I can't say Steam veteran or smth, but I know Steam since 2005. It worked pretty well for me until 2007, when this new Steam community beta came in with all these Trading Cards, badges and other stuff. If I had to list things, which I hate on Steam, it would be:

  • Trading Cards (I used to collect them and craft badges, but I see now it didn't make any sense, it was just a money waste)
  • Attention seekers who collect friends just to circle jerk about their content and gather thumbs up to feature it on the irrelevant community hubs (Final Fantasy artworks on Dark Messiah hubs, unrelated memes, anime and so on)
  • Copy pasta spreaded everywhere just to hunt for unjustified attention (youtube videos as a gifs, which arent their works).
  • Mods who dont care about swearing in posting. User can say "FUCK YOU OP" and even if it gets reports, mods never look at it.
  • I got harassed by some idiot who trolled me with "green envelope bug". The guy was posting somewhere on my posts, content (dunno where) and delete it soon after. I was getting shitloads of green envelope notifications on Steam. When I clicked on them I have only seen "This thread has been moved or deleted". When I reported this bug on the forums, they said they won't help me, because I got bans on couple game forums 3 or 4 years ago. Support didn't respond either. It happened to me about 5 months ago.
  • Bronies, furries, weirdos, trolls, foot fetishes are fucking everywhere. I guess they didn't grow up to use this platform yet.
  • Steam Market full of bots, greedy people and of course trade system full of scammers.
  • Increasingly growth of cancerous Steam groups. I still wonder how they weren't banned yet. Is it fucking 4chan?
  • Pretenders, false people and elitists.

Some might say - welcome to the Internet. Well, I thought the difference between Internet and Steam is the ability to control, but it seems it didn't work out.

I think it's time to move on.

grabs popcorn and wait for salty posts about my life, butthurt, suicide attempts

8 years ago

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basically you hate everyone and want to move to a platform with less people

8 years ago

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This ^+2

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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hmm I think i have to some what agree with you but i feel things would have to be 100x worse or before really pissing me off & making me want to bury my Steam account in a virtual grave hope that doesn't happen & have spend a bit of money on it now. I guess your steam account will always be there if you change your mind & GOG should be good no DRM can game without internet YAY

8 years ago*

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very well hidden ga

8 years ago

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While I totally agree with OP many points , I don't see the reason why I have to hate steam platform and move to GoG or different platform. If I understand correctly GoG is more about DRM-free game than steam . Is it the same if you just buy a game (single player game ) and play it. I have a huge black log on steam so I will have to stick with them for a while

8 years ago

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sad story, hope gog is a better place

8 years ago

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I never participate activley to groups and forums, rareley chat with my friends and I can enjoy steam platform anyway. Never tried this?

8 years ago

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I love GOG... Got some free games etc. Love some of the retro games there.

8 years ago

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I've been on Steam for 7 years. Only added my first friend and started participating in community stuff 2.5 years ago. I understand that you may not like the community but I don't understand why you don't just avoid it. I did for many years, not out of some dislike, but because I wasn't interested and it really is easy.

8 years ago*

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I heard this comunity you hate so much lives on this planet too. Are you going to quit and move to Jupiter? :) no one will bother you there.

8 years ago

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I got harassed..

the irony..
wow hah :P

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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  • Posts thread on SG
  • Gets replies.
  • Claims harassment.

Logical. :X

8 years ago

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I think he's making a joke...

8 years ago

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good hint..

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Can't really say you are wrong in any of that. Steam is only nice as long as you really don't try to get yourself involved in, well, anything.

8 years ago

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That's not my experience. Participating in game-related forums on Steam has been mostly a positive experience for me.

In fact, none of the issues the OP raises is affecting me. It's been at least a year since I got a friend request from a bot. As for cards, they netted me close to a $100 with practically no effort. I don't see how that's bad, but of course they can be ignored (like practically everything else on the list). The OP's bad experience is his own. Maybe others have a similar experience, but thankfully I don't.

The only real issue I have with Steam is that if they close shop I'm locked out of the games I paid for. For lack of a better (overall) alternative, I'll take that risk.

8 years ago

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Well, you are lucky then. Ever since I started to get involved in the community outside simply collecting cards, it get worse and worse. :/

8 years ago

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Honestly almost everything you complained about is entirely within your control. You don't have to participate in trading and badges and you can ignore forum posts where people are posting nonsense (though I do personally agree it's a pain in the ass, every time I'd go into a Telltale forum I'd see a huge circlejerk for Life Is Strange). With the amount of access people have, if you give someone a platform in which to be obnoxious and salty, it's going to happen. It's everywhere.

