This needs clarification. Do we need to open each giveaway to be save? No addons at all? Autojoin addon with only infinite scrolling and one click button enabled allowed? No joining from the overview allowed at all?
This makes no difference for me. I'm a fast clicker and can open 100 tabs and switch very fast. I fear a false positive.
Also " I feel they do not benefit the community in any way," I laughed.
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Hi CG!
First of all: great idea. I can't express enought how bot ninjas piss me off. It saddens me if points really have to be lowered but if thats what it takes so be it...
Heres a thing: maybe theres 2 other ways to achieve the same without lowering the points or hitting good users less:
Simpler way: Bigger pool that refills at once
How autojoin scripts helps sg criminals?
They use points as soon as available (and while away), as they're generated - since they're generated all the time and such. So for little good sg friend who comes once every 2 days (hey, hes a optimist non-slave of the internet so he doesn't come daily) he have 300 points like he would have 2 days prior...
now imagine the max pool is 5000 points (just a random number top of my head).
It doesn't regenerate right away.
Every few days, hours or once a week the points come.
The Good
Complex Way: The Formula
The site is already full of stats, overall and personal. It tells me wich gas i entered, counts my points spent, even show graphs overtime.
Its tottaly feasible to stabilish a new rule and or code on points related to spending.
This on itself could open a whole other debate and perhaps it should.
Its complex because it involves scripting new code but could be for the better on the long run.
I can imagine a number of ways it could be done, but i don't feel confident of pointing any one as the best one personally; Im sure someone with the actual usage stats of the site can come up with some good formula, or a open debate can lead to some pretty solid solutions.
For example the less you spend points the more the points cap increases(to a maximum) as well as it decreases or, based on the proportions CG pointed out in the begining (autojoiners entering 4x more gas) your frequency could flag you with a toll like 2x, 3x, 4x more for each GA for a time (or instead of frequency tagging just flagging any suspicious users).
It doesn't need to be a hard universal rule; It could be about exceptions, based on theresholds. For example, users above a certain thereshold in point spending starting to gain less points or regenerating then slower.
Personally id like to see some mix in between- to be able to choose at more leisure what to enter with less hurry (bigger pools, slower regen) and not being penalized by autojoiners- let then suffer the consequences
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The bot users just argue that they are missing all the giveaways that start and end when they are not on the site so they still need to use a bot.
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Imo, it is unfair to those that aren't using bot. If you want to have the same chance without a bot, you need to visit the site every hour or you miss the giveaway that the bot doesn't.
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The point cap controls how often users need to visit the site. If we remove the cap, then users could visit the site once every few weeks, enter a few thousand giveaways, and leave. The cap encourages them to check the site daily, and be a part of the community. However, as mentioned in the topic, when users reach the cap too quickly (for example, every few hours), it becomes too demanding.
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what is automatically join script? I use ESG script, am I safe?
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Yes, you are safe. This is about AutoJoiner type of scripts/bots, that one uses to automatically join giveaways so you don't even need to actually visit the site (except to collect your profits, unless that is already automated also).
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oh nice :) thank you for answe😀😍r :) have aGreat day
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The comments in the autojoin group discussion make me want captchas that include advanced math problems, and I don't even like math :X
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You cannot enter this giveaway until you find the volume of the solid T enclosed by the surface: (x² + y² + z²)² = 2z(x²+y²)
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Everyone on this planet hates reCaptcha, can't really say welcome to the party, because everyone is here, including it's creators. It works, but it's such a waste of time, and those who cracked it get an advantage over fair people. It's like it works against some people but never against all.
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For quit sometime now i have been using auto join BUT just the enter button , i have never joined any giveaways automatically and never without actually being on the website itself and always had autojoin options disabled in the chrome app , i only use it just to enter the giveaway by clicking on it as this helps me out for a number of reasons ,one of them being that my internet is slow and this saves me a extra click .
Am i safe to do this or should i remove the chrome extension/app altogether ? .
Kind regards
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Nope, that's on your end or your connection, because everything works very well.
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Ok i've removed auto join now just in case . Im now using ESGST which by the looks of it is ten time better anyway , i only ever used the other just for the enter button anyway and ESGST is loaded with useful features , why havent i used this before is belong me ...
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Doesn't esgst basically have an autojoin feature technically if you just hold down enter? I thought I read about it somewhere in this thread, maybe I'm wrong.
