Why am I asking this question here?
It is common opinion that most people from my country are drunks and thieves (yes, probably many of them are ;( ). And many of them are acting like kids and boors even while playing online, I'm very ashamed of them.
When I play games online I never reveal what country I am from.
How about you? Are you proud of ashamed to be of your nationality?

1 decade ago*

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Nationality is irrelevant; you are all merely a convenient infestation of wriggling, sobbing snack animals awaiting digestion within our great and masterful Lord Cthulhu upon his arising. Dismiss such cultural concerns from your minds and focus instead on your prayers that you may be blessed and eaten first.

1 decade ago

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I'm actually from NZ and happy to be so.

1 decade ago

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PROUD! i never wanted to be born in another country :) greetings from Georgia :)

1 decade ago

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I would've prefered to be born somewhere awesome, like Japan, or USA ( I lived in the US for 3 years, and I miss Slurpees so much)

1 decade ago

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I'm not particularly ashamed of the nationality but rather to be living in the same country as the said people.
I think my country has a demonstration on everyday just that not all of them are reported. Those reported appear in the news once every few days, and they almost always lead to violence. Even if it's non-violent, it's 100% going to have the burning of tires. Not to mention that some 60-80% of those reported are done by university students.

1 decade ago

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No point in being ashamed of your nationality, people are good, bad, evil wherever they come from. I love my country (Serbia) and respect all others. If someone is an ass, it doesn't really matter what country he/she is from, does it?

1 decade ago

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INDIAN and proud :P

1 decade ago

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My country is the world and my religion is to do good. :)

1 decade ago

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Ashamed? No. Proud? No.
It's not that important in my opinion.

1 decade ago

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I like being Iranian, but I dislike most Iranian people if that makes sense.

1 decade ago

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I always ask my self, how this proud to be part of one nationality should look like.
Im not proud of my parents living in Poland as i was born, neither i am proud that they moved to germany when i was a little kid.
Im not proud of anything my country is known for, because i didnt contribute to it. the country i live in didnt become like it is because i grew up here. it was existent before i was born and it may be still existent when i die.
All i wanna say? PROUD? No. Happy to Live here and not in a ( excuse my language here ) fucked up third world country where i have to struggle 8hours a day to get a bowl of uncooked rice? Yes!

1 decade ago

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exactly. I just don't get why people are proud to live in a country only because they're born (or live) there

1 decade ago

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There is always going to be all kinds of people in the world not just in your country. If you can tell us about one single country that those kind of things doesn't exist then you will doing a lot of us a huge favor. In the end its not that really important where you from but who you are.

1 decade ago

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Proud to be Portuguese, 50/50 for the French part.

1 decade ago

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I am ashamed to be lithuanian. It's a country of thieves and drunks. Very untolerant, racist and homophobic. It's a shame to admit that you're for example a janitor, but it's proud to admit that you've stole something. Illegal business(mostly smuggling of cigarettes and diesel) make 30% of our economy. Like this is not enough we make our country "pride" in foreign countries like norway(there's MANY lithuanians in their jails). And politicians do nothing about a fact that people are spending more than they earn lol.
Justice system is just stupid here. You get 5-10 years for murder, and the same goes for weed.
Awful situation with children, no one cares how they live. Drunks raising them beat them and no one cares. Then they grow up and go to jail.
And drinking really is a big problem here.
Racism is another problem. Lithuanians hate black people.
Same with homophobia, many don't even know the difference between gays and pedophiles.
Situation is better in capital city, but everywhere else...
So yeah i'm ashamed of my country and people. But at least i'm happy i'm not russian lol

1 decade ago

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Shame on Hungary.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'll just list some things that are prevalent in my country and you be the judge...

  • Horrible mentality
  • Corrupt government
  • Can't get rich from honest work
  • About 25% unemployment I think
  • Homophobia
  • Nationalism
  • Catholicism
  • Secularity only on paper

That's Croatia right there. I'm not ashamed, but I'm not exactly proud either. I can't wait to get out of this shithole.

Scandinavians, Germans, Swiss... They have something to be proud of.

1 decade ago

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"germany", "today" and "proud" in one sentence? impossibru!

1 decade ago

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Well, you're German, care to elaborate why?

1 decade ago

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No matter the nationality, no matter the religion, no matter the ethnic background, America brings out the best in people.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Austrian Philosopher

1 decade ago

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How is this relevant?

1 decade ago

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" I can't wait to get out of this shithole."
so im just giving u the best destination backed up with words from famous philosopher

1 decade ago

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Guy sleeps around with women and hides his children from public knowledge.

1 decade ago

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I thought it was an Islamic country until I saw Catholicism.

1 decade ago

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There are a few problems with the world a one of them is POLITICS.

