Have you ever tried making a game?
The poll is missing a "No, not yet but I intend to" option. ;)
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Nice scenery you have there :)
When I was like 15 or so, I was thinking about learning to make games but... I didn't get very far with it. The only thing I managed to create was a somewhat crappy Pacman clone :D
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I've made a handful when I was in my teens (and some just before that). My first handful of games were just made in click & play and The Games Factory and were basic platfromers, vertical scrolling shooters and point & click adventure games, but when i was 14 I also decided to learn how to do some basic programming, so I made some simple ones from scratch in Basic and C++. When the projects became a bit more elaborate I realizes how much searching through code for typos sucks, so I decided that chemistry was more fun than computers.
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Eh, 13 years of on and off programming and trying to make games with all kinds of software, all games I made were unfinished and right now I'm actually trying to make a good game which I as well might never finish. I tried to learn how to use SDL and another engine, but eventually gave up as it was too complicated to make anything simple happen, I decided to settle for Unity and use that, because before that I felt like I shouldn't use outside software and make my own engine, because otherwise it'd suck. In reality it's not about the engine you use, it's about the game you make, it doesn't matter how you make it. If it's good, it's going to be good in Flash, in Gamemaker, in Unity, in RPGmaker or even in Clickteam Fusion software.
Making games is a really difficult process, the more you learn the harder it becomes, the further you advance the farther away the goal seems. It's like I make a feature and immediately realize the sheer amount of stuff I'll have to do around that feature. On paper all features sound simple to make, in reality it's all difficult and complicated. With experience it gets easier, but the worst thing is to dive into it and try to make a game without actually knowing how to make games. Instead you should concentrate on learning and toying around for a long time, but due to real life pressure I was pressured into trying to make a full game without even knowing how to use anything so of course I couldn't get anywhere. Now I'm trying to take it easier and I made a few basic games to learn the basics better and I'm advancing now, slowly and steadily.
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When I was doing computer studies at school (many years ago) I was supposed to code something in BASIC that demonstrated an understanding of two dimensional arrays - so I wrote a simple rogue-like game. I haven't tried anything since, but one of my relatives is enthusiastic about making a game and wants me to put my art skills to use for them.
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My very first completed PC game was made in Microsoft QBasic :D All the graphics was coded in, i.e. a series of DATA and then hundreds of CIRCLE, LINE and so on...
But before that I made probably a hundred of little Commodore 64/128 games using Basic and 6510 assembly.
I remember trying RPG Maker 2000 ages ago, wasn't too bad, the scripting was very different from what they use now, but still pretty cool.
I've also contributed to some 3D engines, (Irrlicht), ported some games to PocketPC 2003 when it was all the rage, ported some emulators using SDL and C/C++, and more recently tried out a few things o Unity and C#.
The good thing about Unity and 2D graphics is that you can easily add a shader to your 2D camera to make it look almost exactly like an old CRT monitor :D
Too bad I suck at drawing :(
Those were the days!
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Oh yeah, spaghetti code everywhere! But at least it had subroutines to mitigate that.
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I made a tic-tac-toe game with an unbeatable AI. Got boring pretty fast :D
Started some other game projects but never finished any of them.
I recently tried out Unity. If I should start another game project, that'll probably be my game engine of choice.
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I used to work with RPG Maker a lot, but I always was way too ambitious and wanted to make grand masterpieces instead of finishing smaller okay-ish games.
Guess now that I'm a bit older I'd do better :)
PS: Love the tile set you chose! Really pretty.
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Wow, you did really well!
I didn't even notice that the waterfall wasn't part of the pack :)
If your playing around gets to a playable stage, I'd love to take a look at it ♥
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Wow :o
Well, I think you're really talented then! :)
There's so many platformers out there, but that's because they're so much fun!
I started playing "Ori and the Blind Forest" yesterday (accidentally bought to my account, was supposed to be a birthday gift. I messed up ._.) and it's sooo cute.
Though I keep killing poor Ori :\
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I made some easy games using 3D Game Maker years back, it's basically just point-and-click so I don't think it counts.
During my programming days I also created some text-based adventure games, but it is short and there is nothing interesting there, so I don't think it counts.
I also made some Flash games, but they are unpolished and unfinished, so I don't think it counts too.
I am also into modding games, but it is not a game, so I don't think it counts.
I usually made some small games just to test something, or do something wacky, but I never intended to finish it, because I got a lot of things on my platter and creating and finishing a game will took so much time.
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I've messed around with RPG Maker, and intend to eventually finish a game. I've got an entire plot written up, and I know how I want it to play out and have various scripting and parts done, I just tend to get stuck at the stages of making the graphics and music and giving up. I think I've got the music portion taken care of currently, but I still can't draw.
