These asshats should be permanently banned from Steam. So many holes in their story it's not even funny.
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Users are allowed to express their opinion on the situation. Steamgifts moderators are, first and foremost, users of the site.
If you disagree with another user's behavior, feel free to file a user report.
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But bias should be removed instantenously, especially with insults. Mod that use such a language? So do we too have permission to insult others, calling them names like "asshats"? This is how moderator on SteamGifts behave? Also... did I read other comments right? Did that moderator suspended an user, because the user had different opinion? You are saying that people are allowed to express their opinion, but that mod was literally acting against this right.
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While we do moderate attacks towards other users of the site, harsh language towards developers have always been more of a gray area. Just because you are unaware of any action taken against another user doesn't mean it's okay to attack others. As I previously said, if you believe another user's comments are innapropriate (and that includes moderators) you should file a user report.
We do not share suspension details with other users. If a user believes their own suspension was a mistake, they can file an Unsuspend Request and their case will be reviewed.
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Her suspension was lifted. It was a wrongful suspension for a made-up reason. I saw the ticket, and there's nothing in the rules about a "comment derail", whatever the hell that is.
There was no personal attack. She didn't even comment about him, she commented about what he said. Maybe you need to take a step back and re-read what you wrote above.
Users are allowed to express their opinion on the situation.
If she'd said the same thing to any other user on this site, she wouldn't have been suspended. Had a ticket been filed about it, you'd have closed it and moved on. That it' was said to a moderator, should make no difference.
This behavior needs to stop. If anything, she deserves an apology, not a warning.
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You are abusing the power CG gave you and not for the first time. You are acting like not everybody is equal but those with power are more equal than the rest. For some months now.
Suspending Mayanaise for that comment just because he criticized you? If you only suspended him for that single comment, you are a disgrace for a moderator.
You should step down from all your official SG jobs immediately.
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Not sure why people who revoke active keys are being white knighted like this, but asshat is the least term I have used for them.
To revoke keys from players to resolve a spat with a key broker is a knee jerk reaction with little or no common sense. Thus, they have their heads positioned in such a way as to render their ass as a hat, if not a full balaclava.
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You're 100% correct. But it's pointless to argue with those people. You're gonna say the Earth is round, they're gonna insist it's flat. What actually happened was: keys purchased legitimately were stolen from their buyers. After some massive backlash from their victims, the thieves realized the magnitude of the mess they were getting themselves into - not to mention that a highly respected seller was involved (Fanatical), whom they also tried to blame and then changed their story a few times when it didn't stick.
Typically, Valve won't allow devs to generate large batches of new keys after a mass key revocation, so I'm guessing Fanatical reached out to them, and then the devs were able to generate new keys and send them to Fanatical, who will now have to go through all the hassle of sending those keys to tens of thousands of buyers. The same applies to everybody who used those keys in giveaways here on SG.
Was the problem solved? Yes and no. The thieves were FORCED to return the stolen goods to their owners. However, that doesn't change the fact that actual THEFT happened. Every thief will have their "reasons" to steal. Had something like that happened with tangible stuff, outside of the digital realm, those devs would be in jail now. There is no such thing as committing a crime and then repenting and expecting there will be no consequences. Again, every criminal will have their "reasons" for what they've done.
Are the people affected happy now? Not really. Many are worried that their Steam accounts will be "flagged", others are (justifiably) just too pissed off to even want the new keys. Just take a look at what some people said on the Steam discussions AFTER Fanatical posted that they would be replacing the keys.
No matter the "reasons", what happened was literally criminal, and anyone who defends the perpetrators is on the same level as them.
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What I always wonder is did anyone even play the games ever. All the rage about a +1 stolen seems just so funny. At least this time it's a whopping 40 cent game and not the usual 1 cent trash that gets "stolen". But still I'd rather pay 40 cents more than worry about something as silly as that.
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Oh, I for one couldn't give a toss if I never got a new key for the game. =) I got it in a pick n mix two years ago, and it wasn't a first choice or anything like that. I do have an issue with this on principle though. I'm not raging over it, just annoyed that someone can revoke a key this long after a sale. There should be a time limit on how long a sale can be disputed.
The developers have admitted their mistake and are fixing it, so that's something at least.
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I don't really care either even if I gave all my valuable personal information (as in 1 email I use for random webstuff) to the dev already. It's just funny that it's always the games that nobody buys on Steam or ever plays other than farming the cards for 3h5m. I could understand all the rage and lawsuites if it was some brand new AAA game they paid full price for, but I would bet 40 1 cent games that nobody would even have noticed it missing if Steam didn't have a popup or the number on profile going -1.
