I can't say Steam veteran or smth, but I know Steam since 2005. It worked pretty well for me until 2007, when this new Steam community beta came in with all these Trading Cards, badges and other stuff. If I had to list things, which I hate on Steam, it would be:

  • Trading Cards (I used to collect them and craft badges, but I see now it didn't make any sense, it was just a money waste)
  • Attention seekers who collect friends just to circle jerk about their content and gather thumbs up to feature it on the irrelevant community hubs (Final Fantasy artworks on Dark Messiah hubs, unrelated memes, anime and so on)
  • Copy pasta spreaded everywhere just to hunt for unjustified attention (youtube videos as a gifs, which arent their works).
  • Mods who dont care about swearing in posting. User can say "FUCK YOU OP" and even if it gets reports, mods never look at it.
  • I got harassed by some idiot who trolled me with "green envelope bug". The guy was posting somewhere on my posts, content (dunno where) and delete it soon after. I was getting shitloads of green envelope notifications on Steam. When I clicked on them I have only seen "This thread has been moved or deleted". When I reported this bug on the forums, they said they won't help me, because I got bans on couple game forums 3 or 4 years ago. Support didn't respond either. It happened to me about 5 months ago.
  • Bronies, furries, weirdos, trolls, foot fetishes are fucking everywhere. I guess they didn't grow up to use this platform yet.
  • Steam Market full of bots, greedy people and of course trade system full of scammers.
  • Increasingly growth of cancerous Steam groups. I still wonder how they weren't banned yet. Is it fucking 4chan?
  • Pretenders, false people and elitists.

Some might say - welcome to the Internet. Well, I thought the difference between Internet and Steam is the ability to control, but it seems it didn't work out.

I think it's time to move on.

grabs popcorn and wait for salty posts about my life, butthurt, suicide attempts

8 years ago

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Never encountered anything of what you wrote in 5 years on Steam, or maybe in such small portions that it doesn't bother me at all.
Well, anyways, goodbye.

8 years ago

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Well if you want to encounter it you have to look for it. And seems not looking for trouble is harder than I thought ...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You just need to put your profiles in private and don't involve in 'Steam community'.

It is really that simple but hey, you're making mountain out of molehill. Your own call.

8 years ago

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Everyone knows that most gamer community won't be healthy
I only add my friends irl and some that don't seem toxic

8 years ago

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Your spot on with many bad things on Steam and you're gonna love GOG community, mods are reading and listening to you and talk with you if they have something to add and explain. You can even talk with the game developers and even publishers when old/new game go out on GOG and people from GOG who work on games and check control.Trading Cards have become a joke because the mass games that come from Steam Greenlight and if that ever (may) revoke trading cards will again have meaning because now people buy bad games just because they have a cards and not because the game is good.

8 years ago

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I'm totally agree with you. But for now, I'm with steam for only one reason - I don't have money. On steam, I sell cards and buy games I want (I don't craft badges). What helps even more - it's a huge discounts on steam. So, even without having real money last time, I still can have good games. And even with real money - there are bundles, where you can get nice games (sometimes) dirt cheap. If over time I would change my job and my wealth got better - I would buy from GOG.

8 years ago

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You can also sell your cards for money or trade them for bundled games. So while some people spend money others make money on them. That's a great thing.

What's wrong with swearing? It's just a form of expression, nothing wrong with it as long as you're not swearing in every single sentence. Nobody should be banned just for swearing, people should get banned only if they continuously harass someone or make threats.

Bronies, furries, weirdos and trolls are humans and as such are part of all human communities, including GoG lol. Having fetishes doesn't means one hasn't grown up, that statement is just beyond stupid.

If you don't like steam market you can just avoid it, or use it only to sell things. Having one is better than not having one in my opinion. Same with trade system. Also while there are scammers out there, as long as you're cautious you're highly unlikely to get scammed. I was never scammed in my life, not on steam or anywhere else.

You can just avoid steam groups you don't like. I really don't see a problem here...

"Pretenders, false people and elitists", yeah those people are everywhere. Welcome to life.

8 years ago

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Have fun on Galaxy (if you use it) sorry you had to deal with Steam, but maybe just keep yourself in Offline Mode for the games you have on there that you don't feel like rebuying or not available on GoG.

8 years ago

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"who collect friends just to...."
do keep in mind steam made it where you can't message, chat, or gift someone unless you "friend" them, I really wish they were called acquaintances.
"growth of cancerous Steam groups"
more than anything else this is because of how information is suppressed in our country and to a lesser extent around the world, so real cancer type issues have had a chance to grow because of peoples ignorance. since people don't know about this shit they tend to find out about stuff in one huge burst of info and end up hating some race,religion,country, etc. because of it. Every group has it's assholes, and if you think of people as groups none of our hands are clean.
The best way of dealing with things is a forgive but don't forget stance, people in groups will try to deal with the bad people in their groups if you give them space and lay off the hate. Spreading info is essential to fixing issues, the best way to diffuse hate is to admit the mistakes of your own group(s) at the same time you criticize others.

As far as games themselves though, you should buy from GOG first and only buy from steam if you can't get it from GOG.

8 years ago

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bunp for solved

8 years ago

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You realise you can use steam just to play games, without getting involved in all the community stuff, right?

