
I will be starting the work on puzzles for series 3 soon. I've decided that it will be one monster train, that lasts for 1 month. Every game will have it's own sgtools link, and each one will have a puzzle. The puzzles will get harder as it goes on, with the last being the hardest. The train will consist of 60 games, and around 300 keys/gifts. I have another puzzle series that I will be participating in, so this one will launch some time after that one starts on the first of the month.

If you want to help with this monster train, let me know.

Alright everyone,

It's time for IFWA's Giveaway Series Numero B 2

This chart will be updated with all currently running giveaways, with ones ending soonest at the top, and ones ending last at the bottom.

Every new giveaway/puzzle/train will be added on, and any less than 24 hours old will be in bold italics.


Level Required Whitelist or Open? Puzzle/Train/Single Game Link End date and time Number and type of games
1 Open Brute Force Puzzle Train Click 29/2/16 Midnight 11 Games, non bundle. See notes.

Now that we have that over with, a few notes for those of you looking to participate.

  1. At least the first game of every train will go through sgtools
  2. Any subsequent games in a train/puzzle will have the winner checked against the sgtools entry list as well.
  3. Anyone who is an invalid entry, I will check to see that sgtools was correct about it, as some times the whitelisted games still give a false positive.
  4. Anyone found to be a truly invalid entry, will be blacklisted from future giveaways, and will be reported for a shared/leaked link.
  5. The whitelist is now closed. Those of you who participated in my competition for it, thank you. I have added all of you to it.
  6. If you get stuck on a question or puzzle, I'm always willing to help when I can. However, please don't post questions or hints here. Add me on steam and when I accept send me a message. If I'm home, I'm on. If I'm not home, I might be on still.
  7. I try to make my puzzles challenging, but still fair. I will do my best to not make them too difficult.
  8. There will be AT LEAST 1 bruteforce puzzle. I can't guarantee the difficulty of this one. Assume any random symbols or anything needed for it can be found on your standard keyboard, regardless of country or layout.
  9. Have fun
  10. Games will get better as the series goes on. The first few will likely suck. Sorry in advance.
  11. As I work and sleep, it may be a day between adding more giveaways. Bear with me please
  12. ???
  13. Profit
  14. Why are you still reading these?


The whitelist is currently closed. This may change when some of my bigger giveaways are done.


Big thanks to those of you who were testers for the big puzzle.

And an even bigger thanks to shakeeb for not only giving me the idea, but for helping come up with questions, testing it, and being awesome. You da real mvp. Seriously couldn't have done it without him.

Big Puzzle Info ends 21/2/16

Prizes are all better than normal games I think, or ones that interested me at least. For the 7 games, a total of 195 points are needed.

I recommend chrome for it, as the site you will be using runs best with chrome.

No cheating and whatnot.

No help will be given for this puzzle

It will not be a cake walk, 5 minute puzzle.

5 testers solved it with no help. It did take a while for some to do it as it requires a lot of searching, but it is possible

Brute Force Notes

11 different games, non bundled.

It is also 11 different brute force puzzles. None are more than 4 questions. Some have a theme to them (ie. spell out a word) so if you can figure it out it stops being brute force.

no cheating and whatnot.

Hints MAY come with this one, but probably not as they won't really be difficult, just tedious.

If you need help on one, ask on the giveaway that lead to that puzzle.

Symbols can be assumed as standard, and are found on most, if not all keyboards. No country specific ones.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thanks, bump!

8 years ago

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bump ^_^

8 years ago

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bumpo! :3

8 years ago

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Bumpity bump. Was stuck on question 2 on the level 2 puzzle just because of formatting but bruteforcing got me there.
Thanks for the giveaway =)

8 years ago

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Mad bump

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Flash Bump

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump for the flash GA.

8 years ago

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flash BUMP :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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bump for solved, aslo the monthy python question..... eithher its wrong or i have the wrong idea :c

8 years ago

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You are likely missing something small.

8 years ago

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Censored by authorities. Back to communism :(

8 years ago*

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Delete this please. And the majority of people getting stuck have missed something small with it.

8 years ago

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I tried "blue" and it didn't work either.
So my answer was missing something small?

8 years ago

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Yes. And I mean that quite literally

8 years ago

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this torture for Red Lake

View attached image.
8 years ago

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high Five!

8 years ago

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bumping :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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ohh thx :)
Please whitelist :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yeah. bump for solved

8 years ago

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Here, have a bump

8 years ago

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Damm that whitelist giveaway is awesome. Too bad i have the entire franchise already. Have a bump tho

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by grootbutmadeofbamboo.