Just curious, what is the one or two games that you regret buying and why?

Not games which you got from a bundle with other games (example- Fanatical or HB bundles/monthlies). Has to be single purchase which you bought separately. Also the reason why you regret buying, can't be "It got bundled later/There was a better sale after I purchased it" :P I hope I was able to explain it clearly. Excuse my bad english.

For me, its Fallout 4, which I bought during one of the Steam Sales. I read reviews on Steam and watched videos on YouTube before purchasing, which made me pretty skeptical. As I dislike knowing anything about the story, as it might spoil the fun of discovery, I skipped over all the story related sections of the reviews. Which was a huge mistake in hindsight. Needless to say, I hated the story.

LIGHT SPOILER WARNING and the reason why I hate it: I can't digest that a man/woman who lost his/her significant other, and then had their child taken from them, wouldn't go mad with rage (even though very little time was spent while building upto this event). Also Fallout's gameplay mechanic doesn't fit with the theme of the game. A father/mother collecting cans for upgrade, when they don't know what happened to their baby. The dialogue options doesn't help either, it says the same thing is 4 different ways. So there is no way to role-play either because you are force fed your lines.

I am not a father and I don't plan to be one in the near future. But I don't connect to the story at all. I know suspension of disbelief is crucial when playing a game, but only an asshole would go a year with doing side-quests and rebuilding entire towns when they have a baby dead/missing. And if you only do the main storyline, you miss out on good equipments, interesting side stories, cool places to see and being a low level character in the process. As a result I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy the game either way.

5 years ago*

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XCOM 2... Where do I even start?
I bought it because I really liked XCOM: Enemy Unknown (and its expansion Enemy Within). While the first game (yes, I know it's by far not the first XCOM game but I haven't played any of the old-school ones :P ) has quite a bit of randomness in it (those "lol, a 95% chance to hit shot missed" moments being the most popular example) it gave me enough tools and safeguards so I can always have a backup plan to strategize around said randomness. I liked it so much that in the future I usually compared other turn-based squad-tactic-ish games with "base management" and some randomness elements to it. Examples of games I compared favorably to it are Darkest Dungeon and Valkyria Chronicles, both of which I consider great games. Example of a game I thought was like it but made all the bad decisions was XCOM 2. :3

XCOM 2 feels like they jacked up the randomness to the point where you need a backup plan to your backup plan for the backup plan. Funny how a +1 increment to the health of the very first enemies you face can change the starting strategy from "make sure you manage to hit the baddies to kill them" to "make sure you manage to hit the baddies... except since the minimum damage of your starting weapon doesn't finish them off you have a 33% chance to not kill them and for them to shoot you in the face". Sure, they did that in XCOM: Enemy Unknown too... on "Impossible" (aka, the highest) difficulty, which was intentionally designed to be unfair. Melee enemies got buffed in that now they can attack after using up their second move action, meaning most of them can attack from your soldier's maximum line of sight. To "balance" that melee attacks were made to have a (25-50%-ish) miss chance... while still being devastating and primarily used by enemies that are hard to kill. Oh, also now a single random enemy on every map has a chance to drop (a little bit of) random loot. Hope it doesn't keep dropping junk since in the early game that's the only way to get useful weapon upgrades. Continent Bonuses are also random (from a pool of available bonuses, some better than others) and the continent you start on is random (meaning you can start on Asia, the only continent that has 4 regions- as opposed to the 3 of other starting continents- which you need to make contact with in order to unlock its bonus). Half of an entire new class (the other half being basically the old Support Class) is based around Hacking, the result of which is a massive swing either way. And, of course, it's random- based on the soldier and hacking target's tech levels... If a crucial hacking succeeds then it can be a pretty big advantage. If it fails it wastes that soldier's turn and has an adverse effects that can range from "a big dangerous enemy got buffed" to "all the enemies got buffed", both of which usually result in disaster. What pissed me off the most, however, are "grazed" shots- enemies with a non-zero Dodge stat have a chance to take a "grazed" hit from any non-100%-chance-to-hit shot, meaning they take barely any damage from that shot. Randomly. :)
On the less randomness-related side of things I have complaints about some design choices too... In XCOM: Enemy Unknown there is very delicate balance- enemies are roughly as strong as your soldiers, they're dangerous and they keep getting more dangerous as the game progresses, but play your cards right, and they're never overwhelming. In XCOM 2 enemies start overpowered (in particular I'm looking at ADVENT Officers and their ability to mark a Soldier with a +15 aim to all enemies debuff without even using a move) and only get stronger and stronger. Feels like every enemy has a checklist of abilities I have to worry about. And lets not even talk about the 3 bosses that they added with a DLC which have the special ability to act on your turn every time one of your soldiers does anything. Maps somehow feel simultaneously larger and more claustrophobic than in the first game- I kinda felt like decent cover was a lot more sparse, making getting into a flanking position harder and riskier, while at the same time maps are a lot more... open, making it easier to trigger multiple enemy squads at the same time (of course, these issues might just come from enemies feeling overpowered and a lot less manageable).

