Explanation 3 - all estimated wins calculations including that period will be way off the mark as only won GAs are visible on "entered" list
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No, but there is a chance it was posted by cg on the forum.
Excluding wins from 1.06.2014 to 1.12.2014 wouldn't have very big impact on luck estimate - remaining data is big enough for most of the affected users to give approximate results very close to reality. Statistics :)
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Based on the finished GAs you have entered, you would expect to have won approximately 60.2 of them. You are 101% lucky!
Seems reasonable enough. :3
Oh, and it looks like my luckiest period was around the time I won Witcher 3 & now it started balancing out in the last couple of months.
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So, double luck that period :D
About the same for me during December 2015. Some of my very best wins are from then (Just Cause 3, Mad Max, Cities: Skylines to name three), and except for SimGive, that's about the steepest my win-graph has been :)
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Up until your 5:th win or so, your luck was insane ;) Several times higher than expected. Around double or more all the way up to win 10, after that you have started winning about the expected amount, but you're still almost 10 wins ahead since your early luck!
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That's an interesting fact - and will certainly skew a number of people's graphs. Sadly I don't think there is anything I can do about it - other than exclude those wins - there's no way I can extrapolate the correct expected values for those dates.
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Based on the finished GAs you have entered, you would expect to have won approximately 2.0 of them. You are 253% lucky!
Results probably skewed somewhat by the fact I've only been here a few weeks... Still, not bad going if you ask me... /grin
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Thanks for creating this thread tso184 - really glad to see people making use of my user script.
For those of you who's results are taking a long time to create - you could manually reduce the delay between requests by editing my user script on line 16 and reducing the WAIT_MILLIS from 500 to say 250. Its set to give SGs a rest in-between serving pages - trying to avoid overloading the server if possible. One day I will get around to implementing caching to speed up subsequent runs.
Re: gaps. If there were no GAs finishing on a given day, you won't see a blue line. All the dates are based upon when the GA finished, not when you entered/won it. If you have an entered GA that definitely finished on a date where you don't have a corresponding line on the graph, please give me a shout here or on Steam so I can investigate why the date parsing isn't working properly. It would be possible for me to remove this "feature" and have a constant line when you don't change your expected wins - but I think some people prefer it being easier to see?
I chose to make the actual wins a scatter plot to make it more distinct from expected wins. It would be possible for me to change it to a bar chart, along side the expected wins - will experiment and see what looks clearest.
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Seems like there was a database error mid 2014, and only the won giveaways are reported as entered during that period. Probably hard to do anything about since it's Steamgifts database related, not script related. Long time users who were around and entered lots of giveaways mid-2014 will seem to be a bit more lucky than they are.
I love the look of the scatter plot, makes it very easy to follow, but in some cases it might look a bit confusing, like the one in the attached image. If the win graph would be parallel the x-axis between wins and increasing only along the y-axis on the days where the wins happen, instead of assuming increase in between wins, that would look better in cases with low amount of wins. With a higher amount of wins, it's not as noticeable. As I mentioned in the other thread, it still is a great tool for tracking your luck, and if it's too much of a hassle to change the behaviour of the wins are plotted, I would say don't bother - it's not that important.
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I'm very certain this script isn't accurate for older useres (pre-SGv2).
If I look at my earliest entries I actually do have a few entries in giveaways I didn't win before my first win, but then there are missing quite a lot of entries -I'm sure. (Cause looking at the entries it would mean I would have won all giveaways from entry # 12 to #15 and this was definitely not the case.
So everyone who was around before SGv2 would be probably calculated more lucky than they really were. This is supported if you look at the graphs from all those longtime users that have almost no entries but high actual wins in the first part of the graph.
Edit: I just had a look at Zelghs graph and the problem doesn't seem to affect his stats. (even though there is a very suspicious jump in the real wins just around that time...)
Edit II: also the graph from our beloved princess lets me believe there are some entries missing in the database. Same accounts for Fnord. He might have had a break, but just before the start of SGv2 there are only few giveaways ending but the wins are rising quite a bit...
