For me:

The Cat in the Hat

It's just so good. Not in a 'so bad it's good' way, it's actually just so good. 10/10.

edit: in hindsight from a year later, this poll is slightly cringe.

8 years ago*

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cat in d hat is gr8?

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Here's another masterpiece: American Psycho

8 years ago

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I wouldn't say it's a movie everyone else hates. I liked it, and think it was pretty favorably received.

8 years ago

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I'm actually a huge fan of bad action movies that people tend to hate. One of my favorites is Battle for Los Angeles. Battleship is another one. And the first three Transformers movies (not that shitty one with Mark Wahlberg omfg no).

Basically, if it's an 'end of the world' movie, or something where there's a shit load of destruction - I'm into it. I just love watching the world burn. Absolutely no clue why.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I must say I did enjoy Battleship.

8 years ago

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You know what, you just made my whitelist. Congrats. :)

8 years ago

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Why, thank you.

8 years ago

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Why has nobody mentioned The Room yet? Oh, that's right. I went there. I know you guys exist.

My personal one is Fall. The one made in 1997, not the shitty other one. I don't know anybody who likes that movie, but I think it's one of the best I've ever seen.

8 years ago

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The movie that you love, but everyone else hates

Everyone loves The Room and that's why nobody mentioned it here. :p

8 years ago

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So you are one of the people I talked about...

8 years ago

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But I was kinda serious about it. I don't think, there's been a single person, who watched The Room without prior knowledge about it. Everyone knows what he/she is getting into and for me, The Room is a very special example of the "so bad it's good" phenomenon.
I've honestly never seen any kind of genuine hate towards this movie.

8 years ago

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Hmm, you have a point there.

8 years ago

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Is it cheating if I say Dredd (2012)?

It's not that everyone else hates it, but rather it's that nobody else watched it...

8 years ago

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I just rented Dredd and I'll be watching it tonight. o_o

8 years ago

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It a good movie, you won't regret your choice! :-D

I hope you enjoy it :-)

8 years ago

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I guess a movie I like that didn't get the best reviews was The Butterfly Effect.

8 years ago

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I'm probably the only one that thinks this, but I enjoyed the Amazing Spiderman movies. Both of them. I don't know why, but I found them more entertaining than Avengers Age of Ultron. It's been I few years since I watched the Spiderman movies, and about 6 months since Age of Ultron, so I might think differently it I watched them again.

8 years ago

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I'm not so hot in the memory department, and I'm pretty picky so I probably haven't seen as many movies as most. However, I remember a couple I liked but others didn't(in part because other people in the thread mentioned them):
Last Action Hero
Indiana Jones & Crystal Skull
I said this earlier in the thread, but It's funny to me how everyone moans about how "bad" it was but no one can really give a specific reason why that stands up to scrutiny and comparison to the other films.
The first Bay Transformers movie
I love the complementary/converging plotline thing, and TF did it pretty well. Good action and pretty funny too. There were definitely things that could have been improved though, the most glaring thing being the Deus Ex Machina (literally) ending.
Van Helsing
One of my all-time faves. Like Phil Collins, I had no idea there were people who hated it until recently.
National Treasure
Not actually sure if people dislike this. It's achieved meme status, of course, but I'm not clear on the amount of irony involved.
Was probably my favorite movie in high school.
Jack the Giant Slayer
Not really hated, but iirc the general reaction was an overwhelming "meh". I had fun with it though.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some but I'll post them if I remember.

8 years ago

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Awww.. suddenly it hit me. The memory of an awesome movie. One that is definitely underrated (not sure about hated) because not that many people have seen it I guess but it's a movie I absolutely LOVED. Seeing how few ratings there are on IMDB I am (this time) almost certain none of you have see it but you SHOULD! :)

"Nuit noire" (2005) (English "Black night")

Words can not describe. Seriously.
I am certain most people will be like WTF after seeing this. If you enjoy "weirdness" and symbology tho this is for you!
In fact, I am going to drop everything and watch it again now I think :)

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8 years ago*

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Most Zack Snyder movies.

