Has steamgifts became indieland ?
That's my impression, as well. People buy bundles, then give away their unwanted indie games in SteamGifts.
[Edited for clarity.]
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I plead guilty to this, though I don't see it as "dumping" them here as not everyone gets the bundles and there are still people that want the game.
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Hm, your comment sounds a bit... I don't really know the appropriate word in English... Resigned? As in kinda lost faith in people and on the side of a glass half empty. But maybe that's just how it sounds to me. :)
I wouldn't really say "dump their unwanted indie games" as many people buy a copy for themselves and then another for the community, or simply give the game that's a part of the bundle away even though they too want it if they really believe others might have the time to enjoy it before they could or simply believe someone else might enjoy it more.
Don't forget, most of those games have cards and you could make a profit on them by idling for cards and easily hide them in your library if you don't want to ever see them again.
I still see, and am more than likely to continue, each and every one of the games out there in the giveaways section as a "sacrifice" of what you have for the benefit of others.
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way suggesting that you or anyone here values or views bundled game/indie game giveaways as less "worthy" than the non-bundled or non-indie, I'm just generally expressing my opinion. <3
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Hmmm... Well, I was making an observation more than commenting on how I felt about it. In truth, I try to appreciate giving in all its forms rather than "judging" what is given. Giving a shiny rock is very generous when that is all you have. Giving should be encouraged, not discouraged.
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Actually, I hardly ever buy a complete bundle, I usually only get the parts I find interesting from reward sites such as Tremorgames. So yes, I give away mostly bundle stuff, because it's easier to get, but exept in few rare cases I usually only give away an extra copy of the stuff I happen to like myself.
As for the abundance of indie games, have you looked on Steam itself? It's full of indie games! A lot more indie games than AAA titles if you look at absolute numbers. Also, a lot of those indie games look worse than most free flash games on newgrounds or kongregate, but somehow people seem to enjoy them nevertheless, so it's no surprise that stuff gets bundled and given away a lot as well.
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BundleStars can also put a few (old) AAA games on their tab sometimes. Not in the latest bundles, but they had some very decent ones.
And Humble Bundle...with this latest "new" Weekly Bundle... :D Seems they're running out of options and AAA games; first they skip a whole week for Weekly, then they put an old Bundle in it.
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oh yeah bundlestar also do that sometime
i really missed when humble bundle make some really good AAA games (not using steam that time)
on another note, dumping kinda harsh
let's say giveaway :p
although it's true that i make giveaway for game that i dont want (that mean im not gonna play it), but at least other will enjoy it
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Sounds like you'd really benefit from the "hide game" button.
Pretty much this. You can also use user scripts for making it easier. I use 'steamgifts improved game filter', after a couple of weeks you'll see the considerable improvement. Also, being higher level helps A LOT. I often find great non-indie games for higher level only.
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You do know hiding giveaways is built into SG now, right? You can go here and set it up to only show you certain games. You can also click the second icon out to the right of the game in the giveaways list (the eye symbol) to hide the game so it doesn't show up for you again.
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Yeah, I do. It just helps with multiple hiding. I find it quite cumbersome to always click yes and refreshing the page after every hiding. If OP needs to hide more than a half of all the games, it's much easier to check all the games on one page, without refreshing after every single one. If it sounds redundant for some, that's fine, while I for one find it extremely useful.
edit: grammar
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On the page with the giveaways, for example this, you see the names of the games, after the name there's the cost in the round brackets, after that on the same line is the symbol of steam for steam store link, and after that the eye symbol for hiding this game.
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If you spot a giveaway of a game you absolutly don't want, just but it on the hide list (crossed out eye-symbol). It may be a bit of work at first, but it filters out pretty much anything you don't want or need to see because it doesn't interests you. Try it out - at least that's how I do it. :)
And yeah, there are indiegames popping left and right out of the ground but that's ok for me, most of the time quality of those games is reviewed pretty fast on steam, and the developers get bad or good critique depending on the state of the game. So evetually I hope the system regulates itself and small studios wich really take effort in making smth get the right amount of credit ans sales :)
Edit: PeteOzzy beat me to it with the "Hide button" :P
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I'd say kinda yes, just because of how many games are bundled now. I think 1/3 or something of steam games, have all been in some kind of bundle.
