In a world filled with yawning chasms and towering buildings, there exists a hidden 7th sense, a Illuminating force that guides the lost, and a Flame that burns eternal in the hearts of adventurers.

So, as the title says, i need to find a new rpg to play , as this is my favorite genre.

I've tried a lot these days , but most were not really satisfying apart from Sovereign Syndicate, which is nice, I'll have to try it again one of these days..

I've had my eyes on the following

  • Small Saga looks promising. I still hesitate a bit
  • I was expecting a lot of Broken Roads but it seems it's very poorly written , which doesn't appeal to me at all.
  • The thaumaturge looks promising too.

Any other advice? I love story more than gameplay (but a good gameplay is nice too), and I'm fond more of medieval environments than modern ones (some exceptions with Arcanum and VTM Bloodlines).

I've received so much advice that I think I should be good for months now. Between my backlog and new candidates, my quest for RPG has gone further.

Let me show my gratitude by throwing a little something (for european fellows only sorry, but I'll find something else for others.)

1 month ago*

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What kind of RPG games do you prefer

View Results
CRPGs obviously!
Action Rpgs
Tactical Rpgs
Open world rpgs
Potato Rpg ( )

Arc Rise Fantasia on the Wii. Be careful, the game starts out with a lot of exposition and some questionable voice acting, but everything after the first few hours is great. It's fairly difficult though.

You're probably better off searching your Steam livrary for RPGs you already own and haven't played. There's a lot of good stuff fin there.

1 month ago

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Looks nice indeed! I still have a WII somewhere, so if i manage to find the game at a decent price, that may be interesting.

I note that because of this thread i will have to rumble a lot through my old stuff :p

1 month ago

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Just to warn you, Arc Rise Fantasia had a small print run so used copies are very expensive. It doesn't use any motion of gryoscope controls, so your best bet is probably to emulate it.

1 month ago

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I had a quick look on the web and indeed what i could find was quite expensive . If it does not use any WII hardware, you're right, it will probably be easier to emulate it.


1 month ago*

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Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
The original.
Still runs well on new PCs. Tons of lore, combat, skills, mixable vocations (skill trees) and the Pawn system.
Love it, my current addiction.

1 month ago

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I've burned 200+ hours in this one, so I'm with you on that!

[13/06/2024] congratulations, you found what you were searching for : 2nd ticket here

1 month ago*

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Just finished my (1st?) playthrough.
Things happened 😲
Damn, not really sure what to think now 😀

A few hours later I decided to start NG+ as there were still some quests I never saw or finished the 1st time around, there was still so much to do in Everfall and BBI keeps beckoning as I never fully opened that area either!
Hopefully I'll be able to a kind of speedrun this time and not get bogged down in minutiae 😀

1 month ago*

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Yeah, I feel you here. You think you have finished the game but nooooooooo!

Question, have you tried the sequel? I bought it some weeks ago, but I heard some mixed opinions about it.

1 month ago

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I've seen some reviews and comments about the sequel.
It's seems to have CPU performance issues due to loads of NPCs in towns but otherwise runs okay.
Gameplaywise some people have called it more a reboot or sidegrade.
From what I've seen it looks like it will still be a fun game, criticism notwithstanding. There are plenty of memes with bosses or Pawns around on yt.
I suspect I'll eventually get around to it in a few years unless I win it earlier.
Oh, and I realized I'm getting bogged down in fetch quests again in my 2nd plathrough 😆

1 month ago*

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Have you played Anachronox yet?

1 month ago

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This rings some bells, but weirdly enough it's not available in my region (France) .

Weird because it belonged to Infogrames, that was a French company at their start.

1 month ago

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What about GOG? Is it available in your region?

1 month ago

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It works :) (so that makes it weirder)

But that gives me an alternative so , thank you !

1 month ago

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Cyberpunk 2077 with Phantom Liberty

1 month ago

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I own them on Gog so that's on my list :)

1 month ago

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ys VIII, best game of great series

1 month ago

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I've yet to try one Ys game, heard a lot about it , and I'm here for the story; so that feels like a sure pick!

1 month ago

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i won't spoil anything but yeah its best story i've seen in any game last decade, full of plop twist

1 month ago

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Pillars of eternity games I don't think has been mentioned so far. Also a special mention to any of the Fallout games especially with the tv series out at the moment as they are great.

World of Warcraft as a MMORPG is another option to try.

1 month ago*

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Classical ones indeed :)

1 month ago

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You may have already played these but here are some that I have enjoyed.

