In my case, Yirg is a short for Yirgacheffe - my favorite type of Ethiopian coffee beans.

What's the meaning of your username?

Oh, and meet Millie, Pester and Pongo :-)

Update: All GAs ended.

Contributed giveaway by MBcoder: Invasion

8 years ago*

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if you have to ask what a ceiling chair is... I pity the life youve wasted

8 years ago

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Back when I was playing World of Warcraft I started a Death Knight.
Had to think of a name for him. Then I remembered a line from the movie Event Horizon (old sci-fi horror movie) that went along something like "Libera te tuteme ex inferis" (it's Latin) which roughly translates as "free yourself from hell".
Then I thought ... "Ex inferis ... from hell ... sounds good for a Death Knight". Played with the DK quite alot since I loved it back in 'Wrath of the Lich King' and then it kind of stuck since nowadays almost all my friends call me "Exi".
I sometimes go with "Exinfernus" or "Exinferno" which mean the same thing.

TLDR: It means "From Hell" in Latin and wanted to be one of the cool kids in WoW.

8 years ago

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its my internet name i created for myself

8 years ago

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No need to explain

8 years ago

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RCL = my initials and I always liked using the name Bob for some reason and it is always taken online. I am usually Justcallmebob.

8 years ago

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There was a musical I loved in my teens that featured a song with prominent repetition of 'in god we trust' in its lyrics (and reflection on this message's placement on the 100$ bill).
Upon deep pondering however I was still a contrary teen, thus my username :)
(My admiration for Emma Frost (avatar) came much later, but it is just as fitting :))

"i adore you
i live my life for you
open up and let me in
benjamin franklin"

8 years ago

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My name and four random letters :v

8 years ago

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Mine is the name of my "band" that turned into an easy username that I knew wouldn't be taken anywhere once I started migrating away from old dumb usernames I'd used as a teenager.

It literally just refers to no one (a person of insignificance, a loser) finally doing something important, i.e. making "noise".

A lot of people assume I just really like peace and quiet and that amuses me.

8 years ago

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Well when I started gaming my actual name tended to be to long for most games (gameboy games which I was majorly into usually had 5-7 spaces available for ut name) I was also really into YuGiOh alot, and my favourite card was Dark Blade but that name is to long for games so I made it Blade , but then people kept on asking me if my gaming name was for Blade so to correct that I made my name CBlade, since my actual name starts with a C, bam! one long story XD

8 years ago

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My nickname is a combination:

  1. Cifu, is how my friends call me and the diminutive of my surname "cifuentes"
  2. Dux sop i've always liked ancient rome, so when a few years ago i decided i had to change my nickname, i started typing some words into google translate, finally found this one which means leader, a couple of months later i discovered it was ussed by Mussolini as a title for himself, but i decided to keep it, because it cost me a lot to figure out a nickname
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Waiting impatiently for the new episode

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Mine is about as straightforward as it could be.

I'm tall
I'm Paul
And '02 was the year I graduated high school, so yeah, I've been using this username (or the same without the 02) for a long time

8 years ago

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Mine is a little bit stupid. My name is Dani, and you might think: "Which Dani?" Well, it's me (in spanish: yo). And 94 is my birth year. So Dani + yo (me) + 94 :P

8 years ago

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I came up with it when I reinvented my online presence for my new youtube channel (which I still haven't been able to do much with, but I hope to someday soon). It's a combination of Jabber (babble/talk) and Geist (as in poltergeist, a mischievous ghost).

Bonus: My old handle (and the one I created my steam account with), Reignleif, came from Reginleif, the name of a unique weapon in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. I believe it was named after a certain Valkyrie from Norse lore.

8 years ago

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Most people think my nickname is related to leonidas from the movie 300, truth is i didnt watch the movie until much later. my nickname related to the first time i used a nickname at all... the first site i registered was a browser game called gladiatus a game about... gladiators... and i was thinking a fitting name that was something like my real name (Leonel )and so leonidas... the 56 i have no idea, i think it was just a random number

8 years ago

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And the steam one? Looks familiar but I forgot...

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8 years ago

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what is steam?

8 years ago

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Mine doesn't really have a meaning. I mean, it does (basically a grammatically incorrect version of Latin meaning "from the moon(s)") but I didn't choose it because of that. I just chose it because it sounded nice.
Actually, talking about it, I've been wanting to change my nickname for a while now but I think that 'everyone' now knows me as elunes, so I'm not sure whether I should actually change it. :/
The one I wanna change it to would then actually have a meaning too.

8 years ago

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Keep it! It's a really nice nickname :-)

8 years ago

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Thanks but >_< I also kinda wanna change it. Oh well. Maybe.

8 years ago

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elunes in spanish means something like "The monday"

8 years ago

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I know, people keep telling me that :D but thanks!

8 years ago*

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i just thought it was a somber thing, mondays tend to be a really disliked day and i guess you like somber things

8 years ago

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Well, I do, though that was not the reason why I chose this username, as stated above.

8 years ago

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Elunes sounds nice but if you really feel like changing it, I support. Changing aka evolving is part of life and names are part of it too. Have a name you feel comfortable with ^_^

8 years ago

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Thanks for your opinion! I might. I guess I will. Argh, we'll see :D

8 years ago

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Idk, but it's not related to walkie-talkies :(

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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A words play in spanish like me myself I take it by common use for some people not by dictionary meaning

8 years ago

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Craftlord comes from the lore of a videogame saga (Summon Night) about master crafters that specialize in a particular material (Example, Craftlord of Gold, of Metal, etc), i picked it because i always enjoyed crafting and making things in videogames and real life, and the Craftlords were so badass. And the "Dark" was always my nickname when i started my online existence a long time ago D: So i just combined the Craftlord with my previous nickname and then to add a more interesting "bing" to the nickname i choose a material to specialize D:

A funny fact about my nickname... when i was only Dark, it wasnt "Dark" but "Darek", but i made a mistake when i was typing my nickname in a forum sign up and i ended as CraftlordDark, i tried to change it by request to the forum admin but it always ignored me so i have to accept my mistake, and since i spent lot of time in that forum i ended being CraftlordDark instead CraftlordDarek, and in the end i didnt hate the sound of it D:

P.S: Sorry my bad english D:

8 years ago*

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Smile Guide by Mushroomland TV

8 years ago

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Cant be translated to english, but close to something like HEY o.O

8 years ago

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Mine comes from the sound of a pig in my language (russian). I added an X cause it looks cool...

8 years ago

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fant : fantastic
is: Istvan (me)
6 just because looks good

8 years ago

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Valentino Rossi's AGV Helmet

8 years ago

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