I know the value of gifts given on SG has been up since bundles were allowed but I imagine most is from the value from bundles.
I'd be interested to see stats of now to previous years for nonbundled stuff.
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Underrated post. "you must become the change you want to see" - he won't understand the meaning of either posts. :P
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"Don't ask for chance, bring the chance yourself"
— Said the Bus Driver very, very annoyed.
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you can sort indie / non-indie games
You realize this makes no sense at all, right? I dare you to give me a precise definition of what "indie" is nowadays.
EDIT: Something to make you think: Does "Indie Game" Mean Anything Anymore?
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My definition of 'indie' is any game created by a smaller developer where costs were not funded nor the direction of the project influenced by a big publishing company. Which also means that a game can be published by a big company (and even have marketing dollars behind it) but still have been created by an indie studio.
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No one said that there wasn't a gray area, as there are to do with the definition of any number of things. How many employees allows a small business to be considered 'small'?? And unlike with the definition of something like 'indie developer', that sort of thing is actually defined by law in many places, although the number can vary. The bottom line is the definition may vary too, since there is nothing explicitly outlining it. That's why I said 'my' definition. So to answer your queries, I would no longer consider Double Fine indie. In my book: if you have enough capital and start publishing the work of other studios then you no longer are an indie developer yourself at that point. Telltale I would put as borderline, though I'm not familiar enough with their work to definitively say. The same goes for Godus, I don't know enough about it.
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Exactly, you're right. For example, here in Brazil we have formal definitions of what a micro, small, medium or big company are, based on number of employees and revenue. There's no gray area for that here, but I understand what you mean.
The fact is, most classification have formal definitions, even if there are different ones, depending on where you come from. The original definition of indie (independent, without publishers) can still be used, but the industry status and the change of distribution of games nowadays make it so that there are times you can't tell if a game is indie or not (by that original definition) by the looks alone, as sometimes there's no difference of quality/budget/distribution between them, so that definition lost its place as a "category". That's why you see people saying meaningless things like what the OP said. There's no REASON not to like indie games just BECAUSE they are indie games. That's pure prejudice (I know it's not your case).
I've edited the OP with a video to make people think about it.
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Good points. I think 'indie' gaming is the best thing since sliced bread, but that's just me. Smaller games can be just as much fun, if not more so than even big budget games. And I think it's also partly responsible for all of the big discounts we see during sales these days. Collectively, they have given the AAA publishers something that they probably did not see coming: legitimate competition.
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The other problem with this is a lot of big Publishers have done humble bundles.
And a lot of indiegames are kinda pricey. DayZ and Ark Evolved would both count as indie games, and they are pretty pricey games. :p
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There really is nothing wrong with indie games in general. There are good and bad games in both the indie and AAA side of the gaming world.
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Reading a dozen times how you are not complaining.
Looking at your profile and given games.
What a nice way to ask for AAA giveaways.
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Yeah, I just wanna ask the OP why does he think Indie should be separated from AAA games again? To make it worse his giveaway is also indie games. Sorry but this thread is BS, it annoy me so bad that I've put hin on my blacklist.
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Solution for this part "I just wish there was a way you can sort indie / non-indie games." While you can't sort indie/non-indie, you can add games you actually want in your wishlist on steam. After you do that, sync your account and just select wishlist and you'll only see giveaways for games you actually want.
As for the "not complaining" part... I'm just gonna ignore it because it's not worth the headache orz EDIT: And because DC summed it up pretty nicely as it is.
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Or he could... You know... Leave indieland and enter jobland. It's like tremor games, but instead of coins you get real currency and instead bundle games you can buy AAA games that he's a fan of.
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As someone who grew up in Romania I can tell you that it's not as easy as it sounds (especially if you're young). His statements are still aggravating nevertheless... just not worth getting pissed off about right after I get home from work. I entirely agree with what you said and I would have probably blacklisted him for this topic... If I thought he'll ever pass cv4 to join my giveaways.
