Romania celebrates the 100 years anniversary of the union with all its historical provinces on December 1st so I decided to celebrate it with you all with a little train.
La multi ani, Romania ! Good luck and enjoy it !

That's my first train so if there are some problems leave a comment and I will fix it :D
Bonus added :D

5 years ago*

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La multi ani, Romania ! And thanks for GAs

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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bump and thank you

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I'd love to say, "Happy national day", but unfortunately Transylvania - Erdély in Hungarian - wasn't a "historical province" of Romania. Erdély was stolen/annexed by Romania from Hungary after World War I and then again after World War II.

If anyone's interested, read more about Erdély/Transylvania here:

5 years ago

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Mate, it is a celebration thread not a revolutionary one. Stolen ? Nah.
"Transylvania has been dominated by several different peoples and countries throughout its history. It was once the nucleus of the Kingdom of Dacia (82 BC–106 AD)." Now it is part of Romania...I don't know why are you so sad about it. I hope you will not reply back and please stop with this shitty discussion.

5 years ago

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There were ~3 million Hungarians living in Erdély in 1918, now about 1.5 million (let's not talk about the other minorities you also managed to chase away, assimilate, or worse), I think that tells all.

I don't care about your national days, holidays or what and how you celebrate: but you have to understand, that it is a sensitive issue and the fact that the winners of World War I. gave you a piece of territory that's not rightfully yours isn't something you should be proud of and no, it'll never be OK as long as Hungarians exist.

5 years ago

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You just want some attention but you don't deserve it. I just want to celebrate this day with all users from this community...if you don't want to be part of it then don't reply/join. I also don't care about your theory and about your war against romanians. It's simple
Look at're crying on a gaming community about a land that was stolen from're just looking like a little kid. .
Have a nice day and don't waste your time again because I will not reply anymore.

5 years ago

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I'm not crying, I was just trying to inform you in a polite manner, that this celebration is as much of a "national day" as when a thief rejoices over their latest heist.

5 years ago

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In a polite manner he says while coming into our national holiday thread and calling us all thieves. Transilvanya wasn't stolen from you, you lost it after losing the war. Don't pretend like it was always yours to own. Hungarians conquered Transilvania in the 9th-10th century, until then it was inhabited by Romanian people. Until 1918 the Romanian population was constantly mistreated under the Hungarian rule (and, as a consequence, a number of rebellions occurred over the years, I'll leave the links down bellow), you weren't really the good guys either. However if it makes you feel better we also lost territories like Moldova, Basarabia, Hertza region, North Bucovina but the difference is we don't go bitching to the Ukrainians and Russians whenever they celebrate their national days. Hell 1.5 million isn't even a small number that's 15% of the entire population of Hungary, it looks like we failed "chasing" them away didn't we? Bottom line is, humans did nasty things to humans, be either Hunagrian or Romanian. Let's not dewell too much on things that both our ancestors did because we live in 2018, we both had no part in it and we are not responsible for any of their actions, it's stupid to keep such anger about things that we weren't even alive for. We should look forward and live in peace, hopefully one day borders won't matter.,_Clo%C8%99ca_and_Cri%C8%99an

5 years ago*

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First of all, Erdély was inhabited by Hungarian settlers way before we came to the Carpathian basin, we are talking about before the 9th century here. There was no Romania at that time, only tribes of vlachs or whatever nation you originate yourself from.

Secondly, no, it doesn't make me/us feel better: I do believe that Moldova belongs to Romania (altough for some strange reason they don't want to join you). None of my business why your own blood denies you, don't even care to be honest.
What I do care about is Erdély/Transylvania, where Hungarians lived for more than a 1000 years and what unrightfully became part of Romania after World War I. Why don't you organize a referendum, ask the people where they want to belong? Are you afraid, that all those people living there, maybe even some Romanians would prefer autonomy instead of the opppressing rule of Bucharest?
If you'll start respecting Hungarians, if you won't try to assimilate and oppress them as you have been doing so in the past 100 years, we will leave you alone on your land that's been gifted to you by some old farts at the Paris Peace Conference. But until you give the proper rights and priviliges to the Hungarian minority living in Erdély, there'll always be a Hungarian, who is going to remind you: "Hey, that's not right." And you can always worry about losing the land that doesn't belong to you, like a thief who shits himself every time, whenever a police car passes by.

