Just said in one of the comments on there face book page there are giving refunds to people they bought Bethesda collection and borderlands 2 4 pack rather then keys. O well getting my money back can't really complain about that part.

As taken from the face book page (this is not me)


This message is regarding issues with the Bethesda New Year Collection and the Borderlands 2 Four Pack deal.

We´re very sorry but due to technical difficulties we are not able to deliver the product you purchased and have provided a full refund of your purchase. We are currently looking into the possibility of additional compensation for this inconvenience.

GamersGate team

Dear Muhammad Hafiz Mohd Suhaimi,

Gamersgate AB just sent you a full refund of $28.76 USD for your purchase.

If you have any questions about this refund, please contact Gamersgate AB.

The refund will go to the card you paid with.

To see all the transaction details, please log into your PayPal account. It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.

Merchant information
Gamersgate AB
+46 855588420
Note from merchant
Order item(s): 1 x Bethesda New Year Collection
Original transaction details

1 decade ago*

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They refunded Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Deluxe Edition orders too :(

1 decade ago

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So, they've finally removed one of my packs.... No refund yet.

1 decade ago

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After reading about all the troubles people have had, I'm (almost) happy to have missed these great deals/mistakes on GamersGate. :)

Feel bad for the people with games retroactively un-purchased. At least with stuff like the Ubisoft & EA coupons we all knew someone had made a mistake, and if it didn't work we'd only wasted a bit of time. This sounds like some folks have had their money taken, and then the games taken away as well? What a mess...

I've enjoyed a lot of Paradox games, most of which were purchased from GamersGate, and with no problems. But next time I see a great deal, how will I know if it's too great, and tomorrow my game will disappear? :(

1 decade ago

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The last paragraph actually is very true. A customer can never distinguish between a mistake and a good offer. Promising to solve that problem (like they said keys will be available in January) and then simply refunding the money is a very bad behaviour and will lower their reputation

1 decade ago

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Ubi and EA handle the similar case a lot better

1 decade ago

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I was not involved in these UBI or EA cases but as far as I have heared I must agree.

1 decade ago

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Difference is, UBI and EA are the publishers and can decide to make a loss on their own titles, whereas Gamersgate (unless if we are talking about paradox games) is not in the same situation...

1 decade ago

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Those fucking idiots should just put their site down and work on it.


1 decade ago

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I agree with you up to the "down".

1 decade ago

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I thought... perhaps they fired some coder/web-designer right before holidays and this is revenge via backdoor?

1 decade ago

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After spending an entire night just to get an order I end up getting an email that disappoints me. Any way I can sue them?

1 decade ago

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Fake your own death and leave a suicide note citing their violation of consumer protection laws as your sole motive.

1 decade ago

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Mental or emotional damages, loss of productivity/time

1 decade ago

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Only if you want to get laughed at.

1 decade ago

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"w"itches be crazy
true story

1 decade ago

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Get in touch with Fox News and they'll pin everything on Obama

1 decade ago

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Hmm. Nice of them to send me a courtesy email apologising for removing the games from my library and no issuing a refund [yet].

Oh.... They didn't :(

Cancelling a completed order is one thing (and potentially a legally problematic thing in many countries) but not even bothering to contact the customer and tell them what is going on is another thing entirely. Facebook is a totally inappropriate medium by which to communicate with customers regarding individual orders. Not everybody uses Facebook, and far fewer will check a website's Facebook page when there is a transactional issue on their account.

Gamersgate's reputation is in tatters at the moment. I wonder whether they've had any choice here with reversing purchases, as the alternative may well have been financial ruin, but if you want to have any hope of retaining a shred of customer goodwill, you can't go around treating them like twats.

1 decade ago

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As far as I know they're sending them out to people in the same order as they were purchased, so they simply might not have gotten to you yet.

I'm not sure if that's true or not, but I've heard it from a couple sources.

1 decade ago

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I'm probably a bit of a simpleton, but I don't understand why, if they can carry out an instant wholesale cancellation of all these orders, they can't send out a bulk email to all the connected addresses saying "Hi Joe Customer, this is what happened."

1 decade ago

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I really don't get it either but they haven't exactly proved themselves to be a very efficient, well-functioning website...