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This is specifically why I repeatedly said "not complaining", I knew there were people like you.
It doesn't really worth having an argument with you, but people are going to look at this and think you actually know what you're talking about when in fact your "arguments" are just excuses, the real reason hate because you don't like low levels win games on steamgifts. It doesn't matter that the site allows everyone pick whatever levels they want to join their giveaways.
"Enter jobland", you might as well say that to everybody who's ever won a game on steamgifts.
"His statements are aggravating" how dare he says he doesn't like indie games and wants to win games. Is that why you came on steamgifts ? To win giveaways ? To win games ? Get a job you idiot! You have no right to win games on this site about winning games, buy your own games! you immoral bastard!
"OP complains about lack of AAA titles" that would be kinda awkward. Long story short: No, I never said anything like that, you just assumed (Probably because we like to think people we don't like are the bad guys, and you don't like people low levels win games on steamgifts) it dispite of the repeatedly said "not complaining" thing, all I said is that it takes me a while to find the giveaways I want to join, and I'd like to reach them sooner, completly different story.
What I actually meant with this post, and why I specifically mentioned the headache-giving "not complaining" part:
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answer this pls:
What is the difference between Indie and AAA other than budget? this magical barrier you are imagining does not exist. Nowadays indie has become so big, there are all kinds of indie games on the market. Some even look and play better than "AAA"
I bet if I showed you a game, you won't even know the difference!
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You know... I tried to help you solve your problem by telling you how to use the wishlist (part which I assume you completely ignored). I really wasn't in the mood for a polemic but then you reply to my comment with this garbage soooo let's elaborate... let's start with this
"OP complains about lack of AAA titles" that would be kinda awkward, I don't even want to start about it. Long story short: No, I never said anything like that, you just assumed it dispite of the repeatedly said "not complaining" thing, all I said is that it takes me a while to find the giveaways I want to join, and I'd like to reach them sooner, completly different story."
Why is it awkward? Is it because that's actually what your topic was about? If you didn't want to complain and only cared about hiding giveaways you don't want you should have just asked "how can I hide giveaways that don't interest me?" and completely skip out the whole rant on the amount of indie games and lack of "games you're interested in". Just saying "I'm not complaining" a million times doesn't mean anything... because no matter how I look at it, you ARE complaining that there are too many indie games here.
Now let's continue with this
"His statements are aggravating" how dare he says he doesn't like indie games and wants to win games. IS THAT WHY YOU WENT ON STEAMGIFTS, TO WIN GIVEAWAYS ? TO WIN GAMES ? GET A JOB YOU IDIOT! THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR WINNING GAMES! you have no right to win games on a site about winning games, buy your own games! you immoral bastard!"
I have no problem with people wanting to win games. I never said get a job because I don't know what situation you're in. I actually stood up for you saying that getting a job in Romania is not that easy (yes I'm also from Romania but I don't live there anymore). My problem is with the fact that you gave away 5 very cheap indie games and you're complaining about the amount of indie games on this site. If you don't realize it... that's hypocrisy. THAT is what's aggravating about your statements.
"How can I sort games to find giveaways I want to join faster ?" is how I decided to read your whole post... even though you could have just said that instead of the whole "thing" you said. I gave you an answer to that and you completely ignored it because you were too busy getting all defensive. You know what they say "Truth hurts" and here's another saying for you... this time in romanian "Calul de dat nu se cauta la dinti"
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I actually saw that whitelist advice and I'm already doing that, I have about 45 games on whitelist because of steamgifts. About the argument; I say I'm not complaining, you say I am complaining, that's the core of our arguments, let's agree to disagree here because I don't want to start an internet argument. I small thing though, you ended your argument with "truth hurts" yet strated it with an assumption, how is that suppoed to make sense ? You've managed to create facts starting from theory ?