Edit; Nevermind. I'm pretty sure it just says Enter for each giveaway, where autojoin just says Join for each giveaway.
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If you're going to ban people for using scripts then there's no need to lower the point distribution. If you want to lower the point distribution because people are complaining about always hitting the point cap, well I think that's a strange complaint. Why would someone complain about having too many points? That's like saying I've got too much money to spend. I appreciate the generous points and think it's silly that something like that would bother people. Would I rather open SG site after a few hours and have a full 300 pts. waiting for me or would I rather have half as much? Why would I want the latter?
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(shhh, the number of your points are meaningless. If you enter half the giveaways with more than double the chance, you have better chances of winning. Basic mathematics. Concentrate on the chance of winning on a giveaway, not the number of points or giveaways you can enter for)
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Hey PicoMan, if a popular game has the same number of entries before and after the point change, then you still have the same odds of winning that game.
We have X gifts being given away each day, and Y users visiting the site and using their points to win those games. Whether users can join one giveaway, or one thousand giveaways a day, we still have the same number of gifts going to the same number of users.
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Under a situation of heavy limitations (which, lowering the point amount below anything that it has ever been in the past 2 years, is) will lead to following results:
When before you can enter for 20 giveaways of that popular game (and possibly additionally a few others) and afterwards the points are only enough for 10 or even just 5 entries, while the entry-count does not reduce by the same amount (or possibly not at all) because most people switch their focus on these better titles, then winning chances will actually drop.
The low-end/cheap/bad games will be the ones that people pull out first and massively so. Ironically this will present the card-farmers and hoarders a completely different playing-field to amount even more wins, completely contrary to the change's intention.
That's why a balanced approach is required. The target point-rate should be around the average of the past 2 years which would be about 25k per month.
Floods can be mitigated by a hard-cap of 30k or a dynamic system that adapts (lowers) the regeneration rate temporarily when detecting a too high influx of points surpassing the upper limit.
That can be achieved through a histogram system recording gained points for the past 10 days, continuously dropping regen-rates by 10% for the next day until falling below the threshold, for when they can be increased again.
(I can go more into detail for that system if interested)
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Hey PicoMan, if a popular game has the same number of entries before and after the point change, then you still have the same odds of winning that game.
That's what I was saying to adam1224. Reducing our points isn't going to improve our chances for higher tier games, maybe for the very cheap and common games. Like Tristar said, it'll probably worsen our chances for higher tier games since everybody will be saving their points for those. So now we have less points AND worse odds for winning.
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Half of the people enter for giveaways only because they can, including AAA and genuinely good quality games. I honestly think that the system only can improve on the current state, where people want to win, and they don't even care what, ruining chances and hogging up games only to be lost in their account. There is life outside of the GTA-PUBG-CSGO triangle, and some people would actually love to play games.
Also one more thing: "No not every giveaway. The giveaways that you want to enter." So you say that you (or me?) never wanted anything else than the site's most wanted games? Just taking a glance at your wins, there is quite a lot of BTA-HB Monthly quality games there .How good it would be if people wouldn't use their extra points to win The Turing Test just because it has cards and looks pretty? Or Undertale because yay, it's popular, has expensive cards and costs a few points only, and then just don't play it because "SJW bullshit" or something, taking away a chance of a free game from someone who would love it?
The score reduction's goal is not to decrease the number of each giveaways, it's to remove the " I'm not interested but I have extra points" entries from ALL giveaways. If all 6k entries really want pubg and they will enter with less point regeneration, they really do want it and that's perfectly fine. That leaves the other giveaways with less entries, so people who want THOSE will have better their games. And it works vica versa, people won't idle-enter pubg because maaaaybe they enjoy it if that won't leave them enough points to their most wanted games.
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So you say that you (or me?) never wanted anything else than the site's most wanted games?
No I'm saying people are going to enter for the most wanted games regardless of the reasons. I don't think reducing points is going to change that or improve the odds. It would just cause people to focus their points on the higher quality games (which get more entries anyways). But how do you know what people's motives are and what percentage of the entries are from people who have absolutely no interest?
Maybe testing this point reduction is the only way to tell but I think the only giveaways that will be affected are the cheap/low level giveaways.
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But how do you know what people's motives are and what percentage of the entries are from people who have absolutely no interest?
From how incredibly wide-spread is that people don't play even the good games they win. I don't enter for Fallout 4, MGS5, Dishonored 2 or PUBG because either can't run them or I'm not interested. Less points will make the suckers think about joining for giveaways because of hoarding or something they actually can play.
