12000 games on steam. The only fun remaining title left, next it's just games collector.


1 month ago*

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Steaming pileā€¦

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Bump turmp tututututump

1 month ago

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View attached image.
1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I slowed down my pace lately.

1 month ago

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When tremorgames was still around i got 1000-2000 games a year, and yeah then you still had lots of good bundles and steam took of a big count turning the cheap games into learning, so yeah lately it also went a lot slower.

1 month ago

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rip tremor, it was fun while it lasted

1 month ago

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Good ol tremorgames. Remember that was my main source of bundled games.

1 month ago

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Games 12,001

Nah, you've ruined it, now you have to get 15k...

1 month ago

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I thought i counted it out to exactly 12000 when i bought some extra games.

That will take another 15 years i think.

1 month ago

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I believe in you, you've got this.

1 month ago

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Congrats on the milestone!

1 month ago

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Thank you.

1 month ago

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Well gosh darn, congratulations man

1 month ago

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Thank you.

1 month ago

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Wowsers what a milestone, congrats on the achievement!

1 month ago

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Thank you.

1 month ago

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Wait WHAT? Wow! I never checked your profile directly, i knew there were people with those titles but i had no idea you were one of them. Thats impressive- now i feel small with my 4k lol

1 month ago

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Quality is better than quantity :)

1 month ago

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But how to know quality trully? There were games i watched all reviews i could, was sure i would like them and didnt click for me; Others i dismissed, also saw reviews, and later gave a chance and had a blast. Thats why i like demos, things like gamepass can also be good... but most games dont have demos, most games arent on gamepass...

Almost every steam sale(when i have money) i do a few refunds on purpose, kinda of doing short demos via refund (and i lost count of the ones i tought were sure buys but refunded and vice-versa).
Then there were a bunch of bundles or sales i tought myself 'come on, you have a huge backlog and you werent thinking on playing that YET' - and turned out it was the last sale those games were doing, or prices bumped, or games got removed, list goes on.

Yeah fomo gets to me. But even indulging in it i still missed out some. For example i missed shovel knight before price bump, just to name one... now regional prices changed (and economy got harder on my country) and another game i almost bought but tought i could wait is now more then double in cost(on sale) - all that while the online population decreased. I hate things like that

But yeah on that pursuit and falling for fomo my library is also full of bundled games i disliked...

1 month ago

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I too, get sucked in with some of the reviews. I watch game play and think - ooh, that looks nice, then wishlist it. But lately I try to be tough on myself - am a very average gamer and struggle with certain mechanics. Despite the game looking nice I have to question whether I really can finish such a game. I now try to avoid games with such words as metroidvania, roguelike (perma death is something I hate), even platformers (although some puzzle platformers are okay, less speed and more thinking - that I can do :)
I have a weakness for hogs, rpg maker games (some are truly awful, I do try to avoid those), puzzles and open world rpgs. My wishlist is huge. More a sort of "ooh, that looks interesting, I will investigate that at some other time" list.

And I get sucked into the sales too.
Sort of like tiptoeing through a marsh - that nice game is just over there, but if I go for it ... then I might lose my way back to these two nice games just over the other way. For me personally I have to battle over what I want (everything! is that so bad, really?) and what I need, which honestly, is not more games. I have enough.

The activity feed is another concern for me (checking what others are buying leads to more on my wishlist - so fomo I guess).

Steam knows how to exploit my weaknesses (damn their marketers). But as you mentioned - cost of living is biting. I no longer buy so many bundles, some are really expensive now. I find I am reading more, trying to get out and walk more (currently winter so I cheat some when it is wet). And it is wet today, and I am on the computer, looking at games I might win :(

1 month ago

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Much the same, altought i have a weakness for finding 'hidden jewels'- mostly because a lot of famous titles use tried formulas and i like something different. I also 'convince myself' (kind of cheating) on playing varied titles because they inspire me for another one of my hobbies - gming tabletop rpg. Plot lines, some cool item concept or boss design, dont even have to meet the genre of a game im running, i lost count of how much ideas from all kinds of games (and genres) inspired me in some way

But so do movies and books, and heck even watching gameplay would do the same so... its half cheating myself, helps justify a bit more lol

1 month ago

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Thanks, on steamladder.com i am 4th with most games in my country, although if i would add all the free ones i think i can reach 3th.

