I'll be giving away a game key to someone at random for your thoughts.

Game key was given away Saturday night to BlueDrank01. Thanks again for the fun. I'll be doing it again sometime.

11 years ago*

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It would probably cause your gun to move weirdly, as the bullet tried to recreate all of its previous moves...
No, it would actually rip the gun/ the gun out of your hand/ your hand/ a lot of things because the earth is orbiting around teh sun, and our sun is floating in our space with god-knows what speed so if the bullet was relative to the whole universe it would travel A DICKTON of space just after you pulled the trigger...

but if it was relative to earth it would move your gun around, trying to push itself back into the magazine...

11 years ago

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Are you firing a bullet through a wormhole which leads to a point in the space-time continuum which is further back in time than the moment at which you are firing? Or are you just holding a magic gun which fires projectiles which travel against the understood flow of time?

If the former, the bullet would simply travel through the wormhole, then presumably exit it and travel as a normal bullet would. The bullet would probably become highly radioactive in the process.

If the latter, you are violating our understanding of cause and effect. Someone would double over in pain as a fired bullet exited their body, and then shortly thereafter you would pull the trigger, which would draw the bullet into the chamber. This assumes that the bullet travels forward in time from its own perspective but backwards from ours.

11 years ago

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The bullet would fly backwards, penetrate through the gun and you would end up with the bullet in you, thus the bullet travelled backwards through the gun and hit your chest, you would be the one hurt

11 years ago

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It would probably disassamble itself pretty fast, except it is a very old bullet.

11 years ago

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The bullet would recede back into the gun and reverse itself through the manufacturing process, eventually reducing into lead and a shell casing, waiting to be constructed.

Or it could blow up the earth.

11 years ago

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the gun will jam and explode

11 years ago

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The bullet, I assume, is traveling faster than the speed of light, so it doesn't "look" like anything, because it's traveling far too fast to be visible. From the perspective of the bullet, through, it whizzes past the horizon almost instantly, a blur of Earth traveling under it, though with a mass that probably can't escape the atmosphere. It stays in orbit with a blur of the world rewinding beneath it.

11 years ago

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Sounds like Shodan is plotting for a SS3 where she were integrated within the bullet's cybernetic core.

11 years ago

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depends on the interpretation. mine, If you shot it, you would kill yourself in time.

11 years ago

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Elementary Watson! It could not be. For all we know, the bullet going backwards in time will disrupt the flow of events that cause the bullet to come to be and be fired off in the first place. It is a simple case of time paradox. Of course, we would never know you did such a thing, as we would be unaware of the changes that brought it about.... We would simply... It would be... Just like today.

11 years ago

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you could kill John Connor without needing to go back in person

11 years ago

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the ONLY logical answer is that the bullet will become a pair of boobs :)

11 years ago

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you can kill someone that was with you in a place. you can kill him after he is gone.

11 years ago

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it will hit a kadaw!

11 years ago

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I have no idea what that is. google says a village, a spirit medium, or a person on facebook/twitter.

11 years ago

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kill someone who's already dead

11 years ago

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It would be fun to shoot a bullet at a crowd and the time getting backwards really fast, they would just move out of the bullet's way and it would look really cool in slow motion.
Of course that's not possible if you think about time traveling in an "intelligent" way but who cares...it's the internet.

11 years ago

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If you are able to do that u are going to be on the next Wanted movie C:

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You wouldn't ever be able to shoot that bullet.
Let's visualize... You fire your weapon... The bullet instantly goes back in time, so it doesn't leave the weapon. BUT. If the bullet, once fired, goes back in time but does not stop rewinding at the point where the shot was fired, when you fire the bullet you would go back in a time where you would have not shot that bullet, which means you would not have gone back in time yet.
Either way, your weapon doesn't do anything. Or at least, you never acknowledge that your weapon does anything.

11 years ago

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Good point. How far backwards in time does the bullet go when fired? Is it a consistent backwards cycle on a 1:1 ratio or does it get just a single 'jump' of backwards time-travel before becoming a normal bullet again?

See, if it only time-travelled backwards through time for 1 second, what that bullet essentially does is cause a Source Engine style clipping issue, partially phasing with the gun's barrel (or maybe your hand), and then spazzing out making clanking, fleshy noises. If you're really unlucky you'll end up turning into a distorted ragdoll.

11 years ago

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For a bullet to travel back in time it must first reach the speed of light. Then it gains infinite mass and creates a singularity, killing all of us. Good job.

11 years ago

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Several possibilities:

First, we use the principle that time cannot be rewritten so all events you cause by pulling the trigger are happening as you prepare. You would have witnessed the bullet spontaneously enter the gun via the barrel prior to pulling the trigger. The bullet you had intended on firing would return to the magazine while a shell casing leapt from the floor into the chamber. An outside observer would witness 'the bullet fire you'.
Probability: Low

Second, we assume you alter the past by pulling the trigger. By firing a bullet into the past where the constituent parts of said bullet already exist, you increase the mass of the universe by the mass of the bullet. From here one of two things occur: (a) a causality loop occurs at the moment you fire the bullet, you are now firing the bullet in a more massive universe causing the universe to become more massive still. The loop proceeds toward infinity making the mass of the universe infinite and the universe collapses under its own weight. (b) the additional mass in the universe causes a reverse butterfly effect and the universe evolves from point 0 (Big Bang) with the new mass, effectively creating a whole new universe while destroying the current one (you may or may not become a God). Congratulations Dr. Doomsday, you're two for two.
Probability: (a) unknown (b)Might have already happened...

Third, we assume you can change the past but quantum causality corrects for possibility 2. You un-assassinate Abraham Lincoln. After his presidential term is up he returns to a life of hunting vampires.
Probability: WTF

11 years ago

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but the bullet wouldn't exist in two points in the same time. It's mass would just be in a different position in the past.

I had no idea Lincoln was a vampire slayer. I kinda like vampires however, so maybe it was a good thing.

11 years ago

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The bullet hits you in the back of your head.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It would be like normal. It's moving backward through time, but normally through space.

Imagine the Delorean in Back to the Future. It doesn't start driving backwards when he goes back in time.

11 years ago

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But that movie doesn't account for where the Delorean is while moving through time. They performed a jump then continued forward, skipping through time. I'm asking about the bullet traveling backwards in time rather then jumping/skipping.

11 years ago

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It would turn into a dinosaur obviously.

11 years ago

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It'd kill your grandfather, most likely. Then you'd die. Basically, you're shooting yourself in the most elaborate and inefficient manner possible.

11 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Gengi.