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I made models/maps for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Then I got interested in Unreal Engine 3
Got heavily interested in opensource/ GNU GPL version 3
Worked on some other games making addons/.lua/scripts
Discovered Unreal Engine 4 was released for free.
Started learning Python, Java, C
Got heavily into Alpha/Betatesting and in contact with developers.
Not sure I will go any further, i'm now on the line where games are still fun but I also know what a dev might be looking for revolving the process. Might find a job in programming and just crunch hours or just make money of stupid people by fixing their computers.
Never used RPGmaker and all that but i've been trying to win them, seems funny xD
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I am currently employed as a programmer for a game dev company using Unity, with a few games released on mobile and one game on Steam with more on the way.
I have made a few unfinished projects from 10 years ago when I was about 13 or so using Gamemaker (all long since lost to the void of wiped hard drives). Mostly simple platformers and a couple of sidescrolling spaceship shooter games.
At college I made a simple shape matching and circle clicking game in Visual Basic for my A Level Computing coursework because I didn't want to do the same boring and easy diary/reminder application everyone else was doing.
For my final year project at university (taking Computer Science) I made a not particularly good AI system for a 1st person shooter framework I put together.
I would like to do more game projects in my own time, and I have no shortage of ideas, I just lack the motivation to get started these days.
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Funny story, I wanted RPG Maker VX Ace so I checked some trades for a cheap copy. The cheapest was 4 TF2 keys. I dropped by the chat for advice, I asked if it would possible to find it for cheaper. They told me that the software had been bundled in the past, so I should wait until it was re-bundled...
About an hour later, you can imagine my surprise when I see that RPG Maker VX Ace was in the new bundle. Sometimes I think I'm psychic or something...
Anyways, I still couldn't afford the new tier, so I said I'd look for a trader willing to trade only RPG Maker VX Ace and not the rest of the bundle. Off I went to search for it, when suddenly, an awesome person gifted me the bundle. Now I'm having crazy fun building somewhat-playable games. But I'll get better. It takes more time at first, like when I created my first "cutscene" which took an entire afternoon.
Well, anyways, back to the topic at hands...
Your game looks way better than mine, graphics related...
I'm still working on two games, one adventure RPG with lots of dialogue, and I'm planning to make it into a heavily story-driven game.
The other is my super-duper uber secret project which I should be able to complete quickly enough, and release it here for everyone to access and play.
I focus and gameplay elements, so my maps are kinda boring (especially outdoor ones). What can I say... I never were the artistic type. :P
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Never say never and all that, but no it's not something I see myself doing. I imagine it would take a lot of time and I'm the type of person who can get bored if working on something for a long time. I could see myself quitting if I ever tried so I might as well not even bother starting. :p
If for some reason I changed my mind I suppose I'd go for a story-driven RPG or point and click game with the likes of RPG maker or AGS. My inspiration would be wanting to a bring what I thought was a great story to life in the form of a game rather than wanting to make a game then thinking of what happens in it or coming up with a gameplay mechanic and working from there.
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I love your gif~!
I used to try and make games with the old, old RPG Maker, when it was still fan-translated. Never finished them though, I would want to do huge pieces too and get impatient when they didn't come out as I wanted. I did make and finish a very short, simple, sample VN with Ren'Py, but I haven't yet finished a full "official" game, as in, ready for public distribution type.
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I made a online game, not sure if it counts. It was a sport management online game, I got bored, and left the team. AFAIK, is still runnning in zombie mode.
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So, with all the tools in the humble bundle for game creation atm, it makes me wonder just how many gamers have ever tried to make their own game. There's a lot of steam software out there that makes the process simple even without any programming knowledge, so I would think most people have at least tried some time or another? What did you manage to do?
Personally, I started playing with making games in RPG Maker, which is super easy, and there's a lot of tutorials/open source scripts you can use to add more complicated things. As a drag and drop, it's a really nice game engine, and you can make something playable almost instantly, though it does suffer from most games looking very very similar to each other (I've attached a gif of a map I made, I bet everyone has seen 459053405834 games with a similar style).
More recently, I've been playing around with GameMaker Studio and Unity, and I'm currently messing around with creating a platformer in GameMaker Studio, though I also made a basic engine for generating random 2d terrain with caves and stuff (like simplified terraria). I'm ignoring pretty much all the built in stuff though and coding it all, since it seems to be a lot more powerful. GameMaker has a reputation as being an 'easy' engine, but games like Hotline Miami were created with it, and I've found it to be a lot of fun to work with. Since I want to focus on 2D graphics (I'm fairly decent at spriting) Unity is overly complicated for what I need right now. Although I really love how this guy has managed to make a terraria-like engine that works so nicely in Unity.
bonus giveaways: 1 and 2
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