i played nothing but xbox for 8 years, pretty sure thats a hardcore gamer
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More like be a realist. You can be a console hardcore gamer, but you'll never be on the same level as a PC elite gamer.
You can't even compare the performance of an high-end PC with an PS4 or Xbox 1.
That being said, I'm commenting on an Vaio-FZ21M with a 2.0 Dualcore 4Gbram with an 8400GTM GPU.
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I always liked Microsoft, but on this one, I really do hope it turns around to bite them in the ass. This console better turn out to become the worst commercial failure ever in it's time, or we're about to witness (yet another) turn for the worse in the Gaming Industry.
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"Always liked Microsoft"
What has there ever been to like about Microsoft? And I mean liking them in ways more than just liking their products. Because from where I'm standing they've always been a gigantic, uncaring, monopolist corporation bent on exploiting markets rather than providing value to customers.
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Probably windows. Only thing I see good on them so far. GFWL and other bullshit makes them bad.
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I seem to recall asking what there was to like about them besides their products. 'Cause that's liking the products, not the company.
For instance, I like CD Projekt. They freely replaced a broken item from my Witcher 2 CE and they go out of their way to spare their consumers the frustrations of DRM.
So far Microsoft has done is swing about monopoly bludgeons discouraging competition and genuine innovation so they could peddle their half-brained, half-assed ideas of denying consumers what they ask for. 'We want an efficient uncluttered interface'. We get ribbons. 'We want the start menu back.' We'll get a shortcut to the horrid start screen. 'We want a new console.' It's kinect and online only.
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It's just like Steam, except used game sales are an option. Why are second hand sales on the Xbone such a big complaint ?
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Steam is relatively lax with their DRM. It's rare, but when it does break there are shady ways to get around it and still play your games. Even without patching the DRM out, you still have a long time before your Steam games become unplayable. Some users report going for months without disabling offline mode to re-validate their installed games.
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offline mode works forever
xbone works 24 hours without internet
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Because it's just another way to screw you out of even more money. People who buy a game feel they have the right to borrow it to their friends to play. Much like you can borrow your house, your CD-Player, your Car and bike, everything except "intellectual property". The problem is, CD's are not legally considered physical property, but rather intellectual property. It's like claiming you don't own the bike, you only have a licence to use it's pedal-motor system. Everything else in it, including the design and the "pedal-System" are licensed by it's respective brand and issuer, and your friend must pay a licence in order to use it.Even tho you bought the Bike. But the matter is, the bike itself is only a medium for the "pedal-system". Everyone who uses it has to buy a license to operate it, or face criminal charges, even tho you bought the whole apparatus. Sounds fair?
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Sorry, added an link to the used games statement. Take a look.
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Doesn't say anything we didn't already know. You sir, fail at gosssip mongering
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Take a look at the second link I just added. Sorry for forgetting it.
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I also love how they're taking the liberty of utilizing your connection at any time for background updates and dial-ins without even asking... Oh well, I guess most people aren't even going to care.
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Granted the consumer is implying consent by buying the thing and agreeing to the TOU.
What I'd be more worried about is how the new kinect will be gathering data on you all the time. But don't worry, Microsoft 'will be responsible stewards with your data'. Because now privacy means your data not leaking out rather than, y'know, no data being collected at all.
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Privacy shrinks every day. Not with the excuse of national security (though that still happens occasionally), but with the excuse of providing value to the consumer. ex. 'Our website can't survive without ads. We must target ads using consumer data.' We're gutted of something of value (our data), and we're given virtually nothing in return for it. For instance, we all work for Google. We all contribute to Google's profits. Where's our pay cheque?
And people love this system, if the continued popularity of 'services' like Google and Facebook are any indication. Repeat after me, "We love Big Brother. Big Brother loves us."
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i doubt they will properly say anything about that till E3 where they will hopefully get it out of the gutter
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Take a look at the second link. My fault for not adding it to the main topic.
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You should add this link to your OP. No one should buy this POS bugging device. Unless people like the idea of the US govt. (which means any govt., really) being able to hear everything you speak about in your home, have 3d images of everyone in your household, know their age, sex, character data, and more.
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No they can't. There's Nintendo. I find it funny that some people don't even consider it as a threat. I mean, for people that look only at graphics in games they may not exist, but Wii sold most in this generation, it's a fact. It's their most important enemy in Japan too, where NO ONE cares about Xbox. And it was their most important enemy in PSX and PS2 era. So they won't be able to do whatever they want. Also, I think X360 wouldn't sell this well if it was piracyproof. At least, here, in Poland. But I guess it works for other countries too.
So, I still hope it dies. Also, if it dies, it'll be obvious why. I think Sony would rather learn from that failure than take advantage of it.
