Hi SG,

I want to remind everyone that using scripts to automatically join giveaways is against the rules. To help clarify, I updated the site guidelines today:

Scripts should not be used to automatically enter into giveaways. This includes scripts that enter multiple giveaways at once, or scripts that enter giveaways while you are away.

I would like to try reducing the usage of these scripts through two approaches...

  1. The last few weeks I've been logging and reviewing data. On average, a user with scripts enters 4x as many giveaways as a user without scripts. I believe this happens because users currently receive a high number of points, and scripts are able to use those points more efficiently. To fix this issue I want to lower point distribution to a more reasonable amount. This will allow users casually visiting the site a couple of times a day to use all of their points, and therefore reduce the need and advantage of using such scripts.

  2. Secondly, starting October, I am going to start assigning suspensions to users that are using these scripts. I feel they do not benefit the community in any way, and I want to try to ensure SteamGifts stays a fun and social place for everyone to visit. Of course, that only happens when real people are interacting with the site.

If you have any thoughts on the topic, please leave a comment.

7 years ago

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Is there possible to add some rules for those people don't giveaway a long time?

If a member didn't create any giveaway in last 3 months and won 15+ giveaways

System will auto-supend him for a week(with a warning message) , after one week , he has to create least 1 giveaway with good feedback

If he decide to ignore the warning message .
When he won another giveaway , Systeam will auto-suspend him for 2 weeks and reroll the giveaway that he won

like this process ... until he get a good feedback from giveaway

If a member did't create any giveaway in last 12 months and won 10+ giveaway
His total Win:Sent ratio is > 7:1 ex: 700 won : 70 sent

System will auto-reroll any giveaway he won in the future . Until he reduce his Win:Sent ratio to 4:1

Looks painful? Nah ...
People who like to use auto-join 24hrs and didnt want to share anymore
Have to take the consequences now ... They made themselvez into this situations

By the way , when I talk about these with friends
They have a idea , maybe the better one :D

Keep these people alive , and don't take away their right to enter giveaway

Just let system force them to watch a 30sec AD ,before they enter any giveaway

So , They still can enter giveaway
And Steamgifts will get more money to rent a better server :)

7 years ago

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There are Steam groups for this kind of limitations. This site is named "Steamgifts", it's not "Steamgiftsbutyoumustgiveback".

Keep these people alive , and don't take away their right to enter giveaway
Just let system force them to watch a 30sec AD ,before they enter any giveaway

That was a very good idea but I guess it could be easily avoided by using an ad blocker :/

7 years ago

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This site is named "Steamgifts", it's not "Steamgiftsbutyoumustgiveback".

SG is a random trading site, regardless of its name. It awards people who give more the chance to win more, and therefore has little to do with charitable giving. This in turn encourages related attitudes.

7 years ago

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SG is a random trading site, regardless of its name.

Not anymore, since we now have steamgifts and steamtrades.

It awards people who give more the chance to win more, and therefore has little to do with charitable giving. This in turn encourages related attitudes.

That's not true unless the giveaway creator establishes limits: invite only, whitelist, selected steam groups, minimum level,... I can't see how the site awards people who give more the chance to win more (unless you're speaking of levels). I agree that levels encourage people to make giveaways, but it doesn't mean you're forced to do so (if you're comfortable enough with entering level 0 GAs only). You can also give one game and promote to level 1, which gives you a bit more chances of winning.

Even a level system has its disadvantages: you can reach a level you're comfortable with, and just keep entering GAs and occasionally win something. And you can go all the way up to level 10 and stop giving away games since you're not encouraged anymore. It would be interesting to see how many "idle" members we have on each level (members who have not given away games for a long time, but still enter and win GAs themselves).

Anyway, this site works like that. If someone wants to give away a game to anyone, including leechers and members who don't give anything back, it's their options. If not, they can use the levels to be sure that only people who (at some time) contributed will access the giveaway. Or combine levels and invite only restrictions and using the forum, so only active members who check the discussion boards will know about it. Or just go and join a Steam group that makes GA with its own rules.

