What is your beset movie ever? why is it best for you? plot,characters,jokes,philosophy,special effects?
my "Best Movie Ever" is Pirate Radio. I like how through all troubles they still continued to broadcast "forbidden music" and, I dont want to spoil it much but, its awesome to see how everyone supported them at the end.
Share your movie experiences :) make a good recommendation

1 decade ago*

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My favourite 10 films would be, in no particular order:
Fight Club,
The Matrix,
Terminator 2,
Pulp Fiction,
The Shawshank Redemption,
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,
The Prestige.

1 decade ago

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Back To The Future:The Trilogy

1 decade ago

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The Godfather Trilogy, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, and a few more...

1 decade ago

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Harry Brown or This Is England come close. My ex used to tell me he was dating a boy.

Pirate Radio is pretty good, though it's known as "The Boat That Rocked" here in the UK where it was made. Nice cast as well!

1 decade ago

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A couple of my favorites:

-Gladiator (One of the best movies of all time with an absolutely incredible ending. Probably my favorite movie.)

-The Dark Knight trilogy (And incredible trilogy about my favorite superhero!)

-LOTR (One of the most incredible accomplishments in the film industry, can't wait for the Hobbit. One of the first books to movies that I didn't hate.)

-Shaun of the Dead (I love zombies and dumb humor. Fuck-a-doodle-doo.)

-21 Jump Street (Just thought it was plain funny.)

-Bruce Almighty (Jim Carrey is my favorite actor and Jennifer Aniston is my favorite Actress. I thought this movie was hilarious all the way through but also had a nice emotional touch.)

-Ace Ventura Pet Detective/When Nature Calls (Just outrageously funny movies. Jim Carrey at his finest imo.)

-The Shawshank Redemption (An emotional roller-coaster of a movie. The actors and director Frank Darabont made it extremely easy to get involved with the characters. Also had a great ending.)

-Shutter Island (One of the biggest mind fuck movies I've ever seen. I honestly enjoyed this much more than Inception. This movie is absolutely incredible the first time you watch it.)

1 decade ago

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La Haine or Tokyo Story

1 decade ago

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The City of Lost Children.

1 decade ago

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Little nicky

1 decade ago

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my favorites:

Four Lions


I'm a Cyborg but thats ok

Love exposure

Hot shots 2

Pulp Fiction


but there is no best movie ever. Films are too different, you cant compare them on a fair basis.

1 decade ago

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Love exposure?

you're my best friend.

1 decade ago

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That's one I like to recommend too, doesn't get mentioned anywhere near enough.

1 decade ago

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My top 10 fav movies in no specific order:

The Shashank Redemption
Green Mile
Fight Club
Silence of the Lambs
The Usual Suspects
The Devil's Advocate
Catch Me If You Can
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Phone Booth

1 decade ago

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My mind always goes blank when I see this question. Rounders is definitely in my top 10 though.

1 decade ago

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Pi or Primer, they are 2 of the best movies I have watched.

1 decade ago

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+1 +1

1 decade ago

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The Boondock Saints

1 decade ago

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I support this nomination.

1 decade ago

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Scott Pilgrim vs the World is my all time favorite movie hands down. It changed my life o_O

1 decade ago

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  • Batman (All 3 movies)
  • Inception
  • Hunger Games
  • The Prestige (amazing)
  • Gladiator
  • A walk to remember (best drama movie i ever saw)

and many others :)

1 decade ago

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I've never met a guy who liked A Walk to Remember... It's a good film though. Sad.

1 decade ago

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Are you kidding? xD, nobody? :O.. I enjoy every kind of movie and this one is the best in drama's genre ^^

1 decade ago

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No, they all say it's cheesy, soppy, etc. Which is all true but it's a good story nonetheless. Drama-wise I'd have to say A Single Man though.

1 decade ago

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Hunger Games

1 decade ago

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It was great xD.. maybe not best movie here but still awesome movie :P

1 decade ago

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Have you seen Battle Royale? Hunger Games isn't bad as such, it's just that Battle Royale did something similar years before, and better.

1 decade ago

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I'm so glad nobody's said V for Vendetta yet, and they really shouldn't. Some of the praise that film gets in certain quarters of the internet never fails to make me boggle.

Anyways, the IMDb top 250 is a pretty accurate representation of my own favourites, not that I can put them in order, and definitely minus the aforementioned V for bloody Vendetta.

1 decade ago

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The Big Lebowski. The Dude is simply awesome.

Also fantastic: American Beauty, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Seven, Memento

1 decade ago

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I disagree completely.

1 decade ago

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Seven and Memento are great at least x)

1 decade ago

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No love for Brazil? Or Pan's Labyrinth? Come on guys...

1 decade ago

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Best movie ever: Without a doubt Falling Down. Can't everybody relate to it sometimes? :D

1 decade ago

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Mean Girls.

Endlessly rewatchable.

1 decade ago

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Its not even a question

The Shawshank Redemption

is by far the best movie of all time!

1 decade ago

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+1 :)

1 decade ago

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So i was told by many people, then i finaly watched it.. and i thought it was shit! In the beginning i already thought.. oh no i hope this story isn't this predictable that he digs a tunnel witht he little hammer thing, how "original" would that be.. and that's exactly what he did :S The rest of the story wasn't that great either. Don't be offended, this is all my opinion.

1 decade ago

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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

1 decade ago

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Step Up

2 Fast 2 Furious

Iron Man

Rush Hour 2

1 decade ago

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Back to the Future.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by PomstaZLesa.