I don't think I've ever had a casual interest in gaming. I fell in love with it from a very young age, even before I got my first system (Zx Spectrum 128K).
The first games I remeber playing and loving were Tetris, Arkanoid and Chuckie Egg, more than 30 years ago :)
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Hmm... I suppose it had to be the original Spyro game. I remember getting more invested in getting As in school at the time, and wanted to 100% the game. Then you get to the extra bonus level and it was...amazing. The reward for getting so far was worth it, and I went on to try doing the same to other games.
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Ever since i was a little little kid and was given a Sega Megadrive to play with and games such as Jurrasic Park, Jurrasic Park Rampage Edition, Lost World: Jurrasic Park, Streets of Rage 1 and 2 and 3, Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronologies, Dune: The Battle For Arrakis (which got me into RTSes), Quackshot Duck: Starring Donald Duck, Bonkers, Battletoads, Zero Tolerance, Ghostbusters, The Adventures of Batman and Robin, The Flinstones, Flashback: The Quest for Memories, TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist, Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog and 2 and 3 and Sonic & Knuckles and Spinball. bit of Ecco the Dolphin, Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, Urban Strike, Road Rash 2 and 3 and more. Thank you Uncle Ivars.
Later on pc i played GTA III and Vice City, Evil Dead: Hail to the King, State of War, Command and Conquer Tiberium Dawn and Red Alert, Krush Kill N Destroy, Starcraft, Need for Speed 1 and 2 and Hot Pursuit 2 and Hot Pursuit 3, Arcanum, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Delta Force Land Warrior, and much more. Also got exposed to games while was a older than a toddler but not that old to games like Age of Empires 2 and Commandos, i was tasked on the later to keep pistoling a corpse, just incase while the player takes a wee wee break. I got addicted to the games and today after 3+ years of being unable to feed that addiction or properly to, ive burned out and games...to me, arent the same anymore and the games ive stuck to playing reguarly...it just sucks, it doesnt feel good, it doesnt feel like the old days. But i still love games ofcourse.
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Galaga on arcade cabinets, no less.
And then we got an MSX system at home, which had plenty of different games on offer. Things I still fondly remember from that system are:
Over the years since then, I've been spending more or less times on various games, and my taste in games has shifted around on a regular basis. But I just never really stopped for an extended period of time.
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i'd say bruce lee or pool of radiance on the c=64 and some shootem ups and beatem ups in the arcades
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The first "proper" game I beat was Super Mario 64 when I was 4, would play it with my dad's help. I immediately fell in love and continued to play with him as I grew up, and later my brothers. I replayed it over the years and was able to do more and more by myself.
I played the N64 and I soon got a Game boy which I adored. I remember opening it up for Christmas and crying I was so happy. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 was one of my all-time favourites, I'd always go back to it. Esp loved the Mario/Wario games and Pokémon!
Some games that really stand out from my childhood once I'd been playing for a few years are:
Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Kart/Party, Turok, Bomberman 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Yoshi's Story, Pikmin, Super Mario Sunshine, Sonic Adventure 2. Was never super casual, I played a lot of variety, but these made me fall in love so I continued to come back to gaming.
My babysitter also had a SNES, so I spent hours playing it every day. I played loads of Mortal Kombat and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Donkey Kong Country was one of my absolute favourites, I'd play it over and over again and learn all the secrets.
Basically I got competitive early on since I was teased for liking video games and the guys who played were 2-3 years older than me. So I became good enough that I was able to play with them(/beat them :D). I also wanted to keep up with my dad, who I played with often. I have so many good memories playing video games as a kid, loved how fun and interactive it was and spent a lot of time with my family. :)
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Pokémon Gold
Barbie Explorer
Need for Speed: Underground
Animal Crossing: Wild World
The Sims 3
Sleeping Dogs
Going from console to console to PC to eventually Steam itself. I always spent a lot of time on gaming, but before Steam I had like 10-20 games that I'd played throughout my life, so I guess it was really Steam that allowed me to get a non-casual interest in gaming. ^_^
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88 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by VinD3
What would you say is the first game(s) that got you from having a casual interest in games to someone really into gaming?
I would say I have two phases in this:
1) Super Mario Bros 2 on the Game Boy Advanced was the first time I really found myself getting into a game that made me want to play the rest of the series. It was a really solid game and I even 100% it because it was so fun. I also ended up getting the Game Boy Advanced versions of Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World because of it. And when I bought the Nintendo Wii I got Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl because they also had Mario and I knew I would have a good time.
2) Super Smash Bros. Brawl is probably the game that ultimately got me into gaming in the sense that from then on I would look into the history and current happenings of the game industry. This is the result of the fact that SSBB takes characters from multiple Nintendo franchises and puts them all into one game. I was familiar with Mario and all Mario related characters, but pretty much everyone else was new to me (well, I was also aware of Pokemon, but only in terms of the trading cards). This got me into looking into the other characters and wanting to play the games they were in. The first character I ended up looking into was Link, and so I ended up playing The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. This was something new for me and I really loved it and now the Zelda series is one of my favourites. Another character I got introduced to was Ness from EarthBound, which is now one of my favourite games.
This in general got me into emulation and so it gave me a reason to look into the past of gaming looking for as many good games as I can that I might have missed out on. And nowadays I'm also always looking forward to new games as well, especially games that give new experiences which is most prevalent in the indie scene.
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