5 years ago

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They weren't called Romanian people at the time of course but they were indeed the same people that would later become Romanians and they existed there way before you arrived, going as far back as the 2nd century (or even before then if you include just the Dacians). When your people conquered it, Gelou was the Vlach ruler of Transylvania.

The Moldovian people want to unite with Romania but their parliamentarians don't, not yet at least. None of my business why your own blood decides to remain amongst the thieving Romanian either, instead of joining you.

The referendum wouldn't change shit at this point because it wouldn't pass, there are 1.5 mil Hungarians in Transylvania, the rest 5 mil are Romanian, I doubt they'd vote for it, not even all of your own people would vote for it (or even go to vote at all). These are just childish fantasies you're asking for because it would never happen. But if it was in my power I would indeed grant them the referendum.

You act like we drag them in the streets to beat and humiliate them, which are just delusions, most Romanians and Hungarians live in peace in Transilvania, proof enough is that 1.5 mil still remained. I comute to work by tram or bus and they speak Hungarian openly and nobody stops or hate on them, we even allowed Hungarian kids take their tests in their native language and things will get better and better as time will passes. Of course there are a few close minded people that still hate Hungarians but their "oppression" goes just as far as bad mouthing, like dogs that bark but won't bite. But that kind of stupid people exist in every country, including yours, people who like to stir the shit once in while and spread hate between each other. I myself had tons of Hungarian neighbors, Hungarian friends in school, I have Hungarian in-laws, Hungarian cousins and even one of my girlfriends was Hungarian and I don't even live in Transylvania.

If Hungary's side would have won the war and was granted a part of Romania (or any other part of any other country), you would have took in a heart beat, not my fault that history happened the way it happened, don't act all high and mighty, you are as much thieves as we are because we are humans after all.

5 years ago*

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I don't know which nation do you originate yourself from, I only know that Romanians were present in Transylvania from around the 9th century (the same time Hungarian settlements also existed there). We Hungarians could probably tell tales about the Huns and how they conquered almost half of Europe, but we don't call them our ancestors (even though in many languages they call as 'Hungarians', we are Magyars, as you probably also know), we are only related to them (altough that way we could claim Rome for example, since it was conquered by the Huns, but that wouldn't make much sense now, would it?).

As I said I don't know about the reasons why Moldova doesn't want to join Romania, but Moldova is a democratic country and I'm sure that if they really wanted to, they would join you. Romania has problems with democracy though, since it doesn't dare to ask the inhabitants of Erdély/Transylvania where they want to belong or if they want autonomy. You need a referendum, it's easy.
The Hungarian population lives in a quite massive block in the center of Transylvania, so no, there are no 15 million Romanians living there, more than 80% of the locals are Hungarians (I think you are confusing Transylvania with the whole of Romania).

The only thing the Hungarians living there is their culture, language and identity instead of oppression from Bucharest. Until this time comes, as I said, you'll always feel uncomfortable and we Hungarians will always stand up for this, which is perfectly understandable. Democracy and autonomy is the way to go. Cheers.