1 decade ago

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Haha. You're not wrong :D

Maybe as punishment, their head of pricing is being made to manually type out each individual email...

1 decade ago

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I agree the situation is terrible, but just to clarify: they haven't been contacting users through Facebook about the issue, the only notice anyone's gotten has been emails sent to some (but not all, for whatever reason) users and then those users quoted the email they received in comments on Gamersgate's Facebook page, which were then referenced in the OP. So it's not that Gamersgate thinks Facebook is an appropriate avenue for informing users about the issue, that's just the slightly unclear wording in the OP.

In fact it's pretty much the opposite, last I looked they haven't said anything at all about the cancellations on either Facebook or Twitter, the official reps have been completely silent since the 22nd on Twitter and the only official posts on Facebook have been advertisements for more deals.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the clarification :)

1 decade ago

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Just waiting to see if they're gonna revoke keys already activated on Steam... That would unleash a shitstorm unseen so far when it comes to stuff like that.

1 decade ago

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it shouldn't matter if they activated it; they retracted all copies including those with keys; the storm's already here

1 decade ago

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If they do revoke, I beat it would turn out a LOT worst than just refunds.

1 decade ago

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What a nice bear!

1 decade ago

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Anyone who wants to trade their bo2 gift??? If you still have it pm me :)

1 decade ago

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Did you read the thread?
Soon or late nobody will have any keys got by this way

1 decade ago

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Gifts will probably disappear too.

1 decade ago

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For starters the FAQ explicitly states no trading, and did you not read a single word in the damn thread you're posting in?


1 decade ago

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FFS. Some people's toe count exceeds their IQ...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Incest raises one and lowers the other. Guess which is which.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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They only sent a refund for the last order I made. :3...

1 decade ago

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They haven't done all of them yet.

1 decade ago

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Some people are saying that they are refunding based on chronological order which they are purchased. This is absolutely incorrect as my bethesda collection (Which I got all my keys and activated) hasn't been refunded YET.

If they do however revoke my games in steam, I'm gonna contact my cousin, which is a lawyer, to decide what is the legal thing to do.

1 decade ago

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I gave a couple of my Bethesda Collection keys away as gifts. That could be awkward :[

1 decade ago

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Has there been an instance where the game has been revoked in steam atm?

1 decade ago

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not (yet?) afaik

1 decade ago

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I'm not in a position to know for sure, but in another thread someone reported their Fallout 3 was removed from Steam, even though it didn't even come from GG, and they refunded less than the original amount due to transaction fees. It sounds too far fetched, but their little stunt has definitely backfired. They're already breaking the law in Europe as it stands.

1 decade ago

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Same here. I am sure we are not alone. In effect they will ruin the holidays for people if they revoke the keys.

As it is they're ruining them for the purchasers by causing this turmoil.

1 decade ago

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Totally agree.

I can only think that they're right up against the wall, and honouring the Bethesda pack/Borderlands 2 orders will put them in dire financial straits/bankruptcy.

That's the sole reason I can think of that would cause them to risk breaking EU law, upsetting thousands of their customers and causing a gargantuan internet shitstorm that threatens to bury them several miles deep in virtual raw sewage.

1 decade ago

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A lot of people traded/sold keys. This goes down much, much further than a single layer.

1 decade ago

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I bought two Borderlands 2-4Packs and they only refunded one. I think people should raise a class sue.

1 decade ago

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Well, from the best site ever they went to the worst. If they honoured the mistake I would definitely become a regular there. This way they will lose me and everybody I know.

1 decade ago

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They removed my 2 BL2 4packs but I didn't get refund mail and they didn't refund my money. WTF?

1 decade ago

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In the same boat, as of now.

1 decade ago

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Same here. Bunch of ballbags.

1 decade ago

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Customer support is down.

This is the sort of low stunt I'd expect a shady key site to pull, not a so-called reputable vendor.

Have a feeling this episode could lose them far more money in the medium to long term than swallowing the loss on those mispriced keys ever would have.

1 decade ago

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Odd, I have a ticket in and pending, it's not down for me. Are they answering? Who the fuck knows. But I'm able to connect and have a ticket in.