  • King's Bounty: Crossworlds (Haven't played KB2)
  • Deus Ex 1, Mankind Divided and Human Revolution
  • The Witcher series
  • Diablo series
  • Fallout series
  • Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 (haven't played 3)
  • Divinity 2
  • Divinity: Original Sin 2
  • Star Wars: KOTOR 1 & 2
  • Tyranny
  • Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2
  • Wasteland 2 & 3
    Edit: How could I forget Jade Empire!
1 month ago*

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I've played them alll and they're all good ! (Don't play KB2 though, it's disappointing)

1 month ago

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Chained Echoes
I was a naysayer who struggled to play more than 2 minutes to get started at this pixelated ok looking game.......Eventually got to it, and was glued to it for HOURS!

1 month ago

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You're the 2nd one to tell me about Chained Echoses, it's in my wishlist now ! :)

1 month ago

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As always when this question comes up I recommend Enderal

1 month ago

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This is a good one indeed, I have good feelings playing it. I must resume playing though!

1 month ago

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If you fine with older games, give a try to Divine Divinity, it's a hidden gem, althouth a rough one:)

1 month ago

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I did a long time ago and original divine divinity were nice ! I'm not so much into the more recent ones.

1 month ago

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fallout 2 ?
silent storm ?

1 month ago

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Fallout 2 is a classical indeed.

Never played Silent Storm , it seems to be leaning more towards Xcom but it's interesting.

1 month ago

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A lot has already been mentioned here. Maybe the Pathfinder series could be worth a try, though I only played Pathfinder: Kingmaker and didn't get very far yet. Also if you're okay with diablo style games, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing was nice, but I don't remember much of the story.

1 month ago

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These are what I prefer currently, I really loved both Kingmaker and Wrath of the righteous.

I was a bit disappointed by Rogue Trader, which is a shame as i love W40K lore.

1 month ago

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Have you tried the classics, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Icewind Dale 1 and 2?

1 month ago

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I sure did :)

BG 1 and 2 are masterpieces, Icewind dale were too much combat oriented for my taste.

I even played the temple of elemental evil !

1 month ago*

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the outer worlds

1 month ago

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Played it, not liked it so much. I think Obisdian Games lost in quality since the stick of truth.

I'm yet to finish Pentiment that is more unique!

1 month ago

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My completely-ignoring-your-examples-and-preference-for-medieval-setting recommendation is CrossCode, because it's a great game!

Let's see... only fantasy setting RPG I can think off which hasn't already been mentioned is Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. (Which I just finished playing a few days ago, convenient! XD ) It's kinda like Skyrim but if it was less buggy (I mean... that's not saying much... and it has a fair few bugs, but nothing too egregious; I guess jank kinda comes with the territory of being a huge RPG) and had much better combat (You know how mage weapons kinda usually suck and just exist to buff spells? Well, in this game they are badass on their own.). It has a similar thing where it's a huge world with a big overarching quests but you end up sidetracked with all the small stories in the sidequests. And, since I'm an insane completionist I can say exactly how many quests there are based on my final quest log- 299.

If it has to be turn-based, then how about Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force. It's pretty good. And very funny. By the same developers as the Hyperdimension Neptunia games (speaking of which, if you're feeling in the mood for goofy comedy with a truly ridiculous setting- being kind of an anthropomorphism of the games industry, then Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, Re;Birth3 and Megadimension Neptunia VII are all very good and very funny; with 3 being the best in my opinion, and Re;Birth2 not worth mentioning because it sucks in my opinion, lol). Actually, most Idea Factory + Compile Heart RPGs are pretty good, if you don't mind them being JRPGs. And don't mind them reusing the same map and enemy assets in all of them. ^_^'

Hmm, what else... let's see- people already mentioned Zwei, The Legend of Heroes and Yakuza... Borderlands is just completely different from what it sounds like you're looking for... Ah, there's one that no-one will ever mention:
Edge Of Eternity- this one is kinda... rough around the edges (no pun intended) since it's made by an indie studio which probably aimed a bit too high, but it is a pretty interesting game. Story-wise it's about a fantasy setting which is at war against what are clearly super advanced futuristic machines while at the same time being ravaged by a mysterious affliction which mutates people into horrifying monsters. Combat is pretty interesting too, using a hex-based grid and putting a lot of emphasis on positioning. I'd say the main problem with it is... that the story feels unfinished... (It follows a specific goal for about 2/3 of the game and then is suddenly hijacked by a different threat and after that threat is dealt with in a big dramatic manner, the game just kinda... ends, with the initial goal unresolved. There are some assets in the game which imply that it was supposed to go all the way to a real ending, but the devs couldn't pull off the whole thing in a single game... So, yeah, fingers crossed that they add the rest of the story later or they make a Legend of Heroes-style Part 2 or something, but since it's an indie studio, that's... very uncertain.)

