Should threads about serious subjects (e.g. politics, depression, health issues) be forbidden?
No. But I gotta say this recent batch of threads by these feminist morons has got to stop.
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Same, they all need to stop, it's getting out of control already.
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Get a grip man. You can't gag users, and you're just going to have to live with the fact that some (many?) people here don't share your views and will continue to remain vocal about theirs. If you want to participate in real discussions about such subjects, you better make your points in more rational, less offensive way. The discussion will continue either way (as it obviously does in all of these threads), it's just a question of what part you'll take in it.
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You get a grip. Not trying to gag anyone, just expressing my opinion that it's getting out of control. I don't care if you don't share my views and you can be vocal about it however you want, just like I can be vocal about why I disagree with you, but make one thread about it, no need to keep posting a hundred other threads about the same retarded issue. And these threads aren't real discussions, it's just a bunch of men-hating this and men-blaming that.
you better make your points in more rational, less offensive way
There's no reason why you can't make rational points while still being offensive. That's like saying that if someone uses the word "fuck" in their argument, that immediately invalidates it. Stop melting about everything that offends you.
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Most of the "extra" threads were created by people mocking serious threads. I didn't see any complaints from you there.
And the man hating you're referring to is mostly something that you just like telling yourself for some reason. Feminists don't hate men, but the despair from frequent attacks they have to sustain (primarily from men) does affect their tone. How could it not? Your tone is also far from perfect, but I somehow doubt you're facing anything similar they have to deal with. Not sure where all your hate is coming from, but it's not good for you, and it's not going to change anything in the world. Feminism isn't going away, and if anything many of the social ills listed in va3victis' thread are changing for the better, thanks to a large degree to feminist voices that refuse to accept them as unchangeable facts of life. Live with it.
And if you don't see the difference between uttering "fuck" while making an argument and directing an attack toward a specific person or group, then there's really no point in trying to convince you otherwise.
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Most of the "extra" threads were created by people mocking serious threads.
Oh no, must protect the sanctity of "serious" threads at all cost!
And the man hating you're referring to is mostly something that you just like telling yourself for some reason.
Lol do yourself a favor and go read those threads, I don't have time for this.
...but I somehow doubt you're facing anything similar they have to deal with.
Amazing, you guys are out of this world.
Not sure where all your hate is coming from...
I don't have any hate, just disagree with the ideology.
Feminism isn't going away, and if anything many of the social ills listed in va3victis' thread are changing for the better...
Sexism isn't going away either, doesn't mean we have to accept it. Feminism used to be about equality, but it has derailed into a shit show, which is why very few people identify themselves as feminists in the world, despite believing in gender equality. The movement has a bad name, even if you're not one of the many morons who are a part of it. I would agree with many of the items listed in va3victis' thread if they were presented differently.
And if you don't see the difference between uttering "fuck" while making an argument and directing an attack toward a specific person or group, then there's really no point in trying to convince you otherwise.
Doesn't matter, I made rational arguments in those threads, even if I insulted a person or group. That shouldn't in any way invalidate my arguments.
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Feminism IS Sexism.. it's really mindboggling, how people condemn chauvinism because men are evil and oppressive but at the same time are like "yay, feminism", because the poor weak and oppressed women need help or whatever the deal is there...
Let's be clear here: I condemn both of those, they're both wrong. Equality is where it's at.
Now, should we repost some lists of "I know how to solve those issues, you just have to do X" from some "news"-site? HELL, NO! THIS is the issue at hand.
People just pile down on those with different opinions.. and while those lists MAY have some valid points and the topic itself is worthwile of being discussed or having more visibility, the means are stupid.
Those subjects should not be forbidden in their entirety, BUT, moderators are few and far between and deal with support tickets as well. They don't have the time to go through everything at all time and make sure a discussion is going down the right path. I didn't vore in this poll, because reality isn't just black or white, it's in the greys.. i'd prefer the option to just hide topics like those, might end up using scripts, which i didn't want to up to this point... =(
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I agree. I started doing that myself (hiding the threads with a script).
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People should be able to post pretty much whatever they like, not porn etc though, however I think that people should respect and tolerate people's faiths, beliefs and views on all subject matter. Nobody should be denied the way they think no matter how stupid it is.
Like take this harassment thing. Someone wants to step in and fight for women, someone wants to stay out of it out of their own safety. Both are valid and I don't think should be denied like they were. People need to respect others.
