I picked it for 2 reasons. It's short and you don't need anime experience to enjoy it ( someone who watched more than 50 series will probably have it in the bottom of his list btw).
My personal experience tells me that is more viable starting with something like this instead of a big one, because you won't enjoy the "perfect ones" at 100% ( It happened to me with bakemonogatari and madoka. The first time I hated them).
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It ends up being a shonen iirc, just gets.... distracted, I guess XD
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Bleach, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and GT, Hajime No Ippo, One Piece and Tokyo Ghoul.
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Yeah sorry, I know they're long, but to tell truth I've watched all of those animes I mentioned and they're awesome! hope you'll watch them when you'll have time, enjoy :)
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instead of Dragonball Z, watch Dragonball Kai.
It's an improved version of Z with less pointless filler episodes.
and GT is a waste of Time..
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Well, Kai is too short, I watched Z and enjoyed every episode of it.
And GT isn't waste of time.
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Battle Angel Alitta only one episode sadly
-Paprika (inception gebaseerd)
-Perfect Blue
-The Place Promised in Our Early Days
In 1974, Japan underwent the Separation
-Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise
On an alternate Earth, an industrial civilization is flourishing amid an impending war between two bordering nations: the Kingdom of Honneamise and "The Republic"
-Sword of the Stranger
A swordsman from a strange land is caught in a struggle between morality, righteousness, and devotion
-Ghost in the Shell
Sci Fi
1950's parallel
-Hoshi o ou kodomo (Children who Chase Lost Voices)
A coming of age story involving young love and a mysterious music, coming from a crystal radio left as a memento by an absent father, that leads a young heroine deep into a hidden world.
-Summer Wars
?vage computershit?
-Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
The power to travel through time
-Ninja Scroll
-Patlabor The Movie (1987)
-Akira (1988)
sora no otoshimoro
Akame ga Kill!
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Princess Jellyfish
Yuru Yuri
Urobuchi Gen: Script
iczer one
Yozakura Quartet
angel cop
blue gender
Higurashi no naku koro ni
deadmen wonderland
Hunter x Hunter
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I love Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise, very underrated.
Kite at least the one I remember, is basically the same as Leon: The Professional, and good.
Pretty much all of Patlabor are good.
Trigun is a must as well as Akira and Ninja Scroll.
I would add in MD Geist and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.
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I'm about to watch the last two episodes of trigun
I cried like a little bitch athleast twice so far
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It's an American web series, not a webtoon (Korean manhwa posted on the internet) though lol. I've never watched it but I'd say give it a watch.
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My List Anything rated high i would recommend but for 26 eps.
Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou.
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo.
There is more on my list i would recommend but i have no idea to what you are looking for.
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Kara no Kyoukai is great; it's by the same author as the Fate series, so it's very well written and a rather compelling world. They are not released in the order you would expect though; I forget the exact order, but you can either watch them in the order they were released or the "chronological" order. It will be a bit confusing, but it will work.
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PS Gangsta is awesome :3
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Of Psycho Pass or Gangsta? I'm the same with Gangsta, but Psycho Pass has stopped airing :) I'm just waiting on the movie release of it now :3
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I thought Psycho Pass was merely good. I thought the first season was full of filler (the last half and the beginning were great, but some of the middle episodes just dragged on). I'd watch Trigun or either of the Ghost in the Shell SAC series before Psycho Pass, or if you're looking for something quick the second GitS movie (non-SAC, which is similar to Psycho Pass in my opinion without some of the slowness that the filler episodes beget). The second season just never really grabbed me. The soundtrack is amazing though.
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I loved season 1, but I did struggle slightly through the second! I still love it to pieces though. Trigun and Ghost in the Shell are ones I want to watch but the art style just puts me off (I'm one of those people). I do love the soundtrack, one of the best parts of the show!
Perfect song for the action moments my favourite song
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Oh, yeah, that song is great.
Ghost in the Shell actually has multiple art styles, which bugs some people. The first movie and second movie are worlds apart, while SAC has one roughly uniform appearance, while Arise is again a new style. They also follow slightly different timelines, just to make things more fun... fun.
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It is, indeed!
Do you think if I try to just ignore my dislike towards the art style that I can enjoy it? I get recommended it a lot :P
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Easily! It's a classic. I think GitS: Innocence (the second movie, which is pretty continuous from the first movie but without a ton of spoilers) and SAC have a more modern style, so it would be easier to enjoy, though I think both the original GitS and shows like Trigun are still enjoyable even if you don't care for the art style. I think there's only been one show that I couldn't enjoy because of the art style, and that wasn't until I tried to watch a BR rip (streaming I didn't even notice, because 480p streams are bad).
Edit: Looking for GitS stuff to describe it more accurately made me sad, because Nexon is managing a GitS MMO. T_T
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It's really sad that Nexon is managing it, but you could try Neotokyo. Even though does not have any real relation with the GitS itself, it features many technologies and art style. It's hell fun, the only problem is that is pretty much dead during most time in the day :/
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Yeah, I tried a bit of Neotokyo but never found servers with people -_-.
I'm still going to try the Nexon MMO, of course. I'm just going to hate myself and Nexon. Though, they have gotten a bit better over the years. From completely trash to almost completely trash.
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fate zero+grisaia+yuri yuri top 3 of the list closer to them mmm mayber guilty crown noragami mmm hard but i should go for aldonoahzero nyaruko unbreajabke nachune doll and the last one will be tokyo ravens + fate stynight(new version can be in the group of noragami guilty crown)
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Here is my MAL
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