Well yeah i have a lot of $1 bad games, but steam already took most of those out as learning and thus not counting anymore, i lost a big count there, but i got plenty of quality stuff as Delisper would call it, Factorio, Fallout 4, all the Final Fantasy games, Skyrim etc.

Don't feel too bad with 4k though, because 800 installed games and the "pressure" of feeling the need to play this or that game and then you get another pile through a bundle, friend or this site, it's not always something to be envied about. :p

1 month ago

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1290 installed here, +301 non-steam- but those includes a bunch of demos too, every next fest i install 10-20 demos at least, few times more, and i rarely clear then all before the next next fest lol

I dont feel much pressure from others, theres 3 installed that i play with some friends every other blue moon- the pressure is all my own, to get to my backlog, check x or y i havent, finish one of the way too many i started but paused...

That said i also use installation as part of my process for queing, sorting, selecting etc. I remenber one title id like to go soon i install. I got a bunch of storage that slowly fills with other stuff but because of my backlog and the fact that i hate waiting (like downloading 50+gb when i fnally want to play) i just decided to put almost all storage to use... also doesnt help im weird with my impulses, few games i enjoy playing in full across days- i like switching genres and styles... some shooting now, later that day strategy, etc, whatever i feel the impulse for

Truth be told part of me wish games were like netflix- not only like gamepass(with bigger libraries) but 1 click away on a whim. But i also like 'owning' what i like (as close to owning we can with digital products), no fear of it being removed next month or having to stop or lag because of internet (the case with game streaming)

All that to say i know that pain lol.

1 month ago

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Yeah the genre mood, i got that too, you don't always want to stress yourself to the limit when you trying a precision platformer (it also affects my stomach too much stress) then sometimes you just want something relaxing where i tend to go to point and click adventures or puzzle games.

I am not sure, i hope valve will still remain some decades to come, i think i outlive it, and if they were to close they would find a solution for us to keep our games (although with large amounts it's still a pain) i remember downloading 1000 games on desura i had before it went down.

Well noone is forcing me either, so no pressure either, i mean if you buy yourself a bundle or a friend gifts you they won't force you, although if you do win a game here, you kinda feel bad sometimes that you don't play it immediately (and some also expect you too) but there is nothing wrong when you say oh i will get to it when time comes.

In the end, we should just enjoy what we have, the game we have at our pace, there is no contest over it.

1 month ago

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Completely agree.
Im also betting on valve outliving me.

My hope for the future- some ideal future scenario- would be something like peer-2-peer/torrent/decentralized web associated with ownership. Theres a bunch of conceptual future of web decentralized (from people who care, not the scammy crypto bros) and things like blockchain, in their concept and where they came from could do that well (think blockchain without any mining for profit- only people holding the 'ledgers' or data for altruism or self interest that isnt profit).
For example the very oldschool torrenting already laid the groundwork- people would be 'holding the ledgers' much like the data, if you install youd be helping mantain it... companies could also be holding ledgers/data, difference being if a company closed it could still be preserved etc

And all that doesnt needed to be contrary to DRM, not a free for all. Heck it could even be monetized further- say a title stops being sold so no new keys for ownership, from that moment only way to get on the ledger (to own it legally) would be to get-buy a key from some previous owner...

1 month ago

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Congratulations on your milestone. Still, there are still some decent games out there (like pokemon, gotta collect them all :)

1 month ago

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Thanks, alas it never stops But. the real must haves became small though, the only stuff i really would want are the new (retro) point and click adventures coming out i keep track of in the thread i make.

1 month ago

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I visit that thread every so often. I do like point and clicks :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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13295, you still have a way to go to catch up!

1 month ago

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Give me a winning lottery jackpot ticket and a steam sale and i'll be there soon!

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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And only 1 perfect game?? Now that's impressive :)

1 month ago

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And it was a game with only 1 achievement!

1 month ago

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Is there one that was an unexpected or little known one you'd recommend? Shared/split screen co-op would be particularly handy.

