Hello everyone!!!
Today, I have a cakeday 😀So I decided to make a train.
Christmas and break in college are coming .I would like to watch some movies and series in this time.
I don't know which. I have my own list of the best movies and series. But I would like to know new movies and series.
Recently, when I watch a new movie/series, it seems boring to me compared to the films/series on my list.
Do You know great movies and series?

This is my list. (random order)

1 Good Will Hunting

2 Gran Torino

3 Dead Poets Society

4 A Perfect World

5 Birdman

6 Boyhood

7 Pulp Fiction

8 The Fault in Our Stars

9 Shutter Island

10 Twin Peaks(Only one serie xD I think, that better series don't exist)

Let's solve my problem and enjoy my train!

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6 years ago*

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I can't really add to the suggestions made here so I'll just say thanks for the train. 😊

Okay, I lied. My favorite film is A Night at the Opera. Love the classics!

6 years ago

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hahha, nice fake xD
Ooo, really old movie.
it's interesting

6 years ago

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Happy little factory day!

And you should watch RuPaul's Drag Race.

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6 years ago

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Thank You.
Hmm, I don't like reality shows :(

6 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

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6 years ago

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Thank You!!!

6 years ago

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Great choices with Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting! Robin Williams' movies are always fantastic. If you haven't checked out What Dreams May Come and Patch Adams (both made in '98), I highly recommend those.

Enjoy your winter break and happy cake day! Thanks for sharing.

6 years ago

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Thank You. I watched this movies. Robin Williams was outstanding actor.
I like Mrs. Doubtfire too.

6 years ago

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Happy 🎂day! I just hope you enjoy the movies and series ;)

6 years ago

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Thank You. Yes, You😀

6 years ago

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happy cakeday! I have only seen 1/10 of those you have listed so I don't think I'm the person to provide any recommendations.

6 years ago

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Thank You. No problem

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thank You. Are You new Socrates?

6 years ago

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I really recommend Stranger Things ;)
Might not be your jam but that's fine.

6 years ago

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Thank You for advice😀

6 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

6 years ago

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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Good luck ;)

6 years ago

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Thank you!)

6 years ago

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Good luck ;)

6 years ago

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happy cakeday! 🍰

6 years ago

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Good luck ;)

6 years ago

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TV Recommendations: Parks and Recreation (my favourite), Peaky Blinders, House, Narcos, IT Crowd are all solid shows.

Movie Recommendations: The Lives of Others, Sicario, Snatch, Cool Hand Luke, and one that I like that none of my friends do; Stranger Than Fiction.

6 years ago

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I can eat 50 eggs!

6 years ago

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Nobody can eat 50 eggs.

6 years ago

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Yup, nobody

6 years ago

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I watched only Narcos. So a lot of to watching.
Thank You😀

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thank You!!!

6 years ago

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Happy cakeday , some great movie about Horror.
it , Not horrible, but classic.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe , Fear.

6 years ago

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I don't know good horrors
Thank You for advice. I will see

6 years ago

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Happy cake bump!

6 years ago

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Good luck😀

6 years ago

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Tarkovski's The Mirror
American History X
The King of Comedy
Blind (Scandinavian movie, don't read anything about it to enjoy it)
The Shawshank Redemption
12 Angry Men (duh)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Ok, that's enough. I could go on forever. And watch Psycho-Pass, Steins;Gate or Death Note – these are rare exceptions of anime that I've really enjoyed.

EDIT: Happy cake day!

6 years ago

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I like Robert Deniro, but I don't watched The King of Comedy. I must see this.
Thank You for others recomendations!!!

6 years ago

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You're welcome! I^v^I7

6 years ago

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Well I wont help you with movies - i either watch anime or read books
but happy cake-day and thanks for train :)

6 years ago

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any good book?