Anyhow, here's another great game- Epic Battle Fantasy 4 (probably 5 too, but I don't have that one to say anything concrete about it). It's another funny comedy game with lots of jokes and humor but it also has one of the most in-depth combat systems I've seen in a turn-based RPG. This is a game where resistances and weaknesses, status effect, buffs and debuffs, etc actually matter a lot!

AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed - You liked Yakuza? Well, here's Yakuza but somehow even weirder. Imagine it kinda like a mini-Yakuza game without the... y'know- yakuza. It has similar exploring a small neighborhood in Tokyo with side quests and minigames and stuff... but in this one the bad guys are "vampires" who, unlike the usual kind, are just fine in the sunlight... as long as they're wearing clothes. So the combat is about undressing them/destroying their clothes until they're left in their undies and burn up in the sun (or when fighting regular humans- until they are too embarrassed to keep fighting you, lol). So, yeah, it's another game in full goofiness territory. It's kinda like a dress-up simulator too since you can basically have your character wear all the clothes. XD

Indivisible is kind of a mix of RPG and Platformer Metroidvania with sort-of-turn-based but also heavily skill-based combat.

South Park: The Stick of Truth - if you find South Park's style of humor funny, then you'll definitely also find this game funny. XD (Oh, and also it has a whole game in it too.)

Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters - Best fishing minigame! Oh, and the rest of the game is very good too! Also has a nice sense of humor. (It's kind of like a predecessor to Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale but that one is equal parts a shop management simulator as it is an RPG, so I'm not sure if it'd be to your liking. If that doesn't sound like deal breaker though, it's one of the most charming games I've ever played. Chantelise doesn't fall too far behind though.)

99 Spirits - Hello, unique mechanics. It's a story heavily based on Japanese mythology, particularly "tsukumogami", aka possessed objects. The unique twist is that in order to harm those spirits you have to identify the object they are possessing, which is initially shrouded in mystery, via examining it and piecing together the clues. So it's also part puzzle game.

The Bard's Tale - hilarious sarcastic parody of the usual fantasy RPGs. Here's its trailer. XD

Ok, I think I should stop now. Turns out I've played a lot more RPGs than I thought... Then again, it is a very vaguely defined genre. ^_^'

1 month ago*

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You deserve a response worthy of your very complete post, so I'm going to take a little time and get back to you, it's a promise ! :)

1 month ago

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Ok, a little more time now :

Crosscode looks nice indeed. I"m really lacking in all Snes like games, I need to work on that!

I played the original Amalur, and i was wondering if I had to get the Re-reckoning version, I'm kinda appealed with your description :)

I also played Fairy Fencer F (from 2015) and it was a pleasant surprise, so why not going to more recent ones!
Got the Nep-Nep ones in a bundle a while ago, and I have to play them :)

I'm currently entering Gas for Epic battle fantasy 4.,as it looks fun indeed. It exsudes Chtulu saves the world vibes!

Akiba looks fun (but naughty(but fun))!

I saw Gas for indivisible, and I'm kinda torn on that. I really suck at platformers/metroidvania like, so it pretty much stopped me in my tracks.

The Stick of truth is awesome. I love the tv show, I love (old) Obsidian Games, and the mix of these was really impressive. I had so much fun with Chef's storyline !

Regarding Chantelise and Recettear, I've got them both but did not play Chantelise yet. Recettear, though, is clearly one of my favoirte games ever. Given your taste in games I'm pretty sure you would find Final Profit rpg to your liking. I can say it was to mine!

First time I hear about 99 spirits, but you sold it well. Wishlisted!

I recently purchased the Bard's tale, so it's another one on my (now very long list)

Thank you for all your suggestions, there were some pretty unique things !

