Just curious what the majority thinks.

5 years ago

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How do you like the new library?

View Results
I love it!
It is better than the old one, but I hope for some updates.
Don't really like it, but I can live with it.
I HATE it!!!

It*s fine πŸ‘ Could use some improvements here n there.
Got bigger issues in life.

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5 years ago

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There's too much memory footprint and bloat.

A more efficient, slim-lined version would have been better. These's an unnecessary lag for waiting for thumbnails of games to load in my library list as I try to scroll through it. Previously, such searching through my library would have minor, ignorable lag. Now I have to wait for exuberant processing to slow down my computer while driving up my electric bill even before I can begin to try to find a game I want to play that was more easily accessed in my library in the past and before I start to play it once it's finally found.

I'm wasting time and electricity before I can play.

How much extra electricity is being wasted while Steam now runs in the background of every Steam gamers' computer on Earth? I'd like the GUI and everything else about the software to approach closer to a zero memory and energy footprint with each new improvement instead of becoming more wasteful and decadant.

5 years ago

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The dramatically increased lag in scrolling through the game list and having to load all the icons into memory is my biggest gripe by far as well. It's especially egregious for those with large libraries.

It has other significant problems as well, but this one alone was a deal-breaker for me personally...and I instantly reverted back to the old UI.

Valve really needs to rethink what they're doing here. A far better approach would have been to bolt on additional functionality into the previous UI imo...in a non-obtrusive & modular manner which the user has full control over.

5 years ago

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These's an unnecessary lag for waiting for thumbnails of games to load in my library list as I try to scroll through it.

This new client downloads every single thumbnail/game cover to \Steam\appcache\librarycache in 600x900, lots of them are around 600 KB so they take for granted that all Steam users install it on an SSD. If you have thousands of games you will have several GB of images in that folder. This is not a client for a low resources computer anymore. Their way of thinking is: "if you play games on a computer then you own the best machine money can buy".

5 years ago

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I don't think I've gotten it yet - but I haven't had steam update in the past week or so, either.

5 years ago

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My potato can't handle it even with the low spec settings that they include in the options :'(

5 years ago

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My only issue is the lack of Expand/Collapse All in the Categories/Collection. I don't know why valve would remove such a useful feature.

5 years ago

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it lags
it has hugeass tiles you can't resize
in the old library you could do it.
more functions!
is it a mere coincidence that ea is back on steam and library looks like origin now?

5 years ago

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is it a mere coincidence that ea is back on steam and library looks like origin now?

Shit, EA really do ruin everything they ever lay their eyes upon! :D

5 years ago

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it has hugeass tiles you can't resize

Maybe it's still too big for you, but settings / library lets you make them fixed small - automatic seems to size them up to medium.

5 years ago

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on 1080p it picks the largest one. i'm actually fine with the smallest option. but the old removed slider would work just fine here.

5 years ago

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Yeah, it kind of reminds me of changing to win 7's office after being used to XP's. Everything is hidden in submenus, and there are new menus and approaches everywhere.

5 years ago

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It's absolute shit. They were trying to emulate Epic's terrible library for no reason when nobody even liked it.

5 years ago

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It’s not bad.

Kinda reminds me of the GOG one

5 years ago

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I like it overall but can't filter games by os

5 years ago

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It's great. No more trash from syndicated piss rags.
I don't care about fancy animation or community content so I'm glad that could be disabled.

5 years ago

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By the way, for those who are as "bright" as me: go to Steam settings, you can make the library elements smaller and disable some unnecessary shit. You can also delete some of the sections of the Steam library or even add your own. It looks slightly better when you customize it a bit πŸ‘

5 years ago

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I just really want the icons on the left gone and have my games in text, it all feels rather cluttered and overwhelming.

5 years ago

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I'd imagine for those who has 500+ installed games it would be useful, I know I like it so far. Also appreciate the filter options according to store tags coughnuditycough. Lets me choose which games to play when I'm bored and don't know which one to fire up.

Edit - I think they'll still add the legacy library option in the future although it should've been an option to begin with.