6 years ago

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Zależy co lubisz. Czytam głównie fantastykę, ale fantastyka fantastyce nierówna. ;P

6 years ago

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ok. No nie jestem jakimś fanem fantastyki. Jakaś taka przystępna fantastyka nie dla entuzjasty gatunku. Żeby była wciągająca ;)

6 years ago

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Trudno powiedzieć, tak naprawdę każdego wciąga co innego. Najłatwiej byłoby spytać co lubisz nie-fantastycznego. Kryminały? Wojenne? Historyczne?

Ale tak wybierając z zupełnie różnych półek...
„Achaja” Ziemiańskiego, bo taka nieco swojska. - trochę akcji, trochę wojny, trochę polityki, trochę humoru. Klimaty nieco starożytnego Rzymu, Świat zmyślony i ma swoje dziwy, ale „magii” jako-takiej tam niewiele.

„Wędrowycz” Pilipiuka jeśli lubisz humor raczej wulgarny, z typowo „polskimi” nawiązaniami i rozwiązaniami - o pijaku egzorcyście, współcześnie z nutką komuny ;P (nie jest to mój ulubieniec ale ma rzeszę oddanych fanów).

Pratchett – humor z drugiego końca spektrum, spojrzenie na świat przez bardzo krzywe zwierciadło. Polecam zwłaszcza książki o Straży Miejskiej.

Anna kańtoch - Diabeł na wieży. - Trochę kryminału, trochę horroru. Świat wzorowany na XVII wiecznej Europie.

Jesli preferujesz bardziej w kosmos, to Orson Scot Card - „Cień Endera” - książka raczej skupiona na psychice postaci niż akcji, ale wciąga jak szalona (doczekała się też raczej miernej ekranizacji).

A gdybyś chciał mniej "ambitnie" s-f, ot popatrzeć na ładne opisy walk w kosmosie, to może "Nieulękły" Jacka Campbella.

6 years ago

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Dziękuje za te rekomendacje😀
Którąś na pewno przeczytam, jak i nie kilka ;)

6 years ago

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I would recommend Bojack Horseman if you like this type of animated series for adults.

Also im thinking to watch Breaking Bad and or Stranger Things, these ones seems great too.

6 years ago

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I watched Bojack Horseman. It is very interesting. I watched 4 seasons in 3 days.😀
it has a lot of references to real life.
I watched Breaking Bad to 5 season and 3 episode and I ended watching. I was bored, maybe I must watch last 13 episodes.
Stranger Things are in a lot of comments. It must be good serie

6 years ago

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i was taken by surprise by Wind River
and the series, Space Above and Beyond, old scifi, it was fantastic, might be matter of taste

6 years ago

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Ooo, Wind River is a new movie :)
Space Above and Beyond sounds interesting.
Thank You for advice ;)

6 years ago

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Happy Birthday :)

Try with the movies of Jake Gyllenhaal.

6 years ago

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Thank You!!!
Nightcrawler is very interesting

6 years ago

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If you like it, you should have a llok to the rest of his filmography. I can't tell if they are master pieces, but I can tell they worth the watch.

6 years ago

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Happy cake day and thanks for the ride.
I recommend Better Call Saul.

6 years ago

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Thank You very much :D

6 years ago

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Firefly is probably my favorite show of all time.

And here's an Amazon original that I haven't watched yet, but it looks good: Tin Star

6 years ago

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Thank You for recomendation 😀

6 years ago

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Happy Cake Day, duszak!

Your list is already top-notch, so I'll try to list only important:


  • Alien, Aliens (horror)
  • 2001, Inception, Interstellar, Matrix, Sunshine (sci-fi)
  • Schindler's List, The Thin Red Line (anti-war)
  • Monty Python's movies, The Big Lebowski, Scott Pilgrim vs The World (comedy)
  • The Godfather, Goodfellas (crime, Mafia)
  • Forrest Gump, Django Unchained (drama)
  • Lord of the Rings, The Empire Strikes Back, Pans Labyrinth (fantasy)
  • The Bourne Ultimatum (thriller, agent movie)

TV shows (excluding sitcoms/cartoons):

  • X-Files
  • Doctor Who
  • Breaking Bad
  • Stranger Things
6 years ago

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Thank You very much😀

6 years ago

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