1 decade ago

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Hmmm. All I get is this...

1 decade ago

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I get that screen too.

1 decade ago

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Support is working fine for me as well.
Edit: Scratch that, now it's down.

1 decade ago

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I'm starting to suspect that they will refund only the unopened packs (those that had no keys redeemed or gifted). Those that were already redeemed or gifted could result in a lot of legal troubles to them if revoked.

1 decade ago

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Nah someone mentioned at some point that they used some of the keys but still got a refund.

1 decade ago

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gamersgate should only revoke the orders which is made by one people for multyply times and accounts

i only purchased one copy for myself(maybe gift my friend), and i still dont receive the email telling that they refund me

1 decade ago

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Nobody got an email, it seems.

They just removed the games from everyone's accounts, then clocked off for the day.

They're probably all on a sunny beach somewhere, lighting oversized Cuban cigars with hundred dollar notes...

1 decade ago

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I've received this mail (mind you that I bought only the Bethesda pack): "Hi,

This message is regarding issues with the Bethesda New Year Collection and the Borderlands 2 Four Pack deal.

We´re very sorry but due to technical difficulties we are not able to deliver the product you purchased and have provided a full refund of your purchase. We are currently looking into the possibility of additional compensation for this inconvenience.

GamersGate team

1 decade ago

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did you activate the keys?

1 decade ago

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Nope because in my order there weren't keys (because I've completed it the day after)

1 decade ago

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Money-wise they must be in a bad way. I can't imagine any other situation where they would risk alienating so many customers. I don't know their numbers obviously but when a mistake like this happens, you have to decide whether to eat the loss or face the consequences. Acting like this, I'm assuming that they simply can't eat the loss and will take any amount of blowback just to stay afloat.

1 decade ago

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I agree, and posted something similar earlier. By taking this path, they are running the twin gauntlets of EU customer protection law and hugely damaging publicity.

Like you, I can only think that the alternative is financial ruin.

1 decade ago

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How come I can't sign up again? Well I still have my copies of BL2 :) No refund yet. I sent one to myself as a gift and it didn't give me another code so I guess I just wasted a BL2. How come I can't make another GG account?

1 decade ago

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I think they closed new signups

1 decade ago

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Isn't that against the rules? You might get banned.

1 decade ago

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Oops, didn't know that.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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^ this

1 decade ago

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Ok so I sent the BL2 gift to 2 other accounts. Are they going to refund those accounts too?

1 decade ago

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I highly doubt it

1 decade ago

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Nope. I bought a copy off someone and I still have the game in my Library.

1 decade ago

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Keep repeating mistakes and now they don't want responsible for it, so GG

1 decade ago

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I dont know what's worse, the fact that these people are actually surprised and whining that they're getting their games revoked, or that THIS many people abused the obvious pricing mistake, this is the exact same thing as with the origin coupon code a while back, where people made tons of accounts just to steal games.

Dont go and pretend that you didnt know it was a pricing mistake. Dishonored alone was worth more then 30 dollars, everyone knew something was fishy, so dont act all surprised when a mistake is corrected.

1 decade ago

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People whining that a company has broken the law? Bunch of entitled idiots...

If every great offer was viewed with that sort of suspicion, many of Amazon's Christmas deals wouldn't have sold a single copy.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Around 90% off on 2K packs (Mistake, he says?) + $5 coupon

1 decade ago

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Maybe it's just something from where I live, but generally if a store makes a mistake with pricing or what not, it's all on them (although I can understand that being much different in the internet arena since people can respond quickly and in large numbers to pricing errors). I am surprised that the games are being revoked, but only because they said they'd supply them (them = Bethesda bundle). And trust me, we all knew it was a pricing mistake, can you show me someone who doesn't? Don't know why you're wasting your breath making that point when everybody already knows it to be true.

1 decade ago

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Serious Sam 3, 85% off on steam? Pricing error, let's sit it out :)

1 decade ago

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I suddenly have a good idea. If you are running a digital game download store and want to screw all of your competitor stores' holiday sale, you can do this:

Put all games that every competitor store has on sale at 99% off, tell everyone to come here to purchase, and yeah generally people don't buy duplicated games from different store in a same holiday just in case of order refunds, and 99% off is an ultimately cool discount and of course many customers will buy from your store instead of competitor stores, right? And then you can just tell people to wait and say you've run out of keys. And after the holiday, you can refund all orders and say sorry + good bye. And all your competitor stores and their customers are screwed.

