For me it's climbing. Any kind - on the rock or in the gym, with or without rope (not free solo - just bouldering;))
From the first second on the wall I forget everything else around me. Furthermore its a full body training, which is a nice side effect ;)
Good luck with your garage sale and get well (hope that's how you say it ... just realized that I never hat to say something like that in english ...)
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Great hobby, I don't know many people with that one! Keeps you fit and helps you clear your mind.
Thank you! Yes, that's correct. Get Well is for someone who is sick. Sadly, my sickness might be forever, but I'll wait and see!
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I absolutely love watching TV and movies. I'm a big cinephile, especially as when I'm too sick, I can sit easily and watch and amazing show. Netflix is one of my favourite modern technologies.
I'm not really a strong swimmer (only learned at 18), but have great respect for those who are, I'd love to get better at it!
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For me, fishing. my dad got me started ever since I could walk. He would catch something small then hand me the pole and I'd take off walking (didn't understand how to reel yet) until I dragged a fish in lol
Now since I live on the Delaware River, that's where o end up doing most of my fishing, but I strongly prefer lake or pond fishing. Less current to worry about carrying your bait under a rock or getting you snagged somehow xD
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I went fishing with my dad when younger too, but I felt too bad for the fish so I didn't take it up as a hobby, haha! It's always good to be able to feed yourself though and it takes a physical skill to do, so it's definitely a great hobby! Having an outdoor hobby is always handy, as gamers we spend a lot of times indoors, but nature is a great way to clear your head.
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I absolutely love the outdoors lol My dad really encouraged any outdoor interest I had, like camping and hiking but I don't get to do those nearly as often as I'd like. But fishing is literally the most relaxing thing I can think of doing when I get stressed out or need to clear my head
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As long as you enjoy it! However, if you ever feel like branching out, there's a lot of amazing hobbies and interests out there. It always surprises me how much there is to do, my problem is I want to try everything all at once.
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It's not wasting your time if you're having fun! That being said, creating something is a feeling that can't be compared, really. I love to make art, even if it's not very good, it's very soothing to be creative!
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Ah I don't mean wasting in a bad sense, I've just come to see that most people I know can't fathom how I can spend so many hours in front of the computer haha XD I call it wasting because it's not productive per se but I still have fun!
And yes, creativity is lots of fun. Even trying out new stuff :D
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People certainly struggle to understand the gaming life that's for sure! But then, I've had people be confused at literally everything I do, even normal things like painting or other hobbies. People can be very unimaginative sometimes!
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In that sense I am glad that the internet is such a big place, it's so much easier to find like-minded people because they'll tend to hang out in similar venues, as opposed to looking for them at local hangouts XD
And it's also easier to find local-ish people over the internet, that's for sure XD
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I totally agree! I met my partner over the internet from a continent away, I always joke I had to go to Canada to find someone has weird as me, hehe.
I'm not much of a 'bar or club' person though and I don't drink so meeting people can be hard in those instances.
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thats all
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Sounds like you have a lot going on in your life! I too am partial too redheads, but since I'm married, everybody else must enjoy them for me :P
I really miss my job, It's great meeting a lot of people and having (as you said) those pointless conversations. I like the ones that get really deep and complex.
You never know if you'll enjoy something until you try it, so I think it's great you do so many different things, I'm envious of your mechanical skills, I'm clueless about cars!
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gym, fishing ( was earlier, now no mood for that).
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I frickin' love photography! I'm an amateur photographer myself (just with a phone since I can't afford a fancy camera, but I still really enjoy it).
What's your fave type of things to photograph!?
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I always admired professional photographers' work, whether portraits or architecture, nature, etc. The more I look at professional work, the more I hate my own ;-) I generally take architecture, cityscapes, nature etc. I haven't had the time to do it over the last year or so.
How about yourself?
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Yeah, I guess it's natural to think like that. Especially when comparing to pros with the best equipment, and plenty of time to do it!
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I feel totally the same way. Especially if it's a 'bad shot', but I think that's because of that thing were your 'eye' is more trained than your ability, so it always looks rubbish.