7 years ago

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The level system is the basis for this. It encourages a certain mindset, in which people are expected to give in order to receive. Sure it's optional, but not in the minds of people. It goes against the grain of a charitable site, because the idea of letting people who give more win more or better games (which is typical of high level giveaways) is that those who have more deserve more. And sure, not all those who give a lot have a lot, but it's typically either that or it's people who use loopholes. So while the system does achieve its goal of encouraging giveaways, it also makes SG into a game, and that game is what I call 'random trading'. You give something, you win something in return, you got your fun, even if you don't honestly need to win those games.

(By using 'leechers' you already brand yourself as a follower of the random trading aspect.)

7 years ago

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But this site is not named "Steamgifts for mass leechers" too ,right? :P

7 years ago

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I think I answered that topic in my previous comment :P

Mass leechers are (and have been for ages) allowed here. It's up to the giveaway creator to decide and limit (or not) what he is giving away.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't like people to contribute more to the site (well, at least contribute something, it's not that difficult or expensive), but that's how it works right now. Enforcing ratios and regular giveaways would defeat the site's purpose, I guess.

7 years ago

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Users are under no obligation to make any giveaway and it's perfectly fine. Not everyone can contribute.

I you don't want to cater to the people who don't give back, just put a level requirement on your giveaways (or use SGTools).

7 years ago

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I know what your mean , make higher level giveaway to see less leechers ...

Maybe my thought is not important

But these two years , more bundle site has been build
and more 0.5usd / 1usd bundles than before

We can't expect every member want to be a Lvl10 member

But zero contribution for a whole year , and keep using auto scripts to won giveaway (100+ 200+ even more...

Is steamgifts.com build to encourage these behaviors? I don't think so ,and you?

7 years ago

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  • Some people can't contribute because they don't have the mean to buy games online. (rely on parents buying games for them)
  • Some people can't justify spending money to send games to complete strangers.
  • Some will not make a giveaway before they at least won something because tey'Re convinced the site is a scam.
  • Some are just here to leech as much as they can't and simply do not want to contribute.

The last group is, of course, the one people are trying to weed out by making giveaways for higher level users. Unfortunately, you can't really punish the leeches without hurting those who genuinely can't contribute.

Of course with cheap bundles, sites like TremorGames where you do tasks and can eventually get Steam keys for it, it's relatively easy for most people to do at least some giveaways. And I do think we have to find ways to discourage those people who contribute nothing and are using auto-join scripts to leech as much as they can. I just don't see punishing those who don't (or can't) contribute as the right approach.

7 years ago

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I agree with you . Punish maybe not the only way to deal with leechers

But I really hope steamgifts can find a way to encourage members not to be the leecher of last group

7 years ago

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Please, dear cg! Make night mode for steamgifts. I beg you :D

7 years ago

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If you don't mind using a script, there are a couple users have made. I think this is the one I have been using for the past year or 2: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/iO230/userstyle-sgv2-dark-1471

7 years ago

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I know a lot of people would not want a captcha for every giveaway, myself included, but what if the site added 1 captcha per hour? You would only have to complete a captcha if you have not completed one in the last hour and then you can enter whatever you want for the next hour. I think that would work great, at least for stopping the bots while people are sleeping. Most people that use bots would probably be too lazy to come here during the day every hour and complete a captcha as well.

I would even be happy with having to do one every 30 minutes. Most people probably go to the main page and enter everything they want to enter in less than 30 minutes. I don't see why other people that spend much more time here, like myself, would have a problem with doing one every 30 minutes. It may not be needed though, 1 hour might be good enough.

The only thing I would like would be the ability to complete a captcha in advance if I want to restart the 1 hour or 30 minute timer. This is because I have on countless occasions found a giveaway that was ending in less than 20 or 15 seconds and I am just able to enter before it ends. It would not be cool if I saw a giveaway that was ending very soon and then I got a popup telling me to complete a captcha before i can enter the giveaway and I missed it. Maybe you could give us the option to manually do a captcha early so when you know the captcha timer is ending soon, I could click a button, like syncing your Steam account, to manually do a captcha early and restart the timer so it doesn't happen unexpectedly.

It should only pop up when you want to enter a giveaway, not just to use the site like if you were reading the discussion boards. Maybe you can even add a little timer on the top of the page with a countdown letting you know how long until you have to complete another and have an optional button to manually do a captcha now to reset the timer.