Also, don't forget that there is a middle-ground, like HB BTA games, or from similar tiers. I entered 131 giveaways for Contrast, and in the meanwhile I doubt that more than 20% of those 130 were played - it's not a zomg GTA5 game, but it's amongst the ones I want and wanted to win the most, and my chances are significantly worse as they should be because some card-farming cunts want the cards of the game instead of the actual game. It's upsetting that we have so many points that we can most of the time enter everything wishlisted, and then go for whatever else with cards, because the overflowing amounts of points makes the focus of the site - winning wanted games - redundant, allowing people just shotgun the giveaways to win *anything for the sake of winning.
And sorry, I haven't said this out clearly : super-bundled / bundletrash games' entries will/would surely take a hit, like a 10-times bundled shit game. But it would be same or better for top-wanted (if everyone already enters who wants it, they can't get more entries) while the "common", bundled but good / niche games would end up with a proper winner more time. I honestly start to think that the automated-point regeneration wouldn't be a good solution, especially that GA creators are horrible at spacing out the giveaways (so many at bundle start) and even one game would drain all the points of a user who just wants that one so much. But the percentage regeneration should be scaled down, and the point-regenerating nature of free (0P, *\) giveaways should be just simply curbstomped.
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Well just because they haven't played the games right away doesn't mean they didn't have any interest in the game. Backlogs are a real issue. I know you're thinking, then people shouldn't enter any giveaways until they finish their backlog. But people still genuinely want the game. Are we gonna punish people now for not playing the games right away? You could post in the giveaway description to please only enter if you're going to play the game soon (which I actually obey). But I don't know how you can control something like that.
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cg wrote in a start of this topic:
I feel they do not benefit the community in any way
and i thought this is a very intersting question. every time i make a giveaway and send gifts to winners i see people who
do not benefit the community
for example, a person that has made lets say 9 trashy cheap giveaways that cost usd 10 has won 130 games that cost usd 630 - that 63 times more! - or the person with 8 given games has won 114, and i wasn't digging deep - i'm sure there are far better results and everyone sees it. no, don't think, i do not envy, i don't care about these numbers, but these wins seems to be just stolen from a people that are here for years and simply cannot win, from people who get disappointed in this community after some time, and leave, from people that could become part of community...
so at the same time i think as well that the ones who give away should have some higher chances to win, the ones who give should be given more often; finally, i want to send my gifts to people that want to play these games, not to greedy garbage diggers (sorry) who enter hundreds of 1 point giveaways just for the number. yes, i know, there is a level system, but to my opinion, it doesn't cope with the issues. yes, there is sgtools protection, but its being ignored by most of givers.
every steamgifts group seems to have ratio rules - if you win something - giveaway something. some count games, some count value, some allow going to negative balance for some time, but does the steamgifts community have ratio? i just don't know, if someone knows please answer
and - another question - should the steamgifts have some ratio? finally, its basically the same idea as forbidding autojoin, limiting points and etc.
i think making some good ratio itself can take away the scripts question, as entering giveaways won't make sense when the ratio is over. giving will make sense.
i think it should make more people create more giveaways. finally, i think it should make those ones who
do not benefit the community
will benefit the community.
yes, i understand, i will get lots of blacklists after this post, but i think its worth trying.
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for example, a person that has made lets say 9 trashy cheap giveaways that cost usd 10 has won 130 games that cost usd 630 - that 63 times more!
The people using bots and the people you mentioned might actualy have a big common group.
yes, there is sgtools protection, but its being ignored by most of givers.
Well if a giver doesn't care, then whats your problem? You can use it.
i want to send my gifts to people that want to play these games
There are groups for that.
every steamgifts group seems to have ratio rules
No, not everyone, and there is a good reason for it. There are people out there that give because they want to make people happy and there are other people who don't have the amount of money to spare to give away good/many games.
I don't know if you are aware, but there are regions on this planet where even the "wealthy" earn less in a year, than you in a month. Buying ROW keys ist nearly impossible for them and buying Region restricted gifts is basically seen as "nothing" in terms of ratio.
Of course there are just plain "lechers", but differentiating is hard.
