Granted, I'll still play it, and I'm grateful for it. It's supposed to be pretty good after all, but it feels kind of lame that I've entered giveaways for games I really wanted dozens of times, but yet I win the one that I entered literally once for and had no previous interest in playing, only because I wanted to spend some of my maxed points before I went to bed. Heh...

11 years ago*

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dont enter games you dont want to play, youre taking away the chances for other people who actually would like to play it

11 years ago

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< What s/he said.

11 years ago

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I'm truly sorry now cause I entered for games I didn't want to play anyway...
I have mega huge backlog and can't get to play them all..

11 years ago

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that is the reason why i try to avoid doing so as much as possible. i know that instead of being grateful my reaction would be "Oh come on, this is what i finally win?" i mean i would still be happy for the free game, but when you enter just to spend all your points on something you do not care about the appreciation is less. it might even feel like bad luck xD

11 years ago

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Deadly Premonition is a good game. You should give it a try. It's like Alan Wake with a lower budget. Almost everything in this game is bad, except the story. So the story really worth it, and you must activate it, or you'll be banned from the site.

11 years ago

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Oh yeah, I already did activate it and I do plan to play it, I just think it's kind of annoying that of all the entries I've made, it was the one that I only entered for once on a whim >_<

11 years ago

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By far not the worst game you could get. If anything, it may pleasantly surprise you. It's one of those cult hits/hidden gem kinda games; who knows, you may just end up loving the game you were barely interested in!

11 years ago

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You are right! The graphics are not the best, and have some issues with optimizing too, and the vehicle sounds are bugged too, but it's really a hidden gem. The game's biggest mistake is that it can't decide what it want to be. A horror game or an action-adventure game, with managing our character, s sleepiness and hunger. The only great mistakes are the controls in QTE. They are really quick, so try to press down R, F, C or shift OR try to press left or right mouse button in a second, to escape from the Raincoat Killer. It's a pretty fun game though, beacuse these QTE are not so frequent. I say, I'm happy that this game was in a bundle, because I'd never paid 25 EUR or $ or punds for it, but 5$ is a good price with other games packed in, and it became one of my favourite games.

Takatsuki: Give it a try, but don't expect too much. If you don't like it you can farm out the cards from it, and the foils are valued pretty high. Anyway be happy: After less than 1000 entries you won 2 games.

11 years ago

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I just won a copy of "Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars" which I mainly entered with a "Watched the video required to win it, now I might as well enter" attitude... Now I feel bad cause I'm not really sure I'll really play it much... At least it was a GA for 10 copys... Still feel kinda bad about winning it though... Oh well, maybe the bad feeling will motivate to play and enjoy it ;)

11 years ago

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I had 300 points for over 24 hours.

11 years ago

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When that happens and I don't see anything I want, I sometimes find myself making elaborate plans how to store extra points and stuff, but then I usually end up thinking "screw it, too much planing ahead" :-D

11 years ago

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I generally try to make sure I've at least checked the Steam description and some of the reviews for the game if I enter a giveaway, if I'm not previously aware of a game otherwise. That way I have at least a vague interest in trying out any game I might to win, even if they're not the ones from the wishlist. Tho yeah, often I just let the points sit there until I see something I'm really interested in trying out.

11 years ago

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Know the feeling most of the games I won were "that game sounds interesting" instead of "Oh I WANT that game". LIMBO was totally worth it though. I suggest just saving points up in cases like that.

11 years ago

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You know you're not paying for those points, right? Also you could have asked the creator for a reroll.

11 years ago

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You know I don't blame you for anything, but there are people, who REALLY want that game, and you just steal the chance from them, by joining giveaways about a game which you are not interested in. When I joined SG, I was like you. I entered many GA-s for random games just to spend my points, and then on a forum I read a comment from a guy, who had really low entries, and no wins, but he said he thinks about people who would give everything for that game. From then I changed my mind about joining random GA-s. If I'm not going to play a game, which I won, it's really worth nothing. Instead make sure you want that game, and enter GA-s when you really want it, to keep the chances for other people who really want a game, which you don't really interested in, but you think "Hey it's free, so why not?". I once again say: I don't blame you for anything.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Takatsuki.