Which do you have more hours on?
Somehow I knew what the picture was before I opened it.
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Indie because they're cheaper and my computer can't handle AAA games. I play AAA's on my Xbox and Indie's on my PC.
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Currently Shadowrun HK, But Planetship, Bleed, Shadowrun Dragonfall, The Binding of Issac and AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome were some past favorites.
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I will have to play those sometime. The Binding of Issac seems fun if youtubers have had anything to say.
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I always have to recommend Isaac when I see people mention that they might like it. It's basically the NES Legend of Zelda's dungeon section randomly generated with strong Christian and child abuse themes. I've got a solid 900 hours in both games combined, basically the game never ends and you can keep playing for fun after you unlocks everything. Isaac is pretty fun and cheap, but the best way to play it is Rebirth. Once you try Rebirth you won't be able to go back to the original, so I'd recommend playing that first if you want to experience it.
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I couldn't tell you, I haven't played Returns and only got 2 hours in HK. so far, I still like the story and characters of Dragonfall more. However, Hong Kong has cyber weapons which I think is really cool.
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a weak pc can always handle old yet good AAA titles :)
I played Half-Life 1 on medium settings some 2 years ago, as well as Return to Castle Wolfenstein at max settings (lol), Hearts of Iron 2, Sim City 4 and so on
ah, you got an Xbox, that explains why you can't play AAA titles
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Not sure how to answer, I enjoy games that I find fun... could be single person, could be a whole team. Could be indie, could be triple-A. It's more about execution and competence. Even big studios can (and often do) produce absolute shite, but there's also enough RPGMaker games out there to prove the indie scene is no less flooded with shlock, as well.
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Shall I make a other poll? NVM can't add another choice. Would of been awesome if I could but I can't.
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Honestly, both equally, whatever is good quality, and that can be either.
For example World of Goo (downloaded not on Steam) had probably as many hours of my life as GTA V has so far.
Game depth and replayability can be found in AAA and Indie and in between.
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That is a nice mindset you have there. An equal opinion.
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wolfenstein: the new order
killing floor 2 (got a bit bored lately because i suck)
the witcher 3
risen 3 (it's pretty bad but i had some fun xD )
and aRPG:
Diablo 3 :3
special mention to indie title defense grid 1 (i haven't played the second yet).
sneaky edit: played minecraft a lot too with friends in private servers (probably over 3k hours)
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I have tried the killing floor. I got really confused in the process too, you not the only one.
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That's pretty easy because I've put in huge hours on several AAA titles / series. As rule there is just more content per title, so unless the indie title has huge replay value or I were to play a whole lot of them, I don't think they would catch up.
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So amount of content is what you really prefer. Not necessary AAA titles.
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Not entirely what I prefer. I've played some very good shorter length indie titles. I like when a game has a lot of content, but the question in the poll asked which you have more hours on and the amount of content would tend to skew that in my case.
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I play games that I like :) Really, it's that simple. There are a lot of indie games that I enjoy to play, but I also play quite a few AAA titles from start to finish. Overall I play more indie titles, but that's just because there are more of them out there than AAA titles. Still, both indie and AAA games can suck ;)
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Everything can suck at one point or another some things just do it more often.
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I would say AAA without exception, except I'm not quite sure where Turbine falls- they're a smaller developer, but well entrenched and have longer. Though, at this rate, Final Fantasy XIV (definitely AAA) will pass that, so... I need to play fewer MMOs.
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Ha ha I know that feeling. (Seriously, though, you choose to stand in giant flaming death? Please.)
Some MMOs are easily divisible into Indie and AAA, like The Elder Scrolls Online and... well, look at all the really small ones on Steam, like Perpetuum. I think it's not a huge issue, just hard to tell sometimes.
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I want to categorize MMOS in the own channel. Due to the fact it can actually be continued developing after release date.
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I don't know what defines mine. I like the "small development teams" perhaps, such as Terraria, Hero Siege, Hotline Miami, Torchlight. Next to those are probably lesser known titles first, such as BlazBlue, to more common known but not still mostly mainstream ones, such as Mirror's Edge(Well, it was in it's time), Dead Space (Same with ME) and stuff.
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I've got most hours on AAA games, mainly Valve's ones. These aren't really expensive when their quality is great. I don't really like buying indie titles, as a lot of these are terrible due to Steam Greenlight and they aren't anything that would keep me playing for longer time, though I enjoyed some of them, for instance Limbo, The Stanley Parable, Medieval Engineers.
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If you like Medieval Engineers, I suggest you take a look at Space Engineer. The Stanley Parable I hope they make another game that has narration.
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A good amount of games that I really like don't fall into either category. They're the mid-budget titles that are not indie, but don't have the budget of AAA titles. Games like the ones that Paradox release. But I also play both AAA and indies without a preference for either (with indies you get games such as Avernum, Geneforge, Grimrock, Cave Story & Aquaria, with AAA you get games like Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Company of Heroes and Metroid Prime)
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AAA is basically where they sign a contract with a bigger company or are the bigger company.
