This looks like just about the only MMO I was interested in why do they have to be so friggin greedy?

MMOs should either have a one time purchase fee like guild wars, or have a subscription base fee, why both?

Will you buy it at this price? I don't think I will simply because this WoW payment module is pissing me off.

Anyone played the beta? Does it actually resemble skyrim and such gameplay wise?


They'll try to milk you with microtransactions too - source

TL;DR - Elder Scrolls Online will cost $60 to buy, plus $15 every month and will have microtransactions aswell.
Plus this whole 'Imperial edition' day one race DLC bullcrap, guh!

11 years ago*

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True shit, won't buy it.. no way.

11 years ago

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Well, step by step this will turn out and convert to another F2P less than a year like APB, Rift and so on, so I will wait. Or maybe they will take out the subscription fee like The Secret World.

11 years ago

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Either way the game is going to be shit. The Beta was already horrid, I can only imagine how crap the final version will be.

11 years ago

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Actually, the BETA is really great. I really enjoy the game, and even though it is not like Skyrim, you just need to learn what a MMORPG trully is...

11 years ago

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I have TSW and it's awesome!

11 years ago

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that might be true. but its subscription model wasnt^^

11 years ago

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i have been in beta about 5 times after about 3 hours each time i go play skyrim instead

11 years ago

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But i only bought it in the last sales, so it's okay!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I'm not talking about Guild Wars.

11 years ago

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i lold at GW rulez :D

11 years ago

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Only Guild Wars 1, the 2nd was a terrible game... D:

11 years ago

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I suspect it'll end up like Defiance and Guild Wars and what-not... doubt it'll actually become free.

11 years ago

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That'd be preferred.

11 years ago

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Yeah... I mean, it'd be cool if it actually did go FREE to play, but I hope it's not so horrible they are forced to make that decision.

11 years ago

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WoW all over again.

11 years ago

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yep, going with blizzards business model was foolish, i love elder scrolls but i hope this game flops, just wait til the expansions start releasing at 30 and 40 bucks a pop. Just like i did with blizzard im boycotting them now, wont pay for anything that comes from them again.

11 years ago

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You can not access all races unless you but the COLLECTORS edition. It's the only one that gives you access to Imperial race...uber shit,,,

11 years ago

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ithey rly did this bad?? can't belive how Behtesda falls down...

11 years ago

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If anyone wants a beta key do my quiz http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/vfqP7MQ6

10 years ago

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No chance. I was unlikely to buy it with a subscription fee, but with such a hefty base fee as well then no way. Not any time soon, at least.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Yeah it sounds like they are over estimating their hype.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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How did this get over 8 million views? fuck my life

11 years ago

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Becuase people link it all the time of course :P

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Hang on let me add another view... There.

11 years ago

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Im out of it, surely.

11 years ago

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It plays like a generic mmo. Pretty boring to be honest.

11 years ago

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Well they just lost another potential customer...

There's no way I'm going to buy a game at full "current" game price and then pay another $15 a month to play it...

The price of this game should be one or the other, not both...

11 years ago

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Give it 6 months and it'll be free like the star wars one.
I dont have a problem with buying games, I dont have a problem with subscriptions, however they can diaf if they try to charge for both.

11 years ago

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Max one year!

11 years ago

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Max one ear!

11 years ago

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But what if you have two ears? D:

11 years ago

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Then you get to use the other one as payment when TESO: II comes out.

11 years ago

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Bethesda hates stereo sound.

11 years ago

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Sam one ear!

11 years ago

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So... How about WoW?

11 years ago

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What about it?

11 years ago

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Exactly his point.

11 years ago

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His point is "How about WoW?"

That's not a point.

11 years ago

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His point was to point out that WoW requires both a subscription fee and a base game fee(although it's significantly lower than the price of ESO).

11 years ago

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Not really.
WoW + all expansions = price of full retail game.
WoW without all expansions = gimped mess where you hit level cap in less than a week and then have nothing else to do because everything is designed around the current expansion's end-game level cap.