WOW~~~~nice idea, your competitor stores loose lots of sales because their customers have already bought games from you so they surely didn't buy another copy from another store. WOW WOW, and because you've put the statement "you can't sue us" in your TOS so nobody can do anything to you. WOW WOW WOW and even that the law is still supporting you. Cool! What a nice strategy.

Since when a TOS became the law and the law says you can refuse to fulfill paid orders and refund them whenever you like?

1 decade ago

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in that case you'd go out of business. . this is a glitch, you know it and we all know it. There are protocols against false advertising. TOS are unchallenged by law due to lobbyists making sure that TOS stand, in any case any business can enact these routes, it's just easier online and with digital information . . . well you buy the rights to a product, not buy THE product. In all rights you can be sold a game then have it revoked three months later. . . Just look at WOw's business model. With the internet the power of the people reigns, and as such the goal is to have a consumer base, not lose it.

1 decade ago

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Yes what they are doing is trying to get themselves out of business, too.

1 decade ago

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meh, I think a bunch of opportunists will be no loss.

1 decade ago

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Well, so you mean people buying discounted game are opportunists. Amazing.

1 decade ago

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When a game for 60$ is put on for 11.00 bucks for a 4 pack, you know it's a glitch in the system. .Anyone crying about not ripping off a company here knows that it was a glitch and should just drop it. If there's an internet error and it causes a price to be placed wrong, in no way does a retailer have to give goods at that price. It's like If you sold a product for X dollars and due to a bug/hacker/glitch the price was put up wrong: you wouldn't have to go bankrupt in order to meet the demands of some spoiled children crying to their lawyers over not being able to screw you over. . . why would you even phantom doing it to someone else. . . other then this is the internet, and other then your apathetic greedy natures.

1 decade ago

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So...every time there's a really good deal, everyone is supposed to go "it might be a glitch in the system, better not buy it or we're greedily ripping them off"? Your logic is absolutely ridiculous.

Forcing a refund on people is illegal in the UK and EU due to various consumer protection laws. People do have a right to be upset, not only because they're potentially losing the things they rightfully paid for at advertised price, but because GamersGate is violating the law to do so.

You should probably know what you're talking about before you start with your childish, borderline incoherent rambling.

1 decade ago

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The thing is, everyone knew something was up too. It was all "Teehee, we're getting away with one here! They've made an error and we're cashing in!"

And now it's all "Those bastards! They should honour their mistake! This is outrageous! This is illegal!" ...and well... I don't think it is, not at the moment. I'd liken it to ordering an item from a store, going to collect it and being told on arrival "Hey sorry, the product's not available. Here's a refund instead." Sure, you'd be annoyed and it's not great PR but it's hardly illegal.

The questionable bit is the removal of keys from people's GamersGate accounts, possibly before they've been able to make use of them. My question is, at which point does the customer own the product? When they receive the key or when they activate the key?

1 decade ago

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neither, you never, ever, ever, ever, own anything. You rent a license. At any time it can be revoked from you.

1 decade ago

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Oh come on, I don't mean that wishy-washy definition of "owning" a digital product. Let's ignore that for now and consider it an actual good, something that you own. For example, a store wouldn't pinch a TV from you after you'd taken it home. Basically what I'm asking is, is receiving the key the same as "taking it home"? There can't be one rule for physical goods and another for digital.

It's 5am here now, I might just be talking gibberish, hopefully not.

1 decade ago

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No having a key for a game isn't like taking it home. When you buy a manufactured T.v. you buy the goods and thus you have a psychical object in the home. With a digital product you are buying a licensed copy of the base game subject to thew terms of the disturber AND manufacture (publisher and developer). When you get the license you get to make X amount of copies of said digital property. At anytime that license can be revoked. Look at it more under the terms or advanced rentals then anything else. The reasons for this are so that the digital property can be modified by the license retainer. AKa patches and expansions and also because if you bought the actual game and owned it you could lay claim to the actual product, that Product is an advanced concept here for license over digital property nullifies all of the file jargon. None the less you never own anything just rent. The only reason you don't see a dev or manufacturer revoke without cause is due to the need for profits and sales. Make no mistake the gaming community relies heavily on return customers.