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Mostly the same! Since I haven't been able to get out it's difficult to take any shots at all and I feel like a lot of my stuff is unimaginative. I'd love to take more pictures of people, but my partner is super shy and has no self-confidence and it's hard to find volunteers. I don't know that it'll ever be more than a hobby, but when I have energy and manage to get a somewhat cool shot, it feels pretty good.
Comparing ourselves to professionals will always look terrible. But then I recently learned a lot of professionals do a lot of afterwork on the pictures. While I edit, I don't really like shopping in elements that aren't there, I prefer photography that enhances what the eye sees naturally through editing, without adding elements. To each their own though, it's just not my thing!
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I always think I'll just play with my cats casually while watching TV or something, but they're so cute I get caught up in it totally. :3
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Cuuuute. I like the idea of birds, but I have cats ^_^;
I also love dogs!
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Aikido, reading books and comic books; maybe I will come back to playing paper RPG's...
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Aikido is a really interesting and unique hobby, did you find it difficult to learn!? I find it's hard to find a good group to play paper RPG's with.
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Aikido is very hard, because techniques are complex. Good thing there are made with natural body moves, so it's quite easy to start practise at any age. RPG stuff - I have a group, but I'm taking break for now - kind of tired with RPG's right now...
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It's a really cool thing to learn and will help increase fitness too, I always wanted to study a martial art, but as a big person I felt awkward. I wish I'd just done it when I was younger instead of being shy/self-conscious.
It's good to try new things, you can always go back when you're feeling it!
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My hobbies all soft of blend into each other.
I like watching anime and reading manga.
That fuels my other hobbies of writing and drawing.
I literally become obsessed with finding interesting drawing poses and unique forms that I pause the stuff I watch frequently to take a screenshot to study later, or save clips of fight scenes or cool ideas hoping they inspire my own writing creativity to flow.
Maybe I should get another hobby... XD
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Anytime I try and draw from TV, I end up needing to pause because I'm not talented enough to sketch movement/flows or stuff as it moves. It can be really cool to draw for sources of inspiration, I sometimes take my own photos and draw from them too, then my reference is 'unique'.
Hey, as long as you're having fun, no need! Though sometimes I have to remind myself to stop doing 12 things at once and just enjoy a show once in while!
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No hobbies outside of gaming, but there's so much to do I wouldn't have much time for anything else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Besides "just playing games" I like maxing out the achievements, watching let's plays and streams, running my own YT channel, reading articles, reviews, interviews, game development blogs, searching for hidden indie gems, trading for wishlisted titles and talking about all of this stuff on SG or various Discord servers :)
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Sounds like you're pretty heavily into gaming. There's so much to do when you immerse yourself in a hobby. I'm more of the kind of person who flits from hobby to hobby so I rarely get that 'immersed' in-depth knowledge and feelings about something, but maybe when I'm older I'll stick more to one thing.
Sounds like a lot of fun! I don't watch or stream myself, but I have a lot of admiration for those who do!
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Outside of gaming, my main hobbies are athletic - mountain biking, tennis, rock climbing. But my favorite is downhill skiing.
I got started in 7th or 8th grade - my school had a ski club program, and though I didn't want to go because I was incredibly shy, my mother signed me up and made me go. My instructed was terrible - some kid that didn't care - and I was quickly left to figure out skiing on my own. Going down the hill was a tremendous thrill, but I didn't know how to slow down or stop or turn, so every run would end with me crashing into the fence at the bottom of the trail. But from observing other skiers on my way up the hill, I thought I figured out that they were twisting their hips and legs to stop (no, not really), and I tried that on my final run of the night. Even though it wasn't correct, it worked, and I finally managed to stop without hitting the fence. It was a great feeling of accomplishment, and I've loved skiing ever since.
Unfortunately, I later moved to an area far from any ski resorts, and life's responsibilities have kept me away from other athletic pursuits for the past several years. But I did get to coach a soccer team - which reminded me that I love soccer and should try to find a local club to play with in the future - and I did get to go skiing for the first time in five years - which let me know that I still remember how to ski and that I still absolutely love skiing. Will have to get some snow tires and do some more skiing in the coming winter.