11 years ago

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Well, currently only talking about just base game by itself but adding expansion packs into the mix is also an idea. It's still to be seen if ESO will have expansions or not. :/

11 years ago

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Uhh.. it looks cool and all but the whole subscription thing puts me off :<

11 years ago

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They've always been completely up front about it. Whether you agree with it or not, there's no reason for the hand-waving-flip-outtery

11 years ago

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They have? for the longest time I've heard they're not sure about the payment method.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I guess I stopped reading blogs about Elder Scrolls around that time :P

11 years ago

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Other than to try and get other gamers to see the light, so we can get the Distributors to stop trying to molest our wallets. People that ignore the logic on this type of thing is why the companies are doing it. If the people are willing to pay em, why not keep ripping them off? You can call that hand waving, I prefer to call it boycotting.

11 years ago

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Exactly! Same reasons why I don't buy early access (no prob with support, but they used to pay YOU to do that aka game testing), even though some of these games look cool i preffer to have my wallet not being raped every month after putting out big time!

11 years ago

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Regarding the early access statement: A lot of the time, buying the game during Early Access is cheaper than buying the game when it hits retail. Consider the difference as them "paying you" for being a alpha/beta. :p

Ex. Buying Arma3 Alpha for $32 -alphaprocess-> Retail $60. I technically got paid for about $28...lolz

11 years ago

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If someone consider $15/month "molesting your wallet" then that person needs to consider getting a better job/career, or perhaps mow an extra lawn (or shovel an extra driveway or two) each month to cover the cost.

Money isn't that hard to come by--go do some manual labor for 1-2 hours and boom, you get to have fun in a game you want to play for an entire month. Sounds like a completely reasonable trade-off to me, so much so that I used to fix 1-2 computers a month on the side just so I could buy new games as they came out and subscribe to whatever MMO-of-the-month I was playing.

11 years ago

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Where can you earn that much in an hour? I'd genuinely like to know.

11 years ago

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He says 1-2 hours. Minimum wage in NA is about $7-8 I believe.

11 years ago

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I don't mind paying 15 bucks a month for a game, I DO mind being told to pay 60 bucks for something that is basically useless without paying that 15 bucks a month. There is no way in hell a game client is worth 60 bucks. Regardless of that, who says I'd be having fun? I got into was Guild wars, for a while and RS, as well, until it started sucking so bad. Mow lawns, my ass, I make more as a chef! I am sick of the online attitude of people that play mmo's, shovel snow.. pfft. Whatever you might think, it has nothing to do with whether I can afford it, as much as I think it's a rip off for what it is.

11 years ago

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such comment, much wow.

11 years ago

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The monthly pay thing was known since the beginning.

The Beta/Betas had an NDA.

11 years ago

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Whats NDA got to do with this though?
I remember reading on blogs and such they were not sure about the payment method. Odd you're saying it was known since the beginning.

11 years ago

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Can't give ya any info about the beta or the combat etc.

11 years ago

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Are you all 14 years old? $15 is a goddamn hour of work

11 years ago

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So you are fine with paying hundreds of dollars to play average games if you pay in small chunks?

11 years ago

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WoW, EVE and many others have been very successful with the subscription model. I'd rather have that than have a pay-to-win type model like most "free" MMOs

11 years ago

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I preffer neither, if people keep letting companies see we don't give enough of a crap about our wallet they'll keep charging us as much goddamn money as they want

11 years ago

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You must be joking, you do know that much of the EVE community pays with PLEX and not real money right?

11 years ago

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dude, its 2014....

11 years ago

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Depends on your work. And depends if you have other debts.

11 years ago

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3.5h for me.

11 years ago

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5h for me. But to be frank, even if it was $0.01 per year, i would still not pay it ;)

11 years ago

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same here.

