Why am I asking this question here?
It is common opinion that most people from my country are drunks and thieves (yes, probably many of them are ;( ). And many of them are acting like kids and boors even while playing online, I'm very ashamed of them.
When I play games online I never reveal what country I am from.
How about you? Are you proud of ashamed to be of your nationality?

1 decade ago*

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Im proud of Sweden. (cause i live in Sweden)

1 decade ago

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I'm proud to be portuguese. Our politicians are corrupt. Our math is always over or under.. but one word saves this country for me... Cod.
Not the video game, i mean the delicious fish.

1 decade ago

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Neither, I am proud of things I achieved on my own but not of things that happened to me by pure chance. I also don't get how anyone can be ashamed of his nationality, it's not like someone asked you at your birth if you wanna be american/british whatever

Tbh this whole nationality discussion seems pointless to me. Nowadays most of the more interesting decisions in the EU thankfully are decided in Brussels and not in Paris/Rome/Berlin anyway.

tl;dr: I am glad to live in Europe and not in Sudan/North Korea some other shit hole but I am not proud to be European.

1 decade ago

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Nowadays most of the more interesting decisions in the EU thankfully are decided in Brussels and not in Paris/Rome/Berlin anyway.

That's actually a bad thing. Important decisions are made in places far removed from their effects. Just look at the situation in southern Europe. What's worse, local governments seem all too happy to do nothing, and just say "things are the way they are".

1 decade ago

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I think one of the cause to be ashamed of our nationality is with acculturation.

1 decade ago

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Look at my country UK worst in Europe: crime and obesity are the highest ever

1 decade ago

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i have a split opinion concerning by nationality. on the one hand we germans did really great things but on the other side i am really ashamed of the todays politics. our stupid politicians don't have the guts to do the right thing and change something. so ashamed of it that i am going to move to an other country after graduating and studying on the states cost :)

1 decade ago

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I am ashamed.

1 decade ago

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Well, I'm Irish, and everyone thinks people from my country are drunks too :P But I'm proud as hell of my country, and proud as hell to be from it, and will never hide where I'm from. (The one exception was when we beat Wales at rugby, ruining their chances of a grand slam, and the next day my English teacher was sick and happened to be replaced by a Welsh teacher. I avoided speaking for the whole lesson, when usually I'm very vocal and active, so as to hide my accent).

1 decade ago

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I am proud that i am born in Romania, but i am ashamed that i am a romanian.Our system is at the ground, corruption leads everything, and our reputation as a nation is ruined by others that have no right to call themselves romanians.
Once a great and proud country,now the junk of Europe

1 decade ago

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Neither anymore.

1 decade ago

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As it took no effort on my part whatsoever, why would I be proud or ashamed to be of my nationality?

I could very much understand if you had sought a different nationality/citizenship successfully. That tends to be quite hard, or so I hear.

1 decade ago

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Out of curiosity, where are you from?

1 decade ago

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Proud of being an Egyptian , though the leaders that run this country are idiots and people's behavior needs to be more civilized , I proudly present my country and I hope the best for it and its people

1 decade ago

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Proud to be Portuguese.

Half of the world was once ours.

1 decade ago

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like we germans :P

1 decade ago

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I don't understand that train of thought. What have you actually done to conquer the world in the past? You weren't even born. I'm proud for the achievements I've made in my life, not for the things that I have absolutely no control over or things done by other people. It's like being proud that life exists, or that strawberries taste so good, or that we live on planet Earth.

What difference would it make if you were born in England, for example? Would your life have less meaning? If you were born in Switzerland, would you think "gee, I wish I were born in Portugal, those people once owned half of the world"?

I'm sorry, I just fail to see the point in this argument. It's like when I hear people saying "MY team is very good, WE won the last match!". Really? I didn't see you playing.

Just so you know, your country had half of the world in the past by means of slavery, colonizing other countries. If anything, I wouldn't be proud of that.

1 decade ago

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Well, I am proud.

Slavery gets shit done (there's a t-shirt with that, pretty funny actually). Just kidding.

But anyway, anything would be better than our current situation.

But I'm proud because I was born with the same blood.

Our ancestors gave sweat, their blood and their life so that we could sit our asses in our couches and call our country Portugal.

That makes me proud.

But unfortunately, may has changed since those times.

1 decade ago

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I'm proud to be Canadian, nice place and people.
Though it sucks living so close to the border since Americans come over when they turn 19, get drunk and rowdy.

1 decade ago

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why when they turn 19?

1 decade ago

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Same reason young Americans go to Mexico at 19, the U.S. government in all it wisdom says no beer till you are 21 at home.

1 decade ago

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Why wait at any age to get drunk? Not like you have cameras installed in your bedroom.

1 decade ago

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Why get drunk at all, it doesn't feel good.
How do you know I don't have cameras installed in my bedroom?

1 decade ago

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so alcohol it allowed with 19 in canada? okay, thought it was 18

1 decade ago

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Why ask me, I ain't a Canuck, though I do have Quebecois family.
On boats/ships, you can drink beer at 19 once you hit International waters, and Mexico's beer drinking age is 19 too.

1 decade ago

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I'm a nazi in everybody's eyes. But I'm proud of living my country. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

1 decade ago

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I'm sort of proud. I'm ashamed of how my government and other people act.

1 decade ago

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I think it's idiotic to be proud or ashamed over something that has nothing to do with your own accomplishments. It's not like you decided to be British, Polish or Russian before birth, so you can't be proud of your smart decision afterwards. It's just something that happens.

1 decade ago

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I never asked for this.

1 decade ago

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No one did.

It's like going home after 30 years of being away. You get to a familiar corner, see a house, you feel all warm inside. Then someone tells you, your old house is actually a block away, because all blocks look alike. What were you glad about? It's all inside our minds.

1 decade ago

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Exactly what I think.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I can't even find a good reason for beeing proud of a nationality. What have i done for the my "belonging" to a nation. Its no basis for beeing proud of something, if i dont even have to contribute to something...

1 decade ago

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You know, id like to answer on this question, but language border wont let me do this easily.

1 decade ago

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so you're saying ashamed and your country sucks then ;P

1 decade ago

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I am proud to be Pole, but I am ashamed of polish politicians

1 decade ago

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Since I am from a country full of racists and douchebags, sadly I am not proud of my nationality, but I am certainly pround of my ethnicity. Fuck the Dumb shit, lets keep internet gaming 100.

1 decade ago

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Proud. we got cheap games :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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