
11 years ago*

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You have just bad luck. Sometimes girls have this moments. You should be happy it wont further. About voting I would choose limbo.

11 years ago

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I keep saying this to myself :P
"You're a great guy, man. You've done nothing wrong. Women..."

11 years ago

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"It's not because of you, you are great, it's just something wrong with me". True story.

11 years ago

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You know, growing up watching virtually every movie ever released in Germany, but also having read Grimm's tales and books en masse, I've always had a sense of "romantic, eternal love".

How unrealistic that comfy feeling was... it's sad, really.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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isn't it kind of sad?

11 years ago

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I'd rather be forever alone than have someone that does something like that to me. There is plenty of nice girls out there. No stress, keep on rolling!

11 years ago

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I will - thank you man ;)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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See, that's what I've thought and wished for my entire life.
Even through several relationships breaking apart (it was always them breaking up, btw), I never lost the belief in something "good" in this world.. and that there might be something like real, true love like forever and kids and house and stuff..
But .. come to think of it .. I guess, assholes and big shots get them all...

I'm just not the guy for that attitude, so I'll have nothing better to do than to keep looking for that last spark of romance in the world, wherever I might find that..

11 years ago

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Come on, man, cheer up! Same thing happened to me, and I know it feels like shit. Also I had two girlfriends before the whore one and it was them who left me for no apparently reason. But then, I started to going out with one close friend of mine, and we've been together 1 year and 3 months for now (I said it good in English?) and it feels really great to know that there really is somebody who 0cares for you and loves you. When I realized that the whore one (yep, I call her "the whore one") has cheated on me, I believed for some months that all the girls are like her, and now sometimes I don't trust my actual girlfriend, and that hurts for her and for me, but believe me: not all the girls are like your EX or my EX. Good luck, and sorry for my bad English (feel free to correct me :P).

P.S. I don't vote any game, but thanks for the future giveaway :)

11 years ago

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A) Mark of the Ninja

Also, she sounds like a ****. I'd be happier single, but I hope mutual friends are aware of what she did, before she attempts to turn even them against you.

11 years ago

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Exactly what I was thinking, btw.
I'll sure as hell not let her turn them against me.

11 years ago

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Sometimes I feel bad for not being in a relationship, and sometimes I feel stupid for thinking that.

11 years ago

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A) Mark of the Ninja. I 100% agree with you

11 years ago

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This feeling.. mh.. (explain that not in your native language :D) I used to call it the "having" feeling.
You know.. just letting go of your bad day (even if it was every day) and letting go of your fears and worries and spooning to a good movie that has a happy ending - that "having" feeling. That's what I want. Still.
And I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. I guess that's why I even gave her another chance.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I understand what you mean, the feeling of belonging somewhere, plainly said, the comfort of love. Can't blame you for wanting to pursuing it and trying to hold on it with the last of your hopes. But there's just one ting you need to understand now, it ended, that's it, end of the story, remember that what you really longing for is the feeling and not her (as long as you didn't make much of memories with her), SO what you need to do id not to think of what have been lost, but think of what can be gained, it's like your MP3 bnreaks. What you love is listening to music, so sure, the tool you use to achieve what you love have broken, but you are still able to listen to music if you buy another MP3. So it might be a little of inconvenience to have to buy a new MP3, but you haven't lost anything important, not only that, but you also now know that the model of MP3 you had was crappy, so you'll know better when choosing a new MP3. Again, I'm saying all that if you didn't have the relationship for long and didn't build many important memories together, because otherwise it would be like losing an MP3 with music you love that you can't get anywhere anymore, and it would really suck by itself, tho you still should be ale to move on.

11 years ago

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that's the thing (and I hope I'm interpreting the MP3 metaphor correctly :D).. I have made some of the coolest, cutest, most beautiful, sexiest and most comfortable memories with her.
That's the one big thing I'm weeping about... The GOOD stuff. not HER, the person, but the great time we had, before she shat a pile of elephant crap on my feelings.

11 years ago

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In that case I wish you luck on finding someone, as they say kill fire with fire, or love with love in that case.

11 years ago

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Thank you very much!

11 years ago

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i vote A. beyond that buddy I'm of little help

11 years ago

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Thanks, though ;)

11 years ago

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I hope you learned your lesson. This is why you should date with anime girls only

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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i think thats a part of it, they cant really betray you ^^

11 years ago

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I guess that's the point, yeah :P
"women" (more like "whores") these days tend to forget about values a lot more than they used to - could that be right? I can't translate "Sittenverfall" into English..

