You think
4 pages? good for u i see 12 GAs, 1 of them not entered coz new user and very good game (so rather) and 2 are higher than my level... in last 1 year and 3 months i won 1 game... whats dead for u? :D
nearly 17000 items blacklisted... yep too much trash around
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17000 wtf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD
Yep most of gas are some kind of ... 1 point trash but ... its free! XD
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***** i have only 7611 and only 4 pages... u are some kind of hero !
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11,921 games have been added to my filter list. Almoust near =)
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I started hiding games I don't like on 1 July and now I see only 4 pages of giveaways. I should've started doing this a long time ago.
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i use wishlist and carefuly picked groups and have no need for blacklisting games...
try and save time... 4 WL sites / 5+ group sites, works for me... :)
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Yea but most of those are probably bundle trash since I hide all those and I don't see that many GA. Maybe 20?
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It's dead Jim!
One page for me. (all kinds of GAs)
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quickly whitelist him...
...2 secs and
quickly un-whitelist him
was already there :P
<3 this, Miaw! we should do a group or something... "Who Sees All Things" hiding huge rich awesome trains in very old, very bundled, very 0 cv stuff
wow. this morning breakfast wasn't that good, here :P
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"Who Sees All Things"
Ahaha, sounds neat, but including me wouldn't be a very good idea. As I watch things from shadows while not saying many things~
And thank you for reminding me that I haven't had breakfast, almost evening here :v
What did you have anyway?
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And yet self-important CV farmers on the forum will bitch and moan endlessly about their hidden object games or asset flips or shitty visual novels being unplayed or simply idled by the winners.
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yes, but in past year thousands of games released on stem - so now we have more developers than in 2017.
They don't know about steamgifts or they prefer to sell their games on otakumaker/indiegala/russian lequestore and not give them for free?
Comment has been collapsed. gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all f-in' night.
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Depending on how much you like the monthly, you could even argue that it is more alive than ever. Quality (in terms of how much actual value you get) has never been as high as with the monthly. I think HB is still pretty alright.
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i remember exo (dig) saying "bundle is dead". that was few months ago. i don't think it's already dead, but it often seems to me that he's (the bundle) really struggling to stay alive :D
i always loved monthly. paused it a lot, tho. problem with me (said to hb ninjas, too) is the "month". 30 days? too much. "make it shorter", i've said, "Half a Monthly", half the time, half the price... still, they completely shifted to monthly, with a massive referral system. that's business and i'm not good at, hope for them (the old people @ humble) that's a good move.
frankly, i think all this "hate" for a game shop that gave you so much in terms of playing good games for the cheap, making a slice of pc-gaming history, is kinda ungrateful, like from someone, maybe, too much "little tampered".
only this, i'm not 100% sure of:
I think HB is still pretty alright
but i still hope it, for them. that, imo, will be deserved.
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i always loved monthly. paused it a lot, tho
I actually never paused it. Bought the first one, never stopped since then. And I have to say there was not a single month that wasn't worth it. Even if i already had the high value games like Rust, Destiny 2 or Mad Max, I could always sell those for almost the complete bundle cost. So even those were absolutely worth it, since the other games in those bundles were essentially free.
30 days? too much.
Hm, not sure about that. I wouldn't mind getting more games, but I fear the quality would suffer if they started doing it every 2 weeks or even faster.
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I think the Monthlies are pretty much well-worth it. And they always have at least one game I want, which is good. That is a lot more than before. There were a lot more times I'd wanna skip a bundle before, pre-IGN times.
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not even a full page on mine.
only see 36 giveaway.
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Even though Valve ruined gifting people can still buy steam keys for games cheaply during sales on sites like HB, Fanatical and other legit steam key sellers and then make giveaways with those keys. So I assume the lack of large events isn't so much due to steam's gifting change but due to big contributors and event makers not being as active anymore.
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RIP Fotixcember :(
And other random events like that.
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I see 19 pages, but only 2 for wishlisted games (of 70 GAs).
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Their no support policy for key re-sellers ...
According to their ToS or something if you make giveaways here , even if you havent sold/traded a single key in your life ... and only gave it away here , you are still considered a key re-seller and they will refuse to help you with any issue ...
Restoring keys etc
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xm read about that, the only thing i asked thei support to help me was cancel some bundle purchase, they did their job.
