It all depends on when it travels back in time doesn it? You just fire it and there it goes normally, theres is your answer.
Unless you meant it travels back in time when/because you fired, wich should be written differently. If so is all quite clear:
The present is just a point of reference, theres is either future or past. Since the bullet is in your gun you're clearly in its past(by the bullets point of reference)- if it already had travelled in time from its reference it would never have made its way into your chamber, since it would had hit something(wasted bullet) by the time you would fire it. This bullet is impossible even if it could travel in time; It wouldn't pass the factory process nor you would put a deformed bullet in a chamber. This is more like a paradox firing gun.
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It would travel forward, while the time and space around it would go back in time. The structures would revert as the time go back, and the bullet moves forward. It would go forward until it hits something, or somebody that, at the returned time, were in the position in space that the bullet is right now.
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You would need a gun that also fires backwards in time, and you would also know who/what you hit prior to firing it.
From your perspective, you would hold up your gun, and a bullet be sucked backwards into the barrel of your gun, perfectly synchronised to the pulling of your trigger, at which point it would turn into a normal bullet. You wouldn't be able to miss catching it, because however you attempt to move, it would always get back into the barrel, given that was the point you fired it from.
The greatest part about a bullet that travels backwards through time is that if you miss, you'll be able to find out before you even take the shot, and adjust accordingly in a loop of squishy quasi-science until you find your mark. At that point, you will no longer wish to adjust, and instead, the world would unfold slightly different due to the death/injury of the target, or the destruction of the object you wanted broken. This would be a problem, because the target is destroyed, you would no longer have the vital prerequisite for you to desire to shoot it, therefore stopping you from taking the shot that destroyed it, therefore returning you to a point where the target is intact and with you wanting to shoot it. A time loop. This would repeat a number of times before existence itself gets tired of your shit and excises you with a comical "BLOIP" noise, replacing you with someone else who picks a better gadget/superpower than the reverse time-travel bullet. Seriously, I'm pretty sure that existence is pretty sick of us trying to use a linear perception-assisting construct as a manipulable, flexible dimension.
"That hole is exit only, buddy".
And that's before you even get into the idea of "alternate dimensions" or "alternate timelines", but that wasn't part of your question, and it would be just as dumb of me to assume that upon the situation as assuming that cybernetic time-ninja-police are a factor.
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What if the cybernetic time-ninja-police had fired his normal gun at you. Your time gun is the thing that saves you cause you would have shot him before he could have fired. That would give you reason enough to pull the trigger and avoid any time loop "BLOIP" nonsense.
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Here. Here, let me demonstrate. Let's say that this line represents the bullet. [draws straight line and points to places] Here's the present 1985, the future and the past. Obviously, somewhere in the past the bullet skewed down into this tangent [draws new line and writes 1985A] creating an alternate 1985. Alternate to you, me, and Einstein, but reality for everyone else. Recognize this? [shows Blast from the Past bag] It’s the bag the gun came in; I know because the receipt was still inside. I found them in the bullet machine ...along with this!
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ask someone from Rusia...they know how to handle with this ones :>
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Well, it'd be pretty simple. You'd fire the bullet, and have a high initial speed, so the rate of time travel would be quick, passing backwards and disturbing air from the past few decades, then centuries ago. As the bullet slowed down and fell to the ground time would go backwards slower, and eventually the bullet would smack into the ground a few million years ago, and the oil on your fingerprints that you left on the bullet would become the basis for life on Earth.
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It would either a) act as if never fired b) kill someone there by stopping you from firing cuz if you have a heart you would go help them which would either b1) reverse the effect putting you into an infinite loop b2) if each travel into the past creates an alternate reality that person would be dead from a magic bullet fired from nowhere but life would go on c) pop back in time coexisting in the same space as other atoms causing them to lose their form and become liquid causing a reaction that unfreezes all the frozen energy in surrounding atoms causing a chain effect that destroy the solar system or beyond d) nothing happens cuz time travel time and you now have to explain to the cops why you put a bullet hole in your wall.
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I scanned the comments and one thing I notice people forgetting, (even though it's more important on larger scales) is that the earth moves through space. Depending on the method of time travel, if you were to BTTF it you need to account for showing up in the same place the Earth was (spatially speaking) or else your bullet/DeLorean/phone box will arrive in the big empty void. I'd actually wondered if Doc Brown added a filter for that when he made the time machine... but it always looked like you could input the date manually, leaving room for error on Marty's part...
TL;DR - Bullet may be in outer space.
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Easy, The Doctor would simply go to a point in time it was interfering in and reverse the time polarity of it to set things right and having corrected such a small anomaly decide to go and have tea with Elizabeth I causing all sorts of mischief. Or didn't you know how that storyline began?
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well I wouldn't try to duel with it....
imagine taking 10 steps, turning around and shooting, then realizing that you were walking there seconds ago. and dropping dead....
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If the bullet you're shooting travels back in time, it would just simply move back into the clip.
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The bullet itself or the space around it? there's huge differnce between the two.
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just kidding
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well...a backlet for once! and it would hit someone in the past therefor changinc the future, and porbably creating a past-to-future paradox making the past bullet (backlet) never being invented, therefor splitting reality into two different dimensions, generating a limbo like universe that's left to deliberate the formentioned event
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That's only true if you assume that you move back in time continuously.
By assuming time is cyclic (a so called closed timelike curve) , you could actually move really far forward and loop back to the starting point (which was actually demonstrated in futurama episode forward time machine
Or you could assume that instead of moving continuously, you could make jumps. There are some theories that wormholes allow you to do this..
For your enjoyment here's an article about time travel in futurama.
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I'll be giving away a game key to someone at random for your thoughts.
Game key was given away Saturday night to BlueDrank01. Thanks again for the fun. I'll be doing it again sometime.
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