8 years ago

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Went through every single post and mine wasn't mentioned, how awesome is that?

The Number 23 -

People TRASHED this movie when it came out, everyone I watched it with was like, "What the fuck was that?" I raved on and on about it, then I realized that Doeetright = Doeet + Right, if you subtract the Right you are left with Doeet, 2 consonants and 3 vowels... = 2 + 3 = 23... Scary shit amirite?

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, forgot about that one. Was a pretty good thriller.

8 years ago

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Scary shit?
Have you seen your own stats?

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8 years ago*

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The Room
You may check Nostalgia Critic review first.

8 years ago

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Finally! And indeed, check his review.

8 years ago

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Nacho Libre is one of those movies that connected with me, but apparently it was not well received. The movie has heart and is on the short list of my favorite movies.

8 years ago

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The Adventures of Ford Fairlane

8 years ago

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Cloverfield. :X
Just watched it again last night.
Then again, it counts as a shaky cam, so it should go with my last post ;_;

8 years ago

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Tape 407 and The Bay.

A Sci-Fi horror movie and an ecological horror movie.

A lot of people don't like these perhaps because they are niches in the horror movie scene. ^^

8 years ago

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Only God Forgives
Like Someone in Love

I dont Love these i just find them underated
The Black Cauldron
The Burning
The Descent
The Devil's Rejects
Los ojos de Julia
Prince of Darkness
Where the Wild Things Are

8 years ago*

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Super Mario Bros the Movie ♥

8 years ago

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As far as coming up with a film that reliably gets trash-talked but which I have a fond spot for, that's the singular one that comes to mind. Heck, I reference the film's Goombas alone on a regular basis. :P

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6 years ago

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Fantastic Four (2015), Pixels and Star Wars Episode 1

Edit: Forgot one, The Thing (2011)

8 years ago*

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Don't Mess With The Zohan

You can blacklist me if you want, but you'll never take my leeching spirit !!11

8 years ago

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Dude I love that movie, I thought I was the only one :D

8 years ago

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I remembered a good one that lots of people hate for no reason: Cars and Cars 2. The first one was okay but the second one was downright good, and while other people are complaining that there shouldn't be a third one, I am looking forward to it! :D

8 years ago

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Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. I realize it's not the best movie and that being a remake, it also gets extra-hate, but I never considered the original as being an unmatched classic(and most of its sequels were garbage) without room for improvement. I wouldn't say Tim Burton's version is better, but it's most certainly weirder and more fucked up in the head in that trademark Tim Burton-y way, which I totally love, since I'm a major Tim Burton fan.I mean, just a montage of Tim Roth's over the top performance as general Thade is enough to entertain me. It also has a fucking kiss between mark Whalberg and Helena Bonham Carter dressed as a fucking chimpanzee. WTF more could you ask???? :))

P.S. I'm sorry to say this, but...The Cati in the Hat is HORRIBLE.

8 years ago

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Although mine is a series not a single movie..... So im talking about The Pacific. Everyone talks trash about it that actors are horrible and there is no plot... My opinion is completely different. First there is a plot. Yes its not as planned and polished like in other movies its more like random and unpredictable. One moment you are in a heavy firefight bodyparts flying all over the next moment you are in a field hospital everybody dies around you and the other moment you are in a clear polished hospital there are clear clothes on you there are no noises.. Random just like war. Just like the previous series (Band of Brothers) this one just stuns you and makes you experience what war is like. This is the closest you can get that what war is like without experiecning it in real life. And makes you question yourself that is it a good and honorable or terrible bad thing to do. Because this series just shows how everyone sees the war differently and all of them wrong and right at the same time. In war you kill an enemy and damage your own mental health or you dont shoot, dont damage yourself mentally but then they will kill you.You think you are the weak one and you have no idea what are you doing but in fact everyone else around you are scared and clueless. And sometimes whether you do everything right you could be the next one in pieces in the dirt.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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