7 years ago*

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If captchas were going to be used, I'd favor doing it this way. Combined with the point regen method discussed on the other thread it would defeat excessive bot entries while only being mildly annoying to real users. I'd also say doing this with reCAPTCHA is the way to go.

7 years ago

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Oh, please, not reCAPTCHA! I hate when it makes me feel stupid when I select all the street signs/road signs/cars in an image but it will ask me again and again because it wasn't a correct answer (do the poles of the road signs count as road signs?).

I also hate the test where you have to select something from a group of images, but when you click a correct image it will change it to another image that you might have to click again.

7 years ago

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I was thinking the simple "I'm not a robot" click, not answering questions or quizzes. Yeah, THAT would be too onerous! ;)

7 years ago

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Those "I'm not a robot" reCaptcha will start asking you to do tasks if they are called a bit too often or you exhibit bot-like behavior.

Personally I never had any trouble with clicking on what they asked for, but it would appear that some people are finding those tasks difficult. (Which make me thing they're actually semi-sentient robots.)

7 years ago

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That would explain why I sometimes dream of electric sheeps...

7 years ago

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The poles of the road signs count as they are part of the sign itself.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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I don't see where it is different than what I said other than letting users decide how often they get a captcha. I don't really care how that works, all that matters is that we have a captcha that is required often enough to make it inconvenient for bot users, but not so often that it makes it inconvenient for all the other users.

Also, I meant recaptcha, if I understand what that is. I hate the ones where you have to type text. Picking things like cars, streets or street signs is very easy and usually only takes me about 2 or 3 seconds.

7 years ago

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im honestly thankful if this works

7 years ago

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Lower point distribution is a great idea to be honest, I don't find myself ever logging in to not see my point balance capped as there are so many giveaways being created on a daily basis.

7 years ago

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Is the Android SteamGifts App still allowed?

7 years ago

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It doesn't use any kind of autojoiner

7 years ago

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Oh I thought all kind of external applications and extensions are forbidden now.

So I can still use the "AutoJoin for SteamGifts"- Chrome Extension without using the autojoin feature? I usually use the "Join Giveaway"-Button instead of clicking on each giveaway. The AutoJoin never worked for me anyway. :D

7 years ago

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I guess it depends on how they will be tracking auto-joins, but it's been confirmed that ESGST which adds a button on the front page to enter giveaways is not breaking the rule so I guess that would be okay if it does the same thing. (I never used AutoJoin, my only interaction with that script was to add everyone I knew was using it to my blacklist)

7 years ago

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Throwing my support behind AllTracTurbo's idea above. At least something to consider if implemented with reCAPTCHA.

7 years ago

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I appreciate all of those changes! SG was fun before the popularity rise and the high amount of points and it will still be. The lot of points seduced ppl into using scripts/bots and those are rly annoying

7 years ago

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is SG++ allowed? I never heard any rule about this. Its for 'site formatting', visuals etc

7 years ago

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bump for setting up a poll with options =3

  1. insta-ban autojoin users
  2. suspend them for a month, apply ban on second offense
7 years ago

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This just applies to scripts that are entering GAs right? e.g. Am I correct that it is still ok to use scripts that hide/skip GA's I am uninterested in? I would prefer if the site just let me auto-hide GAs less then xx CV (aka Spam) and auto-skip them on trains but since it does not... I really like using Greasemonkey to fill this need. However, I only use it for this purpose and still manually click Enter 100% of the time.

7 years ago*

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Yes, they're just cracking on the scripts that auto-join. Other scripts are still allowed.

7 years ago

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^ This. I think I once added a script which filtered out my wishlist games and added a button on the right which I have to click manually to enter. So I don't open GA's but I also never auto-join them because I still need to click to join. Maybe that is okay.

7 years ago*

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I think I have that script running. Pressing join without actually opening the GA's aint allowed?
It's pretty useful, saves a lot of time and I always thought all of the regulars used these scripts. I actually know quite a few who do.
I also autojoin games from my wishlist, wich is quite a small list compared to some of the people here.