1 month ago

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CrossCode has a (veery old version) web-based demo if you wanna try it out (and don't wanna bother with the Steam Demo). It only covers something like half the tutorial and doesn't show off most of what the game has to offer but it's still a nice little experience. ^_^

Something to note about Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force- it's not a sequel or anything. It's an enhanced re-release of the original. So the main story and gameplay should be similar (I haven't played the original to say for sure), though it does also add two extra story routes.
Since you aren't against JRPGs, Mugen Souls is pretty descent too (it kinda tries to be like a homage to Disgaea, but with Neptunia-like gameplay; suuuper grindy if you wanna 100% it though >.< ). Some of the Neptunia spinoffs are pretty good too, specifically Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online and Super Neptunia RPG though I would still recommend playing the main games first. The spinoffs are usually a bit too experimental. ^_^'

Indivisible isn't a precision platformer or anything. The platforming is mostly just "use traversal ability to get through obstacle which is made for that traversal ability". So, pretty basic. Towards the end it does have some places where you juggle those a little bit (like having three different obstacles in a row so you do three different things to get past them) but, well, not like Super Meatboy stuff where you're trying to squeeze between instant-death spike pits and buzzsaws or anything like that. XD

If you liked Recettear, odds are you'd like Chantelise too. It's localized by the same company, so it uses the same style of humor. :D

At least on Steam, I'm pretty sure you don't have that Bard's Tale game. The others are probably good too, but I can't say anything about them. ^_^'

Anyhow, glad I could help.

1 month ago*

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I bow down to your knowledge. All your suggestions are duly noted , and you're right the Bard's Tale you were referring to was not the one I have, so one more to add to my list....again :p

Thank you very much!

1 month ago

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I was gonna recommend Final Profit to you if no one else had, but I see you're also someone with good taste. That game was hilarious and stupid and bizarre and amazing.

Chthulu Saves the World was also fantastic, and I have yet to play the sequel.

1 month ago

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If you're fond of medieval settings maybe you haven’t yet seen Masquerada: Songs and Shadows.
It's a turn-based tactical isometric RPG with charming animated graphics. The world of game looks like a magical Venetian Renaissance with deep lore and well-written story and characters.

1 month ago*

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I've played it indeed, it was an interesting take on what I usually play, so it was a good game :)

1 month ago

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I looked through the comments and no one seemed to suggest it: The Age of Decadence
Maybe you'll like it
upd: Oh, you've already played it, I'm sorry, I just saw it

1 month ago*

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Don't be sorry, that's a good advice !

The same team recently released Colony ship which was very well received too (and i've yet to play it : )

1 month ago

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TES V:Skyrim,Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout Franchise.

1 month ago

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By Fallout Franchise, I'm sure you mean 1 and 2 right? (okay , i'll admit New vegas ! )

I played them all :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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If you are willing to try non conventional rpgs, i thing Gnosia is a good, one, it's gameplay is the mafia/werewolf game but you level up, upgrade your stats and learn skills as you go on

1 month ago

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I LOVED Gnosia.

It's mostly a solo Among us or 'Loup Garou" as you said. I will complete this one at 100% one of these days!

1 month ago

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When in doubt, I turn to the classics, Gothic 1 and 2.
When I have some time free, Witcher 3 never disappointed.

As for the future, the only one I would look for is Kingdom Come: Deliverance II... cautiously optimistic because the first one was great (with its huge performance problems in towns and all)

1 month ago*

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Gothic serie never disappoint, nor Witcher 3 indeed :)

And I'l with you with Kingdom Come, awesome game!

1 month ago

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You have an awesome one you haven't played yet, NieR: Automata. This is one of the best games I've played. I posted a review for it here if your interested in reading it.

Chrono Trigger is one of the best of all time. You put a couple hours into so far. Are you not feeling it?

Summoner is an old school one that I really enjoyed, you don't own it yet. I got it on console when it first came out many years ago. It's on sale for $1.24 right now on Steam.

Square Enix has a ridiculous amount of great RPGs on Steam.

1 month ago*

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That damn sale, I already bought 2 JRPGs in the past two weeks! And yet Octopath Traveler 2 is luring me like a siren ...

1 month ago

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That looks so good. Have you played part 1? If so, what did you think of it?

Are you a fan of Turn based Tactics games? Tactics Ogre is one of the best ever and of course FFT. I'm still waiting for Square Enix to do the public announcement for FFT on Steam.

1 month ago

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I played it on the Switch. Tbh I wasn't a huge fan and didn't finish it. I didn't feel a real connection between all the characters and their individual stories. I did like the style though.

As OT2 is supposed to be way better in pretty much everything, I'd still want to play it sooner or later. Star Ocean: The Second Story R is similarly tempting.

I did like the kind of Tactics Ogre in the SNES era but these days I prefer other games when I'm in the mood for strategy.