A great example of this rental notion with the immediate revoke of said sale is Blizzard. People buy a key for WOW and have to keep renewing their license every month in order to keep their rental up. At the end of said rental they revoke the incense until you renew it.

1 decade ago

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It depends on the country. Here, it is after the product is delivered. In some countries, when the agreement is made. But that's for physical property, anyway.

1 decade ago

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Forcing a refund on a customer is illegal in the UK and EU.

1 decade ago

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Unless I'm searching for the wrong terms, I honestly can't find anything on this online.

1 decade ago

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that's why they gave blue coins.

1 decade ago

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I don't know if it's called the same thing in other places but in the UK it's covered in the Distance Selling Regulations 2000. It's all about protecting the rights of the consumer, usually in web/phone transactions, and it states that not only can they not force refunds on you, but also that they may have to sell you a product at advertised price, even if it's priced that way by mistake.

1 decade ago

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I have no sympathy for GamersGate, yeah there was a price error, but there have been more than one price error before this. The thing that is really wrong about what they did is that they A) refunded people who didn't request keys but didn't refund people who used them, so it's unequal treatment of sorts and B) for the Bethesda pack they actually said they would supply the keys, so that was confirmation for the buyer that they could count on getting the keys. I now have a Skyrim giveaway for some friends I'll have to delete.

1 decade ago

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Yeah it sucks but that's what happens when you ride on a glitch. I mean it's not like they did to you what Get games go did to me. I'll bet you any money it's an employee or a hacker screwing them around. In any case, if it's too good to be true, it probably is. With Borderlands 2 the 4 pack was priced cheaper then a single copy. The Bethesda pack didn't revoke keys given, rather issued refunds for the key that they were able to supply.

Gamersgate has never had an issue like this before and treats their customers better then most sites. So They get my love.

1 decade ago

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Generally when a store makes a mistake on pricing, it's on them to honor it, although I can understand being the internet they might be pressured to refund due to the number of people who can respond to such things in so little time

Has never happened before, Oh really?

Mind you, I'm not like one of those people that are going to call my lawyer (I don't feel that entitled lol), I'm just upset that they said I'd get my keys and I went ahead and made a giveaway for one of them and now I have to delete it and crush the dreams of all the entrants :P

1 decade ago

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with the 88% off it was for a different region. Read the posts. I got a copy that week for 75% off and was happy. 88% off if you used the ign code.

1 decade ago

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Obviously the second one wasn't abuseable, but they do that a lot, mess with the base price and put a higher discount tag on it, serves them right having a system that toys with the prices so much

1 decade ago

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I got those too. Anyway. Pull out the pitch forks. . . This evil company had rode for the last time!!! Or what ever you want.

1 decade ago

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I used keys and got refunds so I'm not sure where you got the idea that they didn't refund the people that used keys. They didn't revoke the keys that have been used but they did issue refunds. I ordered four packs and have been refunded for three packs so far. Two of those packs have keys used from them

1 decade ago

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Yeah I know there is a grey area where if you only used so many you still get the refund, but I think if you used most/all you didn't get a refund, correct me if I'm wrong

1 decade ago

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I'm not entirely sure how they're determining whether or not to issue refunds. One of my friends that bought two packs and gifted one (the other was completely untouched) hasn't received any refund at all yet yet. I bought 4 packs. 2 sat in my account are are now removed and refunded. 1 was gifted to a friend. 1 had one key activated and the rest was gifted to a friend. I've received three refunds so far. Seems to me that it's not based on how many you gifted/gave away since if that were the case I should have only gotten two refunds.

1 decade ago

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In many countries, however, the law is on the side of the consumer in this case, and what Gamersgate have done here is illegal.

I might disagree with the way a politician I now regret voting for behaves, and breaks his election promises, for example. That said, I can't just go and rough him up, no matter how strongly I believe this to be the morally correct course of action. It's not acceptable for an individual or company to just break the law in order to rectify a mistake they made.