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I understand where this is coming from and I'm against autojoin features on extensions like ESGST, Autojoin, etc, as well but here's my concern: I discovered a chrome extension called Autojoin about 2 months ago which changed the light grey site into black, so it's a lot easier for me to look at, since the default steam skin is black, visual studio is black, etc.. Now I don't use it's autojoin feature, and I assume there's some sort of way to tell I don't, but it lets me join giveaways from the main page 1 by 1 simply by clicking join next to the giveaway, rather than opening 50 tabs and closing them and getting a blue screen(which happens cause browsers eat ram when you open multiple pages and my ram apparently is broken but not broken enough to play any game), so what I'm wondering is am I at risk of getting a ban for having an extension that has a feature that isn't allowed, even though I don't use said feature, I use other features that are allowed? I tried adding you on steam but you did not add back so I figured I would post here in the slight chance you would actually provide some help on this. Will I get a ban for doing nothing wrong or am I safe? Thanks.
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I confused ESGST's enter button with holding enter down to automatically join giveaways but I read that it doesn't do that it just joins giveaways from the main page like the join button from Auto join. I edited another post but forgot about this one, my bad. I did not mean to claim(didn't mention either) that esgst did not have a color theme of it's own, I just simply got used to the extension I was using.
Unfortunately, I was not able to make ESGST work, it simply downloads a text file when I click on the link in the original post and tampermonkey said it can't install extensions from this link , and to make it worse, tamper monkey needs permissions on all websites not just steamgifts compared to autojoin who wants permissions just here. Since extensions are now allowed to sell the data they collect I'd rather have autojoin sell the data it collects on steamgifts rather than tampermonkey collect all my data and sell it just because I'm using ESGST on one website. It's not ESGST's dev fault, but I wish ESGST was an extension on it's own.
It's now October and I'm using the Autojoin extension from the Chrome store, however I've never used it's autojoin features and never will, I'm just joining giveaways 1 by 1 from the main page manually with no automation, so I believe I'm within the rules. I couldn't get an answer from cg so I don't know his response to my question above, however based of his response to ESGST's creator, I should be within the rules. Hopefully there will be no bans without reason but we will see. Thanks.
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Don't know if you are aware of it, but ESGST became an extension recently (though the install/update process is currently manual on Chrome).
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What kind of data will be used to detect scripts and how?
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I was just telling someone how I dumped a whole can of soda on it yesterday and it stopped working.
I was so convinced it wouldn't work again that I went out and bought another.
I soaked it in rubbing alcohol to "unstick" the keys and clean it up, plugged it in a few minutes ago and now it's working again.
They built those things to last.
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This may be different .
But, I think it should be the other way around.
The points should not be for entering Giveaways. It should be for winning giveaways.
Say you get 200 points for the week ( winning point, points of the games you win ).
You can enter all you want. But, when you get your 200 points of winning points .
You can not enter any more GA. until the next week. When you wins points are top off .
Your wins would be a running would have to be under the 200 point for that week to enter more.
What if you enter all give away and week later you when that keep getting added to your running total
Subtracts from you weekly point top off. Yes, it is possible to not be able to enter for a week or two.
Just remember these would be winning point. You are winning GA.
This would allow other the chance to win. While the luck one wait a little. ( cool off time )
The the SG Levels could get you a next level winning Points added. ( 1-50 , 2-60 , 3- 70,....)
With this approach , it would Not make any diffidence about auto joins scripts.
what about doing based on the Ratio of Gift sent vs Gift Won. ( more points for higher ratios.)
That would give in intensives to give out games.
That way, you would to give out more game to have more points to enter with.
Just some ideals .
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Hey BumpShot,
if I understand you correctly, your suggestion would give an even greater advantage to users that automatically enter giveaways. Assuming these users win a couple giveaways, they still can (and most of them will) enter every giveaway, until they hit the limi of winning. As not everyone uses autojoin scripts (which are a sign of greed imo), even more entries will be done by users who do, as they are not limited by points anymore.
You will get much more entries in public and (some) group giveaways.
Assume you get 1500 point each day (this month's numbers, if I am not mistaken). You could enter 25 Rise of Tomb Raider giveaways each day. Assuming that only RoTR giveaways are created, that would be 167 each day.
Let's assume further there are 1000 entries in each giveaway. You would be expected to win 0.025 giveaways each day.
Your suggestion would enable an autojoin script user to enter 167 giveaways. Assuming about 50% of the users are using autojoin scripts, the number of entries will rise to 1500. You would be expected to win 0.1113 giveaways each day. An increase of more than 340%.
An user that does not uses an autojoin script will be limited by time more than by points, will not be able to enter much more giveaways, so their number of expected wins will decrease as there are more entries in the giveaways they can enter.