5 years ago

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It's ok. if they fix the bugs I might like it 🀷

5 years ago

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The thing i hate in the new design is possible spoilers via screenshots.

5 years ago

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As far as the design itself, it's fine, if a bit too cluttered. Less wasted space than the old one, some things are more easily accessible and so on.

But I don't like the bugs, memory leaks and the general memory footprint of it.

5 years ago

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Don't like it at all.

  1. I know I have potato laptop, but with low bandwidth and performance mode I still need to wait for game page to load, and when I leave it in the background for few min whole library just goes black...
  2. I don't like this focus on social crap. Steam client is my way to open my games.
    As others wrote above - I want to see my achievements, my DLCs, my screenshots. And it's all shoved to the side and not easily visible. So most of my games have huge empty center due to no-preload of community content. They should allow us to pick what we want to have there, like with Steam profiles.
  3. They changed game thumbnails from horizontal to vertical. It does make library look like it was designed for tablets and touch screens, not PC screens. Also many devs do not care to upload new images for long dropped games so it looks ugly.
  4. There is this one nice thing of highlighting if game is SP, MP, co-op etc... what for when it's not visible when game has bright background? As those are white icons without any background border?
  5. You have those "community hub" "guides" etc tabs on top. IMO they should just open content in social-space. Not open new window. Esp in case of guides...
  6. If I have no cards left to drop this showcase should be hidden or just show one line with actual badge level. Now on all pages I have big box with grayed out card images.

So give ability to customize content so I can have:

  1. My achievements.
  2. My screenshots
  3. DLCs
  4. Friends who played

And I will be happy.

5 years ago

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So, the old UI? Since it got 1, 2, 3 AND 4 easily accessible.

5 years ago

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Yes. They basically moved from my-library focus to big-event-advertisement-place-for-devs.

5 years ago

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Didn't even noticed the thumbnails, but holy moly it looks very awkward... (attachment 1)
Also I just had to restart steam because the library literally became unresponsible - I could check and browse the store, but couldn't select a game from the library. Let's just say there is room for improvement :D lotsa room (attachment 2)
I still like the general look/idea but execution is pretty ghastly at many points.

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5 years ago

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1st link is broken and can't see source image on mobile

5 years ago

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That is weird, the first one is an imgur png o.O anyway, it's just a pic of 3-4 faulty thumbnails for people who didn't check thumbnails like me (before you said how bad they are)
https://i.imgur.com/QXA5t53.png and

5 years ago*

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Where's potato option?

5 years ago

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I don't hate it, definitely prefer the old one, but I also participated in the beta and was too lazy to change it back. Now that the option's gone, I do miss the old library.

5 years ago

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i fckn hate it. sooo mad

5 years ago

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I suppose I should reserve judgement until I learn more about the new library and how to modify it.

5 years ago

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It's terrible. Why do I need a giant banner at the top of the page taking up a third of the screen? There is so much clutter too. The activity thing is useless since we already have a dedicated page for that. Same with the trading cards box. I guess it's time to check out GoG Galaxy 2 instead.

5 years ago

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I dont even know what games i have anymore. Pretty cool Volvo.

5 years ago

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Finally they fix the render glitch in the library, now when i back to my library from forums or community i dont need to move the cursor over the screen to "force" the render, this fix is now in the beta, im still waiting for the upload screenshots window that should appear after exiting a game.

The best thing Valve can do is give us the option to choose between the old UI and this new one that made my library looks like facebook with all those community and friend stuff.

5 years ago

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im still waiting for the upload screenshots window that should appear after exiting a game.

Oh damn, I just realized that was missing, too. Took some screenies playing Chaosbane, and it doesn't pop up.

5 years ago

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It is a disappointment, while the new UI was in beta, after the last update, was when this began to occur. Which means (almost certainly) that it is that version that they did not force to use.

5 years ago

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I Looove it! I just want them to add the "Horror" tag. EDIT: i found out you could add any tag, very convenient!

5 years ago*

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