In my case, Yirg is a short for Yirgacheffe - my favorite type of Ethiopian coffee beans.

What's the meaning of your username?

Oh, and meet Millie, Pester and Pongo :-)

Update: All GAs ended.

Contributed giveaway by MBcoder: Invasion

8 years ago*

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It's close to my real name. There were three times in a short period of time when different people who don't know each other wrote my name down mistakenly like this. It was rather odd coincidence as it hasn't happened before or since then. I liked the sound of this name though so I just decided to use it as my online name then.

8 years ago

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Baron de Ghost (also my avatar) is a character from an old movie, Unico, which was based on a manga. This character has haunted my dreams since I saw the movie when I was little.

8 years ago

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The meaning of mine is simple, it means "one of the dead". The explanation is a little long though.

At the time of the username's creation I was in independent study in high school. The teacher who led the class was very inexperienced so most of the students, myself included, finished our assignments before the day was complete. Whenever we had finished the work given to us we were instructed to sit quietly, read, or review what we did that day. The amount of boredom we had to endure led to me feeling like a zombie most days.

Eventually I decided to remedy this issue by bringing a flash drive to school with a SNES emulator and a couple of games on it. I would pretend to be doing research on a computer and alt-tab as needed. One of the games I played quite frequently was Shadowrun, which had a Jamaican mage named Jangadance who you could add to your party if you met him outside a cemetery.

One day one of the other students catches me playing the game. Instead of getting me in trouble however, he reveals he's been doing the same thing with a free MMO. After accepting his invitation to join I based my nickname of the classroom i had been forced to waste so much time in. Memories of my zombie like state from the early days mixed with my recent adventures with a Jamaican necromancer brought me to oneofthedead. I then swapped out "one" for "mon" (A derivative of "mono") because monofthedead looked better than oneofthedead in my opinion. (Or monoofthedead for that matter)

I've never run into a username taken problem on any website so I continue to use it to this day.

8 years ago

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Oh, those old Shadowrun games are pretty fun. I remember the Genesis one the most fondly, but the SNES game was pretty good too.

8 years ago

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I dont know why i choose mine, but i think is something to do with the fact that 9 years ago i play a game called sprinter cell and the protagonist name was Sam Fisher ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) wink wink

8 years ago

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Tewam is opposite of hebrew mawet meaning death. Many years ago i was writing a story with few other people and it was my character - Necromancer Tewam. Yes. So... Maybe my nick means "life" ? Maybe? Yes?

8 years ago

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Actually, there's no "w" sound in Hebrew. The middle consonant in the word you're referring to ("מוות") sounds like "v", so it should probably be "mavet". Still, a cool concept and a nice sounding nickname :-)

8 years ago

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Juliusz Słowacki wielkim poetą był.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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My real username was Rocky, people called me a rock then I realised I'm not a real rock, I'm a human being made out of flesh then I was like I'll be Meatrock.

8 years ago

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Two other roles of Borderlands 1's best class.

8 years ago

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Nothing. It's original, I'm the only Asperyules in the entire world. I like being a special snowflake.

8 years ago

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Do i need to say anything :P

8 years ago

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Btw, your nikname is wonderful) It's short, easy to pronounce, distinguishable. Just as your profile pic)
UPD: also i have no assotiations with your name
P.S.: i dont know why i said it, probably because im jealous ;D

8 years ago*

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Kami-sama means "God" in Japanese ;D and you can´t use " - " so I used 33 my favorit number^-^

8 years ago

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J for my first name and Drakul for Dracula, I changed the c for a k, Dracul means in ancient romanian: Dragon and is a patronymic received for Vlad II (father of Vlad III known as Vlad Tepes -impaler-) for being a member of the Order of the Dragon. in modern romanian Dracul means devil but I like more the meaning of Dragon. by the way I'm, Colombian and not Rumanian as some believe...

8 years ago

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My very special dog who is gone now was called Anouk and I'm called Annemarie so I just combined them. I've used this name for over 20 years now and never saw it somewhere. Only yesterday I got an email that someone created an account and a similar emailadres. I did some digging and it turn out some stupid young chick is using it now all over the place on many many sites. Feels so wrong as Annenouk is me for so many years.

8 years ago

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That's sad, to have your username stolen is worse than to have is already taken( Especially if you've been using it for 20 years. But what do you mean you got an emal? Is there something like a service that provides you with such information?

8 years ago

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No a total coincidence. I guess she has an email with one extra digit or something and made an mistake. She even has my name registered as domain name grrr.

8 years ago

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One does need to copyright his name)

8 years ago

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Lol I know I'm overreacting but it's just so strange to see "ourself" everywhere. Never saw that before also not on international sites. But have to live with it I guess :)

8 years ago

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I really like chicken in general, I previously always used chicken4life for everything but people always stole it before I signed up to places so I decided to change it. I can't remember if I seen someone called SadisticChicken or not since it was years ago... But I always liked it because I use SadisticChicken as a username for gaming related accounts. So video games = most rewards for murdering things... So we are all really sadistic people at heart ;) Then SadisticChicken sounded funny to me so it stuck :3

Then obviously the stabbing gimmick instead of bumping happened since... I'm a sadist... And seeing "bump" to me sounded boring and everyone did it. So I wanted to add personality to this thing that everyone did :3

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It is life.

8 years ago

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I like the sound of it. I don't actually vape or anything like that.

8 years ago

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I usually speak in a quiet and low tone so most of the time I have to repeat what I've said, so one day whisper came to my mind and boom, new nickname. and the V1 its cuz whisper was already used T_T

8 years ago

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I feel you, I speak in a quiet too v_v

8 years ago

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Some high school guy came up with that nickname.
It's part of my last name ;)

8 years ago

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Played a lot of card games. It's a call to the gods of luck.

8 years ago

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This is the way you would write spelling of "rain" in my country :) I got a lot of nicks tho

8 years ago

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I did my name cause I was bad at FPS, though I did kill someone on COD (The first one) When the game started, I use the hand gun fired heaps of shots off, and killed the other guy at point B... I also think I'm worse than a 1 armed Storm Trooper.
Hmm maybe that could be my new name, 1 Armed Storm Trooper.

8 years ago

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You see the new movies? Those guys got training...

8 years ago

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No not yet.... Want to.

So I could actually get better....?
haha, that would never happen..

8 years ago

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I am probably worse than you at FPSs, we are in the same pit...

8 years ago

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pff, mines either luck or that the AI just gave up and had pity for me, or spamming with a machine gun, might help :)

8 years ago

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Heh, a few years ago my friend started playing Minecraft, and made the account under the name Mclintock, he had a hyper potato computer and couldn't run it, so I started playing under that, then he got a slightly better computer he wanted to play on a server I played on, so he used his friend's account. Since that the account basically became mine and I started using the name for everything. Then at a more recent point in time the account got hacked and my friend doesn't know the password to the email he registered it with so we're a bit screwed at the moment.

8 years ago

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Something I came up by in a totally random way, been over 10 years I havent changed it o_O

8 years ago

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