Anyway, all of those complains up there? I could probably manage to get around them eventually. Something I can't get around, however, is the game itself being broken. The game is riddled with bugs- unit line of sight is all over the place (I have had multiple cases of what are seemingly invisible walls that only I can't seem to see), soldiers don't seem to always do what I tell them to do (such as not taking the route I told them to take or attacking the wrong enemy), there's an entire mission type which you can almost instantly fail if a piece of scenery next to a thing you're supposed to be defending catches fire from enemy attacks. Game's poorly optimized and regularly lags for no reason. Vanilla XCOM 2 also has what must be the worst loading times I have ever seen in a video game. Traveling to a mission from the base and back could sometimes takes up to 5 minutes. That adds up really fast. They did eventually fix the loading times... in the expansion. Which costs as much as the base game. Yes, you read that right- you have to pay extra for a loading times fix. :3

The sad part is- I did eventually buy the expansion for XCOM 2. They had added a new DLC and it had a "free for everyone with the expansion" period. So I got it on sale to get that DLC for free. Still haven't touched the game since... Massive expansion or not, I just don't see how it could fix so many fundamental problems with the game.

5 years ago*

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I think I know the mission type you're talking about. One of my more memorable missions included a sectopod literally stepping on the target the moment it came into view, squashing it flat. That was honestly probably the most intelligent thing I've ever seen an enemy do in a computer game. I still can't decide if I'm mad about the design oversight or gleeful about the (unintentional) realism of that action.

5 years ago

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Not sure if I can help you, but I just want to say that XCOM 2 becomes very easy once you learn how to play it right. I know people like you who were handling XCOM 1 very well but can't stand the second one. I'm kinda the opposite. I tried classic difficulty in XCOM 1 and it would end badly every time. My point is, I think you're missing out on a lot just because you haven't found your stride with the game. War of the Chosen adds even more content and excitement and there's a lot of fun to be had. If you ever decide to try again, try watching some strategy advice videos as they can be helpful. The key with XCOM 2 is you have to think about everything and be super cautious, but it ends up being very rewarding. The key is to get prepared so that these random events can't hurt you.

5 years ago*

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Oh, I definitely will play it again at some point. I'm too stubborn to just let it it lay like that forever.

I am absolutely not looking forward to my Ironman run though. Would only take one annoying line of sight bug or the Achon Ruler popping up at the wrong time and taking only grazed shots to ruin the run. Also how do I prepare for a random piece of scenery next to the Data Tap on the other side of the map that I am supposed to be protecting catching fire and destroying it on turn 4? :P

5 years ago

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Jump Force
Not even all fanservice in the world and paying about 75% off in a price glitch were enough for me to not regret buying that clusterduck of inexistent animation, awful combat, and so much more...

5 years ago

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Awwwww, was it really that bad?

I have high (slightly high, not super high, I'm not crazy haha) hopes for this game, I want to get it with all the DLCs though as I want access to all the powers when I play the singleplayer mode.

5 years ago

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It is, especially the singleplayer part. There's less sound and movement between the fights than a action-figure stop-motion. Also in the singleplayer side of things, the DLC characters just get a single fight with half a dozen "lines" (VN-style like the rest of the game) that take no part in the campaign, just loosely acknowledge it's happening.
The fighting itself is bad, with some characters so big that cover up your vision of the adversary.
It doesn't help that I found out to not like this genre (3D arena fighter) very much, however this was the title that sealed the deal for me giving up on the style entirely.
The one silver-lining: You get to hear and shout along all the moves names :)

5 years ago

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Crap, but cool for the last part XD haha.
Don't you also get access to the DLC characters moves in singleplayer mode?

