Been inactive for long time, so most people from my whitelist are inactive and need some new active members. As title says, no other special reqruiments.

6 hours ago

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The possibilities that lie in the future are infinite. When I say โ€˜It is our duty to remain optimists,โ€™ this includes not only the openness of the future but also that which all of us contribute to it by everything we do: we are all responsible for what the future holds in store. Thus it is our duty, not to prophesy evil but, rather, to fight for a better world. โ€” Karl Popper, The Myth of the Framework (1994)

2 hours ago

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Intresting quote, welcome

2 hours ago

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Australia is wider than the moon (4000 km vs 3500)

2 hours ago

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But moon feels safer right? Welcome

2 hours ago

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How about a funny quote from Sheogorath. Or at least I found it funny.
"Daedra are the embodiment of change. Change and Permanency. I am no different, except in the ways I am"

2 hours ago

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Good one, welcome

1 hour ago

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Sharks are older than trees.



2 hours ago

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That's really interesting, I guess only grasses and shrubs existed before then? I mean life did start in the oceans and earth was devoid of multi-cellular life for much of it's existence but once that box opened man did things take off quick.

1 hour ago

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Thats actually insane. Welcome

1 hour ago

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The average cloud weighs around 1.1 million pounds (nearly half a million kg).

2 hours ago

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Had no idea, welcome

1 hour ago

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"Mondongo" -Goku

2 hours ago

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Is that bald version of goku heheh? Welcome

1 hour ago

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"You must not compare yourself to others, and if nature has created you as a bat, you must not try to make yourself an ostrich. You consider yourself strange; you blame yourself for walking different paths than other people. That's what you need to unlearn. Gaze into the flames, gaze into the clouds, and when you hear the voices in your soul speak to you, surrender to them, and don't ask first whether this would please your teacher, or your father, or God! Doing so will ruin you."
Hermann Hesse, Demian

1 hour ago

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Good quote, welcome

1 hour ago

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"There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people."

Heinz Guderian

1 hour ago

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Very true, welcome

1 hour ago

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"You could fit more than a thousand Earths inside Jupiter and a thousand Jupiters inside the sun" - Tim Urban.

Actually I'm not sure if Tim Urban is the one who came up with that, but I read that quote on an article written by him yesterday so here we go

1 hour ago

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Cant even imagine how big space actually is. Welcome

55 minutes ago

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" So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itselfโ€”nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."

Platypus and Echidnae are a very ancient form of mammal called monotremes. This means they have one hole to do all their business like a bird instead of more advanced mammals. They also have an archaic form of milk that they just sweat out for their young instead of true mammary glands and nipples. It really is fascinating that proto-mammals that lay eggs still exist. :)

1 hour ago

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Quote reminded me of dota 2 terroblade voice line "Fear he who fears nothing"
Also had no idea these mammals still exist. Welcome to WL

45 minutes ago

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fun fact: Cats bring humans dead animals because they think we're bad hunters that can't survive on our own

1 hour ago

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Most people are. If there was a long term interruption to food production and distribution most people would starve.

1 hour ago

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Also they think we are good hunters if we bring full bags when coming home. Welcome

43 minutes ago

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Veni vidi added to WL

1 hour ago

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Thx and welcome :)

42 minutes ago

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111 111 111 x 111 111 111 = 12 345 678 987 654 321. How cool is it?

1 hour ago

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Wow, welcome

39 minutes ago

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All the planets in the Solar System would fit between the Earth and the Moon :)

1 hour ago

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Didnt know that, welcome

33 minutes ago

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I like to believe there are a lot of undiscovered secrets in the nature. Let's take a road for example, like in the picture.

Roads that allow people to travel to another city. You can travel hundreds and hundreds of kilometers of distance and for the most part of the time, the only scenario is the endless nature. You see forests, and grass until the end of the horizon. However, in those hundreds of kilometers traveled imagine if, in the middle of the trip, you simply decide to stop your car, and start walking in the direction of the nature. You would be in the middle of nowhere. And somewhere you might find a house hidden within the thousands of kilometers of nature, a small cave within the woods, You may find buried treasures or... bodies.

The thing is, I like to believe, that in those giant fields of nature around roads, there might be spots where no one has ever been or only in the past leaving only traces of their existence, objects, clothes, or even bones of things that lived thousands of years ago. If you dig random spots in a random forest you just walked into the middle of nowhere, you most likely will find nothing but statistically the chances are not zero. I like to believe undiscovered histories are somewhere out there.

View attached image.
1 hour ago*

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Well definitely there is some undiscovered places around. Welcome

30 minutes ago

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'Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.'-Arthur C. Clarke

47 minutes ago

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True, welcome

29 minutes ago

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"...for Brazil to accept the French scientific thesis that a lobster would be considered a fish when it "leaps" on the seafloor, it would be required in the same way to accept the Brazilian premise that when a kangaroo "hops", it would be considered a bird."

And war was averted

36 minutes ago

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Hehe, didnt know that. Welcome

19 minutes ago

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"We walk with each other for a part of the way." - handwritten note at the end of a random letter I found in my uncles office drawer a month after his funeral.

Science fact: A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus: Venus takes about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation, but it only takes 225 Earth days to orbit the Sun.

19 minutes ago

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Interesting, welcome

14 minutes ago

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What I thought is an interesting fact: cinnamon, the spice, is made from the bark of cinnamon trees. The bark is either dried to produce cinnamon sticks, or ground into a powder.

14 minutes ago

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It is interesting, welcome

2 minutes ago

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Thanks, I whitelisted you as well :)

1 minute ago

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