Origin will never success, as Steam has already did
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does EA really compare MySpace and FACEBOOK with Steam and ORIGIN? origin. the better version. yeah, great spyware. EA ruins everything: developer (bullfrog, westwood, now bioware and dice), games and copy everything now from activision (price and numbers of DLCs, premium). EA is like cancer. it gets bigger and bigger and causes death
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Considering what Facebook does with your personal data and how it tracks your internet usage, it can be considered just as much spyware as Origin is, if not more so.
So yeah, at least in that way they're similar.
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How can he even compare these to each other. Steam/Origin you have to spend money to purchase the games. Facebook and Myspace you invested time not money. Why would I spend another couple of thousand dollars to buy the same games I already have on Steam?
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origin got steam in they'r face,they cant see,get it? ^^
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Wait what? Since when you can buy games on xfire? Or am I still too drunk to understand your comment?
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You could on past: xFire store
But yes, you missed the "+".
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To quote what I wrote below:
It's not really competition if it has a different lineup of games. The only way for Origin and Steam to really compete as services is for them to have near-identical game libraries. But as long as EA tries to keep things exclusive, the question won't be "Which platform is better?", but "Which platform offers the games I want?". So money gets wasted on procuring exclusivity instead of being spent on improving quality.
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This is definitely true. It's also probably worth noting that it's not just Origin doing it, though. Unless I'm missing something Valve's titles aren't available on Origin, either. Valve generally hasn't abused their standing (that I'm aware of), but it would be nice to see the digital distribution platforms separated from individual devs/publishers.
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It's not really competition if it has a different lineup of games. The only way for Origin and Steam to really compete as services is for them to have near-identical game libraries. But as long as EA tries to keep things exclusive, the question won't be "Which platform is better?", but "Which platform offers the games I want?". So money gets wasted on procuring exclusivity instead of being spent on improving quality.
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I never said Valve does everything right. It's true that they started it, and they're still doing it, and it's a mistake on their part. But for as long as Steam was the only digital distribution platform with exclusive titles, this wasn't a major issue. You'd WANT to use Steam anyway, because it's the best. And please note that there were and still are people, including myself, who rightfully complain about Steam as DRM.
But with Origin's creation, the exclusivity problem gets multiplied. So instead of learning from Valve's mistakes, EA has copied them. The point of competition is to improve the quality of a product or service, and to reduce the price for the customer. Origin does neither, and isn't even attempting to.
If Origin was really trying to compete with Steam as a service, it would not have any DRM, allowing you to play your games without an internet connection and without launching Origin at all. This would be a major selling point. Of course, it would also require that Origin holds regular sales, so that people have a reason to actually launch the program.
If that had been done, Valve would have been forced to re-consider Steam as DRM. That's competition, and it benefits the customer. What EA is doing now is not, and does not.
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why you guys bitiching about origin steam desura uplay or else?
i prefer to use steam, but BF3 isnt available on steam so i use origin, and didnt bitching about it gahhhh
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we bitch about origin cuz its horrible,electronic a$$holeS
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whats so bad about it? I hear people complain allot but they are never specific.
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Read my comment below, which is one of the many reasons.
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i bought kingdoms of amalur at retail and since i have a good internet conection (30MB/s) i decided to try to redeem the key without using the DVD to see how fast i could DL the game from origin servers. when i tried to input the key origin said that the key wasn´t usable. i was pissed off however i decided to use the DVD, and when i inserted the key with the DVD origin accepted the key. this anoyed me a lot.
After installed, i go to run the game and origin ask to update the game. origin updated the game and i tried to play it again and orogin decied to update again. after that update i decided to "reboot" origin and then kingdoms of amalur worked.
With steam i have a few problem now and then however they are little anoyances that i can forgive like for an game to work offline you have to play it while online first.
With origin when you buy a game on launch normally it has so many problems that you waste most of your time making the game work then playing the game.
let's be clear DRM sucks balls, however steam with the amazing sales and now a relatively bug free environemnet most gamers can forgive such existance. Origin on the other hand when begun tried to scan your computer to know everything about you, has lot of problems and "barrirers" to not let you play your games. it doesnt have copy the best of steam.
those are my experiences, i imagine that some people don't mind origin but we all secretly long for the time when we just had to install a game
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I don't really have a problem with Origin, but with the Origin store. It shows up in French for me and I'm unable to change it. So when I want to buy anything I have to struggle though that and I'm not even sure if I'm buying a non-French version.
It has been like that since the beginning and still nothing has changed.