My average entries a year are still below some of the people who commented here that "its about time" (LOL!). So I guess I'll be safe.

7 years ago

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Totally understand the move. However I don't have time to enter all the gibs so I'll be on a lot less. But meh. I'll forget about it soon enough. And I won't be caring :D because I'll just not bother.

7 years ago

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please don't ban something like esgst .that can let me easy enter the giveaway didn't need open a new web

7 years ago

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good. Sometimes It's a pain to find winner, because bot entered gib, not a real person. And real user doesn't go online, so you'll have to create support ticket. Meh.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

7 years ago

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I have a question here about the second point as I already posted in the other thread about the first one which I don't agree with sorry...

You talk about ppl joining a lot of GAs at a time... I join the GAs sometimes at work... It's not a problem but anyone watching me could say something so what I do is to open all the GAs I want to join in a new tab (I go to the GA list and wheel-click of the mouse to open on a new tab for if anyone didn't know) and then I put the mouse inside the enter giveaway button so I just click and then Ctr+W (which closes the current tab of the navigator).... That means that I just click-CtrW-click-CtrW-click-CtrW like 20-30 times in a minute.... Will I be suspended for that??

I completly approve the idea of avoiding scripts and cheaters but I am completly not agreed with the idea of lower the points

7 years ago

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Hope cg accounts/considers the auto-joiner users for the suspensions during those data collections before October. That would be the proper example set forward for those using auto-join scripts rather than post-announcement of this thread because the pro-ones might reduce the use of those kind of script and/or adapt their codes to human like features.
Yeah, you can BL me auto-joiners, you have already BL'ed me for my post regarding auto joiners. There's no loss at all for that

7 years ago

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I have the opposite thought: auto-join should be made part of CG. Being able to specify a game you want to win and have it automatically entered would increase the quality of life for users more than any banning of scripts or reduction in points.

7 years ago

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could backfire with non active members winning a game and never activating it, although I guess thats what reroll is for

7 years ago

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The site could stop entering if a user hasn't logged in for a few days.

7 years ago

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Another thought... Regardless if this misuse triggers a suspension or something else I think it would be beneficial to delay the response to make it more difficult for script/bot developers to figure out the heuristics that trigger it, and therefore more difficult to bypass. It'll be interesting to see if this becomes a cat and mouse game.

7 years ago

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As I said in the point distribution thread, to completely eliminate the temptation to use bots, you have to increase the minimum duration of giveaways. Otherwise there's still an incentive to let a bot run while you're asleep/away to catch any low entry flash giveaways.

I advocate for 12 hours minimum so that users who visit the site twice a day are on a level playing field with the bots.

7 years ago

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Just put a captcha timeout for 15 minutes?

Save yourself a LOT of suspension lookups.

reCaptcha is a heck of a thing.

7 years ago*

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So long as it's just the single click on a box thing only. If the ones that need solving are anything to go by, I'm apparently not a human.

7 years ago

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This is a sad day for me, no doubt. I work in retail. From 9:00 to 18:30 every day except saturday. If I can't use autojoin, I can't even find the time to join any GAs at all.
I know the majority of users agree with this, but damn...
it's not like I am not contributing by making some GAs myself. Give me a patreon tier that allows me to auto-join and I will gladly become a patron. Otherwise it's just going to risk a ban or stop using the site as a whole...not really a nice option. Especially since I am already close to Lvl 6...

7 years ago

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If I can't use autojoin, I can't even find the time to join any GAs at all.

If you don't have the time to enter, then you wouldn't have time to play games anyway, right?

7 years ago

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yeah right, fuck me. I guess I should just give up on hobbies as a whole. Maybe I should be happy I still get to eat and sleep occasionally. Who needs fun anyway.

No offense, but when time is such a limited resource, I really would like to not spend it scrolling through a site, opening GAs one by one just a chance to win the game. Maybe I wouldn't have minded back when I was still a brat with lots of free time, but nowadays, I am happy when I get home, see that I won a game, boot it up and have some fun. I fail to see the harm in that. I even leave "thank you"s in case people actually care for them. And as I said, I am giving games away as well. I seriously wonder why everyone is so upset about that.