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Well i lost couple hundred worth of keys i was saving for a big train for my birthday , cause hey you are re-seeling stuff we are not going to repond to any of your tickets anymore.
I dont even know if they just flat out scam me or was my account compromised , but all my keys and gift links ware just ...gone .
They refused to provide info if my acc was logged from any other place then the literally 1 place i ever log in from .
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But the solution to that problem is simple, right? just don't mention you're doing giveaways, and you're fine. They're not searching for your account on SG, are they? ^^
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This does not seem to work.
Maybe they collect information about how many giftlinks you used or keys you activated by yourself. If you sent to many giftlinks, you are out.
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Hm, maybe they do that. Never had any problems, so I never contacted their support. I'm almost hoping to get a problem soon, so I can see if they have flagged me as well. xD
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Well i didnt mention doing giveaways tho , i just had issues with couple gift links so i contacted their support to ask if maybe my account have been compromised or something .
Not sure for my wording exactly but it was basically saying i sent the keys to a friend cause they ware games i already had and he said the gift links had been used , could you check if my account have been logged from different location.
The response was basically what the guy in the topic Spitfyr posted did get .
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Yeah, maybe they flag accounts if they constantly gift to many different people.
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The quality of HB' bundles has taken a huge nosedive.. There is a theory that developers don't like bundles anymore, because resellers buy huge amounts of keys and resell them in grey market sites, so the prices never recover.
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ye, in g2a eveytime new budnle comes price for those games are very low.
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And the developers suffer for it. Without the grey market, the bundles would flourish again.
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I think there is an easy way to cut down on a lot of the reselling. Humble should only allow 1 copy of a bundle to be purchased per account and each account should be required to link to a single Steam account. Then the resellers would have to create a new email address, new HB account, and a new Steam account for every copy they want to purchase and if Humble wanted to take things further, they could cross reference payment methods and not allow multiple accounts to use the same payment method.
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I guess Humble could do something like the minimum account value required here at SG, but that would drive away a lot of potential new pc gamers. Other than that, it's easy to create a new Steam account, Paypal account, buy visa gift cards with different numbers, etc etc.
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but for HB numbers counts. In the past most bundles where one link to non BA, BA tier. There was even article about this in SG from somewhere that publishers, urge to sell more bundle copies and new bundle sites made it obolete and let putting individual keys standard so this process created whole reseller sites and destroyed pc games market
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I don't think sg is dead, but i have a bad feeling on humblebundle....
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Oh, I know that feeling, I had high temperature last week too.
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Steam's no gift-item policy hurts the site, yes. It should not have, since there are plenty of other legit stores selling Steam keys cheaper than what they cost at Valve's store, so people could spend less money to keep buying gifts, but it is not happening. Why? Several reasons. They are so narrow-minded, they refuse to use anything but valve. Disturbingly large demographic right there. Or they do not know about other stores, since Steam has been their microcosm and they never poked their head out of it. Or they were doing region-restricted giveaways in the first place because it was way cheaper. Or their Steam experience was farming cards and using Steam wallet. Or they are afraid to use any other store (seen that quite a few times too). Or they are actual fanatical Valve groupies who refuse to use anything else. Or some even more outlandish reason.
Still, this is where we are, so that it is. Publishers also caught up to how the insane bundling craze managed to devalue PC games massively. Some already enlightened and started to adapt a more reasonable bundling policy, some stopped it altogether, and now it is mostly asset flippers and no-effort cash-in crowd all over the scene. (Or rebundles. A metric fuckton of rebundles.)
This situation has a few solutions, but since we are in the age of I-Am-Offended-By-Everything-And-Everybody-Else-Has-To-Do-What-I-Demand internet crybabies (crybabies who are in their twenties, mind you), nobody dares to do anything but just keep rolling with this situation until it collapses on itself like the dotcom bubble. The more intelligent sites already switched their primary focus on being stores and do bundles mostly out of expectations. The rest will die out sooner or later.
That should also have the positive effect of finally killing off G2A, the second biggest festering pile of misery on the PC market after Valve, but I fear that the sheer amount of keys there can keep their free money press rolling for years to come.