1 month ago

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I don't have people to co-op with so it's why i am not really paying attention to it, and i have the memory/attention span of a goldfish (okay that's a misconception about goldfish) when i had 2000-4000 i knew exactly what i had, knew my games, but now it kinda fades away.
Due personal issues i also didn't play many games for the last months and from january till march it was non stop Kingdom Hearts, now i am playing Isles of Sea and Sky and started Tachyon Dreams Anthology.

And 2 months ago i played Adventure of Rikka - Cursed Kingdom, constantly with a very friendly dev guiding me along the way, i thought it would be some sort of Zelda like game, but it also has puzzles, smart puzzles (dev claimed to be a mensa member) so i dunno if it was him making them too smart, or me.

1 month ago*

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Oh man, Kingdom Hearts is a deep well to fall down. I have finished 1 and 2, and a good chunk of ...I think it was the GBA game. And part of a DS game I think. I replayed 1 so my kid would understand better, and am part way thru 2 again, but then we got off on other games. Currently playing Arcade Paradise and Dave the Diver, and getting some more mellow management (with sometimes nasty battles) some time in.

I'll have to check out Rikka after we finish Tunic! Isles of Sea looks intriguing as well, though I haven't been good at finishing puzzle games lately, and am still working on Fez and Baba.
(Totally understand hobbies dropping by the wayside because reasons. So many reasons.)

1 month ago

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Yeah i got Kingdom hearts on epic during the last xmas sale not thinking it would come to steam any time soon, which made me learn really not to just buy anything on epic anymore (maybe ff16, maybe).
1, 2, 3 and birth by sleep i did, all took 60-100 hours each on critical mode plus all the extra's.
But epic has nothing really to show off/for and a friend gifted me them also on steam, while i just played them, i kinda feel like just replaying them again just to show the achievements, epic had achievements finishing them on level 1 and such, those are just too nasty and mean, i don't believe luckily steam has those.
I played all the normal games in the past and now, and the card game on gba, i never played the other ones, maybe partially 365 1/2 or whatever it was called but that game felt a bit weird.

Isles of the Sea is really one of those games that you shouldn't put 2 hours in it straight at times, and just let it rest and come back the day after because often you are like what now? And you are not seeing it unless you look at it with a fresh mind again, also another minor tidbit about the game you need power ups for later maps and it's not always clear.

I tried Fez twice but never could get into it, it looks cute but the puzzling, the walking around didn't felt appealing.
Baba i also have to get back too, but i believe i remember it was quite difficult.
Reminds me that Owlboy is also a game to be really recommended.

Yeah and especially when mind and body are controlling you and your part of your daily life rather then you being in control, it kinda sucks, but it's life, but i bought some fitness thing to train the issue and it seems to be working but i learned not to cheer too early anymore, that only saves disappointments.

1 month ago

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I get that. Enjoy the small victories, but expect some ups and downs.
Baba seemed to go smoother with three of us staring at it, chiming in whatever popped into our head at the time. Not an easy setup. "Hey everyone, let's stare at puzzle games!" :D

1 month ago

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Oh you play with other people that's always cool, especially with yours kids they will have a nice memory. :)

I remember playing this with my dad, if you are american this might feel like a kids game, but if english is not your native language some puzzles were actually challenging, i even was puzzling in classes at school sometime :p
The Les Manley games came out on steam and GOG, i always hoped this would come too.


1 month ago

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I could see that being tricky! They're not using the most common of words. I hadn't seen that before. Kinda reminds me a bit of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego.

1 month ago

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That's an impressive collection!
Now you only need to take a quarter century off to play through them :P

1 month ago

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I have that time, i hope :p

1 month ago

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Congratz Lugum :)

1 month ago

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Thanks. :)

1 month ago

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Why you blacklisted me, Lugum?

1 month ago

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I don't know, i don't keep records but trust me i don't blacklist easily.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and remove you.

1 month ago

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Thanks, I guess..

1 month ago

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Congrats on the amazing achievement. Just image is 1990 and you have so many CD's.:)

1 month ago

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Thank you.