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Google "what does the saying the truth hurts mean" you condenscendic asshat. You know what else doesn't make sense? Saying "I'm not complaing" as you complain... or saying "are there many indie games here or it's just me ?" which is a really stupid question unless you're a moron... in which case I will tell you right now... Yes there are a LOT of indie games, more then AAA games... A LOT MORE. Now back to things that don't make sense. It doesn't make sense to say "I just wanted to know how to hide giveaways I don't care about" while not asking JUST THAT. It's not just me saying you're complaining... it's everyone who reads this topic and if you didn't want an argument then you shouldn't have replied to me with that offended garbage.
Topic title "Has steamgifts became indieland ?". Yet you claim... "All I wanted to know was how to sort games to find giveaways I want to join faster?" and "I'm not complaining"
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Yeah, you're right, I'm wrong, you definetly didn't fail at making the difference between stating a fact and making a complainment, I should have asked only "I just wanted to know how to hide giveaways I don't care about" to avoid founded assumptions made by logicians.
This is passive agressiveness, see the difference ?
"Until few months ago, there wasn't this problem, there were a lot of giveaways for non-indie games and few for indie games, I could have found all the games I like by page 2 or 3." if after reading this statement you don't see your mistake in "which is a really stupid question unless you're a moron" I really got nothing.
Let's take one of your ideas and break them apart, just for the sake of it: "Has steamgifts became indieland ?" --- pseudo-logical deduction ---> that nigga hates indies. Why ? because he uses the word "indieland". What does that mean ? it's a joke, a reference to being full of indies. Does that mean being bad indies ? Actual logic: no, it technically just means they are many, with basically no real mention of being good or bad. Your logic: yes, because I like to believe so.
Sorry bro, truth hurts.
About your line of thought, yes, I should have only said "I just wanted to know how to hide giveaways I don't care about", I didn't took into account that some people would jump making random assumption, not believeing my mention "I'm not complaining", and they will take that as passive agressiveness.
But this is as much of my fault as it is yours, because you should have realised: there's no point of compliaing getting opportunity for free games even if you don't like them, it's basically free; I wouldn't have achieved anything with making such statement; If I were passive agressive, why would I also say "I'm not complaining".
Overall, I think your job was a lot easier than mine, I had to notice some assumptions made by people taking the part they want to believe in from my post while skiping some logical inconsistencies. You only had to realise that there are a few problems in your reasoning.
But you're going to continue the argument anyway out of pride and because I have provoked you too. Nevertheless, I think I've made my point clear enough already.
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I am so done with you... There are no problems in my reasoning. Everyone in this thread tells you the same thing yet you say everyone else is wrong. Your wording sucked, your arguments suck, your attitude sucks and may you have a good night!
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That's exactly why I made the "not complaining" part
Except that doesn't make a lot of sense. Yes you said you're not complaining yet you are complaining. That's like saying "No offense but..." and then saying something offensive. Just because you say "No offense" it doesn't stop what you're saying from being offensive.
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You replied to the wrong comment since most points were referring to my post, I guess.
Sorry, to break it down to you, but you tried too hard with this one. Way too hard.
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I really don't care if their indie. I find indie games somewhat more enjoyable then AAA titles. Due to the fact you really don't know what you're getting. That being said ,sometimes you get a rotten apple. However, I think there are more than enough good ones to make up for that.
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Simple economy.
People are more inclined to give away cheaper goods. Like Khalaq has stated, SG is the way for people to "place" their unwanted game on a bundle. In my opinion it is not a problem, as after all, those games still have value on them (games that are in bundles are still traded away or sold away) thus giving away a game is still a generous contribution from the creator.
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a main factor is also, that we can't buy cheap russian gifts anymore. i did a lot of non-bundle giveaways here, but since the region lock, it costs so much more money to do that. so i do more bundle games now. if you had asked me a year ago, i would have told you that i don't like giving away bundle games too much. for a time i did more non-bundle than bundle giveaways.
this list (real cv sent) is actually sorted chronologically. you can see how my behaviour changed (less green, more pink) after the region lock. ^^
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What is the difference between Indie and AAA other than budget? this magical barrier you are imagining does not exist. Nowadays indie has become so big, there are all kinds of indie games on the market. Some even look and play better than "AAA"
I bet if I showed you a game, you won't even know the difference!