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But even top end PC hardware (i.e. multi GPU rigs) can barely handle gaming at 4k. And Sony/Microsoft's newest are still behind the tech curve. 4k isn't even going to be particularly desirable for TV gaming since the average player will sit far from the screen anyway. 4k will be irrelevant to console gaming for a long time yet.
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The thing with the PS4 is that Publishers will decide if second hand sales exist there or not. Publishers don't like second hand sales.
For the Xbone, MS is forcing the publishers to have second hand sales, even if the are more restricted than current consoles.
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Actually, the PS4 is only capable of 4k with movies. Games will have a maximum of 1080p and neither it nor the Xbox One (which is closer in performance to a Wii U if the rumors are right) will be able to even do that at 60fps for every game.
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im sure u own a tv, or u wouldnt have a display for your consoles. im sure you meant to say youd buy cable or digital service?
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With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.
If you have an interruption on your broadband, you cant play until your internet provider fixed all problems which can take several days up to two weeks or even longer but you can watch live TV in the meantime "awesome"!!!
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Bill Gates = Microsoft. But I'm pretty sure he's more a part of the pc end of things and not so much the xbox.
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Pretty much this. I think it's Steve Balmer who's at the reins now. Yes, the same Balmer of "DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS"
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Only dickheads will buy it anyway, so I don't care anymore.
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Microsoft really is shooting their selves in the foot with this... Goodbye Microsoft, oh wait, I never owned an xbox. So yeah, sticking to never buying an Xbox.
Sony gained my support, and soon, after Steam makes more progress on Steam for Linux, I'm gone from Windows for good.
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"A new generation of games with power from the cloud: Because every Xbox One owner has a broadband connection, developers can create massive, persistent worlds that evolve even when you’re not playing."
After reading that first point, I double-checked the URL because I figured it was a nicely done fake site. An assumed broadband connection... seriously?! And this first point touts something that doesn't even fucking relate to broadband connections (since that shit is done server-side), and DOESN'T FUCKING RELATE TO THE XBONE! (since that shit is done SERVER SIDE!...)
This is just sad now.
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After reading that article, I was coming down here to post this exact same thing. While I live in the UK, I've been told that even in America, a decent chunck of the population doesn't have access to broadband, or only access to very spotty broadband.
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"For an optimal experience, we recommend a broadband connection of 1.5Mbps. (For reference, the average global internet connection speed as measured recently by Akamai was 2.9 Mbps). In areas where an Ethernet connection is not available, you can connect using mobile broadband."
Epic fail. So we should go buy a mobile broadband connection for Microsoft's lack of care. What about people in remote parts of the world without Internet. Their assumptions are so flawed and stupid. Even Steam has an offline mode ffs. I hope its a massive flop.
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The US is considered a first world country through-out the world correct? 20% of the US doesnt even have an internet connection, NON at all. How many have a 5mbps connection then JUST in the US, which is MS's largest console market?
Requiring an internet connection, even in this modern day where everything is digital, isnt the best practice if they wish to maximize sales.
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The hilarious part is that Microsoft has never supported mobile broadband for XBL on the 360.
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An expensive toy which main function is to watch tv and bog down your internet connection? Lovely.
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I am impressed with what I have seen so far! Can't wait to get the Xbox One :) (loved my 360, also have a ps3 but for next gen I'll stick with Xbox One)
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Lifetime wouldn't work with the mandatory installs. It would open it up to abuse. Imagine installing a game onto an Xbox, then passing around that same copy to everyone you know. Without some sort of "phoning home" thing, they can't check to make sure only one person is playing it.
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I bet not. Unlike Ubisoft that backed down from their always online DRM, MS's entire console was based around this "feature". They pitched this to game publishers who signed up for this reason, as they see it as a sound investment. MS is certainly large enough to eat a billion dollar investment gone wrong. Of course no company WANTS to, but statistically, Id wager they sell millions of the little DRM boxes and rake in the money. Im sure if they required the user to have a spiked dildo shoved up their ass to play a game, users would probably still buy into it because, "Well its just a little discomfort, I like my games!!".
Slowly bring a pot of water up to a boil and a frog will stay there till it cooks.
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Actually, the frog will jump out of the water. In the experiment that coined the term, the frog's brain was removed.
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Uffff, finally!!! WHat I always wanted!!! A gaming console that allows me to watch tv and dvds without an internet connection!! yay!!
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Xbox's Statement on Connection
Xbox's Statement on Used Games
Perhaps my favorite part of the whole thing is how they state that you can't play games after 24 hours of no connection to the internet, but "you can enjoy Live TV, Blu-ray and DVD movies."
Yes. Because that was totally the reason why I bought the console. For movies and TV, not for games.
Edit: Some of you noted that I forgot to include the info regarding used games. Apologies! Here it is.
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