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For a few weeks now RaChart has not been updating info immediately. When I go to a page I visited before it shows which games I owned the first time I visited this page so when I then buy a bundle it doesn't show all games owned correctly. Only when I visit a number of hours later will it correctly update.
What could be causing this? It doesn't seem likely any other userscript can interfere, right? I have no idea when this exactly started but I doubt updating Firefox from 35 to 36 could have done it. Any ideas?
Edit: this time it only took just over an hour to correctly update the May Humble Monthly data, I did restart Firefox about 30 minutes ago.
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Seems it's set in script to only show in discussions, potentially giving issues for people wanting to use RaChart Enhancer in giveaways as train replacements.
It's because of
if (window.location.href.match("") !== null && confirmAuthor() && checkIDAPI()) {
I've personally changed it to
if ((window.location.href.match("") || window.location.href.match("")) !== null && confirmAuthor() && checkIDAPI()) {
but is there a specific reason it's discussion locked in the first place? (I notice no difference in loading times for any giveaways).
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Are wishlist feature included in these newer versions or it does have only in madjoki's mod version?
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ohh the master list highlight in suggestions are good! the plan to fix everything before add a new functionallity is a very good plan, I must say. that's a pretty damn good work you're doing in all terms. thank you for let me know that further changes (and new features) are, still, considered.
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first try of :(
Type '!done' without the quotes to stop the program. Type '!next' to go to the next tier. Type '!appid' or '!subid' to search by ID directly. Type '!package' or '!pack' t
o go into the package mode. Use '!next' to move to the next tier and '!cancel' to cancel an ongoing search. You can confirm by either typing 'Yes', 'Y' or simply pressing
Enter will do; type 'No' or 'N' when you are prompted with something you weren't searching for. None of the commands are case sensitive, so it doesn't matter if you type
it with capital letters or not. The same goes for game's titles, but be careful with stuff like - : etc in the title or typing 2 instead of II, the program won't be able
to find the game in those cases.
Enter the number of tiers: 1
Enter the game's title: Night Mysteries: The Amphora Prisoner
There is an app with ID 348870 called 'Night Mysteries: The Amphora Prisoner'
Is this what you are looking for? (Y/n) Y
There was an error, please copy this (or make a screenshot) and give it to Sighery if you don't want the guy to go crazy trying to figure out what happened. Also try to remember the last thing you typed or did before it blowed up, it would help a lot.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 691, in <module>
plain = itad_plain(appID)
File "", line 28, in itad_plain
return jsonFile['data']['app/' + str(appID)]
KeyError: 'data'
Press Enter or close the window to exit
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Thanks for answerig Sighery, yes I have but I suspect exactly this is the error. the keys.json is {"ITAD":"long-client-secret-alphanumeric-key"} but when I try to open the page in a browser with the format from your code it answers:
{"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"You don't have access to this endpoint"}
But I don't know what's wrong with my key. I created a new app and even released it O.O says no special restrictions on this app at itad
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yes that was it, I found it the instant I posted this. (But I could swear it wasn't there before I "released" the app. and even right after. It probably takes a few mins to update the site to show me the keys...)
Well Now the script worked flawlessly, so thank you very much Sighery! :) It just took me a while to find it (though I guess looking on github if you need a piece of code should be the first thing ;)
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Thank you!
To activate this, go into the interface and check the corresponding checkbox
I notice that the checkbox doesn't stay checked, even though the Steam store method is still working.
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can you add a "disable error notifications" option?
i get errors all day long all over steamgifts when i'm not even on a chart based thread. i've tried enabling and disabling the "Check to use the Steam store method for fetching", and either one still throws errors for me all day long, but both seem to work just fine for me on actual charted threads.
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Hi, Sighery.
I have a feature request for
I would like to have a commandline option to feed the script with a file full of appids (alternatively a list of links to the steamstore which in the end is the same since the appid is in the url) and then the script automagically does its thing and most importantly doesn't quit on errors but marks the appids not found in the resulting table.
I find that would make creating tables sooo much easier since I find myself typing !appid then the number then wait a while then typing !appid again and the number etc. every time I create a table.
Anyway hope you consider it but no problem if you don't, just a suggestion. Again huge kudos for this great tool. Lately I want to see every list of games I encounter as a RaChart ;)
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ok, nice :) thank you!
...but if do find the time and interest to work on said new version, please consider making it an option to read a file of appids and make it not halt on errors, since it's really cumbersome to have to type in each app id, when it's so much easier to copy paste / scrape a list of steamlinks and extract a list of only appids out of that, from any bundle site.
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I know there has to be something super obvious I'm missing so apologies in advance, but it works for me here: yet I can't get it to load any colours anywhere else (e.g.,, etc.) - can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm not sure what makes the first link different.