However, you have the advantage of doing whatever makes you happy. So if you want to make GOG your primary client, more power to you. I want to love and use GOG more than I do but I'm so heavily invested into Steam already that I kind of just accept it. I really just ignore the stuff about the Steam community that bugs me. But hey, that's the magic of PC gaming, you've got options.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Most of your issues aren't even issues with the platform itself, but rather personal issues with other people in the community. No matter where you go, you're going to find people you don't like so either you deal with it and ignore it or just leave. There's plenty of reasons not to like Steam as a platform, but this isn't even an issue specific to Steam.

8 years ago

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'Well, I thought the difference between Internet and Steam is the ability to control, but it seems it didn't work out.'
I don't like some peoples opinions/content/way they are expressing themselves/posts,it should be removed.
U don't like,dunno,bronies? Who the f is forcing u to look them up on steam and watch their weird shit? U complain about cards? Who forces u to collect them,lol. I use steam to play with friends,get cheap games if I can and that's it. Literally 80% of problems u posted sounds like my 10 year old female cousin complaining about facebook.

8 years ago

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What I learned: People suck on the internet.

Oh, wait, I already knew that.

Honestly, I don't know what to recommend, because GOG isn't going to be much better. They're moving towards a more socially integrated platform which will increasingly resemble Steam (perhaps with some different options, but for the most part the same, at least as far as the user base and stuff that happens on the forum goes) so you'll just have to jump ship again. If you want a platform where you don't have to interact with others, I recommend Uplay, because apparently it's the one no one uses because of boycotts right now, or Origin. Neither of those are great alternatives, because the reason Steam seems so bad community wise is because it draws more people because of more features and content. GOG offered a better solution, but bloat, community issues, and a shift from "Good Old Games" to a more contemporary lineup has compromised their edge over Steam in the past.

8 years ago*

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in all that list.... i don't see anything you have not avoid O.o... you can play steam gmes without all that group / friends / cards and all, wich is what a platform like steam should be used to.

I don't want to blame, but you do look like someone who is just whining over petty thing wich can be overlooked. No one force you to use steam forum, steam market, leaving comment, creating thread. most of my friends who have steam just use it as a platform for concentrating games in the same spot, and they are fine ! they probably don't even know about what you are complaining about since they don't know what all that stuff is lol

Anyway you probably didn't think that gog community will become the exact same, what you reproach of steam is his community and as long as there is human, there will have people you don't like

8 years ago

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Good(nice) ppl R everywhere. Bad(not nice) pll R everywhere. Change your mind. I got scammed this christmass. But man! Shit happens. I had to be more carefull. I don't like some part of community of steam. So i don't visit those places. U should learn to live with problems if U can't solve them. If u leave steam, it's just U that looses something. Steam is not perfect but it's the best platform and it will be for a long time.

8 years ago

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I mean, yeah, Steam is pretty horrible but... I'm going to assume that this thread was a joke. Anyways, just posting my obligatory comment about how my usage of steam is almost entirely personal. Honestly, even when I DO go to the steam forums / game forums, the experience is either very boring and anticlimactic or I get into some ironic shitposting thread(off-topic section or "shitty games" forums).

I'm trying to head over to GOG too but it's difficult. They aren't fully "out there" as a perfect substitute. Steam still has a lot more variety and, well, possible experiences I can have. That, and this website is linked to it, so eh.

8 years ago

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It looks to me you're fed up about the Steam community rather than Steam itself.
Instead of leaving steam and your library, just set your profile to private and be more selective of your friends? I don't have nor want too many friends on steam for the exact same reasons and those that add a shitload of people for you to rate their reviews up then ask devs about free keys for promotional purpose (lol) or ask you to support them on patreo or sth. If someone starts to become a pain in the arse or start clogging my activity feed i just delete them from the friend list. Same with shitty groups posting some announcement every few hours, i just leave them. (payday, WGN or whatever the group name was, a really big one)

8 years ago

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We will miss you. Enjoy your time at GOG they don't have DRM which is really nice.

8 years ago

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2007...that's about when I created my Steam account. :)

I just ignore all of that stuff I don't like, just like I ignore all of the music and TV and other pop culture stuff that doesn't appeal to me. Steam's always just been a gaming platform to me, and it still works fine as that. I sell my cards as they come, so they just serve as a small flow of funds. I occasionally skim reviews and forums, but only for specific purposes, and I quickly skip over anything irrelevant or unpleasant, and I don't really contribute as I find it to be too much work (mostly due to the reasons you mentioned). Until I joined SG I had exactly 2 Steam friends outside of my family, and I had know both in real life. Now I have a small group of friends from SG that I interact with, and I find that to be a very pleasant enhancement to my Steam experience.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by louq.