1 decade ago

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I think you can only be ashamed or proud of something you did yourself. I'm born in a country and that just happend I didn't do something actively. So the question would be more do I like or not like how my country is and what a majority of people do there. The same goes for people who play games. I wouldn't connect their behaviour and a country. They are just stupid, as long as there are not like every second person of that country behaves like an idiot in only games I wouldn't be ashamed of them being from there or there, I would be ashamed for themselves. And even if they would I could only say the people of that country who play Lol and CoD are idiots but not everyone else there, or even everyone else there who plays DotA2 because I don't and so couldn't tell. That goes 1:1 for everything else, I voted my politicans, but as best as I could and with what they told me they will do. So I can only be ashamed of them and their behaviour, but they are only a small group and stopped representing my country for me when they started to only work for themselves. An exception would be your country does bad things, everyone knows it and no one stands up or cares. Then you could be ashamed of what happens, but you could still be proud of yourself if you try to change it.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Neither. I don't think I have anything to do with my nationality, I can't help where I was born (Dutch here).

1 decade ago

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I am not ashamed of being Russian, but come on... being American, Italian, Canadian, Swiss or something could be much better

1 decade ago

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The only difference i think is their politics.

1 decade ago

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not really. Let me tell you some bad traits of a common Russian:
1)Typical modern Russian is afraid of anyone better than him(usually he tells himself that more successful people are just thieves). At the same time he detests anyone who is worse than him(look at that poor guy. what a tosser!)
2)Typical Russian is very ignorant and often rude
3)Some of the Russians are still communist. IMO that's just horrible.
4)They enjoy everything about халява[halyava] which means a "freebie". Sometimes it is hard to tell whether people are taking something for free or stealing it
5)Vast majority thinks that if something is not forbidden, then it's obviously allowed. (As far as I am concerned, German people think exactly vice versa)
Of course not even every second Russian meets these criteria. Of course there are a lot of great about Russians. But Finnish people, for example, don't steal anything at all, so it's not just about politics.

1 decade ago

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hmmm.. I don't really care about my nationality to be honest. people are people.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I am from Egypt too , there is no need to hate it because a bunch of idiots that ruined things up

hate the people that run it , once upon a time we were a great country , with great leaders that fought dark ages more than that , the crusaders , the mongols and so on ! you should be proud of being an Egyptian

and pray for this country to be better

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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i'm very ashamed of my country (france) they act like the U.S. ... keeping harassing, stole and destroy others country, recently destroyed libya, now support terrorists in syria, and people are very stupid here too. recently they allowed wedding between gays (despite of the large manifestations of hundreds of thousands we made against it)... they make stupid laws over and over. fck my country, i hope i can go out of there.. maybe later.

1 decade ago

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Dude, why are you homophobic? It really shouldn't borrow you if your country allows something. No one will ever make you marry another man. It is actually great that some other people have more opportunities in your country. And supporting terrorists in Syria is just politics, it also shouldn't bother you. Your country has awesome climate, great level of life. The only thing that might be bad is the fact that a lot of immigrants allowed in your country, making it way too multinational. Otherwise you should reconsider your opinion.

1 decade ago

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what would you think if your parents are gay? you would be bullied in schools, maybe physically harmed. think of the childred

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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i don't bully people at all but i would be ashamed if my parents were biological abnormal. imho everybody should be allowed to love anything but the child's safety is more important. imho they should be allowed to marry but don't allow them to adopt children!

1 decade ago

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"Biologically abnormal"? What kind of nonsense is that? Are you aware that evolution works by random exploration of the solution space? Do you believe in eugenesia?

1 decade ago

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yes, i am aware of biology. if being homosexual was natural we would not even exist - make sence, right? i just read some articles about eugenesia and yea i believe in it because it makes sense.

1 decade ago

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Now you're just trolling, right?

Being homosexual is natural, no matter what you may think. Unnatural would be if there were no differences between individuals, then we would still be unicellular organisms.

1 decade ago

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which animals are homosexual? i must be really stupid because i always thought you require a male and a female individual to make baby individuals. but it's a great advantage that a man can make an other man pregnant :)

1 decade ago

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Wikipedia: List of animals displaying homosexual behavior.

You are using simplistic logic. You assume every individual has to ensure its genes pass to the next generation. Think of insects: in many species, most of them are sterile, so by your logic they are unnatural. I recommend you read "The Selfish Gene", sometimes things in evolution are not as "straightforward" as you may think; nature doesn't care about your logic, it just evolves.

1 decade ago

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alright, didnt know about that. thanks for correcting my point of view ;)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Okay, what about this... the staight man rises the child? well if the child is old enough it can decide with which parent it wants to live - so it should be no problem for the child's safety. i agree with you that there are always some weak points - how to combine religious freedom and religious fanatics raising a child? hard things to talk about and - of cause - we don't always have the same opinion concerning these difficult topics.

1 decade ago

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I sincerely hope the next generation will be less homophobic than the current one.

1 decade ago

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In my personal experience, it is. I'm 16, and go to a school of 3.5k kids. As you can imagine, with so many kids, there are quite a few who are open about their homosexuality, and tolerance here is great, none of the people I know who have come out have had problems at all, in fact the majority of them get support from their friends. One of my best friends came out when she was 13, and I've never seen her be bullied by anyone.

1 decade ago

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Homophobic lost its meaning decades ago.

1 decade ago

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homophobic ?? LOL! not wanting wedding between them have nothing to do with homophobia. think twice next time (if you can).

and it look like you are racist "The only thing that might be bad is the fact that a lot of immigrants allowed in your country...." which is way worst than homophobic :/

1 decade ago

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Born a century late.

1 decade ago

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Proud to be a Aussie

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Firmin.