If you have issues with not actually buying a game, but rather renting a license to play it which can be revoked at any point for any reason including but not limited to RNG, no reason and Wrath of Gaben, I have bad and good news for you. Bad is Steam, good is GOG. :D
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I think it was more like €0.80 in my case due to pick and mix. I got 5 games for under €4. lol. You're right though, I probably wouldn't have noticed, and neither would many of the ones showing disproportionate anger. XD.
I think on principle, some form of uproar was warranted though. It sends a message that this is unacceptable. I would be furious if this happened to a really good indie game that I bought outright and in good faith though. I never buy AAA games anyway, most games I have bought outside bundles were indies, with some of them costing 30 euro. You know? (My machine wouldn't run some of them AAA games anyway lol)
But, on saying that, it's unlikely that experienced indie devs with a popular game would do this kind of thing.
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Not sure why people who revoke active keys are being white knighted like this
No one is "whiteknighting" anyone in this comment chain. Most (including myself) are disputing Maya's suspension by Xarabas for her comment to him (above). The suspension was lifted, which may lead to some confusion as to what happened.
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You continue to display behavior that is not becoming of a moderator. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
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Thanks for reply Mayanaise - I actually think the copy I do have was from a Steam sale. (Don't think I've ever purchased from
Was thinking the same - that unrevealed keys probably won't get replaced. Perhaps will try after it's been resolved and attempt a WL GA - if it fails, can maybe try get replacement but include warning in GA that all may not go well.
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I wouldn't trust those scammers with any personal data. Unless they still have keys generated before the mass revocation, it's highly unlikely that Steam will allow them to generate large batches of new keys any time soon. Better wait for Fanatical's solution:
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Like I said, Steam typically won't allow devs to generate a large number of keys after a mass revocation like that. So, the scamdevs won't have keys to send to you or to Fanatical. Maybe Valve will make an exception in this case, since it involved an official seller (Fanatical), but I doubt it.
This may end up with Fanatical offering some kind of compensation to people who bought keys from them or, like in a couple of other similar cases, the scamdevs will have to make the game free to play.
Keep an eye on that support article from Fanatical, they are a much more reliable source of information than these scamdevs.
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Yeah, because Steam have an anti-scam systems like that. But if the system is literally preventing from making a solution, there is literally no reason, why wouldn't Steam agree as an exception.
Also don't call people scammers for no reason. Are You one of those Karen-type people, that always insult others and need to found a guilty, even if someone isn't guilty at all? Also, do You know, that the form was a temporary sollution made in panic. They already editted their post, saying that You should wait for Fanatical to resolve the problem and removed the Google form from their post. Long after You commented here.
I bet Your ego is super high now, because You called someone a scamdev. You must be so proud of Yourself. Do You know the word "humilty"? Or is it completely unknown to You? The way You act like a omniscient being hints that You don't know that word.
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So arrogant, yet so wrong.
I hate people like You. They make up their own facts, that are clearly fake and they are treating them as reality, when it's obviously different than what they made up. And You are saying as it was an absolute fact. Such arrogance. I despise such people.
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lol, i see you had a discussion with him too.....
Oh and it is solved.
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Yeah, we just need a little patience. It's unfortunate that this had happened, but with understanding and respect, we can get everything back, without calling names and insults. As a customer I hate complaining. I rather want to find solution to problems that may happen. In both real life and virtually. That is not only the easiest and the most pleasurable way, but also makes the happy endings more often with both sides being happy.
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i won the game here, what should i do? contact giveaway creator or just wait and see?
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I'd let the giveaway creator know, so he can take the appropriate steps to replace the key. Apparently new keys are being given to Fanatical to replace the revoked keys, and the giveaway creator may not know this unless you shoot him a message..
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ok thanks. i asked because i see so many differing opinions on how to deal with this so wasn't sure.
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You could let the giveaway creator know about the issue by posting a comment on the giveaway page. (Probably a good idea to point out this thread so they know how to go about getting a replacement.)
They might want to wait a bit and see how the dev/Fanatical will actually fix the situation, but by letting them know early they can at least follow the situation.
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yes, i did as you and Tzaar (and many others) suggested. let's hope this gets resolved with as little hassle as possible, come what may.
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Overfall Update:
That to your scammer story Pedro...
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Is that an answer to someone in particular or everyone affected? I want to know how to get a replacement key because I don't have much faith in the dev actually providing them, but at same time I'm not sure of what's fanatical view on giving away the stuff you buy from them so I'm a bit hesitant.
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every time is the same story of the fanatical !! says q will solve and never solve anything !!! at least it never worked for me!
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Unfortunately, any third party store is at the mercy of the devs/publishers, including the legitimate ones like Fanatical. When it comes to revoking keys, the devs/publishers have complete control over it (as provided by Valve). They're only supposed to use it if keys were found to have been "stolen or purchased fraudulently", but obviously, as shown by this very situation, the feature can be misused and abused.
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They have contracts and stores like Fanatical have for sure a lawyer/law department.