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Of course. Sorry for the bother - working now. (Thanks for the very fast reply).
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Updating/Reinstalling worked for me, so I'm no use, sorry. 😐
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Thank you for helping me.
May I ask where should I look if there were errors showing up?
I'm using browser Chrome.
And I test these pages "BoywhocriedYahtzee" metioned above.
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What does "Partially Owned" in the colour settings mean? Either you have a game in the library or you don't... I actually seem to have a few but looking at their store pages I can't see why I should own them only partially. Could someone explain what this means to me, please?
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I think out of a steam bundle you can have several items but not all of them, meaning you can decide if the rest is of any interest to you or not.
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These aren't games that were bundled with one key i.e. I didn't get one key and after activating I had 3 new games in the library. Each of these supposedly "partially owned" games came with their own key and were activated each separately. If that is what you were talking about.
If you mean that these games might have possibly been part of a bundle and instead of all games I only activated them and maybe a few others but not all, then, well, the chart shows data for single games, not bundles, right? So how should it matter to the chart if a company bought these single games and bundled them together with other games?
By the way, thanks for your reply!
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You're welcome.
Some keys also include the soundtrack or wtv other DLC beside the main game and if you already owned the main game and not the DLC then it means you partially own that specific item if the key from that bundle covers both the DLC and the game. This way you can decide if that DLC is actually worth getting it or not. Instead of DLCs some bundles include other games.
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Thanks for the detailed reply!
Could the store method possibly cause any issues for doing too many request? (Just like too many market requests get you a block for a certain time...)
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Once again, thank you very much!
All that's left now is to find a wholesale store that's still accepting paypal... phew.
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I re-installed the script today to get the newest version (v0.30.3; as you had suggested) and it worked well so far, even in that giveaway page. But the script stopped working after I restarted Firefox. I can't even see the menu item under Help anymore, though the script is activated in GreaseMonkey.
The only relevant information regarding this script I found in the console is this:
GM_notification is not defined RaChartEnhancer.user.js:322:4
But as far as I understood other comments, this change was intended.
I've checked my other GreaseMonkey scripts and they're all still working except of Gaffi's SGLC. There the dialog for requesting game information doesn't open.
Firefox 54.0.1 (64 bit)
GreaseMonkey 3.11
Maybe you have an idea, otherwise I'll probably test a fresh Firefox profile in the next days.
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I just got it working again. By accident I've noticed that the RaChart menu item is back and then thought about what I had changed in the last few days: I had deactivated Enhanced Steam. I was able to re-produce the bug (menu item disappears when ES is activated).
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No, I've never had any notifications pop up and I think I have been logged out of the store at least once, causing RaChart not to work.
I do know notifications work in Firefox these days as I got one from a website a few weeks ago. I would not be surprised if GM_notification has not been implemented yet for GreaseMonkey but I would hope the documentation would say so.
I logged out and loaded this page and this page. On neither did I get a notification but neither showed a RaChart error in the console either.
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Hey. Would changing confirmRow(row)'s if (row.children.length != 1) to if (row.children.length === 0) so that we could embed specific urls for it to check, and other ones for users to see and click? I wanted to try embedding a hidden url to the Steam store for the Enhancer to check while showing the user a link to SteamDB.
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I wanted to try embedding a hidden url to the Steam store for the Enhancer to check while showing the user a link to SteamDB.
I don't like that idea. It's better to have a separate column for SteamDB if you want to add that information, and doing so would be useful, but there's no need for the enhancer to be modified in any way regarding that. When people are using the enhancer, they expect the game title links to be Steam Store pages, even though they welcome any additional information. In fact, you could add a column called SteamDB similar to the Cards or Bundled column, and it wouldn't add much width to the chart at all.
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When people are using the enhancer, they expect the game title links to be Steam Store pages
At least that's a reason. I wanted to use a SteamDB link for a removed game, because store links only redirect to front of the store which isn't useful to the user. But RaChart Enhancer doesn't support SteamDB link detection, so it's either detect it properly but link to nothing useful, or link to something useful but not detect it.
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This script might solve that problem for those who care about it, and deal with the problem more generally, rather than being specific to the enhancer. If removed store pages are annoying, they're annoying at all times, not just when looking at bundle charts:
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Weird. In using Firefox Sync with a new setup, the RaChart Enhancer was the only script that didn't sync. Had to install it manually.
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Hey Sighery, I've been reluctant to post since I saw that wishlist color is under to do list. However, some time ago I thought the wishlisted color was functioning since I managed to set a different color for them and it did show in the tables. However, a couple of months back i think, the wishlish color isn't working anymore. Any ideas what went wrong or did i imagine the wishlisted games in color previously? If it's the latter I'll need to get my brain checked. ;_;
Using v0.30.3 btw.
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