EDIT: Let me rephrase that: People these days tend to forget about values... Demoralization at its .. "finest".

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thanks :P

11 years ago

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I think you're being too generalistic, and it's a dangerous thing to do. "Men" could be in the same position. Don't let one bad experience ruin everything for you and turn you into a hater.

11 years ago

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You're right, of course.
And I guess, men tend to do even worse stuff :D
Added another line that should clarify I'm in no way sexist ;)

11 years ago

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advice: biggest error:(you know,because forever alone)

That's NOT a good mentality,If this was sincere and not sarcastic THAT'S where you went wrong.
Now,screw her (metaphorically speaking :P)

EDIT:didn't vote because I have all 3,thanks for the future giveaway though! :)

11 years ago

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It was pretty much sarcastically speaking :P
So, basically you're saying "No one deserves another chance, after FUCKING your anus with a pineapple"?
However, I did feel very attached to her and really wanted to give her another chance.
I did love her. Once. You're right, of course: Fuck this. That's no way to treat a nice guy like I consider myself being one.

11 years ago

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Really weird. I think you're better off without her now? :) Hopefully.

Vote for C.

11 years ago

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I guess, it can only get better from being cheated on multiple times :P
Plus: I sure as hell won't accept being accused of "having screwed it up".

11 years ago

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I guess it doesn't really matter who the culprit is. Move on! :)

11 years ago

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First starting with the vote..i vote for ...Mark of the Insect Limbo. aka...idc .. I can't cheer you up but you should check what are you doing your friends and see if you can join them..that usually helps

11 years ago

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Thanks for the advice ;)
Yeah, social life was kinda lame, lately. But friends should definitely help over this.

11 years ago

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Vote D) (for Go out and meet other girls)

11 years ago

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I guess I see what you did there :P

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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If only I was so "flexible", I'd definitely post a video like this :P
Thanks, man ;)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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-women. :D

11 years ago

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That's a way of looking at it :D
I do believe, however, that something like true love still could exist, somewhere.

11 years ago

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It does, but it's as rare as a Phoenix's odor of shit :D

11 years ago

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Nice comparison :P

11 years ago

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Sorry that happened :( But it's for the best... you seemed unable to break off something that was just not going to work. You should thank her! (after you're done burning every photo of each other and stuff) :p

11 years ago

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I've already stuffed everything I could find into a box - will burn when BBQ season starts :>
I guess you're right - Thinking it through a couple of times more, I can feel how it didn't work for myself either.

11 years ago

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If you want to get rid of that stuff do it now. Waiting for some specific time frame is just a way of clinging.

No need to burn it, just toss it in the trash.

11 years ago

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You know what? You're right!

11 years ago

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:) Good that you have such a great attitude about it (so rare).
Now I can say something bad about that Jerk-face banana witch!

11 years ago

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That's going on the list :D Thanks man :)

11 years ago

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Better this happens now than after an expensive wedding. Maybe this will help you see the warning signs in the future! Plus, who knows, maybe if she never dumped you you'd never meet the real girl of your dreams. Now you can see what you've been missing.

11 years ago

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If only I could think so positive right now ;)
I'm always in kind of a depressed mood (and I've gone in therapy for anxiety disorders) and this is like another nuke for my ego and my mind.
You're right, though, of course :P Thank you for your friendly advice :)

11 years ago

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Well if it's any consolation, enough strangers on the internet care enough about your situation to offer you advice; you aren't alone.

11 years ago

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That's actually quite great, yes :)
Oh, and I know I'm not alone - it's just this feeling of ... helplessness that's fucking me up.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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let me just copy/paste and edit a little, real quick :P

I've seen a lot of moons and suns (or however you say that poetically correct) and I've yet to come across one that isn't a blood sucking bitch.
I'm not saying all women are bad, per definition, I'm saying all women I know (and I mean ALL) are either freaking whores or dumb or taken+I'm not their type.

Thanks for your friendly words, they mean a lot!

11 years ago

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I feel sorry for you... You're either really unlucky or you need to change your social circle a bit...

11 years ago

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A little bit of both :P In fact, I'm already working on my social circle ;O

11 years ago

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I wish you all the best in the world. :D Hope you can find some cool people (girls!).

11 years ago

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Thanks ;)

11 years ago

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Don't worry. Her actions in no way represent a gender thing. Men could and do the same thing all the time.

11 years ago

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Absolutely right. It's this generation that's fucking up bad, not a specific gender, race or "genre".

11 years ago

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not every girl is like that ... :)
vote for B!

