I can't say Steam veteran or smth, but I know Steam since 2005. It worked pretty well for me until 2007, when this new Steam community beta came in with all these Trading Cards, badges and other stuff. If I had to list things, which I hate on Steam, it would be:

  • Trading Cards (I used to collect them and craft badges, but I see now it didn't make any sense, it was just a money waste)
  • Attention seekers who collect friends just to circle jerk about their content and gather thumbs up to feature it on the irrelevant community hubs (Final Fantasy artworks on Dark Messiah hubs, unrelated memes, anime and so on)
  • Copy pasta spreaded everywhere just to hunt for unjustified attention (youtube videos as a gifs, which arent their works).
  • Mods who dont care about swearing in posting. User can say "FUCK YOU OP" and even if it gets reports, mods never look at it.
  • I got harassed by some idiot who trolled me with "green envelope bug". The guy was posting somewhere on my posts, content (dunno where) and delete it soon after. I was getting shitloads of green envelope notifications on Steam. When I clicked on them I have only seen "This thread has been moved or deleted". When I reported this bug on the forums, they said they won't help me, because I got bans on couple game forums 3 or 4 years ago. Support didn't respond either. It happened to me about 5 months ago.
  • Bronies, furries, weirdos, trolls, foot fetishes are fucking everywhere. I guess they didn't grow up to use this platform yet.
  • Steam Market full of bots, greedy people and of course trade system full of scammers.
  • Increasingly growth of cancerous Steam groups. I still wonder how they weren't banned yet. Is it fucking 4chan?
  • Pretenders, false people and elitists.

Some might say - welcome to the Internet. Well, I thought the difference between Internet and Steam is the ability to control, but it seems it didn't work out.

I think it's time to move on.

grabs popcorn and wait for salty posts about my life, butthurt, suicide attempts

8 years ago

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it never gets old when people get upset over subcultures that dont affect them on the slightest, and yet he talks about cancerous community

hmm, the irony is overwhelming

and this growing up part may as well be applied at you too

One thing I can clearly tell: you are not a very pleasant person, which is perfectly fine (after all, nobody will take away your indeniable right to be an asshole), just dont expect having your thoughts shared the same way

but hey, whatever makes you feel better inside.

8 years ago*

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I posted this to know if there are any other users who share same thoughts as me. The fact I don't present your point of view is not the reason to call me an asshole.

People who are obssesive about ponies, bronies, cartoons for kids should be called mature right?

8 years ago

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why do you care so much about subcultures that are irrelevant to you?

and its not because of you presenting your POV that I called you a not so nice person, but because of the way you worded the thread and such, thats just my personal opinion though

8 years ago

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"grabs popcorn and wait for salty posts about my life, butthurt, suicide attempts"

The line above tells you all you need to know about OP's intentions. It practically screams, "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME! WHY WON'T ANYONE LOOK AT MEEEEE!"

8 years ago

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"Im Mr Meeseeks,look at me"

8 years ago

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A least Mr. Meeseeks was useful

View attached image.
8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Here is an accurate explenation of the diffrences between all these swaggy clients.

8 years ago

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what's wrong with foot fetishes ? do u ever did a foot massage in a woman ?

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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I hate attention seekers.

I'll just make a thread seeking attention and post how much I hate them!

Makes sense. Good luck.

8 years ago

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Does posting is seeking for attention? I just presented my thoughts. Everything is prohibited it seems.

8 years ago

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Of course you are seeking attention, if you wanted to share your thoughts on something it's because you want people to PAY attention to you, especially when done in this manner (basically a tantrum)

You are right on a good part but most of them are simply solved by your own volition.

8 years ago

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Trading Cards (I used to collect them and craft badges, but I see now it didn't make any sense, it was just a money waste)

Trading cards can just be ignored. They are there for those who want them, but for anyone who does not want them, well let them sit in your inventory and collect digital dust for as long as you want and they won't have any impact on you what so ever.

Attention seekers who collect friends just to circle jerk about their content and gather thumbs up to feature it on the irrelevant community hubs (Final Fantasy artworks on Dark Messiah hubs, unrelated memes, anime and so on)

I'm avoiding community hubs due to this reason. People posting headache inducing gifts and borderline hentai images (this is in particular true for community hubs for abandoned games). But it's as simple as not visiting them, and if you don't visit them, they'll have 0 impact on you.

Copy pasta spreaded everywhere just to hunt for unjustified attention (youtube videos as a gifs, which arent their works).
See above

Mods who dont care about swearing in posting. User can say "FUCK YOU OP" and even if it gets reports, mods never look at it.

Then don't visit the GOG forum. I used to lurk there, and the reason why I left was because there were no moderators, and racist and homophobic comments from certain users were getting quite common. I don't know if they're still around, but it made the forum an unpleasant place to visit.

I got harassed by some idiot who trolled me with "green envelope bug". The guy was posting somewhere on my posts, content (dunno where) and delete it soon after. I was getting shitloads of green envelope notifications on Steam.

