What do You guys think about blacklist revenge?
Caring is not the same as asking about something. If I cared, I would make this thread 2 years ago and would be mad. I just wanted to hear what other people thinks about that.
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Yep, that's the clear indicator that somebody doesn't care at all...
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Like making any type and number of giveaways the WL and BL are individual choices and anyone can use them as they like. ^^
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Free choice is what makes people arrogant these days, tbh. They think they can do whatever they can. Well, they do, but what does it makes them? Douchebags?
And that also lead to things like "I can do with my children/pets what I want, they are mine". People are really prone to extreme things.
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That's redundant, blacklists are automatically reciprocated. Also there's no such thing as a revenge blacklist, it implies someone wronged you in some terrible way, and blacklisting is itself the only thing we can actually do to "hurt" each other here to begin with.
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To have a other opinion is at sg, mostly, enough.
They don't must hate you.
It's a behavior like on all the social media plattforms (what a joke to use SOCIAL in it^^).
The younger ones, too often, don't learn all that they need from the parents/people around them and then they are not ready to a confrontation or better the fact that anyone can have a other oppinion and nobody is forced to have the same opinion. Without any bad thing for all involved. Only accept the other opinion. No hurt for anyone.
I don't care ... because you can hear "the wrong" music or have the wrong socks on to get BL.
Try not to think over it and be yourself. Saves lifetime :o)
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Yeah, I know. Was just curious.
And I think more adult people does that. Cause they really feel so mature, that they have to show how cool they are. Kids are basically more chaotic? They don't know the rules of living in society. But arrogance is what people feel cool. They overuse irony, sarcasm, they are mean, cause that makes them badass. The movies tought them that, that If You don't show feeling, You will be tougher and better. I think that can be the reason of the hate in the Internet. Plus that, they feel anonymous, so they can do what they do. They don't argue face to face, so they have courage.
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I think you are right with a part (more to the end).
But that males want to be cool, badass, tough, don't show feelings is normal because in male groups are the ones that don't fit in that on the badest position. And the girls look on the males at the upper position not the badest ones. So it is a very direct teaching to be that way when you don't want be punched from the other guys and want a girlfriend. When you are older that "make the big one in front of the girls" dissapear/would be a smaller part (i would say -at least in germany- with 28/29 the most are over it).
So not really a internet problem.
But yes in the internet the people feels stronger because so anonymous.
At a direct 1vs1 talk the most don't say 1 word.
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Oh, come on, not this again. It's not "revenge", it's not about hatred. People just restrict access to their GAs for whatever reason they find appropriate, nothing more serious is going on here. This may or may not seem childish or something like that in different cases, but what's actually ridiculous is this constant blacklist SG drama.
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Well, calling this drama is hilarious. I just asked. And You already insulted me. OMG, I'M GONNA BLACKLIST YOU CAUSE YOU ARE SO UNCOOL ;) No, I'm just over such things. Too mature to do that. You should learn the meaning of the word "drama". Cause that's not "I have a question about some problem". This is not drama at all.
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Ehr... No, I didn't blacklist you, there were absolutely no reasons for that (like if you were rude or were expressing sexist, xenophobic and other nice "opinions" - yes, people really call this stuff "opinions" as well). And I was (quite obviosly, as I thought) talking about general SG situation, not about your post only. Anyway, I apologize if you feel insulted, that wasn't my intention at all.
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That's how I got most of my BL...
specially with a Russian flag on my avatar, it triggers lots of hate :)
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And what's wrong with being pro-Putin? Like Putin is the only one using force against some kind of instigators? No way U.S. administration would do that. Nor any European one. You know what? Come to Poland and try to protest against the government issues. I wish you best luck.
Based either on truth or lies - but it's always about the opinions.
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Instigator is such an ugly word; once again, it was a peaceful rally, although there were a lot of pro-government provocators there. But, you know, there's no such a thing as freedom of assembly here, every gathering (aside from pro-government ones, of course) is either sanctioned by government long beforehand or forbidden, so here we go. And, honestly, I don't exactly get how your problems with your government make our situation normal. Sorry, I simply don't know enough about modern Poland to say more. I've read a bit about your ridiculous situation with abortions, it's not cool that's you've got religious fanatics in the government. But aside from that, I admit my total ignorance about my historical homeland.