To speak from "at the mercy of the dev/publisher" is a bit too much :-D
I assume they have (a) better one(s) as the, in this case, involved dev and publisher have.
But yes, it can hit each store.
And that way they learn which publisher should be avoided next time...
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I wouldn't say it's too much. There's absolutely nothing Fanatical (or any other third party store) can do to prevent an idiotic dev/publisher from revoking keys, and there's no mediation process on Steam's side to prevent abuse/misuse when it comes to revoking keys.
Sure, larger stores, like Fanatical, have plenty at their disposal after such an event, but it shouldn't have to come to that. The phrase "prevention is better than cure" comes to mind, yet that seems to have been completely ignored by Valve.
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I give you right, that they can't do something to prevent it.
And of course should Steam have a mechanism that forbid the "one click revoke of a lot/all keys" at such a timeframe between the creation and deletion.
But at least handle Fanatical such stuff fast and professional and i am sure Flying Interactive, the involved publisher, hadn't a nice time the last days^^. And hopefully Fanatical will avoid that publisher in the future.
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If anything, I'd like to know what Flying Interactive has to say about this. They haven't updated their social media and website since December 2020 so that seems kinda suspicious but still... Looking at their website portfolio, I saw a few games I was familiar with: Monochroma, The Purring Quest, Kiai Resonance and The Mims Beginning. Flying Interactive worked at least on the distribution for all of those. There doesn't seem to have been any complaints coming from those games' devs. Why would they only scam Overfall's developers?
Also, Overfall doesn't seem to have (ever) been part of their portfolio. I used to look at previous screenshots of the page and Overfall was never there. Oh, I'm not saying the people from Pera Games / Gathering Tree are lying... I just don't get why Flying Interactive would not pay only one of the dev teams they've worked with over the years. Hence why I would have liked if they had released an official statement or something. There are always two sides to every story and we only got one.
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I know the publishers name from other devs -and not in the positive way-.
We don't know a full story because we only would know if we would see a contract and that will not happen.
Most likely there are parts in it to forbid the share of the contract and the informations in it.
Let me write it this was.... if i would make a game i would not pick Immanitas or Flying Interactive as publisher.
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I'm kinda sorry for necroing this thread, but Flying Interactive finally posted a comment on Facebook about the issue a week ago or so. I thought you might be interested to know, even if you don't have much love for that publisher. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Here goes:
We are really sorry to see that you guys were affected from this. However the claims are completely wrong and we assure you that they were paid, it seems to be an internal issue/conflict from their side which we cannot give details without giving names/breaching their privacy (e.g. one dev was receiving money from Flying Interactive but for "some reason" the other dev partner claims they haven't received any). We haven't made any public announcement since the developer/owner of Overfall asked us to stay out of it and he'd like to handle it himself. But it's gone too far, they haven't made the promised corrections, so we are taking legal action against those studios.
Whelp. The plot thickens. Not that it matters much at this point, but still... it's new information.
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You're welcome. ^^
Also, I just noticed that Overfall is now priced at $5 USD on Steam. That's about a third of what it used to be. O_o According to Steamdb, the change was made on April 19. I wonder if they slashed the regular price in hopes that people would still buy it despite the negative reviews that were posted after they revoked the 30k Steam keys? That would be my guess.
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WTF do people imagine some random dev can do with random email addresses? Sign them up for tons of mailing lists? Send dickpics? And most likely people worried about silly things like that have NP using Facebook&co who leak all of their personal information on a far more massive scale.
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UPD from Fanatical:
"Steve Bagnall (Fanatical Customer Service Area)
Apr 6, 2021, 12:23 GMT+1
Sorry for the lack of response. We having been working with our licensors over the weekend and now have replacement keys from the developers of the game.
Our site team are in the process of providing a replacement key to the original order in your customer account at Once your key has been replaced our system will email you to let you know this has been done.
Your new key is estimate to be with you within the next 5 hours. is an authorized site and only sell legitimate keys. To be clear, what has happened is that our keys were accidentally cancelled as part of clean-up operation.
Once keys have been replaced and our system has emailed you then we will close this ticket.
I hope this helps, please accept our apologies.
Steve Bagnall
Technical Services Manager"
UPD: I was permanently banned on Steam for reposting this update :C
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I literally just reposted the message from Fanatical in two according topics created by Overfall developers specially for that kind of discussions. I just wanted to notify people that they will get their replacement keys soon and got a permanent ban on the whole Steam community for that. Now my profile is hidden, I can't post anything, participate in any discussions, add anyone to my friend list and all of my 500+ items on community market (cards, skins, etc.) were delisted too.
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I guess you should contact Steam support with explanation, only they can remove ban.
Some stupid bastard just reported your account, since there are tons of duplicate topics in trading forum and just nothing
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Yeah, probably so. I've contacted the support as soon as I get banned, but I still waiting for their response.