1 month ago

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I have this problem when I enter games sometimes: I play a bit, a few hours in general, and I don't feel so like it afterwards. It's not directly related to the quality of the game, it's just that I have the utmost difficulty to enter in a new world sometimes (I also have this issue on shows and books)

This is what happened with Chrono Trigger.

Regarding NieR, I'm a bit afraid the game (being very rich, and also very different from what I usually play) may necessit a big effort to enter in.

Ultimately I still consider beginning/continuing both of them as I don't like sitting on treasures. So I will do it one day.This was also one reason behind my post here. Other people have a different view than mine, and sometimes I need just that to discover somethng else, or see better something I already have!

Summoner looks old but nice ( reminds me of myself) . I'll add it to my list :)

And Square had indeed a lot of things to discover, Probably a bit too much for me at this time. But should i miss ideas for the future, I know where to start!

Thank you very much for the advice.

1 month ago

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I actually understand what you mean with your first paragraph, I do that also with games, movies, shows and books.

With regards to NieR, you'll definitely want to dedicate a lot time and effort into it, so it's best to play that when you can do those things.

Hopefully you've find a great RPG you'll enjoy :)

1 month ago

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Kingdom Come deliverance

1 month ago

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This one was mentionned a couple of times indeed ;)

1 month ago

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Poll missing JRPG option!!!

1 month ago

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Yeah. I don't even know what a Crpg is :p

1 month ago

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Technically it stands for computer rpg, it usually refers to classic rpgs (Baldur’s Gate, Planescape, Fallout, Arcanum etc)

1 month ago

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Ok ty.

1 month ago

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True. My apologies about that !

I threw the ones i thought about while creating the post, and I clearly forgot some!

1 month ago*

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Possibly MMORPG as well?

1 month ago

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MMORPG are RPGs, so yes, I should also have listed that , I promise that if i'm doing a poll on RPgs again I'll be more atentive!

1 month ago

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Ty. Np btw it was still an interesting post.

1 month ago

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Might be childhood nostalgia but I really liked Dungeon siege.
2 was okeish 3 was horrible from what I remember something with the camera or skill targeting dont remember but it was infuriating that is what I clearly remember :)
Played it multiple times with friends

Played Titan quest also multiple times

1 month ago

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That brings memories for sure!

I was a huge fan of Dungeon siege 1 and 2 (andI agree with you, the 3 was not acceptable)

Titan quest was nice, and this is still a thing today, which I find awesome!

1 month ago

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TQ2 is comming, not sure what to think about it. A lot of nr2's from classics where bad.
Stronghold crusader 2, supreme commander 2.

1 month ago

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Caves of Lore is a nice little CRPG made by a solo indie dev who is pretty active in his Discord and always looking to improve his game. Currently, it doesn't have all the story parts, but it feels solid atm.

There are also a ton more I could recommend that are lesser known, if you would like :)

1 month ago*

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Another one in my wishlist, it looks NICE!

And sure, feel free to drop all your list of lesser known, I'm all for lesser known !

1 month ago

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Wow! That's a huge list ;)

I've seen some games I already have, others that I want, and some i did not hear about at all !

Time do to some research, thanks for this :)

1 month ago

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Of course! Good luck! I'm interested to see what you've decided to add to your wishlist :)

1 month ago

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Okay so let me say this straight: I love you!

And let me also say this straight : I hate you! What have you done!! :D

There were a few games I already owned or was not interested in (and let me tell you they were very few)

But now you made me wishlist 31 FREAKING GAMES! I hope you're ashamed 🤣

So this is what I added:
The Adventures of Tree
Bastard Bonds
BattleJuice Alchemist
Catch & Cook: Fishing Adventure
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor
Dodgeball Academia
Fates of Ort
Hand of Doom
One More Dungeon 2
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Seals of the Bygone
Serin Fate
Sprout Valley
Swords 'n Magic and Stuff
Tender: Creature Comforts
The Last Craftsman
Arcane Vale
Dance of Cards
Meg's Monster
Fishing Paradiso
Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands
Realms of Magic

So the good news is that I'm pretty sure I won't ask questions about future RPGs to play in the future .
The bad news is that I'm not totally sure to have enough time to play all of these. I really need an early retirement :D

Thank you VERY much!

1 month ago

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Well, I'm glad to be loved and hated for that reason ;)

I'm partially glad that I decided to just stick with more standard RPGs, but hopefully, you'll have the time to play a few of these at least! A little at a time goes a long way :)

1 month ago

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