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In that case, Bastion (WB), Shank (EA) and Valiant Hearts (Ubisoft) would be AAA games. That does not seem to be congruent with what people usually mean when they say AAA game. I think it would be more accurate to view AAA games like the gaming equivalent of Summer Blockbusters. Big studios can still make movies that are not summer blockbusters, much like big gaming studios can make smaller budget (non AAA) games.
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AAA basically refers to budget. Bigger Company's have more money to burn and more time to waste vs a 1 man band.
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Triple A games just give you more bang for your buck. Indie games are cheaper, but you get what you paid for. That's not to say they're bad, some are actually masterpieces (not talking about the vast amount of Steam shovel-ware here, cause I don't even consider those as being games, but rather actual legit games like Bastion, Limbo or World of Goo), just that they have less content. Of course, when you get an AAA game and it's shit, it's very much the biggest mixture of disappointment and pure rage one can ever have.as a gamer. Like Duke Nukem Forever was :-p.
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It is really upsetting when a game you paid 40+ bucks ends up being absolute shite.
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Valve AAA - LOL, good one
i play thing that hits my nerve, be it a Borderlands 2 (once) or Sanctum 1,2; Portal (indiegame 100%)
Hawken, Deadcore, Bastion, Shadow Warrior, Dead or Alive 5 LR, Evolve (a few times)
^ hard to put a label on games since some lack heavily in one aspect that usually isn't important for the game, plus the
term indiegame has gone way to broad ... and comprises gamse that are way beyond the wild sea of "trash-indiegames"
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I attempted to split it into three groups. Yea Valve makes more money off steam then their own games ever got them. Maybe Half life 1 and Portal 1 and Left For Dead 1 and TF can all be considered large indie. But the Second games are definitely AAA.
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It is how fast the content is added to the game. Along with how big the company is.
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i play a lot of games,mostly rpgs and first person shooters and rts.
i have most hours on Civilization 5 and Dota and age of empires cause of friends.
lately i finished Serious sam 3 and Fallout New Vegas .now i am installing sniper elite v2
from indies i played mark of the ninja
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So many cities razed. I feel sorry for all the refugees. Civ 5 is quite fun.
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I play definetely more Indie Games. And ignoring my unhealthy amount of time invested into L4D 1 my Steam Profile is telling that as well. I have to think if I played any AAA title which is not co-op. But I have more fun with my Indie Titles they have usually a lot more charm.
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Am I the only one who actually isn't sure which games are AAA and which are Indies? :S I guess for example Valiant Hearts is AAA, since it's made by Ubisoft, while Paper's Please is indie, but what about games like Pillars of Eternity and Witcher? Are all the old games like Baldur's Gate and Vampire Bloodlines considered AAA?
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There are more shades of the spectrum than just AAA & Indie. Valiant Hearts would be neither AAA nor Indie, as it's not made by a small-ish independently owned studio (so not indie (and the reason why I said small-ish is because I don't think we should go about and call Valve an indie studio)) and not a big budget title. We really don't have a word describing these games in a more generalized way.
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Oh... then how to tell if a game is AAA or not? Is there a list?
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AAA games are simply the gamest with the really big budgets. There's no set lower limit, but think of AAA games like the gaming equivalent of summer blockbusters. So Call of Duty, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed and so on are AAA games, while something like Europa Universalis IV & Bound by Flame would not be an AAA. Dark Souls would be a fringe case, it apparently did not have a budget like that of an Assassin's Creed (which had a development budget of about $20 million, and most estimates seem to indicate that Dark Souls cost somewhere between ½-2/3 of that to make), but it was still nowhere near a low-budget game
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Valve ATM can be considered a AAA developer. Since after all STEAM is what they are developing. Plus they have the money now to make a AAA titled game.
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They developed what would have been considered AAA games before Steam as well. Half-Life might have had a modest budget by today's standards, but it was its days AAA game, and Half-Life 2 had a development budget larger than that of many modern AAA games (probably because of all the technology developed around it, it ended up costing about $40 million). But Valve is also an independently owned studio, which per definition makes it an indie.
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Multitude of hours on plenty of indie games. Multitude of hours on a limited number of AAA.
The difference is the distribution of hours.
In indie it will be 2h + 2h +2h +2h +2h on 5 games.
In AAA it will be 10 hours on 1 game.
It's rare that an indie game caught my attention more than 10 hours.
But there are exceptions. Door kickers, this war of mine, one finger death punch, etc.
Indie or AAA when i buy a game, i expect 1€ > 1h.
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I don't want to say "indie" or "AAA", because really, most of the games I play are by studios who are somewhere in between. Studios that are established, but without the huge budget of actual AAAs, like Insomniac, Sucker Punch, Double Fine, Atlus, etc..
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If, you want you can easily see what is the next step if you have the know how to do a custom PC.
I personally use the website. (http://www.logicalincrements.com/)
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I am just curious of what the majority of users on here really enjoy or expect. That is the sole creation of this pole.
The reason Subnatica and Ark are in separate one is basically team size and management. Ark has a much bigger team which works on a schedule, while Subnatica has a smaller team that works when they have time.
Please no arguments of which game is better.
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