As some of you may know, I was running a few experiments in my recent giveaways to detect bots / people who don't read giveaway descriptions. Here are the results:

Whitelist Giveaway: Grand Theft Auto Collection
Entries: 21
Valid Entries: 21
Blacklists: 0

Whitelist Giveaway: Max Payne Bundle
Entries: 25
Valid Entries: 25
Blacklists: 0

Whitelist Giveaway: Schein
Entries: 19
Valid Entries: 19
Blacklists: 0

Public Giveaway: Schein
Entries: 236
Valid Entries: 20
Blacklists: 216

South America Giveaway: Valkyria Chronicles
Entries: 540
Valid Entries: 104
Blacklists: 436

South America Giveaway: The Cave
Entries: 394
Valid Entries: 54
Blacklists: 340

Private Giveaway: Hatoful Boyfriend
Entries: 186
Valid Entries: 159
Blacklists: 27

Private Giveaway: Asphyxia
Entries: 168
Valid Entries: 142
Blacklists: 26

Private Giveaway: Loren: The Amazon Princess
Entries: 151
Valid Entries: 131
Blacklists: 20

Total Unique Entries: 1183
Total Unique Valid Entries: 363
Total Unique Blacklists: 820

If you were blacklisted and you wish to be removed, leave a comment here including something orange. It can be anything, but it has to be orange because orange is the new black. :P Show me that you read and pay attention.

The experiments will now continue to some private giveaways and the results will be posted in this thread after the giveaways have ended. I hope I won't have to reach the blacklist limit. It's 1k, right? Anyway, begin your ride here. Whoever enters a giveaway and doesn't leave a comment in that specific giveaway with the specific keyword will be blacklisted.

Edit: Updated the thread with the results of the private giveaways.

8 years ago*

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This giveaway is restricted to the following region: South America (Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela). Notice that in your experiment.

8 years ago

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Yes, the giveaways were region restricted.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Didn't entered any, but I would have been blacklisted I guess. :/

I acquired the habit of not reading public GAs descriptions, as 95% are "here is my ga", "i will send key/gift for email" or "don't leave thank you comment". From the start, all I've seen here was discouragement to comment anything on GAs from 90% part of the public ones, therefore also from reading it.

It takes not much time, I agree, but we are all humans, and as humans, we all tend to automatize our actions somehow, so when you never find anything useful and the most you see is discouragement its natural you stop looking for it when you're repeating that action multiple times per day.

I do care for everyone's effort of creating GAs. But I don't think that read all descriptions is the only way to show that I care.

Of course I read it when they are on foruns, whitelists, part of trains, groups, etc. Even some of those I might miss for some reason, but I try my best to read all of them.

8 years ago*

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there you go :)

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hello, I swear I don't dream of electric sheep, so I'm no bot. Please remove me :)

Here is a picture from a game about carrots (from the new groupees greenlight bundle):

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh waow! I lau oranges!

8 years ago

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Those numbers are depressing. The valid entries made up less than a fifth... :/

8 years ago

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I do not know why I'm in the black list, but this is a chance to fly out of it.
Thanks for that.

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8 years ago

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You're not in the blacklist.

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, I'm confused.

8 years ago

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If this is a new trend I guess that I'll be easily blacklisted as I usually don't read descriptions lol :D

8 years ago

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I really love seeing the data from this series of experiments. Unfortunately, though, we don't share a whitelist (though I'm sure there's some overlap), so that data isn't too useful to me (and since I'm not on your whitelist, I can't even compare the people who entered the giveaways to my own whitelist [not asking, just observing]).

Since the public giveaways were all level 0, I wonder how much the numbers might change as you increased the level of the giveaways. I'm also curious how some members of different Steam groups might respond to the experiment.

I'm willing to make some giveaways to help you expand your data sets, but I would want the setup to be consistent. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in someone else creating giveaways to help expand the scope of your experiment. Because data is beautiful.

8 years ago

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You actually are on my whitelist. I cleaned it this week, so I forgot to add some people back. For my whitelist giveaways, only an average of 2 people per giveaway didn't comment, and some of those read this thread and participated by posting something orange. Originally I created green passes for those who didn't comment (only removed them from my whitelist, but didn't blacklist them), but then I decided to keep them all in my whitelist.

