For me:

The Cat in the Hat

It's just so good. Not in a 'so bad it's good' way, it's actually just so good. 10/10.

edit: in hindsight from a year later, this poll is slightly cringe.

8 years ago*

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cat in d hat is gr8?

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The Invention of Lying

8 years ago

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Does Batman v Superman count?
The Ultimate Edition is actually pretty good.
Rated M for Martha!

8 years ago

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6 years ago

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Without even an inkling of new content. Classy.

6 years ago

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I came across this thread as i was searching for another, so i thought it would be interesting to see what movies people would suggest a year later.

I don't know what other content you want from me other than the fact that I have seen the cat in the hat a few more times since then.

pls tell the thread police that i am sorry

6 years ago

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There's no "thread police."

I was just pointing out that you necro'd your own thread without adding any new content.

6 years ago

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Thanks for notifying me. I wasn't aware.

6 years ago

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Sharktopus series
I know it's bad okay but I still love it I graduated with a focus on media and Sharktopus is my favourite movie I can feel the spirit of all my MS teachers bearing down on me

6 years ago

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
Starship Troopers
Wild Wild West
Virus 1999
Batman & Robin

6 years ago

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Starship Troopers

I've literally seen more fans of this movie than people who hate it ^^

6 years ago

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I was about to say that I really enjoyed that one.

6 years ago

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I would be my go-to example what one can do from a stupid action movie if they add so, soo much style to it. The military narration, the simple but working script that already existed in similar sci-fi books, the goofy presentation along with the front-line scenes from the fight with the bugs - awesome work.

6 years ago

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Yeah, that one is a classic- appealing B-movie cheese, silly yet stylish action, solid character drama, and (sadly, only a short bit of) Neil Patrick Harris. Seriously, what's not to love?

6 years ago

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It's generally hated by people who read the book. However, I remember the revolutionary use of the internet to promote the film. The website was presented as an in-universe infopage,with the classic "Would you like to know more?" underneath every clip, article, and snippet of information along with a MIDI file of the film's main "Radzchak's(sp) Roughnecks" theme. As a 16 year old SF and video game fan I was hooked. I had never read the book and saw the film first which I thoroughly enjoyed even as I could see the underlying satire of the jingoistic gung-ho war movie.
I read the book a year or so later and ended up being very glad I'd seen the movie first to avoid any preconceptions. I was able to enjoy it for what it was..and still do:)

6 years ago

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I might try to give the book a read. And with a 3.99 on goodreads, it doesn't look too bad.

6 years ago

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True. though, it was pretty badly received due to hash critic reviews.

6 years ago

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Absolutely true, poor thing had problems at the box office :(

6 years ago

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Never understood Roger Ebert´s review. How can one like Robocop but not Starship troopers?

6 years ago

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It's generally hated by people who read the book. However, I remember the revolutionary use of the internet to promote the film. The website was presented as an in-universe infopage,with the classic "Would you like to know more?" underneath every clip, article, and snippet of information along with a MIDI file of the film's main "Radzchak's(sp) Roughnecks" theme. As a 16 year old SF and video game fan I was hooked. I had never read the book and saw the film first which I thoroughly enjoyed even as I could see the underlying satire of the jingoistic gung-ho war movie.

I read the book a year or so later and ended up being very glad I'd seen the movie first to avoid any preconceptions. I was able to enjoy it for what it was..and still do:)

6 years ago

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Starship Troopers is one of my all-time favs. I wouldn't count it as one that everyone hates anymore, over the years it got quite a following.

6 years ago

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It's likely an overstatement that hated by people, but Howl is while only sitting at 5.2 score, was a really awesome change on the werewolf-movies with good cinematography and well-written characters... before the inevitable clichés start to happen around the end. One of the lesser movies I was superhappy that I watched. Had some charm to it that kept me grinning during the whole :)

Asylum Studio's Zoombies that has zombie animals that mostly attack in a hilarious fashion or offscreen. I loathe the existence of Asylum when they make confusing blockbuster-copy movies with similar titles, but this was so bad, so amusingly weird that I just couldn't wait what lame likely CGI "zombie" will appear that will somehow still not kill the unlikeable and weird characters. It was a weird mess, but filled with "oooh you fucking didn't" solutions and tricks that kept me entertaining. One of the best movies in the "so bad, it's good" category I've seen :D

Also idk how hated it is or something, but I adore Austin Powers 1-2 with a hungarian dub, very rare cases where the translation is so great, and the sound actors were chosen that greatly that I'm not curious about the original. Ofc it's an older movie, dubbed in the era where we had competence.

6 years ago

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I am intrigued by Howl.

6 years ago

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Les Misérables

6 years ago

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The most recent musical adaptation or one of the older book-to-film ones? I actually liked the musical movie, even though it is my favorite Broadway musical.

6 years ago

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I enjoyed it too

6 years ago

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Blackhat - 5,4(IMDB) 51(metascore)
Only God Forgives - 5,7(IMDB) 37(metascore)
The Strangers - 6,2(IMDB) 47 (metascore)
Vampire ( Shunji Iwai) - 5,4 (IMDB)
Xtro - 5.5 (IMDB)

6 years ago

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Star Trek The Motion Picture. It's generally considered one of the worst of the TOS films (second only to ST V:The Voyage Home) but it's still one of the most interesting SF films with some intriguing ideas and magnificent visuals. Plus the nightmare-fuel "transporter accident" scene!I generally find horror movies boring or laughable, but that scene creeped me out as a teenager the first time I saw the movie.I will never forget that bloodcurdling scream. "What we got back...didn't live long.Fortunately."

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

6 years ago

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Alien Resurrection. Josh Whedon's writing was out of place with the buffy-esque dialogues and silly oneliners, but I really liked the atmosphere, the direction, the camera work, the fx and the soundtrack. Both Alien VS Predator movies, on the other hand, deserve even more hate than what they get.

6 years ago

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Salo, or The 120 Days of Sodom

6 years ago

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No, god, no... The flashbacks...

6 years ago

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I don't think that I love any movie that is generally hated. Best I can offer is movies I love and that generally are considered decent. ;)

The Quiet Earth
Things We Lost in the Fire
Hard Rain
Eat Drink Man Woman
The Family Man

6 years ago

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I like the movie Virus but this movie got a lot of flak from people who saw it and by movie critics.

I found it an enjoyable SF movie with good action and suspense.

6 years ago

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Alien: Resurrection
Suicide Squad
Star Wars 1-3
Kingsman: The Golden Circle

I'm sure there are others, but those are the few that jump to mind right now.

PS. Push - Chris Evans pre-Captain America + Dakota Fanning and a fun Sci-fi premise is win.
Man On Fire - Dakota Fanning + Denzel Washington = Win.

6 years ago

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I remember liking Push as a teen. It wasn't perfect but it was fun and enjoyable and deserved more then the 23 percent rotten tomatoes score.

6 years ago

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The Village.

Yes, even with M. Night Shyamalan's typically ridiculous cameo, I still love this movie. And in particular, Adrien Brody and Bryce Dallas Howard.

6 years ago

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Speaking of Verhoeven movies that are generally hated but that I love - Showgirls

6 years ago

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Waterworld. Reviled, I know, but I like this movie quite a bit.:)

Maximum Overdrive. While the writing for it is quite cringe-worthy, and Stephen King proved why this was his first and only movie he directed, I liked the idea of machines of all sorts gaining sentience of a sort and going bat-poop crazy on humanity.

6 years ago

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"I'll end you, and I'll make it look like an accident."

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Resident Evil

6 years ago

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Quentin Tarantino - Death Proof

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6 years ago

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