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Reason not to use other stores in simple. In Steam you can buy for steam wallet, without spending actual money (and you can get steam wallet by farming cards, trading and then selling, etc). So people who have steam wallet and willing to spend it might not have (or don't want to spend) actual money. That's main reason why new Steam gifting policy hit SG so hard. And new region restriction rules too, because now I can't gift even to someone with same restriction, if he have bigger price.
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The amount of Steam wallet you can get for nothing is minimal. Cards require you to get games, which means spending money. Only a handful of games have lootbox drops with marketable items, but even that thing has either a ridiculously small chance to get something worthwhile or the money was in the black market illegal gambling.
This is what always fascinated me, that people tell me they buy with Steam wallet they get from cards, but never really talk about how those cards ended up on their account. Sure, there are boosters as well, but you need a ton of games or a lot of money investment to get them regularly, so, yet again, the card game is not something you can actually make any kind of serious money on, even of the market transaction total seems like a nice amount. But what would that amount be if you deducted the money spent to get those games there?
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You must be joking, right? I know people who busy withdrawing wallet money from steam all year long. Amounts of steam wallet you can get is tremendous. Even me, without any effort, can get enough wallet money to buy everything I want. As for your question where to get games to get cards - there are key giveaways of shovelware almost everyday. And people who have big farms (hundreds of bots) even buy keys dirt cheap, and that is still profitable. Don't underestimate steam wallet, this thing is the main advantage of steam over other platforms.
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lol true.
Sorry, but I can hardly see that huge amount of money flowing from only cards if you just use Steam normally, and not abuse the flaws of the system or spend huge amounts of time just to earn those cents.
I know there's people who earns a monthly wage on this system that Steam has created (not only cards, but in-game items such as hats and everything that was born after that), but that's not something that's created out of nowhere but rather by spending really stupid amounts of precious time to get there and to stay there in the loop. I know that for young people that may not seem too much (let's say 3/5 hours/day if you don't need too much money), but with the same amount of time I learned how to code and wrote hundreds of software back then. To each their own obviously.
It's a shameful way to milk the world of videogames, similar to what some small developers do with the asset flips and the-like, but also what big companies do as well, when they don't spend a cent of their big earnings to fix bugs and problems in their games but rather sells DLCs for tiny pieces of content that was there from the beginning (so they actually had to spend extra time just to "separate" it and be able to sell as additional content).
This whole industry has become the smelly thing that it is because of the bad big companies involved (not all obviously) but also because of all the people that supports them, or that tries their best to get their share by creating these underground businesses.
It's a really bad thing but that was inherited by the way that business is done everywhere else like in the stock market, where money is earned (and lost) from nowhere (well, from the ones that loses it, but you get what I mean).
There's some nations which teaches exactly that to their kids, that if you don't have anything productive or useful to do in mind, there's always a way to earn your part by taking advantage of the flaws of the system, and when these people grow up and find that not only the system has flaws, but it also promotes these practices and the users are happy about it (because that means they can also get their share), it can only go one way.
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Sorry, but I can hardly see that huge amount of money flowing from only cards if you just use Steam normally, and not abuse the flaws of the system or spend huge amounts of time just to earn those cents.
For a few years I actually got around 30€ each month from cards. Without even forcing it. I just bought the bundles I always buy, for collection purposes (like I did before there were cards even). I didn't use multiple accounts. Well, I have a second account and activated some leftovers on it for cards. But it weren't that many, and it's not what people mean when they say someone farms multiple accounts. So I mainly used my main account for this, and got a new AAA game out of it every 2 months. Neither did I spend any significant time on it, nor did I spend more money than I did anyway. You could of course argue that a collector is not your typical Steam customer. And that's true. But we have quite a few collectors here on SG. And my point is, that they could get quite a bit of money without even buying any games for only that purpose or using extra accounts or anything. All I did was let ASF do the farming and auto-list the cards with SIH every 2 weeks or so. Most work was the mobile confirmation. ^^ But it was really only a few minutes every 1-2 weeks. It was free money, even without harcore-abusing the system. So, I can only imagine how much people got out of it if they have like 100 accounts and specificially buy games with cards for all those.
Things have changed, though. People think it's a good idea to list their cards for 3 cents, which gives only 1 cent wallet. Prices are so low, there is not much money in it anymore. Also, many new games don't have cards right away anymore because of Valve's changes. I don't know if it's still profitable for the hardcore guys. For me it clearly isn't. I still don't see a reason to not sell my cards. Even if it's only 5 bucks a month now (no idea how much it really is, didn't check in a long time). It doesn't cost any substantial time, so it's still worth doing.