As others have said, there is no comeback for an equivalent gaffe in a high street situation.

Just as it would be illegal to send bailiffs around to take back the physical copies of a game, it is no more legal in many countries to take the equivalent action digitally.

1 decade ago

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It's hard to say if that's a mistake or a false advertising -- even it really looked like a mistake and we thought "it must be a mistake" at that time. They kept the discount open and lasted for hours -- not for several seconds or a few minutes, that's already longer than many flash sales. Sometimes amazon open a flash sale for only 2 hours with 90% discounts or even more, we can't say those were mistakes too just because the discounts were too good and then amazon can legitimately cancel our orders for whatever reason.

If a company open for business, they are responsible for what price they label. What GamersGate is doing today, I don't think it's legal.

1 decade ago

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it lasted 20 min.

1 decade ago

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I don't know about Borderlands but Bethesda was up for hours.

1 decade ago

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Borderlands was open for about 2 hours (at least), the first thread on SteamGifts is 19 hours old, the last batch of people I see posting saying they were able to buy it (in another thread) is dated about 17 hours ago (and I was actually up at that time trying to purchase it as well and reading their responses as they were coming up so I know the site hadn't been taken down at that time).

1 decade ago

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No, it lasted for at least 2 and half a hours. Because I've been told by my friend to catch up the sale after the sale already started for at least 1 hour, and it was still there so I purchased and completed my order, and after another one and a half a hour I checked back to see the sale, it's still there, although the webpage opened very slow.

1 decade ago

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Borderlands 2 was up for almost 4 hours and Beth was almost an entire day. I wouldn't have a problem with the whole revoking the keys/removing the games IF they hadn't told everyone who bought it "Don't worry we're restocking the keys and you will receive them in January" and leaving that up for a week then coming out and being like HAHA JKLOLOLOL have your money back instead because not only were you expecting something and told you'd get it but you could have been using that money on other sales like Amazon's amazing $7.49 deal on Lego Lord of the Rings or Scribblesnauts which btw wasn't a pricing error and was another one of those too good to be true deals. It just seems like they did all of this to get hits on the site and get people to buy it worked but it worked too well and now they are just like oh shit we can't do this even though we told them we would which isn't right in any case. If it was like hey we made a mistake sorry we'll refund you soon sent out on the day they found out about it that'd be fine but we're talking a week later after telling people they'd be getting their keys in January.

1 decade ago

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Hit the nail on the head. +1

1 decade ago

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more like hit his finger.

1 decade ago

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Did you even read what he wrote?

1 decade ago

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if it was up for an entire day I'd have bought a copy, you guys and your exaggerations. . . no wonder you are all screaming and pouring gasoline on the inferno.

1 decade ago

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You would have bought a copy? You dirty opportunist!

I don't know about a full day but I remember posts about the Bethesda pack being something along the lines of 6 or 7 hours old when I was still seeing the discounted price in their store.

1 decade ago

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It was up at least for 7 hours

1 decade ago

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Next time if we see a very good discount we should just go away because according to some people's opinion if a discount is too good it is a mistake even it lasts for hours or even one day long and if we go get it we become opportunists and should expect refunds and maybe we should shame on ourselves, too.

1 decade ago

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rthe whole nets having issues right now soo. the moral of the story is: screw all companies that make errs?

1 decade ago

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I don't know, but why screw all customers that buying great discounted games? Is that an either-or option?

1 decade ago

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I think that everyone here needs a chill pill and needs to let gamersgate figure out how they are gonna handle the million dollar mess-up. They have to talk to gearbox to figure all this stuff out.

1 decade ago

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^ this
I think the same as you.

1 decade ago

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They are going (once again) against their own words where they told us we could ask for a refund or wait till mid jan to get keys AND they are going against their own TOS which states "GamersGate reserves the right to change the price and availability of any products at any time without notice; provided, however, such price change will not affect your purchase price for orders that GamersGate has already received from you and processed." and on top of that, in more than one country, they are breaking the law. This company does not deserve anyones money ever again, the only thing they deserve is a lawsuit and I pray one starts and I can be involved. This isn't right!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by TurnUpTheLights.