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I said this to some depressed chick before... Save It For Tumblr
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I think it is ok people being themselves and sharing their opinions on different, serious, irrelevant topics . I'm a supporter of freedom of speech. However whenever I post something in those threads it is almost a sure way to gain more blacklists. Here I go again, I will never learn...
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Absolutely not. I posted a thread a few months back about cancer being back, and how I was starting radiation. I was feeling very lonely and isolated and just...down. Posting my little ramble here and all the wonderful words of encouragement 100% helped me get through that tough time. I'm sure there are many others in the same boat. I also was glad to use the thread to raise a bit of awareness that people should stay vigilant for lumps or whatever. It's nice being able to talk about the things we're passionate/emotional about.
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One day I would like to create a post about my favourite topic; the vertical migratory behaviour of nitrifying water fleas during autumn...
I sure hope I will still be able to, as I'm not sure I want to live in a world where there is an SG forum that won't allow such topics...
Although I guess I could try at my Malay isn't what it used to be...
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Considering that I've made a 'health issue' topic myself in the past, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I was against serious topics. I can understand people not wanting to see serious issues being brought up on a giveaway site but in my opinion it's up to them to ignore it; as long as the title states what's to be expected inside then the user themselves is responsible for the decision if they'll read or not and not the one starting the thread. Every topic should be open for discussion without censorship for those who want to take part in discussing a topic, provided that its civil discussion. MSKOTOR said it best on the first page
So like topic when people are happy that they can be officially married is fine. It's not fine when bunch of trolls starts topics "I want to marry my mug" or "I want to marry my hand".
The latter sort of topics get out of hand fast and I personally see no merit to them, so if anything those should be the ones under scrutiny for ridiculing other threads(in some cases that might even count as bullying depending on the severity of it). Serious threads may not be for everyone but ignoring them costs nothing, but for some people the serious topic might be very important - either they'll learn something they were previously unaware of or they'll find support from people with similar experiences. If everything was lighthearted only, those same people would struggle alone and thus feel more alone.
There is also the issue that you no longer know what is something that won't set people off, so even a lighthearted topic can get people riled up almost as much as a serious topic. I've asked for opinions if I should buy a game, which upset a person who thought I should learn to make such decisions myself (or Google) instead of asking others.
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Banning such threads would be counterproductive, plus extremely subjective at best.
That really is a slippery slope you don't want to go to.
However it's not impossible or improbably to implement/enforce some rules to avoid such 'heavy' threads to turn into a cesspool.
(Also I'm still in favour of an upgrade of the used forum-code/software which would make it easier to seperate threads by content but that's just me.)
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unless these things are released on steam, I don't see a reason why they should be discussed on steamgifts.
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Political games are on steam already....uhoh.
( )
SJW games too...uhoh
( )
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I was about to reply to a few comments in decent-people/MeToo thread, but it was locked by Cjcomplex. He added a comment which I think is very relevant to this discussion. Quote:
Over the past several days, a series of threads and comments have resulted in Staff being inundated with User Reports regarding the behavior of certain users in the forums. While we aim to allow the free flowing of ideas, regardless of how controversial they might be, within the forums with limited intervention, it has come to our attention that the recent events have gotten out of control. Therefore, in the best interest of both the site and community at large, we have decided to close this thread. Not only will this force those who have taken part some time to pause and reflect on their actions, but also allow the site to heal from the division that has erupted from it.
We wish to thank all users on the site for their understanding at this time. We would also like to urge those who wish to express any possible concerns or ask questions regarding the current events to contact Staff via Support Ticket.
We at Staff wish the very best for you all and may the Space Cat visit you soon =).
On one hand I agree that things were getting out of hand, so locking might not be such a bad idea. On the other hand, locking the mockery threads that were posted earlier stage would probably have been better. In any case, I'm glad that the discussion here has mostly been civil and hope that locking won't be needed.
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It is especially interesting if you compare this poll to this poll
But may i suggest to all of us to continue to express our opinions, thoughts and concerns at this thread
So this one can be preserved like a time capsule from the past for reference without spoiling it.
Now this one
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The site rules (aka Guidelines) don't currently limit what subjects can be discussed on this forum. Just respect people's privacy and don't post porn, and it's more likely than not that if you keep things polite and civil the thread will not be locked.
The question is - would you like the site to start limit users to only discuss lighthearted subjects (as someone suggested on another thread), or should the site continue to favor Freedom of Speech and allow any subject to be discussed? I'm strongly in favor of the latter, but am curious to hear what other people think.
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