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I don't even have time to play what I have. Buying more seems excessive.
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Look. This page says I spent $134.41 real money (see screenshot 1). And then I can use Enhanced Steam to get total money spent (screenshot 2). It's 24393,16₴, and if we convert it to USD, it's about 910$. So, It's easy to see that about 85% of money I spent are steam wallet. And I haven't counted cost of items in my inventory and money on my steam wallet now. I would say more - when I was in US (for work), I made an account with US prices, so that I could buy unrestricted games for steam wallet for giveaways. Needless to say, with new steam policy it's now useless(
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I can't be the only person who bought gifts on Steam because a Steam gift was 100% guaranteed to work, no matter what kind of dodgy character the giveaway winner might turn out to be... :)
Umm, key bad, pls send another. Oh, that one was bad too, send me one more...
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As I wrote elsewhere in this thread. I pretty much stopped making giveaways because of the reason you're bringing up. I understand why the site has to have these rules but they are not very gifter friendly. Guaranteed gifts would be very helpful in this regard.
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Actually I like make GAs from steam store because I'm 100% sure it works and I hate those "I-Am-Offended-By-Everything-And-Everybody-Else-Has-To-Do-What-I-Demand internet crybabies" (love that sentence:) who tells it's not working and I must give it here and now (yeah I'm exaggerating a little)
But most important thing to me where that on steam there are always sales and not known games looking nice who I can buy for gifts (like that 10lvl gift from up there). In stores there are always the same games and buying cheaper in advance is risky because all those bundles ;)
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I see about 1.50 pages here.
I think it's a combination of factors like the ones you mentioned but also people who have left or have been driven of SG for one reason or another. :X
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Actually talking about my own giveaways, to this date I haven't have that happening to me. The dupe keys I had in my giveaways were either me copy pasting wrongly the key or with keys that were bought from BunchKeys, IG and DIG where devs invalidated their keys.
Most problems I did have were on my public giveaways, least problems of my WL and (WL) group giveaways and only minor problems on my nearly 6K SGTools protected giveaways. ^^
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It's most likely not a big problem in general and being slightly particular with ones gifting should help a lot as well I imagine. I'm just lazy and for various reasons prefer to have my giveaways available to as many as possible, within reason. Basically, I'm too lazy to be a proficient gifter on this site
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I feel your pain Sloth-Boy, I got several hundreds of giveaways to do, but I'm too lazy and too afraid they'll come back as "duped" with no way to check if they are or not. Was actually thinking of going over to 100% Steam gifts just a few days before they made the change so we can't buy them anymore.
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Personally, i've been lucky. All but one of my dupe keys I couldn’t get a copy, the winner didn't mind deletying. I've always on my part agreed on deleting if a winner key was duplicated
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I'm not using giveaway scripts myself and I prefer the old school way of making SG giveaways but I heard ESGST is especially handy for those who like the quick way of making giveaways\trains. :-)
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yeah I miss a few fun faces, but life changes and no wonder they try something else. I'd say there are less new people who just love to make something new or giveaway whole wallet to bunch of unknown people but maybe I'm not looking so closely
Definitely less advertising AAA GAs now too
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I think that it's a combination of factors that lead to less SG giveaways than the previous years.
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things don't live forever. 5-6 is plenty in internet. no need to be sad, just sorry for who was late... :o
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44 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by K1R4D3L
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109 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Furty
405 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by canis39
373 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Furty
Well, kind of. Thanks to no HB bundles and steam gift policy I see only 4 pages of giveaways and when I filter group GAs those are for one page so only 3 for public. Yeah I know, propably there are people with only 1 :)
Forum awesome celebrations are dead because of gift policy and no more awesome events like Let's train or Steamgifts Hunger Games
This remind me of SG simultanous event when there were about 10 pages of GAs only for that group :)
Just don't get me wrong there are still hundreds of awesome people here and worthy discussions in forum, propably I'm just old, bored and exhausted because of temperature
So have a the only thing you come in here. There are bunch of various lvl GAs with simple SG Tools filter
edit: one more i forgot to add because I'm old Albert Mort - Desert Heat
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