This is something that should be fixed. Do note that it's possible for people to spam you with messages on GOG as well (I used to have it so that if someone sent me a PM on GOG, I would get an email notification, and one person who got upset with me for not wanting to trade spammed me so much that my mail provider flagged all GOG mails as spam)

Bronies, furries, weirdos, trolls, foot fetishes are fucking everywhere. I guess they didn't grow up to use this platform yet.

What's so bad about /insert thing you don't like here but other people like and that don't harm anyone/? I'm not a bronie, furrie or foot fetishist, but I respect the fact that other people don't have the same taste as me. Trolls should be banned though (do note that trolls exist on GOG as well, see above comments on moderators).

Steam Market full of bots, greedy people and of course trade system full of scammers.

Avoid the steam market. Also, avoid trading on GOG, as there are several scammers that's been around for ages and who still are not banned (see above comments on moderators). It's not a formal system, unlike steam, but that just makes it more vulnerable. You can just ignore the steam market and it will have 0 impact on you.

Increasingly growth of cancerous Steam groups. I still wonder how they weren't banned yet. Is it fucking 4chan?

Steam groups can be ignored and they will have 0 impact on you. You would have to actually seek them out for them to be a problem for you (and then you're no better than the kind of people who watch "Pixels" (or whatever that Adam Sandler movie was called) just to get angry about it.

Pretenders, false people and elitists.

Then avoid the GOG forum.

8 years ago

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I'd have to wholeheartedly agree with this :)

8 years ago

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Yep. The grass isn't any greener elsewhere.

8 years ago

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OP is not interested in solutions just in being proven right and calling on others to agree with his conclusions.

8 years ago

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I know that feel bro. Trust noone into the dark!

8 years ago

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I have , steam , origin , uplay , galaxy and I still don't understand you .... so good luck :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Good post.

8 years ago

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I didn't know that having a foot fetish was weird. Now what am I going to do with a freezer full of feet.

8 years ago

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I like GOG. Nice place to hang out.

8 years ago

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12 years with Steam from Game Tester till i changed my career to a Chef, well that's how the peoples are nowadays as they judged and label someone effort. This is why i still love buying games on CD. Life too short to love or hate, just move on and ignore those groups as there's too many scammers, ninja and bot around.

Ignore is the best option.

8 years ago

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Though I can understand some of your points, regardless of whether I agree or not...
The question that pops up for me is:

How does your post not fall into the attention seekers-category?

I'm honestly curious to follow the logic that lead you to your conclusions.

8 years ago

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Good for you, op. If gog had wallet cards like steam, I would be there in no time. But, Im stuck with steam. :(

8 years ago

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da heck i think i'm using a diferent steam after read the intro, ahn a well just dont acept everyone as friend? i got around 5 invites per week and if by mistake i accept 1 i kick him right after, mods? use nexus? weird ppl? ignore treads? but yeah maybe gog would also be good.
good luck!

8 years ago

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"I hate Chicago. I have no friends and everyone there is stupid. I'm moving to NYC."

A geographical solution is not going to solve a non-geographical problem.

8 years ago

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What's wrong with trading cards and YouTube GIFs? And are we not allowed to fucking swear on Steam? That's new to me.

8 years ago

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Great choice. GoG is the best gaming platform ever to exist. Enjoy it! It is where I buy all my games..

8 years ago

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Trading Cards (I used to collect them and craft badges, but I see now it didn't make any sense, it was just a money waste)

isn't it very obvious that trading cards don't make any sense? they never did ;) oh wait, I've got about ~30€ from selling them :3

8 years ago

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Ohh wait I dont collect games. Ohh wait..

8 years ago

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Ohh wait 90% of them were free/won anyway. :)
btw why are you still here? this is steamgifts, not goggifts
bye waves

8 years ago

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I also hate Steam,though i do not know if i would go on a rant like this...

Though this makes me wonder if it is some kind of troll post...

I use both GOG and Steam,since not all games i want can be had on GOG,but i will say if a lot more where i would be all on it.Though my reasons are mostly DRM FREE play anywhere,install anywhere and so on,no net needed.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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People coming in here and posting stupid comments like " ok " " byebye " or shit like that are actually part of the community OP and other hates , writing useless comments makes you look stupid , what's the point of writing " ahahahha " or " ok " or stuff like that as a comment? We don't care if you smile or if you are ok with that , if you wanna comment at least do it right.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That's what I'm talking about. Do you get it now?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why salty? The only thing that keeps me on Steam is SG and some funds I made selling TF2 items. Once they expire, I'll probably move purchases to GOG too. Good luck?

8 years ago

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he is not salty , he gave argumentation you could comment on instead of saying " you're salty bro xd " .

8 years ago

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Maybe read his post? In last line, he accuses US of being salty and posting only to contradict him/butthurt, but a lot people actually agree with him so he is wrong...

8 years ago

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Now, why do I give a fuck again?

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by louq.