5 years ago

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I have honestly not bothered to find out. "Your character" doesn't say a single word, including moves, so I just ignore it and swap to the assistants to try them out instead xD
May be worth noting that I got the game on pre-order and still haven't managed to finish the campaign, as short as it may be. After 2 or 3 fights and cringy cut-scenes in between, I need to take a long break from that

5 years ago

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Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Monster Hunter: World, Arma 3, and Outlast 2

I do not enjoy Senua's Sacrifice at all. The unskippable cutscenes, the boring gameplay of just walking and briefly fighting, the constant 20+ voices talking over each other to you most of the game are all issues that frustrate and annoy me to no end. I think the graphics and optimization are excellent and they wanted to make the game extremely realistic, but I just find it extremely boring and annoying.

I probably would've enjoyed MH:W, but on launch it was just terrible. I think boss rushes are entertaining and fun, however MH:W had one of the worst launches I've ever seen in a game I played on Day One. Higher level fights would take 30+ minutes and possibly longer when playing with others. The game's servers would shutdown at random times and force you out of the fight you're currently in, even if you were playing by yourself. There were a few other large issues, but I don't feel like getting back into the game yet or maybe ever.

I bought Arma 3 in the first HB it was featured in and I regret it 100%. I don't remember how much tier 3 was, but it wasn't worth it at all. I bought it because the group of people I play with recommended it and said it was great. We joined a server, walked around and looted for 2 hours until we found a helicopter. It was blown up while flying by somebody who wasn't even remotely close to our location. I gave up on community servers after that. So we tried the co-op missions. It was worse. The enemies had laser beam accuracy and could spot you from over 150 meters while prone crawling through tall grass. I never tried the single-player because I had to uninstall it to make room for a game that I would actually enjoy.

I don't know what is spoiler territory for Outlast 2, so I'm going to mark it all. The game is absolutely not really similar to Outlast 1 and you will most likely be confused by the story. Read at your own risk after this. The game is almost completely based off of shock value, which Outlast 1 had a bunch of, but there was still a story and there was a reason for most of it. In outlast 2, there are some scenes that are downright disgusting and disturbing even for me, but most of them don't really progress the story all that well. There are a lot of rape and rape references. The story is another part that sucks, because you won't understand much of it at all unless you collect almost all of the notes. The game tells the story through the secondary items that you have to find and collect, which is a big downside from Outlast 1, where in that game you understood the story as it progresses because it set it up at the beginning and there are a few story notes that are after important cutscenes. The game also just wasn't that scary at all. I had heard that Outlast 2 wasn't as good, but it was a complete disappointment to me because I loved Outlast 1 and it's DLC and have played that game over 5 times.

5 years ago

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I just remembered, I also regret buying CS:GO. Not only I couldn't play the game (turns out shooters are not my type of thing), the game went F2P in a couple of months. Sad, sad things indeed.

5 years ago

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Inside. For most of the game you think that whatever you find at the end will put everything together and make it all sensible, and worthwhile, but it doesn't. It just confuses you 1000 times over. There is some allegorical meanings you can draw from it, but that's not what I thought I signed up for.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Fallout 4 Goty, its was boring and repetitive and the story was mediocre at best.

5 years ago

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Fortnite co-op mode (before the BR version was a thing) - There was next to zero content and development was WAY off schedule compared to what was promised. Then BR came out and the co-op mode was basically forgotten by devs. I was not interested in BRs in the slightest, tbh, so my money went to something I wouldn't ever play.

5 years ago

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Diablo 3
€ 54,90
battle.net authenticator
€ 9,90

5 years ago

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Wait what? Batttle.net authentication? Sorry I don't know what it is. Why does it cost 10 euro?

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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So a 10 euro version of a free Steam Guard?...............Damn they monetize literally everything these days.

5 years ago

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It is called a hard token. It is much more difficult to crack since you can hijack a phone or PC to generate the code, ut you need top physically steal this thing to get access to the account.

5 years ago

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The free "Mobile Authenticator" was broken, so you had to buy this

5 years ago

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it is not imperative to have the authenticator, and the diablo 3 battle chest (with RoS Addon) is 29,99 € at blizzard store.

5 years ago

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Next time I'll jump into the future to buy it at a reduced price and then I'll come back to play it at day one.

5 years ago

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown
I regret buy this fantastic game because i had to bought it again with all dlcs (non dinamyc bundle) because it was cheaper than buying only dlcs.

Fidelio Incident:
Terrible walking simulator

5 years ago

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any game I bought directly on steam that I don't play because I'm being a dickhead of buying a game my Potato can't run

5 years ago

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PreOrder: Battlefield 3
Loved BF2, probably played more hours than I played Dota2, but it went CoD-style, too fast, close combat, shitty sniping...

South Park games since I bought both of them and rushed through them a week before they hit a new all-time low price. Not sure if I should add this in here since I did love playing both these.

