Are your dealings with HB customer service handled ...
nope, since I paid for a year, and still have 6 month, it wouldn't.
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You can skip a month. It's a kind of opt out
The "opt out" clause shoul probably work in court. Still, if they don't offer refunds, going to court is usually too much trouble for most people
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I'm not sure. I think that the option to skip a month with no drawbacks might count as an opt out, but I'm no lawyer or law student though.
As for dealings with Humble customer service staff, I haven't had to poke them yet. I hear that people /generally/ have positive experiences though but I'm unsure about the service as of lately.
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I could refund a monthly payment via Paypal. but it was one day after they took the money from my Paypal account, funny thing is I can't use that Paypal account to buy Humble Monthly anymore after that! The process took a a month, also HB told me not to use paypal for refund due to long process and I believe they were right!
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That's less of a refund and more of a cancelled/chargebacked payment - which is almost universally frowned on. Not only did Humble lose your money, they likely had to pay a hefty fee to Paypal because of it (which is why once you issue a Paypal chargeback, you'll almost certainly get locked out of any future purchases from that store).
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Well, I asked for a cancellation of my six months in yearly sub and they said that they absolutely never refund except in the following days of a subscription...
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Sorry the internet is one of the baddest place to question lawyer stuff.
You will find a lot that have much to say but you NEVER know if that ones have really knowledge or only think they have knowledge (or nothing from both^^). And between the written law and the law that you get in a court is a big difference too.
I am no lawyer and can't answer your question.
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hehe thanks ;) you know that I can't blueheart you more than you already are ;)
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You find, now, a few new GA's at :o)
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You pre-paid, there's no way to opt out of that (as that's neither a continuous nor automated subscription).
If you mean cancelling automatic re-subscription then, yes, they're required to have a method for doing such.
Which they have.
There's absolutely no conflict between Humble's practices and legal requirements.
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wow, that's very useful and clearly stated. Thanks !
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You beat me to it.
I think nowadays you'd be hard pressed to find anything that offers a subscription service and actually fails to meet the "opt out" requirement in some way, and there's nothing unlawful about the pre-paid system -- that's all on the buyer for having committed to the purchase.
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I think you may be out of luck in this case, as what you paid for was 12 bundles delivered over the course of a year (or longer if you skip months), not a subscription. What that law would probably cover is the automatic renewal of the annual payment. Ie: They can't just renew that and not refund you on request. I pay month to month, and my countries consumer laws would cover them taking a payment and me then saying I didn't agree to that and they'd have to refund me, providing I didn't use the keys of course. I think they do already do this, so legally speaking they are probably covered.
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Pretty much as sooth said above... that's what I get for leaving tabs open, then replying without hitting refresh first.
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As far as I can tell from the ToS, only Humble Monthly and purchases from Store with Humble Wallet are not refundable. The rest of the purchases are refundable up to how long the payment processors allow.
IANAL, but I think Humble doesn't need to change their ToS - at most adding more information to the subscription screen to inform user of what they are getting into (non-refundable purchase, how to cancel subscription, etc.) to comply with the new law. Once they do that, when user buys - let's say a yearly subscription plan, the user acknowledges that they want to pay for 12 monthly bundles at once, and the next recurring charge only happens after the user uses up all 12 credits. This still counts as one unit subscription with a defined period (12 months - may not be consecutive). Humble does provide option to skip a month (not really "opt out", just allowing user to choose which monthly they want) and cancel the subscription (the "opt out" option in the law), and the latter fulfills the condition in the law.
Oops, someone already covered this. I wrote this earlier, but other distractions only allows me to post it now...
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Thanks a lot, it's really clear also. Very appreciated !
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As others have stated, Humble does have an "opt out" option. If you subscribe on a monthly basis, you can cancel that subscription at any point.
If you pre-pay for a year subscription, you are now effectively buying 12 credits. While you're a Humble Monthly subscriber as long as you're using those credits (and not a subscriber for a month you choose to pause for), you do not actually have a recurring subscription until those credits are up, thus there is nothing to cancel. At the end of your credits, when it reverts to monthly subscription again, then you can opt out.