Recently they also removed the option to pay with e-banking from the store, which was the only payment option I can use.
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This is definitely why I avoid Origin. I don't like their ways.
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I can understand the french issue, but what information do you think EA is taking from your computer? And how would they even be using that?
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"You agree that EA may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer (including the Internet Protocol Address), operating system, Application usage (including but not limited to successful installation and/or removal), software, software usage [...]"
"Valve® respects the privacy of its online visitors and users of its products. Valve recognizes the importance of protecting any information collected from users and has adopted this privacy policy that guides how Valve gathers, stores, and uses information from the use of Valve products [...]."
"[...] users agree that Valve may collect aggregate information, individual information, and personally identifiable information, as defined below [...]"
" "Individual information" is information about a user that is presented in a form distinguishable from information relating to other users but not in a form that personally identifies any user or enables the recipient to communicate directly with any user unless agreed to by the user in advance of such communication."
"[...] personally identifiable information [...]"
"If an associate of Valve is collecting such personally identifiable information within one of our products or online sites, Valve will make users aware of this at the time the information is gathered."
" If a user does not want to provide this information, the user may choose to opt out of providing this information "
See where this is going?
EA's openly snooping inside my Hard Disk and checking for software that doesn't have anything to do with Origin (it is not stated explicitly, true, but they did not state the contrary, so there's a grey zone in their ToS) and they also retrieve my IP address in order to pin point me if anything were to go wrong in their scannings.
Valve, on the other hand, does not explicitly collect information that identifies me as an individual and doesn't collect information outside of its "Valve products".
[EDIT] When the Steam software actually collects such personal information it also warns you, thus giving you the chance to accept or decline the operation that would cause that to happen. Judging from Origin's ToS, I doubt it's the same as Steam's[/EDIT]
I repeat, I don't like EA's ways.
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I still don't understand the worry when was the last time you heard of EA pin pointing someone and tracking them down from origins? And then what? do they beat them up and take there lunch money?
BTW VAC doesn't warn you when its about to scan your PC for hacks or when it will ban you, neither does PB. and out of the millions of origins users do you think there is some guy right now looking at your PC files? I still don't see what the big fuss is about tell me what this all means they can pinpoint your IP and look at your computer then what? Arrest you? send you penis enlargement pill emails?
what are you afraid of happening exactly?
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It's not what EA has done that worries me, but what EA could do in the future.
Agreeing to the Terms of Service makes you legally binded to EA's contract. I usually read contracts, and this particular one requires me to give up more than what I get.
Don't know what I mean? Sorry, I don't know how to express it better. Besides, I've flooded this thread enough, don't you think? ;)
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This also explains how they are able to detect data files of their own games installed using Steam. I'm dead serious. I used Steam to install Dead Space 2, and after opening Origin the game is all of a sudden ready to play as I hover my mouse over it.
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I can see you are worried about EA doing something in the future with your information you have made that clear but you have avoided saying what exactly they will do and with what information.
unless you could clarify that you just sound like another overly paranoid person who thinks everyone is out to get them.
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Continuation of SFaPiL's TOS qoute
"EA may also use this information combined with personal information for marketing purposes and to improve our products and services. We may also share that data with our third party service providers in a form that does not personally identify you. IF YOU DO NOT WANT EA TO COLLECT, USE, STORE, TRANSMIT OR DISPLAY THE DATA DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE APPLICATION. This and all other data provided to EA and/or collected by EA in connection with your installation and use of this Application is collected, used, stored and transmitted in accordance with EA’s Privacy Policy located at www.ea.com. To the extent that anything in this section conflicts with the terms of EA’s Privacy Policy, the terms of the Privacy Policy shall control."
So basically the info they gather may be sold to third party companies as long as they remove / edit the information just enough to make it not personal. an example of this would be...
Your name: Bubba Gump
Address: 999 ninth st
EA edited version to save privacy
Name: B* Gump
Address: ninth st
With the edited version there is no exact to who or where you live, but if you do even the of simplest searches for B Gump on ninth st and get your personal info.
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what we really need is a new service like Steam and Origin that has a plan on what will happen when that service becomes bankrupt. If they've got a good plan so customers would be able to legally use purchased content even if the company doesn't exist anymore that service would become quite popular and my beloved Steam would be forced to offer the same.
I've got games worth about 1.3k$ in my Steam acc and still feel uncomfortable when i buy new ones because most of them will be gone when Steam becomes bankrupt
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link pls, "don't lose your games" could mean anything
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LOL, someone starts a rumour about EA stealing info because of how the program detects Ea games installed on your machine and there's millions of people complaining non stop about a program that isn't bad.