Edit III: Also on knsys graph the entries for this time frame are probably only the ones he won
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I just updated the script and let it run again. Still get the same numbers and the graph results in the same.
var BAD_DATES = [{"begin": new Date(2014, 5, 1), "end": new Date(2014, 9, 19)}];
Do you count months from 0 to 11?
Cause my wins were all in October and I believe they're still included in the calculation.
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Because you've actually won 4 less GAs than expected. But when rounded, it's close enough that it becomes 100%. Will change script to use the rounded value when determining luckiness.
But also, if someone has won exactly as many GAs as they'd expect to, do they really count as lucky?
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Do You Feel Lucky, Punk? Based on the finished GAs you have entered, you would expect to have won approximately 105.1 of them. That is 97% of your actual won GAs - unlucky!
There is hole in database, as I never had that long break into entering GAs for cards D: And I win far more from start of SGv2.
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This is so cool. kelnage has made a script that lets you find out everything about your luck at Steamgifts. The latest version of the script gives you a graph that shows your expected wins and your actual wins.
Some of you might wonder - what are expected wins? That's simply one divided by number of entrants in a giveaway you have entered, and adding up that number for each giveaway you ever have entered. As an example:
You enter a giveaway with 9 other users, 10 entrants in total. Your expected win is 0.1. After entering 10 giveaways with 10 entries, you would expect to have won 10x0.1=1 giveaway. If the giveaway is for multiple copies, you are expected to win more. A 5 copy giveaway with 10 entrants gives you 0.5 expected wins, so you only need to enter two of those to get the number of expected wins to 1.0.
Of course, everything is decided by the RNG, and it's totally possible to have 20 expected wins, but 0 real wins. There we have being unlucky. At the same time, there will be people who win more than their expected wins (those lucky bastards ;D).
People often say that about 1000 entries are required before winning something. That's maybe a good average for the new level 0 user who enters a lot of public level 0, 1000-entry giveaways, but some people get in on puzzles, forum giveaways, and smaller groups, and might expect to win sooner.
With the plot generated by the script, you can easily track your luck.
Yellow line above the blue bars = you are lucky, you have a higher amount of wins than expected. The higher the yellow line is above the blue bars, the more lucky you are (higher number of games won than expected)
Yellow line below the blue bars = you are unlucky. Less number of won games than expected.
Using me as an example (see my plot attached at the end of this post):
I started out about a year ago, and won something my first week, quite a lucky win, since I wasn't expected to win anything that soon.
More entries followed, and soon my expected wins caught up to my real wins. I was slightly unlucky until the end of May, when I started winning more than expected. I had a really good run until the end of July, when the wins almost stopped, but the expected wins kept growing quickly (I was entering a lot of high chance giveaways, but with no wins).
In October I started winning again, but I was still behind a bit on the expected wins. I started catching up with some very good luck near the end of the year, and everything changed at New Year's when I was in the Simultaneous Giveaway event, and "got even", since it ended with me having the same amount of wins as expected.
Then I had a small period of extra luck at the start of the year, but right now my expected wins are higher than my real wins again.
So, following this, I'm guessing everyone will get how it works. Most of us will probably have some periods where we are lucky, some when we are unlucky. There will be those who are lucky/unlucky all the time. That's just the RNG at work. Theoretically, everything will even out over time, so if you're unlucky - just keep entering the giveaways (hopefully only for the games you actually will play) and sooner or later you might start winning big ;)
I hope this was interesting, feel free to share screenshots of your expected win plots! Tip: You can click "Save and edit plot in cloud" (second link from the left, disk icon, on the original plot) to get a larger plot.
Link to the script
Edit: I forgot to mention that it's also possible to see how likely it is that you would have won a certain game. Go to giveaways/entered and do a search. The script still comes up with the specific game search result, let it run (a lot faster, since the entries for a single game is faster to scan than entries for all games) and you'll see the results.
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