7 years ago

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I really would like to not spend it scrolling through a site, opening GAs one by one just a chance to win the game.

To win games that you also don't have the time to play, apparently. I mean, if you don't have the time to press an enter button, where are you going to find the time and energy to press as many buttons as needed to actually play a game?

I fail to see the harm in that.

Of course -- most autojoiners also fail to see the harm, because they're usually only concerned with themselves and not the people paying for or making the giveaways (which takes longer than entering). I see it as rude and disrespectful. End of story.

So yes, fuck autojoiners. Fuck them right off the site.

7 years ago

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yes, since spending time pressing stupid buttons equals a time well spent, right? Oh what joy it is to scroll down this site every few hours looking for GAs to actually join, then pressing those buttons. I can't think of anything else I would rather do on my precious free Sunday.

Except maybe, you know, actually playing games? Nah, of course not.

I pay for GAs as well, I also spent the time to set them up. And I don't even give the slightest fuck whether or not someone auto-joined my GA or manually joined it. Why should I? A winner is a winner. He gets the game I didn't want to play. If he plays it, great, if not, less great, but still no harm. He can't play it less than I would have, which is not at all.

But yeah, shallow people will take offense in anything, so no surprise there. "They do something I could do as well, yet won't because of some arbitrary feelings of pride, punish them" and then it always happens, because the masses are loud and demand to be heard.

7 years ago

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No one forces you to come here and enter or make giveaways.

That's your choice, and no one has any obligation to make those things easier for you - especially winning a "free" game from someone. If you feel it's a waste of time pressing an enter button for a chance at a game you want, then don't enter. It's that simple. You can be on your way and go spend your time elsewhere more economically.

But expecting the site to make it easier for you to sit back and do nothing and collect free games? Screw that.

7 years ago

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which is what will happen, naturally. If the changes go through and the detection works at all, I will soon be suspended and gone. All in all, I think I can't complain too much, as I had a good time here. It's unfortunate that it's over now, but I guess I will live with it. What choice do I have.

It's still regrettable, though, seeing people so bitter about something so trivial. Someone won more free games than me. How terrible. I could do the same, but I hate the guy so much I would rather see him gone completely than us both winning games.

You don't have to reply to this anymore. I am done with this topic. I didn't even know why I bothered to post in the first place. I knew it was a waste of time.

7 years ago

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It's still regrettable, though, seeing people so bitter about something so trivial.

Apparently it's not trivial to the guy who runs the site.

7 years ago

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naturally, since he would have to listen to all the people complaining. if I was an admin, I would be forced to listen to my users, too. Even if I don't agree with them. The voice of the anti-scripters is louder than the one of the scripters, which doesn't come as a big surprise, since scripters don't usually bother to discuss. Of course you could argue that if the majority complains about something, then it surely can't be a trivial matter, but that's the thing with vocal people, they always sound louder than they have to be. If the amount of scripters was small, then the anti-scripters would be overreacting and calling this trivial thing a problem when it isn't. If the scripters are actually large in number, then it suddenly becomes doubtworthy if they are even in the minority to begin with.

Either way, it doesn't matter anymore.

7 years ago

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To quote CG --

I want to remind everyone that using scripts to automatically join giveaways is against the rules.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he doesn't like auto-joiners either, since he made it perfectly clear in the OP that it's against the rules he wrote for the site. In fact, he pointed that out prior to saying anything else.

7 years ago

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+1 (or better + 100000000000000000000)

7 years ago

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I hate this "i want only....", "i have not the time...." ,"i....." "i...." "i...."
The autojoiner users want only the fruits but not the work for it.....
I say NO to that behavior
NO to join in a lot of GA's and drop the chances of a win to all others that invest the time you save for your "important" life.
Did you think other's lifetime is less worth than yours ?
I read that in your sentences......
and there is your thinking problem/error

My time is exactly same worth than yours

(and because i have a uncureable illness and die, nearly for sure, earlyer than you i can think my lifetime have more worth than yours... -but because that fits only for me let us take the other sentence that fits for EVERYONE that use steamgifts-)

Edit: And most of the autojoin users not know the word THANKS after win a game (i not like it when anyone have not this basic manners). Good when you are other at this people and know that word (i trust you unseen by this point)

7 years ago*

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I do not think you time is worth less, but if you choose to not use autojoin, it kind of is your active choice to "waste" your time doing things I never did? Why is it so acceptable to force others to waste their time instead of choosing to save time yourself? :/

7 years ago

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it give a other option as use autojoiners....