Yeah not 12000, but i did have many cd's (also did many snail mail cd swaps), actually i still have a couple of hundreds i need to sort through them one by one, but i save that for a rainy day (or the next).
Some would be happy with a room full of game cartridges and boxes, i wouldn't, i am glad with digital. :)

1 month ago

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Yes, digital is just easy to manage because you don't need space.

1 month ago

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Well lots of external harddrives, i still find it a mystery how the technology halted and we don't have petabyte drives yet, just 1 or 2 of those to have everything.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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That is an impressive accomplishment! Now to play them :D
I like collecting games, too. However, I feel bad buying new games while having a huge pile of unplayed games.
But maybe the "meta-game" of collecting is enough for you :)
Cheers, keep on going!

1 month ago

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No, it isn't just about collecting, and i do also feel bad about getting new games and i do have my deepest intentions on playing them (all) and i do have 800 games installed, thinking i will play them and then you get another pile, the amount of games you get always goes quicker then the ones you can finish. :p

Thank you.

1 month ago

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Well, when my technical setup will allow it (faster internet necessary, maybe an extra computer), I want to start streaming.
If I do a stream of a different game each day I have a streaming schedule for 3 to 5 years, depending on leaving out some stuff...
What about you, could that be a way to deal with your stockpile?
I mean, nobody need to finish all games. Abandonement is a legit tool ;-)

1 month ago

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Streaming games? I thought about it, but kids and the bigger audience i feel want the AAA games and that field is already taken, or you can go for smaller / indie games and then you be lucky to get 10 viewers, i am also afraid it will take the pleasure out of playing games.
I also have the cheapest, slowest internet there is, everything with tv is already expensive as it is, and for some reason they feel they can increase the price each year.

And when you stream, whenever you want to take a bathroom break, or the doorbell goes, your phone, or you want a snack, you are more freely to do so, i am always afk a lot.
And i need to get some physical (and mental) stuff sorted, one physical thing that is even from november which somewhat controlling my life instead of the other way around, if all that can go better then hopefully i am also more better in my skin, and feel more like playing again, but as mentioned elsewhere i am also a mood player, unless it's a really fun game, often i don't play 1 game immediately from start to end, but maybe one moment this game and the other moment that game.

And yes, there also been some moments i felt like playing games, is that all there is to life? I used to be okay with that, but i need some more variety in my life, i just don't know what yet.
I was also going to learn BASIC with my dad when we both a got a C64 maxi, we bought a lot of second hand books, but sadly he passed away and one of those things i don't get around to it, same as the many consoles i have (and yes those 12000 games kinda is the cause).

1 month ago

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Streaming, well, you never know what kind of audience you attract. Personality counts. Make it fun to watch.
I understand that this is kind of a commitment. But it could be fun for an hour or two.

I will let you know once I start streaming ;-) ... once my internet connection is improved :)

1 month ago

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Maybe i don't have personality? :p

Do let me know, and good luck. :) And can't you already start on youtube? Then you can just upload at your own leisure. ;)

1 month ago

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hahaha :D
I can't tell, the audience will give you the answer ;-)

Hm. I've never thought about creating videos offline. Have to think about that.
Thank you for this. See you around in some blue heart GA ;-) Cheers mate!

1 month ago

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Thank you.

If you meant you added me (or already did) thanks too, although one has to create such giveaways for them to join. :p I whitelisted you back.

1 month ago

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Cheers mate, from time to time little wonders happen :D

1 month ago

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You misspelled acquisition in the title :P

1 month ago

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Fixed, thanks.

In my profile it says it in dutch, so i had to translate it out of my head.

1 month ago

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onely about 7000 games left for me

1 month ago

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You can do it.

1 month ago

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Yes i will do it. Though not counting game count i am at over 20k games!

1 month ago

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Congrats :)

1 month ago

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Thank you.

1 month ago

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bump, congratulations man!

1 month ago

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Thank you.

1 month ago

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Congrats on your milestone!

1 month ago

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Thank you.

1 month ago

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Congrats. Hopefully I'll get there soon as well.

1 month ago

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Thank you and hope so too for you.

1 month ago

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