Hello guys and gals,

Next month is a special birthday for me as something personal is going to happen on that day.
i'm not going to tell what but its pretty awesome for me.
Anyway, i would like to say that i'm not a guy who goes around spamming thanks on every giveaway i enter as i believe thats just bull.
I wouldn't want everyone to say thanks when i'm giving away, as long as the winner does it after recieving its oke.
But to show that i'm really no "leech" or whatever kids call people like me these days i came up with this plan.
I hope you guys will like it.

December being a holiday month for everyone, but i will up the stakes.
I will create a group next month with a max cap of 31 people.
31 Games will be given away(i will buy them as soon as i know wich one i want to give)
There will be some decent games,awesome ones and a few "lesser" indie games(sometimes indie can prove even better)
so 1 december i start the give aways but when you win one, you get kicked out of the group.
Everyone in the group will win a game eventually :)

As i said 31 days = 31 people but i reserve 6 slots to people i know IRL and to the ones from wich i recieved a gift after winning a giveaway :)

So basicly i will invite 25people in the group.
I would love some feedback on this idea and also some ideas about how to select the "25" :)

Remember: DONT be greedy :)

EDIT: The one that provides me with the ultimate idea for choosing the 25 people will be invited as one of my "6"

12 years ago*

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happy birthday mate :D chose by profile picture xD

12 years ago

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Sold hahaha

12 years ago

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Inviting idea:
create google poll, long, ask some serious questions there (can be e.g. obtainable only by playing some demo games), require some effort from ppl. I think it would be even better to create all giveaways as private with puzzles, but it would be time consuming for you. The truth is, only ppl who REALLY want some game badly will sacrifice much of their time to get a chance to win it. E.g. I participated in Gothic Universe giveaway, when you had to download demo, and play even couple hours to find all answers. Puzzle was public and open for many days, but only about 20 users entered.

12 years ago

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Happy birthday and I wish you good luck with whatever the secret of the gift/experience is! :)

I think you should invite people at random with no real perk or reason since the holidays are a time of giving, not judging. That's what I'd like to believe anyway! It's a great idea and I hope (think) you can (will) make 31 people really lucky and happy!

12 years ago

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Happy early birthday to you! My plan for choosing is to look at everyone's name and then picture them as the first food that comes to mind, then take the 25 with the least calories! Or the 25 most delicious.

12 years ago

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Happy birthday.

Create a list of 25 favourite moments or awesome/epic/weird situations and ask people for them. Perhaps saying on which games. Those who match enter. In case of repeated just random between them.

12 years ago

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Happy birthday!

That's how I'd do this if this was my group:

Remove any kind of randomnes. Filter possible candidates by registration time on SG (1 month, 6 months, 1 year, your call). Good entries/comment ratio, no VAC ban, no regifts, no unactivated gifts.

5 chunks of 5 invites each. Some ideas(some have already been said):

  • puzzle on the forum(clever guys are always a good addition to a group). Make it as hard as you want, just keep in mind that if it's too hard you could get less than 5 solvers. Possibly nothing too googlable.
  • puzzle on S.Gifts chat(clever guys that also participate actively in the community? win!). Make it easier than the other, but with a strict time limit to prevent leaks.
  • pun contest on the forum or chat or both (entirely subjective, but at least you'll get people that make you laugh). this can be great but you'll have to get through a lot of really really bad jokes. Try to promote creativity, anything googled will not be considered.
  • photo contest. Choose a theme and let the imagination work. Screenshots, drawings, actual photos, any combination you choose. Posted on imgur if you want them to be public, mailed to you if you don't want people to be "inspired" by the others. If you go with the second choice ABSOLUTELY make a new email address for that purpose. Anything rude, gross or illegal would be reported and blacklisted(for this reason the "public" way would be the better). Always check out for people posting something not done by them.
  • video contest. Same as the photo one, posted on youtube. Not for shy people.
  • suggest me X. You ask for a movie, anime, music album, comic, book, to watch/read/listen. The one you prefer gets the spot. Probably impratical due to time constraints.
12 years ago

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Happy early birthday ^^

As for selecting the 25: I'd just use a random number generator, as someone here has already suggested.