As for Europe - that's a standard argument so popular among paid Kremlin trolls (or simply kremlebots). Sure, it's easy to find expressive photos from Europe as well (although I doubt there are a lot of episodes with using excessive force towards children), but all of them would be from rallies far beyond boundaries of peaceful protest. Also, it would be difficult to find something like our "cossacks" beating protestors under the cover of police. Also, do people get incarcerated for several years for horrible crimes like policeman's chipped enamel or "throwing an unidentified yellow object in the direction of the policeman" (I'm not kidding) after protests in Europe? And I'm only talking about the question of freedom of assembly here. But yeah, sure, what's wrong with being pro-Putin?
I'm not saying everything is fine everywhere in the West, but I don't think that injustice somewhere else justifies local injustice.
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Can someone please reply to this comment for science?
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Of course you didn't mean that, it would be ridiculous. Fast in spite of being fat, maybe?
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Context makes me assume Pornhub.
Damn it... I hate when people use abbreviations unnecessarily.
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Mods generally tend to let the forum self-moderate unless they have to step in. So unless you're calling somebody a cunt you can even say offensive words like cunt. Or... and the next one is not for the faint of heart so only look behind the spoiler at your own risk:
Sarah Jessica Parker
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If you are talking about this picture - I have made backup on imgur quite long ago:
But If you are asking about where did it come from - I have no Idea xD Saved it after I saw it for a first time on some internet forum :)
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Shorteners are not allowed on the site. Please either edit or delete the comment.
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Ah thanks for the warning, It is a shortener for a youtube link that redirects to Never Gonna Give You Up youtube video. Without shortener people cannot be rick rolled due to the video preview feature here. Anyways I will delete it
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Just scroll down a bit and you'll find your whitelist/blacklist stats.
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Wait, you mean, self-blacklisting is actually an option here, and I can forbid myself to view my own GAs?
Was this sentence long enough?
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Long enough but unfortunatelly - too many comas.
But I also blacklist all the smartasses, so ... ;]
The best way to officially ignore being blacklisted is to
a) giveaway good games. Even idiots want to win them and if they blacklist you ... well - bye, bye
b) find a nice group where BL is forbidden ;)
c) turn off the internet
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I think people blacklist for any reason. I don't care, since I don't have much time in general, in my life, in my gaming life, everything.. it's wasted time.
Someone can blacklist you if you don't like their favourite games, or if you have made a thread or some posts or replies, or if you've got a bad (for them) nickname and avatar.
Fortunately, this website's awesome and it's full of awesome users so I wouldn't bother that much - try to create yourself a great whitelist and you'll get many whitelists too if you make many giveaways, good giveaways and so on and if you behave well.
So in the end I really don't care, if they don't want to win my giveaways or to have some chances or to talk to me, it's their own decision. I'm ok with that.
Spread love!
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I have been blacklisted after posting my opinions, more than once... So what? I also have been whitelisted because of them. It's how this site works and, honestly, not being able to enter in some giveaways it's not really a big deal. You don't know them anyway, it's different, you haven't argued with a friend, so...
Who cares, really. If you don't like me the best thing you can do (to me and to yourself) is to blacklist me.
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Imho it isn't really such a problem to express an opinion here. Considering that I wasn't shy to share my opinions on controversial topics such as Trump or Brexit, I'm actually positively surprised how little effect such comments usually had on the blacklist.
That it generally happens is something you'll have to accept. But if you gain dozens or hundreds of blacklists for a comment or thread, then usually not your opinion is the problem but rather how you presented it.
And last but not least: There is nothing wrong about not wanting to gift games to specific people. And the reasons people might have are as individual as the persons.
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Out of curiosity. I like gettng answers, even If I don't need them. Sometimes I ask very teoretical questions on asking sites, that doesn't really have any meaning in my life, but I just do because I just want to know.
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I noticed (not today, but long time ago actually) that people tend to blacklist revenge on someone, who they don't like. It's not like someone is breaking the rules or is vulgar. They are using blacklisting on people that have opinion, they hate. So if someone tells Skyrim is poor game, they are triggered and use blacklist revenge.
I always check my stats after I say sth on discussions and laugh when my blacklist counter increases, cause those people are ridiculous. Not that I care. If someone is not smart enough to not do that, then, well...
But what do You think about that behaviour?
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