As in this example you would not be limited by your "200 points of winning points", you suggestion will only benefit those who uses autojoin scripts.
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- Hey BumpShot,
if I understand you correctly, your suggestion would give an even greater advantage to users that automatically enter giveaways. Assuming these users win a couple giveaways, they still can (and most of them will) enter every giveaway, until they hit the limi of winning. As not everyone uses autojoin scripts (which are a sign of greed imo), even more entries will be done by users who do, as they are not limited by points anymore.
You will get much more entries in public and (some) group giveaways.
You said it your self
enter every giveaway, until they hit the limi of winning
There is your limit. The winning side not the entering side.
No, If there were no points for entering. The limit would be for winning.
It would not make any difference in using a auto vs doing it your own self.
A you could never win more that you allow Win point .
That would put everyone on the same winning amount.
would not matter how you entered. Just that the winning would be fair for all.
So it make the auto join not even matter .
Assume you get 1500 point each day (this month's numbers, if I am not mistaken). You could enter 25 Rise of Tomb Raider giveaways each day. Assuming that only RoTR giveaways are created, that would be 167 each day.
Let's assume further there are 1000 entries in each giveaway. You would be expected to win 0.025 giveaways each day.Your suggestion would enable an autojoin script user to enter 167 giveaways. Assuming about 50% of the users are using autojoin scripts, the number of entries will rise to 1500. You would be expected to win 0.1113 giveaways each day. An increase of more than 340%.
You are talking about points for entering. I'm taking winning.
But, you are not taking in to account the winning limit.
Once you hit it you can not enter for a week.
An user that does not uses an autojoin script will be limited by time more than by points, will not be able to enter much more giveaways, so their number of expected wins will decrease as there are more entries in the giveaways they can enter.
They would have a week to be able to enter all giveaways. and does not matter if it was auto or manually join.
They would have a week.
As in this example you would not be limited by your "200 points of winning points", you suggestion will only benefit those who uses autojoin scripts.
no, again the limiting factor would be wins Not enters.
Entry would not matter.
I suggested a rolling total wins.
so it would be
you rolling total wins
Subtract - weekly allowed wins
And that is = your points for that week.
if you point are more that the " weekly allowed wins" you would have to wait for the next set of " allowed weekly wins"
to be subtracted from your " your points for that week "
Not having enough points would not allow you to enter any GA.
I also think the base amounts for wins should be based on the low and high of your ratio of Gifts won/sent.
Not just the Contributor Level.
for the first 3-5 week there would be a lot of people entered one GA.
But, as the winner would not be able to enter later in the weeks the ratio of people entering would go down.
This would not change the amount of people who enter per GA , after a month or two.
But, this would allow non winner more of a chance to win .
That is what we are talking this out about right?
It would be easier for SG to regulate the winners . The winner would all have to pass the SG website limit rules to receive them.
You would have to hack the site to by pass the winning limit.
Giving SG the time to move on and improve the site . Instead of fighting Script makers..
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I was just throwing things out.
As for Ratio:
I did not think about that. The ratio would be based on how many items not the value of items Sent or won.
Very good point. I take back my view on the ratio.
Gaffi, Thank you for your very informational feed back
I do agree with you on everything.
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ou are talking about points for entering. I'm taking winning.
But, you are not taking in to account the winning limit.
Once you hit it you can not enter for a week.
You have to start with the current point system to compare.
They would have a week to be able to enter all giveaways. and does not matter if it was auto or manually join.
They would have a week.
There is your mistake. User that do not user autojoin script would never be able to enter all giveaways.
no, again the limiting factor would be wins Not enters.
Entry would not matter.
Seems you do not understand basic math. If your expected wins never hit the point limit, the greedy users will farm even more.
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200 dollars worth of winnings weekly is an amount something like ten people may ever hit out of the million+ users. Especially if now bots literally can enter every single giveaway without any limits, pushing the average entry numbers through the roof.
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The the SG Levels could get you a next level winning Points added. ( 1-50 , 2-60 , 3- 70,....)
what about doing based on the Ratio of Gift sent vs Gift Won. ( more points for higher ratios.)
That would give in intensives to give out games.
I'm not for this. Don't give high level users even more of an advantage, it's enough for them to be able to join some more giveaways.
Also, your suggestion about max winning per unit of time would create issues with group giveaways, in particular events like SimGive where a lot of giveaways end at the same time.
