGST for the ready-to-use regular expression for ITAD links :)
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