Bayonetta: Refunded this since I couldn't even get past the tutorial, possibly an issue with xbox-controller or setup of the controls, but I didn't feel like spending more than half an hour trying and didn't seem like my kind of game anyway

5 years ago

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Atari Vault. Fucking rip-off.

5 years ago

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Out of curiosity how so? It's pretty much what you would expect.

5 years ago

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A lot of iconic games are missing... like Enduro and Keystone Kapers. Beside that, a lot of games are buggy.

5 years ago

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Little Dragons Café, super boring and stupid game.
I had hopes for it but yeah none of it panned out as I would have liked it to.

5 years ago

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Probably preordering Watch Dogs. I got a game breaking bug that made me unable to play the game for a month, on top of it being a kinda boring game with a bad storyline. Haven't preordered anything since.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Elite Dangerous + Horizons.
For a sandbox game you have an enormous box but barely any sand to play.

5 years ago

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The Witcher 3 - Bought it once, played for almost 2 hours and had no fun whatsoever. So I decided to refund the game, later I told my friends about that and received a lot of incomprehension and hate (not in a bad way) for disliking the game. Eventually, that persuaded me to buy it again and give it another chance. I played it for about another 6 hours, didn't enjoy it at all, so now it's just sitting in my library catching dust.

5 years ago

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None really. Closest would be MvC3 on PS3 because it was just Sentinel matches online

5 years ago

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I kinda regret buying Portal 2 at release. I played it co-op with a friend in one night i believe. Yeah, the single player is fine, but touting the co-op component only for it to be so short. I would have just waited for it on sale otherwise.

5 years ago

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The only reason to get it at release was to get a head start on building rooms too.

And I guess the warm fuzzy of supporting it at release.

5 years ago

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Life is Strange. I liked the rewind mechanics but Max constantly suggesting you do it over again irritated me. Tbh, Max in general irritated me. I don't think I liked a single character in the game and thus am dragging my feet in completing it cos I'm not a fan of making myself miserable if I can help it.

5 years ago

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I am more interested in Before the Storm, but feel like I have to play Life is Strange first even though I know I don't.

5 years ago

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Mirror's Edge is a big one for me. I feel like we had to wait a long time for it on PC and finally I got it and I didn't like the art style enough to keep playing it and get good enough to not die every 3 seconds.

When we first the the xbox 360 we got all the AC games that had been released at the time and I regret AC1 primarily because of the whole don't ride your horse too fast thing. We ended up watching a play through of AC1 on youtube and starting with AC2

I was looking for a game to really dive into with lots of game play after the Matrix Online got sold to Sony and they stopped updating so someone suggested Elder Scrolls Morrowind, so I bought the deluxe edition for way too much and played less than 10 hours. In a series that die hards put multiple thousands of hours into each game. Part of the problem is I discovered I'm not big on high fantasy

I bought the Humble Freedom Bundle a while back specifically for The Witness, fortunately I did end up with a number of games in the bundle that I really like, but The Witness was overhyped by Penny Arcade as having great puzzles and story, but I never encountered anything resembling a story, aside from a basement with some discount "What the Bleep do we know" outtakes that would have required me traversing the island a dozen or more times to unlock, and since by then I didn't really like it anyway...Also it was my first bundle that had a ton of keys in it and I ended up claiming a bunch on steam that I didn't look up first and wish I hadn't.

5 years ago

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I'm going to take this in a different direction, Destiny 1 on Ps4. You're probably thinking how is that a different direction well the thing is I loved almost everything about Destiny 1, I have a couple friends still to this day that I met completely by chance in game and I'm glad I did meet them and have the memories of doing late night raids on release with them.

The problem is less with the game and instead with myself and how it took over my life during that year causing me to inadvertently push away someone I loved and cared about. She wasn't perfect, Our relationship wasn't either, but she was and maybe still is one of the most important people in my life. We're currently on and off friends, I'd give anything to have another chance and redo that part of my life.

5 years ago

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tokyo xanadu, it's not a bad game but my laptop can barely play it, doesnt feels good when battle either. unfortunately i cant refund it because ive already play than 2 hour (load time is too slow) and even worst they sell it in higher discount


5 years ago

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Football Manager 2019. Not only a ridiculous habit where I swear I'll not buy it every year cause it's been the same damn game for 30 years and eventually fold and buy it anyway but a week after finally caving this year the new XBox Live for PC launched... with fucking FM19 included.

Not buying FM20. No, no, no, no, nope.

Please no.

5 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by RiseOfValhalla.