Write a Thread or at the support or direct cg (if this is possible) and make suggestions to reduce the effort by joining GA's and such things. That ALL can save time.
Maybe they accept such suggestions and all change to a better site......

But a "oh not good here, i cook my own soup" not work when a lot of others are involved in one or more ways

7 years ago

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I don't understand your last sentence, I am afraid.

And I am pretty sure the staff already knows everything a scripter would like to have. I am sure they are hearing it all the time and choose to ignore it. Heck, there isn't even a dark theme available for non-scripters. Something EVERYONE should have as an option simply for being easier on the eyes.

The fact is just that suggestions get ignored most of the time. I am sure if I went over there and created a thread asking for a dark theme, then I wouldn't be the first, nor would I be the last to do it. I can't blame people for making their own dark themes by the time the staff usually needs to provide them with one.

And that is the reason why addons get developed. Because users get tired of waiting for the staff to add functions to their site the users think should have been part of its design from the start. And then users use these scripts because they are tired of waiting for the staff to implement them. Simple as that. :/

7 years ago

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"But a "oh not good here, i cook my own soup" not work when a lot of others are involved in one or more ways"
should mean ...... you not like it and then felt the decission to change anything for yourself (use a autojoiner as example) but it is not ok when stuff only change anything for one or a part of the people that are involved and the others have a changed setting. Autojoiners = more "people" join GA's = less chances for all, autojoiners not set up, "much", GA's (mostly), not say thanks (nearly ever) and so on...
So your acting interact with others.... and they got harmed with example less winchances = more work to do to win a game (and so more timewaste for all others...)

7 years ago

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No offense, but when time is such a limited resource, I really would like to not spend it scrolling through a site, opening GAs one by one just a chance to win the game. Maybe I wouldn't have minded back when I was still a brat with lots of free time, but nowadays, I am happy when I get home, see that I won a game, boot it up and have some fun.

From your own profile courtesy of the Do You Even Play, Bro? plugin...

At a superficial glance, I would say that if you've put 475 hours into playing your wins over the last 11 months, the complaint that you don't have time to enter GAs manually rings pretty hollow.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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It's work! It's real work pressing them buttons!
Fuck, CG should be paying them to do all this work!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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I'm waiting for them to found an Autojoiners Union so they can complain to CG about unfair work conditions and long hours.

7 years ago

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Pfft ... an Autojoiners Union? And what about my work in identifying and blacklisting them? That's the much harder task, if anything there should be an "Autojoiners Victims Union", with a legal department to file a class action for mass suspension.

7 years ago

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I believe it'd be more profitable to save those 120 bucks per year (it's be surely not tier 1 reward) to buy games for yourself than spending them to maybe try and win something :P

Not that it will ever happen, whole SG would flip out if users would be able to pay to directly get better chances to win something. And CG already stated that he won't introduce any function that'd give small number of people better odds to win something

7 years ago

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depends...if I have to stop using SG as a whole just because they decide that scripts aren't cool anymore all of a sudden, 120 bucks a year would be a small price to pay compared to the games I could win in return. Still, I doubt they would go for it as well, sadly. And thus I will likely soon be banned and will have to quit regardless. It's such a shame, too, because I really enjoyed the site and thought it to be quite fair. You gave away a bit every month, and got plenty back in return.

With the changes that are coming, to actually get back something, you would have to no-life away at it by visiting the site several times a day, wasting hours to enter GAs you likely can't even filter properly. I just ain't got the nerve or time for that.
And besides, the scripts are all free so technically, everyone who wanted to could have gotten them with two little clicks right form the get go. Yet everyone decided not to because they are "bad" for some reason. Guess having convenience is a sin because it creates inequality due to stubborn people refusing to use the tools that are available to them. I guess it feels better to punish the ones who use them rather than implementing them into the site as a baseline so that no one can complain about others using them.