It's no Steam but it's no problem having it on your machine. I currently have Steam, Origin and sometimes Desura running and it doesn't affect anything negatively.
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this is sad. look at all the ignorant steam fanboys out in force, proclaiming that steams is the best digital distribution can, and ever will be, and its all we ever need and about how terrible competition is. get a clue guys... what EA is saying is completely true... and indeed i think its great that they are TRYING to make origin a viable competitor to steam. they obviously have a LONG way to go, because as it stands, origin IS NOT a great platform, but im glad SOMEONE is at least ATTEMPTING it... and despite what you blind fanboys think, competition for steam is a GOOD THING FOR US GAMERS. INNOVATION IS A GOOD THING. WITHOUT COMPETITION WE WOULD BE STUCK IN A MONOPOLISTIC SITUATION THAT ONLY BENEFITS VALVE AND NOT GAMERS.
Valves brainwashing of gamers to be anti competition and anti choice, is as thorough and complete as apples is of its customers. which is admirable, in a way... i guess...
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I know that it might look intimidating to read, but please check that wall of text I wrote over there^.
I'm no "steam fanboy" and I do appreciate competition, but only under the condition that EA respects their user's privacy.
I go to the supermarket often to buy groceries, and I like that there are more Supermarket companies nearby; so I can pick the most convenient products to buy... but that does not mean that I'll accept a supermarket that has rubber-glove-wielding officers that inspect everyone's various orifices to see whether they stole a chocolate bar or not.
Get my point?
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Steam, Origin, Gamestop/Impulse Blizzard and most any other company gathers IP info, HW info & installed software, it helps them with their programming and targeting of their sales, and most sell your info to third parties, it is part of the way the industry works, plain and simple.
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Origin is sorta like Facebook....Shitty with a dash of spy on what you do.
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Yeah, only difference is that EA CEO you only want to punch in the 'nads for their business decisions. Mark Zuckerberg you wanna take out back, beat the living crap out of, and then toss off a steep cliff because of all the asshole moves he's made.
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Out of curiousity, what moves has he made? Changing to Timeline?
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To be fair, Timeline does suck hard. I can't find anything I want to on it any more and I've got no bloody idea what other people are seeing since any application use data seems to be wildly hidden now, so I don't know if I'm spamming people or not.
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I don't use it and don't plan on doing so, but I understand the community side of things is basically non-existent. Not sure how they expect to compete if that's the case. Might be nice if they did. It could perhaps motivate Steam to fix some of the issues with their community functions and maybe add some of the features I'd like to see.
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Too bad we aren't a group of people that don't get introduced to the internet because of Social networking sites. Those kinds are only here just to chatter with people when they feel foreveralone.jpg
But we gamers come here for the best games and Valve has them and forever will.
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Well. As much as I like Steam, he kinda has a point. There are DOZENS upon DOZENS of problems with Steam. Mainly, some parts of Steam are extremely outdated, some really, really bad interface problems/choices and missing some of the most BASIC (and advanced,too) features - like you still can't install games to other partitions - whjatthefukk?
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Yes that is true, but Origin is not providing a better service at the moment, in fact there IS no other service that is acting as a competition. Thing is that Steam is not where it is because of them pushing stuff ahead or forcing people to buy games, Steam is where it is because the users actually liked its service, despite its flaws.
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Steam Mover works perfect for moving other games to other partitions.
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i was a never buyer of original games,after i was introduced to steam and its sales i got hooked to the simplicity and prices they offer,surely beats the hell of the dvd prices on my place.i don't mind using origin and from my experience its complication from the start i activate my keys to the downloading of the game (i spend 2 whole week to get mass effect 2 deluxe download right, wrong language,key change and yada..yada) and the price since i was lumped to the nearest place the price are damned steep, even with offers. i'm not backing steam or anything its just the origin client made things much more complicated and why can't you verify the 20GB data download, that made me download the whole damn game.
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So recently i read on ign about Best Games Quotes of the Week - June 23
and saw this quote, and i was like, LOL
“If MySpace had stayed the one answer in social networking and no one switched to Facebook, then we’d all be stuck on MySpace right now. There are better mousetraps that ultimately get built out of this innovation and the only way you get to the innovation is to have other people try and do a better version. And that’s what we’re attempting to do on Origin.”
Is EA and Origin’s VP of global ecommerce David DeMartini comparing Steam to MySpace?
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