8 years ago

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I don't use community option, just client to play games and chat with my friends (which I have only a few.). My steam community is here. :3.

8 years ago*

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Steam is cool enough, if you know gamefaqs then multiply all your reason by ten at least

8 years ago

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Author has account registered at 29/09/2015. What happened with original account, "since 2005"?

8 years ago

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yeah, he's probably just trolling.

8 years ago

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There are people who are making multiple accounts. 1 for playing games and the other for taking part in discussions so there main acc wont get spammed or something.

8 years ago

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My main account was being trolled everyday. That "green envelope bug" was annoying as fuck. I couldn't even post on discussions or post content. Support didn't give a fuck, so I abandoned this account.

8 years ago

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i just added people who i like, and not random people

and about trading card you have the choice to sell them

scamers, you must have to be an idiot to fall on their tricks

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Burn the heretic

8 years ago

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As a GOG and Steam user, I'll try to address your points:

Trading Cards

Ignore them, don't use them

Attention seekers who collect friends

GOG has this a bit. It's just a smaller community. Eg.g Attention seekers who seek +rep button clicks

Copy pasta spreaded everywhere
Stay off the Steam forum and you will never see this. No one is forcing you to use the forum.

Mods who dont care about swearing in posting.

GOG has 0 moderation in the forums.

I got harassed by some idiot who trolled me with "green envelope bug".

Don't post on Steam forums, this is a person decision.

Bronies, furries, weirdos, trolls, foot fetishes are fucking everywhere.

You're fault for using te forums once again. No one is forcing you to look at those.

Steam Market full of bots, greedy people and of course trade system full of scammers.

Who is forcing you to use the market? Stay off it. GOG doesn't have one at all. No difference.

Increasingly growth of cancerous Steam groups.

Don't use them. Again keep off Steam Community, you are not forced to go there. Then to you personally, they won't exist, same as GOG where they don't exist either.

Pretenders, false people and elitists.

That's the internet. You're not going to get away from that only hanging around the GOG forum

Profiles on GOG are private. They are on Steam too if you set it to private. No one will generally see or communicate with you in any fashion, particulary if you do not look at or interact with Steam Community at all.

Frankly, your opposition to buying games on Steam is akin to saying the ONLY reason you are not going to buy games on Origin, Desura, Itch, Uplay, or wherever is because you are forced to participate on their forums and community. You aren't on any of those, and not on Steam's either.

8 years ago*

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Buying cards can be waste of money, while selling them nets you money. Also selling them is not much of a hassle :)
About the community..
"to circle jerk about their content and gather thumbs up to feature it on the irrelevant community hubs" If it's irrelevant then why do you even check them? Why do you even spend time thinking and POSTING about it if it's irrelevant?
"Bronies, furries, weirdos, trolls, foot fetishes are fucking everywhere. I guess they didn't grow up to use this platform yet."
Welcome to the internet when everyone watches, likes and faps to whatever the heck they want. If you don't like it, don't be part of it. Steam basically has no community, but several subcommunities noone forces you to look at.
Being judgemental with attention seeking isn't much better than the pretenders, false people,elitists and weirdos you speak about.

8 years ago

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but that would be too complicated! hating is what all the kewl kids do nowadays!

8 years ago

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I use mainly steam to play games, but i need to agree... Sometimes when i visit steam forums, i quickly move on because i might be pissed off reading those trolls, haters etc.

Damn i miss gaming before 2005. Before the steam.

8 years ago

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And what is the question? It seems like you created this post just to attract attention, which is one of the things you said you hate on Steam....

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh well Im not much veteran on Steam also i got it in 2007 i think... I simply dont understand those reasons you got angry on Steam.. I felt in much traps bots, hackers, scammers and bad communities (its the internet fault not Steam) but you should simply be off the communities and play games you think that in GOG wont be hackers, jerks and other kind of people everywhere is even in GOG, origin, wargaming and other game services.. If is that the real reason that you went on GOG im sorry to tell you that is crazy idea but good luck.. GOG is same as begining of Steam and in mine It will be the same as Steam in couple of years What i really hate on Steam is mobile authenticator which i wont use until i get a more trustfull mobile device... I know is off topic now but that is the only thing i hate about Steam

However it`s your call and if you think you will be much happier on GOG i wish you good luck and have fun

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, mobile autheticator and their trade hold, just because they dont have a client for Windows Phone.

8 years ago

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No for me is not problem i have android but my phone is unrelaible and I cant afford buying new one i tried handyandy and other stuff but lets be reasonal why should i even need that? for 3 day hold let them hold.. how funny WP has no client which should have also.. Steam runs also on windows why shouldnt run on WP? makes no sense

8 years ago

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There are some very fast and painless ways to fix ALL of your problems.

-profile to friends only
-profile comments to friends only
-adjust your activity feed settings
-be selective about who you add
-unsubscribe from everything you dont want notifications from

8 years ago

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Bu-but then I wouldn't have anything to bitch about or hate on!

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8 years ago

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Bronies, furries, weirdos, trolls, foot fetishes are fucking everywhere. I guess they didn't grow up to use this platform yet.

What kind of Steam do you use?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i fucking hate brony but i want foot fetish brony steam

8 years ago

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God no!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by louq.