8 years ago

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You actually are on my whitelist. I cleaned it this week, so I forgot to add some people back.

Oh, well, that's good to know. I'd return the favor, but you've got a spot there already, so until they make a "whiter" list, you'll just have to accept my gratitude.

I'll probably take a look at the whitelist entries when I have time to compare them to my own whitelist later, but I'm 100% serious about being willing to throw down some more giveaways at various entry levels to continue this experiment, if you would like the extra data. Just let me know.

8 years ago

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If you want to do that, it would be interesting to compare the ratios of each level.

8 years ago

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I did do something similar to your experiments here in my last set of whitelist giveaways that ended a bit over a week ago (all were set to run for one week, and started about two weeks ago). I set up 15 WL giveaways (I actually set up 16 WL giveaways, but only remembered to include the following message in 15 of them, so I only compiled the data from those 15), and started each of them with the following message:

It's come time for me to clean out my whitelist. I've whitelisted a lot of really awesome people, but I've also whitelisted some people early in my giving career that I don't really recognize around SteamGifts anymore. So if you enter this giveaway, please leave a comment that isn't just a generic message. Funny joke, interesting factoid, or something personal about you and your life. It's up to you, but please show me that you are paying attention. Thanks, and good luck!

Making a chart to determine who should be purged from my whitelist was looking a bit daunting, but I was inspired after reading this thread last night and decided to stop procrastinating and just get it done this morning. After eliminating duplicates, the 15 giveaways for which I have good data had 193 unique entrants, and 138 unique commenters. After running some quick [=IF(ISERROR(MATCH())] arguments on the spreadsheet, I found that 64 people on my whitelist entered a giveaway without providing any comment at all, which is about one-third of the total entrants.

And in case you are wondering why the math doesn't seem to work out (138+64=202, not 193), I discovered that there were nine additional kind souls who provided unique comments (typically thanking me for whitelisting them), but did not enter a single giveaway.

Not a significant contribution to your data set, of course, but I thought that you might also the information I compiled to be interesting.

8 years ago

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am i included in your blacklist?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm not either WL or Bl and... BUMP!


8 years ago

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Seems like I've lost to your experiment :P
Here's some orange.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Interesting results, here's hoping I did it right!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Not a part to be a positive experiment subject, but bumping this thread as requested.
Thank you.

I also appreciate your statistics. Would be great if you post all your results in a single thread at the end.

8 years ago

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This thread will be updated with the results of the current giveaways once they're over.

8 years ago

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Had no idea the blacklist had a limit, shame I have no clue how many I got on mine but I hope not to become part of yours so making a orange bump either way :)

8 years ago

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you can check your blacklist here ;)

8 years ago

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Nice, Thanks, feel kinda silly :P after having done so many giveaways, I never checked that :P

8 years ago*

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Orange is the new black is a great show. Loved Weeds too ^^

8 years ago

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i do like the series, good it comes out the entire season at once :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thx :)

8 years ago

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Lovely giveaways! Bump.

8 years ago

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As a GA creator there is nothing more fun than to make the entrant dance to my tune for the price of admission. If they do not do as I say I will use the mighty power of the blacklist to punish them for not doing my bidding! Oh the power, the glory of taking something that should be fun and turning into a narcissistic ego feeding exercise!

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8 years ago*

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Not sure if sarcastic or not.

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8 years ago

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In one GA I demanded the entrants crawl in mud while making pig sounds and wearing a sign thanking me for the GA. All entrants had to take a video and paste the link in the comment to verify they complied with my very reasonable request. Those who failed to meet my demands were blacklisted so hard their unborn descendants got blacklisted also! Oh those videos were so much fun. Crawl little piggy, crawl for your game, CRAWL!

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8 years ago*

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Bump bumpy bump

8 years ago

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Updated the thread with the results of the private giveaways. Applying for a blacklist removal is still available until October 25, 12:00 BRT.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by rafaelgomesxyz.