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it's supposed to revert to monthly? i thought it would charge for another 12 months but mine just canceled itself without even bothering to tell me i might want to renew or anything.
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it definitely was stupid. i even asked what's supposed to happen and they didn't say, but they did adjust my second annual subscription back so i could get the one i missed. fixed the problem but gave me no assurance whatsoever that it wouldn't happen again.
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Not a lawyer either so can't much help there .... as for dealings with Humble customer service, well. They have always been friendly, and apologetic, and done the bare minimum required. Never ever gone above and beyond, or even done what I really would have expected. Can't blame the support folks for company policy though, of course.
Can't wait for my yearly sub to be over (it's why I'm not skipping months, I want out ASAP). Was on the fence when I bit on the $10 wallet offer (that was days before the IGN announcement and two weeks before the offer was raised to $20) and have regretted it ever since, for various reasons (the quality of the monthly games not being one).
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Hi pal. I think that you can opt out some days before the final date of monthly subscription (before they show all the games), because in my case only debit from my PayPal account at the end of the month.
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Not to beg for blue<3, especially as it seems I'm already in your whitelist, but I contacted a friend of mine cause I was simply curious. Keep in mind that while he graduated Law in US, he never worked the job, he is an QA analyst, but according to what he said Humble is free to do as the've done since now. The key word hewre is 'renewal' - meaning that if you buy 1month subscription, renewal happens every month and theorethically you could fight against charging of last month, but any longer subscription not anymore. If you have 3month sub you cannot just cancel 6th month, you'd have to cancel months 4-6 and do it in designed timeframe (aka on month 4, not seeing month 6 sucks and then cancelling), that being brought further means that if you are whole year subscriber you cannot just say you want X months out cause you don't like the game - in these cases whatever Humble allows you to do is the law, cause you agreed on 1 year subscription and it's the base, any exceptions must be straight according to specific TOS, you cannot make exceptions on your own.
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I also believe this is whats key here, you're not a monthly subscriber, you are a yearly subscriber, and the distinction between the two is what does you in here. You haven't bought 12 separate monthlies in one go, you bought a one year subscription, your period is one year. So just as a monthly subscriber can't break down his/her subscription into days and pay only that if they want out, you can't break yours down into months.
However you are of course able to stop your renewal for the next period.
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1) Humble Bundle Inc is a Delaware corporation. It may be headquartered in San Francisco, but Delaware corporate law applies
2) The state law you cite only applies to residents of California, not to residents of any other state; you may want to check if your state has a similar law
3) The law protects against automatic/ongoing renewals without the customers' explicit consent.
Note: the opt-out isn't even necessary, it's just a nice customer-friendly thing to do
FYI: yes, I am a lawyer, admitted in 3 states, and have advised customers in several more
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Thanks, it really doesn't surprise me that they're golden.... I was wondering indeed if there was a way to cancel anyways, but I guess not. They didn't even bothered to answer...
Have a nice day
also I'm in Canada so, probably not much to do
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You can cancel your Humble Monthly subscription at any time here, which opts you out of recurring payments. That sounds like what you're looking for. When you do this you don't get refunded for any months you've already paid for in advance - that part is final. However, you still get to keep those months of subscription (and you can pause to stretch them out if you like) - it just means you won't automatically get charged for new months when those run out.
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11 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Syssareth
I'm wondering about some things concerning Humble Monthly subscription. According to HB terms of services, all purchases are final, and they include subsciptions to monthly into these "purcahses". But under Claifornia state law (home of HB) it clearly states that any subscritpion services should have an "opt out" option escpicially when the lenght is over 6 months.
HB terms
Amended state law article
Now I'm not dumb, but I'm also not competent at all at reading this law stuff, are there law students or lawyers in here that could help clarify and mayby we can change HB policy ?
Having a blueheart GA this week, so nice and helpful answers, funny commentary or gifs, coupled with good ratio could send you to my Humble Whitelist ;)
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