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Answer. Read the post maybe?
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How about decreasing the cap for each win and then having that cap increase gradually again. For example. The cap could start at 300 but each time a person wins their cap decreases by 10/20 points. Each week their cap increases by 20 points again until it gets back to the original limit. Can fiddle the numbers to make it work but the point is that you are limiting people by how many they win instead of how many they enter. The auto joiners will get caught up in the limits pretty quickly.
The alternative to this is that you could tweak the points distribution by how many people win. For example, the normal allocation could be 0.1 points for every point given away on the site. If someone wins then they only get points at a rate of 95% of everyone else. For the next win, they get 95% of that percentage so it do isn't a linear decrease although that could be fine too. At the end of every week their points distribution increases again until they get back to the starting points distribution.
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I am not concerned with fair. Just trying to weed out the autojoiners. It's easy to tweak the numbers to stop people winning literally hundreds per week. What a lot of people don't realize is that you need leechers on a site like this. We just don't need autojoiners.
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By all means implement anti-auto join measures, if it's able to be detected so reliably. Never been a fan of that practice.
Not sure that a drastic change to the point system has to be done at the same time, as they are not directly related, and maybe better to research the results of one change at a time.
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Oh no it doesn't enter GA automatically but you can enter GA easier than the website, the site is not really mobile-friendly. What I was saying is that there's no one in your back looking at what you are doing, you can only estimate that someone is probably using an auto-join script and the way you estimate it depends on many parameters, so the initial question was, I guess, Do the way the app sends data can trigger a suspicious activity on SG ?
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valid question, I'm not sure the details of what metrics were used to determine "auto-join users" will be shared, but it would be really interesting to see them. However, knowing the details could potentially allow a savvy script writer the means to write a workaround.
I suppose we have to hope there are few if any false-positives, and we learn about them sooner than later. I'd also be interested in how many users were suspended for this behavior starting this month,
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Oh no it doesn't enter GA automatically but you can enter GA easier than the website
I use the site and the app, and I am curious about this statement. The app still requires you to go to the GA page and click the enter button. How is that "easier" than using the site if it's the same number of actions?
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"requires you to go to the GA page"
If you don't use scripts then at the site you need to go to individual giveaway page and enter, while using the app you can enter directly from the front page. It's very fast if you are one of "those" who don't care about giveaway descriptions.
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I would always click on the GA in question and arrive at the GA page with all the comments and enter button -- just like the site. Upon looking at the interface it appears they added an entry button on the right side from the list. I've been using the app for a LONG time. Has that always been there? Am I that un-observant?
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Yeah, it has been there for a quite a while, something like 8-9 months. ^^
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It will mean less entries per giveaway, but why would it mean less people entering giveaways? And on average people will win as many games. Sure, those who enter for absolutely everything with no real regard for if they'll play it, and who always run out of points will end up winning a bit less, but those who mostly enter for games that they intend to play, and who don't try to empty their point pool will win a bit more.
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Which means, in return, more chances to win for those who do enter.
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Erm yes of course, less entries does of course mean less entries.
But less entires in any given giveaway means that everyone who entered it will have a greater chance of winning that particular giveaway.
And if the number of giveaways remain the same, the average number of won games will stay the same.
So I'm not seeing your point there. Yes less entires mean less entries. But it does not mean fewer won games if everyone gets to enter fewer giveaways.
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12 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by MouseWithBeer
66 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Hitch42
17,514 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Agaster
22 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by WaxWorm
489 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Tucs
6,695 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MitriMitrichi
Hi SG,
I want to remind everyone that using scripts to automatically join giveaways is against the rules. To help clarify, I updated the site guidelines today:
I would like to try reducing the usage of these scripts through two approaches...
The last few weeks I've been logging and reviewing data. On average, a user with scripts enters 4x as many giveaways as a user without scripts. I believe this happens because users currently receive a high number of points, and scripts are able to use those points more efficiently. To fix this issue I want to lower point distribution to a more reasonable amount. This will allow users casually visiting the site a couple of times a day to use all of their points, and therefore reduce the need and advantage of using such scripts.
Secondly, starting October, I am going to start assigning suspensions to users that are using these scripts. I feel they do not benefit the community in any way, and I want to try to ensure SteamGifts stays a fun and social place for everyone to visit. Of course, that only happens when real people are interacting with the site.
If you have any thoughts on the topic, please leave a comment.
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