5 years ago

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We don't consider either Dacians or Romans as Romanians on their own but as soon as the Romans arrived and conquered the Dacians in the 2nd century, the Romanian language started being born. That's the whole genesis of the Romanian people, Dacians+Romans (+some later slavic influences) = Romanians. We still use to this day in our everyday vocabulary about 200 pure Dacian words. The Dacian's capital prior to the Roman conquest was at Sarmizegetusa Regia in Transylvania. It was later moved 40 km away after the Roman conquest by the Romans themselves and renamed Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa which was still in Transylvania. Vlachs is the name they had before being called Romanian (today Vlachs is used for Aromanians, Megleno-Romanians and Macedo-Vlachs). My point is it wasn't always yours my friend. We had it and ruled it way before you, before even the Huns' arrival. Then we lost it to various tribes and eventually it became your land. Our claim to Transylvania is as valid as yours. Now I understand that it must be painful and unfair to have lost it after so many centuries and I understand why you hate us. But to deny we ever lived there before you is to deny we even exist. We didn't get Transylvania at random, we had history with it, it was our land too, it's the birthing place of the Romanian people.

Moldova is a democratic country but democracy ain't that simple, unless a majority of their 101 politicians vote for it, it won't happen. Also a referendum requires approval from parliament, which needs to be voted through by the majority of members. A referendum won't happen no matter how much the common people want it, unless the members of the parliament agree to hold one. That's how democracy works in all democratic countries. Romania has indeed problems with democracy but I'm sorry to say, a referendum for Transylvania is the least of our problems at the moment. We have bigger problems with corupt politicians that want to change the constitution to escape prison, 600.000 people protested in the streets all over Romania one year ago. Unless we solve this problem first I doubt any progress will happen in any other area. Check it out here and here if you're interested.

I never said 15 million what are you talking about? I said 5 mil people are Romanian in Transylvania and about 1.5 are Hungarian. They don't live in a massive block in the center of Transylvania, they live all over Transylvania and in other parts as well. The most Hungarians live in Harghita and Covasna and there are plenty more in
Mureș, Satu Mare, Bihor, Sălaj, Cluj or even in my area Arad (10.06%)

I don't hold it against you and I'm not trying to stop you either. Fighting for your people is admirable, more power to you. But don't be as hateful and as aggressive if you want change or progress, because all you'll achieve is regress by antagonizing Romanians.
If you want change from Romania's part, talk sense into them don't talk shit into them because of course they'll just talk shit back, it's a basic human instinct. You want respect while insulting, that's not how you get respect.

My personal opinion is that these nationalist notions are outdated issues, I wouldn't give a shit if Moldova would never unite with us or if we'd lose Transylvania or any other parts. Instead of hate-mongering I'd rather fight for better standard of living, more equitable distribution of the collectively produced wealth, better education, as well as against the re-emerging racism etc etc.
But hey if it matters that much to you and it would make you that happy then I hope you see the referendum happen one day in your lifetime.
Take care!

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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La multi ani Romania!

5 years ago

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Congratulations Romania!
Congrats on your first train! (It is error free, at least free from errors that I saw. :D )

5 years ago

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Hehe :D

5 years ago

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La multi ani fratilor !

5 years ago

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happy 100th anniversary Romania

5 years ago

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thanks a lot for chooooo chooooo!

5 years ago

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Thank you for the excellent train! 😊

5 years ago

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Happy anniversary!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Happy 100th anniversary from Poland, I wish you all the best for the next 100 years. Actually It's quite a good reason to read a book about romanian history - I had my eyes set on 'Why is Romania different' by Lucian Boia.

5 years ago

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Thanks for your kind words ! :)

5 years ago

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Happy Romanian anniversary!

Thanks for the train.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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bump! :3

5 years ago

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La mulți ani!

5 years ago

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La multi ani Romania! :D

5 years ago

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Bump for those 100 years, neighbor! :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Congratz, Romania! :)
Live long and prosper!

5 years ago

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Foarte frumoasa initiativa, te felicit!
La Multi Ani, Romania!

5 years ago

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Multumesc de apreciere ! :)

5 years ago

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One of my best friends lives in Romania, so have a bump.

Congrats on making your first train. :)

5 years ago

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welcome in 100y celebration club, wish u 1k more!

5 years ago

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