I would like to see why exactly it was such a big deal to have scripts in the first place. If scripters win too much and give away too little, ban the ones with bad ratios. If it's about them winning more than non-scripters, implement the functions into the main site for everyone to use, or, if you are lazy, at least link the addons in a forum post and make it a sticky for everyone to see. If it's about not enough people participating in the forums, then I am sorry, but is this facebook or something? I mean, it's nice that there is a community and all, and if you like being a part of it that's really nice, but why would you force me to take part in that? Heck, even if you take autojoin away from me, I still will never come to the forums, aside from this mere topic here to express my disagreement. I am just not a social person. I say my thank yous upon winning and that's it.

I know no one here will agree with me but what can I do...I guess all good things have to end one day.

7 years ago

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depends...if I have to stop using SG as a whole just because they decide that scripts aren't cool anymore all of a sudden

It's not something that happened all of the sudden, the rules have been there for years. They've just never been strongly enforced. People have been suspended in the past for it though.

I would like to see why exactly it was such a big deal to have scripts in the first place

The big deal is that you're indiscriminately entering for giveaways with no concern over if you'll actually play them or not. Other people might want to play those games, so why not give those who actually want the games a chance at winning them? You've for an example played (not just card-farmed) 8 % of your won games, with 2% being played enough for you to get 1/4 of the achievements. Don't you think it would be been better if those games that you've won would have gone to people who actually want them?

The other big deal is that the auto-joining script constantly hammers the server, much like a DDoS attack does, but does so constantly, rather than over a limited time frame (like an actual DDoS attack). This slows down the site for people, and CG has to pay for that extra bandwidth.

7 years ago

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QQ ?
Others have Reallifes too .....
Where is the problem not to catch EACH GA ?

7 years ago

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well, I would be quite happy with my script if it somehow managed to give me infinite points to join EVERY GA, but sadly, mine does not do magic like that. It just spends the 300 points everyone gets in a way I have specified. I may agree taht it is slightly unfair that my script does that even when I am not visiting the site and I would agree that that needs to go, but anti-autojoiners would even QQ even if the script only worked when I was online and looking at the site.

7 years ago

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I wake up at 5:30 and I get home at 8PM, or past 10PM some days since I'm attending evening classes, and I still manage to find a few minutes a day to enter giveaways, I'm sure you'll find a way

7 years ago

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gifts won 204/gifts sent 45

This is what I'm sayin'. Yes, your sent value is higher so you won't be blacklisted by me but sheer volume...

7 years ago

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what's that supposed to mean? Just because I win a lot of 1€ games, I deserve to be blacklisted?
Or is everyone required to have a strict 1:1 ratio? If so, I see a LOT of people failing the criteria.

7 years ago

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It means that by using an auto-join script, you have an unfair advantage to win a lot of games. Period. That's all it means.

As to ratio, that's up to you and your own conscience. Clearly in terms of dollar value, you give a lot more than you win.

To my eye, that's a draw - I won't blacklist you since you make an effort to give back - at least monetarily.

7 years ago

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all in favor of banning autoscripts users but all against lower the point generation it would severely decrease my enjoyment of the site by reducing the amount of giveaways to join (tomb raider for instance is a popular game now and by the sugested terms i would only get 8 ga per day... thats if i ignore every other game and currently wouldnt cover the offer) raising the cap and increase the minimum time required per giveaway is a better way. thank you have a nice day

7 years ago

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A good idea some people must be using scripts as i have posted a game and within 3 secs 5 entries or more ok some people maybe fast i but had a look and they are currently in game on steam. Add you to my whitelist and thanks for all the giveaways you have created .

7 years ago

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SOME is good ....... MANY hit it more exactly :o(

7 years ago

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within 3 secs 5 entries or more ok some people maybe fast

It's not a sign of speed but probability ;-)

At any point there are people checking the site. When you make a GA or when it is an hour on, doesn't matter. There are always hundreds of users active each minute and some then join.
'Quick' entering isn't a reliable bot detection.

are currently in game on steam

Can be idling/farming too.


The one obvious indication are 'always-on' people who then still take days to redeem their wins. (Though email notifications have sped things up there too)

7 years ago

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