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There has been another update form Fanatical:
We having been working with our licensors over the weekend and now have replacement keys from the developers of the game.
Our site team are in the process of providing a replacement key to your customer account at Once your key has been replaced our system will email you to let you know this has been done. is an authorized site and only sell legitimate keys. To be clear, what has happened is that our keys were accidentally cancelled as part of clean-up operation.
I also got an answer to the ticket that said pretty much the same but also had this added:
Your new key is estimate to be with you within the next 5 hours.
Edit: AMKid was faster :D
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Yep, I got an email with "Your new key is estimate to be with you within the next 5 hours."
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For the record, I've just got a new key by clicking the "reveal the key" button on my "Order details" page from the original bundle.
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Weird. I got an email from fanatical and overfall is in my steam library, I presume it is from the fanatical bundle, but my key never got revoked. I don't know if I should hang on to this in case it does get revoked or let fanatical know I don't need it.
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If the one that's in your Steam account didn't get revoked than it more than likely didn't come from that bundle. If you did purchase that bundle then wherever that key is used or not is gone, so the new one will work.
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Yeah I was thinking that but I didn't give it away here. Maybe it was just an unused key? Oh well, at least this one will work regardless.
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Got my Fanatical Overfall key this am - Top-notch handling by Fanatical as always - Placed as an unrevealed key in my bundle page where the revealed key used to be.
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I got a new Overfall key but the one that was revoked, I gave away here 1 year ago. The user who won does not have this game in their steam account game list so I figure the game was removed. I want to give this new key to them but what is the correct way to give a winner a new Overfall key:
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i would contact them on SG if possible as they wont get a notification if you just input a new key where the old key was
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i sent a message to the winner to tell them that i replaced the old key with the new key and resent it to them and that they should activate it. In my case the winner activated it on their account so they messaged me on my giveaway saying the key was revoked on their account.
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From Fanatical Customer Service:
Update 6th April, 11:51
We having been working with our licensors over the weekend and now have replacement keys from the developers of the game.
Our site team are in the process of providing a replacement key to your customer account at Once your key has been replaced our system will email you to let you know this has been done. is an authorized site and only sell legitimate keys. To be clear, what has happened is that our keys were accidentally cancelled as part of clean-up operation.
Developer's prior official response was here on Steam forums.
I personally received this Fanatical email with link to the order with replacement key, which looks like this:
Subject: Your new Overfall Steam key is in your Fanatical account
Your new Overfall Steam Key
In 2018, you purchased a Steam key from Fanatical (formerly Bundle Stars) for Overfall. These were revoked over the weekend on Steam.
We have now replaced your Overfall Steam key in your Fanatical account. Please click the button below to go directly to your new key.
We once again confirm that Fanatical was never one of the retailers that the developer claimed had sold keys fraudulently and as a result of this we have received new keys that are now in your account.
As we have confirmed, at Fanatical we continue to pride ourselves in only supplying our customers with fully licensed products and at no point have we deviated from this. We continue to act with integrity, with publishers and developers, to provide you with great deals on Steam games.
Thank you for your patience with this matter and thank you for continuing to be a customer of Fanatical.
Got multiple Overfall keys in your account? Please visit the Product Library in your Fanatical account and search for the game here.
Can't click the above button? Here's the link: [link]
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I've just got a Steam pop-up (and apparently wasn't the only one) saying that the activated product code has been removed from my account. As further explanation it says "Your recent Product code activation has been revoked due to a problem processing payment for this item."
Here's a screenshot:
The game was part of Fanatical's 'Origins Bundle' and could also be purchased as part of Fantical's 'Staff Picks 2018 (Build your own bundle)'.
I had won the game here on Steamgifts and activated it the same day on 8th September 2019, 6pm. The developer made a post on the games community page on Steam:
In that post they've linked a google form for you to fill out in order to claim a replacement key - if you still have the original key and know where you've bought it. [Warning: It is advised not to use that form as supplying the requested information has the potential to render your Steam account vulnerable to be claimed by third parties.]
In short it says "they were going to pay us after-sales. Unfortunately, we got scammed by them and couldn't receive payment."
Update 1:
Fanatical published a little statement on the issue:
Update 2:
Another dev made a second statement ( about the issue and apparently they want to let fanatical replace those keys originally sold by them.
What the statement fails to address is what is going to happen with the data that people already have provided in their original Google form.
Update 3:
Fanatical have updated their blog post with part of it saying: "we have received new keys that we are in the process of sending you over the next couple of days."
Update 4:
According to an update from 6th April, 11:51 am to the Fanatical blog post about the issue, they are now in the process of replacing the keys and sate that the system will notify you via email once the new key is in place. They also clarify once again that this issue was caused by the wrongfully doing of the game's devs.
As for revoked keys from other shops - there's no info on that as far as I'm aware.
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