11 years ago

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I've seen a lot of moons and suns (or however you say that poetically correct) and I've yet to come across one that isn't a blood sucking bitch.
I'm not saying all women are bad, per definition, I'm saying all women I know (and I mean ALL) are either freaking whores or dumb or taken+I'm not their type.

Thanks for the try to cheer me up, though :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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vote for C)

with this u can get on your feet easily :)

11 years ago

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Had to use YouTube Unblocker, because Germany....
But thanks for the melody of me rising up from the ashes once again ;)
It's going straight to my MP3 player (yes, I've still got one :P)

11 years ago

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That really, really, really really sucks. :/

Feel free to add me on Steam if you need any comfort and/or counseling.

I vote for A, mark of the ninja.

11 years ago

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Wow - I'm not sure if I was comfortable with that, sadly :P
I appreciate it, though, and thank you for the offer!

11 years ago

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that is bad! if you took the time to post this, then she doesn't deserve you
she will be dumped aswell...
not voting, anything you giveaway shall be welcome to the community

11 years ago

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Oh you wouldn't believe me if I told you what I've done, man :P
I've done so many things that ALL came from the heart, I was never unfaithful and oh did I trust her blindly.
Of course, I am not without mistakes - but you know what I'm talking about here :P

I really wish for her to experience what I've been through the last couple of days and weeks.
Not sure, if "revengy" emotions are in order.. but I have them :D

11 years ago

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I have Mark of the Ninja, but it is a great game for those that don't have it.

I heard the DLC is good and expands the game further.

11 years ago

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Thanks for your insight, thing I will watch the next couple of weeks :)

11 years ago

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its so much better being single instead of being always trying to know whats going on in your gf head, vote for Limbo

11 years ago

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Well, someone TEACH me already :D
I hate being single. I keep looking and fighting for that one true love, you know..

But trying to figure out what's going on in women's heads is, I give you that, the worst thing ever...
..They cannot communicate, man, they cannot communicate..

11 years ago

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Maybe if you weren't so beta.

I don't want your game.

11 years ago

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This, by that pic you had to dump her right on the first comma, and not wait till she dumped you.

She's a bitch and you totally deserved it.

11 years ago

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Now say that in a constructive and friendly way, "Sir" :)

11 years ago

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Can't get friendlier than that. You came here bragging us to badmouth her, without seeing her side of story. But the actual thing is, you're both guilty in the situation.

Everybody advicing you to learn is saying of something, think about it.

11 years ago

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It's expressed friendlier that way, for my taste :P
The truth is: you know her side of the story, as far as her communication reached, that IS all.
So badmouthing was merely a joke, while I was sincerly hoping for some advice like Peerbreed gave me.
By the way, do vote, please, as I'm about to create the GA :>

11 years ago

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Since you asked, here's your 'constructive comment':

Step in, step up and put your foot down. Tell the girl you're with that 'it' ends with the other guy or you do. Period. Don't wait for it to blow up in your face.

By not discussion it with her, even while knowing it was going on, you effectively condone it. That makes you beta, even gamma.

What girl wants that? Not me.

You want sympathy? It's in the dictionary right between shit and syphilis.

11 years ago

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i was in a similar situation, but instaed of her leaving me i left her cause i felt i could no longer trust her, we were together nearly 3 years, so i know how hard it is, but ill let ya know, things do get better, if you want a friendly ear, feel free to add me on steam, im always open to listen, as far as the give away, i gotta go with A, cause you know....ninjas

11 years ago

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Thanks for your kind words - I guess adding and talking in detail wouldn't .. work for me; thanks a lot for the offer, though!

11 years ago

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I vote for B.

You should've dumped her yourself. Maybe then she would've learnt to respect you.
But don't worry, if that guy's the player I think he is, she'll be back to you in a couple months. Then you'll have your chance to torment her.

11 years ago

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Respect is a interesting topic in this situation.
I have actually little to no respect for myself left.
childhood traumata etc pp..
While I'm even in therapy and working on myself (literally improving everything in my life) - THAT piece of crap guy is no player at all - he's virgin army dropout that has nothing working for him. They are "childhood friends", though, as the pic suggests.

Oh and NO COCK SUCKING CHANCE IN HELL taking her back.

Well, my way of tormenting her... was saying what I thought and felt. With words even the dumbest of them bitches would understand, and a tone I wouldn't use normally.
I made it .. let's say.. pretty clear that I'm not the bad guy here, but her. HA! bad girl, that is..

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by abaris919.