12 years ago

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Happy Birthday in advance :P

12 years ago

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Happy b-day man.

12 years ago

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Happy birthday :D hope you gonna have a really awesome day and i hope you gonna have some nice gifts :) maybe you can pick someone from different countries? to make the giftaway world-wide :D

12 years ago

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Happy bday bro.

12 years ago

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an advent calender with games? Cool idea .
also good that everyone will win something and not like 1 wins all or so.
(of course i wanna join the group ;-))
hope i win an indie title, like indie titles :P

BUT: you said like there will also be expensive games. What if the group members (or some of them) do not enter the "cheap" giveaways (then all but them get kicked) and then enter the expensive ONLY? i mean- they could either win an expensive game and get kicked or wait for the next expensive game. That's kinda bad...

12 years ago

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he could just giveaway the most expensive games in the beginning. problem solved :)

12 years ago

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Fappy Birthday

12 years ago

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Hi there. Happy birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and awesome Grand Unknown Thingy.
I guess that covers your month of epicness. I shall bake muffins for those occasions.

As for the picking, just go with intuition, it's the best thing we have, but it's underestimated.

12 years ago

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First of all Happy Birthday! :)
I like your idea very much, and I have some suggestions about how to choose the participants.
First of all, invite people who have already contributed to steamgifts (even if it's just one game, or even a dlc).
Secondly, choose people who didn't win many games, let's say 5 max (give some chances for the less fortunate ones).
And since you said you don't like people who spam thanks you could choose to ignore those with high comment ratio. I think less than 1/10 should do, however I would advise you against this, since you shouldn't punish those who just like thanking contributors :)
The first two(three) steps are used to filter people. After that, you can make some sort of competition to choose the 25 from the remaining ones.
The competition can be anything you like, from puzzles on istoohard, to trivia games held on a chat. And I think you should do more than one, like a tournament of some sorts. At every step, you reduce the number of participants, until only 25 remain.

Hope you like my suggestions.

12 years ago

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Have a nice birthday. Remind me on the date and I'll tell you again when it's more relevant. :)

12 years ago

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I'm going to sing you a horrible song with horrible quality if i get an invite.

Also my birthday is on the 25th december.

I like the idea of picking people from different countries, mentioned above.

12 years ago

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I dont really care who you invite, but without Bender there is no parteeeeyyyyy!

12 years ago

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The 25 people who get the furthest in CLOP/some other difficult game :D

12 years ago

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I remember Hichigo doing a thread about posting some music that he'd like, and based on the answers he invited some people to giveaways of their choice, if he liked the song(s) they posted. It can be menial, but you'd have an easier way to choose that 25, because you'll need to find only 25 people in a chronological order of posting their respective songs, and after the 25 is chosen, you don't have to waste your time on the rest. This may actually work also with movies/games, though with a slight change; instead of asking for recommendations, let them guess your favourites, and the first 25 to do so (without dupes of course) get in the group.

12 years ago

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ДА,хорошо придумал.Я ДУМАЮ ЧТО и тебе должны что то подарить)

12 years ago

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Have a nice Day than:)

12 years ago

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That's very nice, thanks for your generosity :) I personally don't think you should only choose people with a high contribution, as some people say, even though I still think that a minimum value would be a good idea. Maybe a value that is a bit higher then the highest bundle-only value. But that's only my two cents.

And letting the people guess random things can be a way to get the 25 people. E. g. you can create a public group and from time to time you start events, telling people to get in chat. There you ask a question, maybe things like "What's my favorite colour?" or maybe something game related. The first right guess will get invited. If you do this several times on different day times, everyone has a chance to enter. I'm sorry if this was already mentioned, I'm a bit in a hurry and I don't have the time to read everything.

12 years ago

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Select people with some contribution (50$+ - maybe) and with not so many of games(under 50 games)

Happy birthday anyways!

12 years ago

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ultimate idea: pick and invite your 25 best friends in your Steam friends list and include the "6" too aswell

that exculdes me so... just want to wish you the best on your special day
and it's always good to see such a positive thread =)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Freestylah.