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That's a great combination, as you can stay fit as well as enjoying games and more sedentary pursuits. All of my pursuits are sedentary, so I definitely need to work more on the athletic/fitness side of things.
It's tough when you live far from the things you enjoy, as an immigrant I know that feeling far too well, I hope you're able to do some more skiing and find more things you love that much!
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You know those all wood sailing ships like youd see in a museum? Yeah I enjoy building them, I start with a kit but usually wind up making all the planks and peices from scratch beccause the kit parts just arent good enough. Im a perfectionist :P
I dont get much time for it though, I too am not very healthy and Im always behind on getting things done. On the days I do feel ok Im working fixing things around the house and fixing the families cars. Being handy kinda sucks lol
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Scale models, some are kind of big but I try to stay below say 3 feet long/ tall . Its tons of parts but relaxing :)
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That sounds amazing, if you have any photos, feel free to show us! I love that kind of stuff, but I'm super clumsy so anything involving dexterity just usually leads to me dropping things again and again ^_^;
The upside of being handy is you'll always be able to do projects for yourself one day when you are feeling better. Struggling with health sucks, because it's frustrating having a limited amount of energy, but hoping it will improve for both of us one day!
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I have a friend who's a big Sanderson fan and I enjoyed the one of his books I read. Sadly I'm not able to read well anymore, my brain isn't handling blocks of text very well at the moment. It's one of the saddest things for me, because I've always been a voracious reader, it's a great way to educate yourself and enjoy yourself while feeding that love of fantasy and adventure.
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Reading, collecting manga and drawing. I've loved reading manga since I was a kid, it led to loving drawing and that love grew as I grow up. Now that I'm an adult with money I'm collecting manga too. These days I love gaming a lot but manga will always be my big love, and art is basically my career (graphic design).
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Very cool and very similar to my hobbies from a few years ago! I was never much good at drawing, but always really enjoyed art. What's your current fave manga? My problem with my manga collection was that by the time I could afford them they stopped printing the later issues, especially with the rarer less mainstream ones I enjoyed!
If you have a link to any of your art places, I'd love to check it out!
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I suppose that staring at a blank wall all day could be considered a hobby?
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I've been there. It's not what I'd call fun though D:
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Lawn bowling, or ten pin? :P Enjoy all of those myself!
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Aside from basic stuff like reading books, watching movies and TV shows and listening to music, cross-stitching is one of my hobbies. I've got horrible amounts of free time, it's pathetic.
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Cross-stitching is a lot of fun, I used to do it when I was younger but sort of fell out of the habit, it's easy to branch out to embroidery as well, if you're looking for more ways to express yourself in the stitching arena. I basically can't work right now and yet I feel like I never have any free time. I think it's cause I feel so guilty I end up doing a lot of busy work at home anyway. ^_^;
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Well done you! I'm envious of people who can play an instrument. I have no rhythm or dexterity.
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Which kind of historical fencing do you train? I train longsword fencing and I'm also from Poland, so there is a small chance that we actually go to the same club :)
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Ja trenuję z ARMĄ w Warszawie (też ostatnio trochę nie chodziłam :P). Zawsze miło trafić na inną miłośniczkę miecza długiego w przepastnym internecie :)
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Great hobbies! I always wonder how you even get into's kind of a strange one, but very interesting. If you put your art anywhere online, feel free to link it and I'll have a look, I'm a big art fan!
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I've been a bit busy lately and not here as much as I'd like. The reason? Well, I'm preparing for a Garage Sale this weekend and those of you who've read my previous threads (or comments) know my health issues are not good, so that takes all of my energy and has been causing quite a bit of stress. No worries though, but after this weekend I'll have a bit more energy to spare.
However, I'm taking a break to bring another discussion thread. Feel free to comment, reply to others and generally have a fun, interactive time!
What's one of your main hobbies other than gaming? What do you enjoy about it and how did you get started, absolutely feel free to ramble!
For me, anything creative is of interest, though I'm not naturally good at that stuff and am quite clumsy and un-dextrous. I've always been fascinated by all kinds of art, sculpting and creating of any kind. For me, seeing the amazing things humans can come up with in their creative pursuits is truly incredible.
What about you?
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