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I never judge games based on indie / non-indie, what difference would that make ? my only criteria is "Do I enjoy playing the game or not ?". I just happen to like more non-indie games, this doesn't mean I don't like all indie games, personal preference. Yeah, I think I won't be able to tell the difference between some, but not all.
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while there are exceptions, it's generally safe to say that indie games are "smaller" titles most of the time (e.g. super meat boy), while AAA titles are the big ones, whith the big budget (e.g. Witcher 3). Yes, there's Child of Light, which looks like indie, but comes from Ubisoft. And there is Star Citizen, which is bigger than most AAA titles, but could be seen as Indie, since it is not bound to a publisher. But most of the time, indie games are the small low budget titles and AAA games are the big ones.* :)
*that doesn't say anything about quality of gameplay, of course
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I suspect Valve's region locking bullshit has contributed to this.
Thanks, BFG...
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Thanks for telling me about the eye.
Yeah, I know what you mean, but people who make giveaways for people not giving away many games are making so intentionally, because otherwise they would put levels since steamgifts allows it. People who want to give away big games only to those who give away big games are going to put level restrition. It may sound double hypocrite, but I'm simply presenting how the site works, not that is a bad thing, quite the contrary.
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Do what I do.
Add things you want to your Steam wish list, then on here, click giveaways and then Wishlist.
This just shows you GAs That you care about.
Make sure you check the normal GAs occasionally though for the odd gem you may have missed.
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Or you could try turning it around by giving away some premium games yourself.
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There are several browser addons for steamgifts (just search the forum for steamgifts plus, steamgifts enhanced or similar) where you can sort out the games you do not want to see anymore (in your case: Indie games) and even highlight the games you are interested in (AAA games, wishlist games) :)
Also, if you are interested in winning more or better games, you can give away games more often. And then you can join a private giveaway group or giveaways with higher level requirements.
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People with higher contributor levels see better giveaways, because people don't want to give away good games to leechers. Not to mention, look at yourself, why did you give away such cheap indie games and not some good games? Nobody has money to throw away, people don't want to just buy a bunch of 60$ games to give them away, unless they have a reason to do it(karmic belief, just want to feel good about themselves, raising CV, promotions of stuff through big giveaways). This site is here to make giveaways and people don't have a lot to give away unless they have extra copies of games they don't need or want, which wouldn't happen on Steam unless you bought a game for a friend and he didn't want it or bought one of those 4 packs and didn't need the 4th copy. With the new refund policy you can probably return the game you bought as a gift and didn't get to use it. In fact, having a Steam gift is much more valuable than any other kind of key, as you can trade it, so why give away a good game when you can trade it for a ton of keys or other games? Meanwhile a person that bought a humble bundle for one game will have a bunch of keys he doesn't need, whether because he doesn't care about the other games or because he already has them, so the best thing is to give them away so that they wouldn't get wasted for no reason.
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If you want more AAA giveaways, make them yourself. You keep saying that you aren't complaining when you clearly are, just in the annoying passive aggressive manner. Not gonna bother saying more on this; not in the mood and I'm at work and don't need this nonsense.
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If you want more potatoes, make your own farm. You keep saying things that have nothing to do with potatoes when you clearly are asking for potatoes, just in the annoying passive aggressive manner. Not gonna bother saying more on this; not in the mood and I'm at working on my complaining about AAA games skills and don't need this nonsense.
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Look, I just wanted to know how to remove games I don't like from the list to enter only for giveaways I like. Because most games I don't like are indies, some people assumed I hate the fact that indie games are on steamgifts, which I don't.
I had to edit my original post to prevent more judgmental hate, the problem was solved anyway thanks to the community. And I wish to apologize for "fighting back" to people who accused me of bigoting indie games. I may not have broken but it was still a toxic behaviour. I did it mostly because I didn't wanted other people to assume that is the case. But I was wrong. I should have simply said "No, this is not true, I don't hate indie games, and I wasn't compalining" without any side explaination or reason to start a debate. It was childish, immature, unreasonable and shortsighted of me, I apologize again for my behaviour.
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