11 years ago

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Ah, the Humble Bundle generation has arrived. :P

11 years ago

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despicable right? lol for shame :P

11 years ago

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Its about 45 minutes of work for me. I have no interest in the game but have no problem paying subscription fees for a decent mmo

11 years ago

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i would like to work there in hungary where i get 15$ for a hour of work -.-'

11 years ago

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lel da fuck are you talking about in hungary you get 1$ or 1.5$ for an hour of work, also the top commenter is an idiot

11 years ago

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are you aware of the fact that there are places on earth where it's 3 hours of work, still the standard of living is the same?

11 years ago

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Or 1$/day and only counting work days.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I think you forget that the whole Internet is not America.

11 years ago

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He's french.

11 years ago

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Most retarded comment JAN-2014 award goes to...

11 years ago

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It's not like I care about the game anyway since the majority of the beta testers are saying the game is a pile of crap,in the end you guys are saving money by not buying a bad game,isn't that cool?

11 years ago

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Where?! At shine the King's silverware with your minty breath Inc. ?!

11 years ago

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Money is not the issue here, it is a matter of principle, which you lack. Pay 60 dollars to even get the game, and then you have to keep paying 15 dollars a month? That is the real issue. If it was buy2play, it would've been more acceptable but this shit they're trying to pull here is just ridiculous.

11 years ago

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+MAX, it is never about being affordable or not.

11 years ago

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With this strategy, they're really just milking it for all its worth. You're paying the price of any other new AAA game, and you still need to pay a monthly sub for it. I've heard people defend this payment scheme saying it prevents servers getting overloaded and such, but take WoW for instance, it really doesn't help at all - plus Blizzard is still milking WoW after all these years. It's just a dirty way to do things, in my opinion.

11 years ago

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Milking? Why the hell would they go F2P or stop releasing additional content when there are millions of people playing that damn game and it is making them tons of money? Everyone is happy.

11 years ago

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Well because they've probably made their money many times over and the game is old? I'm not saying WoW should shut down their servers, but it's inevitably going to happen one of these days, whether or not it goes F2P or not.

11 years ago

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That's my point "it's inevitably going to happen" have been people claiming since TBC.

11 years ago

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You're a douche

11 years ago

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Ehm, ehm. The point what you get for your money? $15/month for MMO was ok-ish like five years ago. Why not now? What has changed? The value of games is way lower. Look at all these deals. MP3, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Dark Souls, etc. all under $10.

11 years ago

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Eh wut?
Two years later, you compare prices to release titles? And for the 15$, thats a recurring fee. Did your TV/internet access get cheaper over the years, just like that?

11 years ago

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Don't have TV so no idea about that but yes, my internet access is much cheaper than it was couple years ago ($15 for 22 Mbps, no FUP, used to pay way more not that long ago). The point is, games are way cheaper nowadays when they were like five years ago (when $15 monthly compared to price of newly released games was almost nothing).

11 years ago

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But it didn't get cheaper just like that, you changed the provider or your option.
Plus, inflation. Money is worth less than back then so keeping the price tag already implies a reduction.
And, stick your humble trip attitude somewhere. Sounds like you're going to the supermarket to buy groceries and say "I'll only pay 0.1$ for all of those".

11 years ago

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I haven't change provider or any option, it did get cheaper just like that. And not once I have mentioned bundled games or any indie games. And again, your analogy (groceries) is very poor. Check prices of games when they are released+ price after two or three months and check it against the games five years ago.

11 years ago

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Bioshock Inf and Tomb Raider released in March of 2013...not even 1 year yet. The prices both dropped down about half a year after its release.

11 years ago

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You people just deserve to get more milked down EA trash. This bundle bullshit is gonna kill the industry more than majors ever could.

11 years ago

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I never said anything about bundles. Snooze was talking about how the prices of those AAA games dropped to the single digits and you said that he was comparing games that were released two years ago to newly released titles. I just felt fit to inform you that the BI and TR had been only released for about 10 months to date and had price drops way earlier.

11 years ago

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Oh shut up! Most people here in Bulgaria get this ammount for a whole day of work.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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plus you can see it costs $60 on gamersgate pre-order

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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its also on greenmangaming for $60 + there is an Imperial Edition for $80

11 years ago

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there is 25% off voucher on gmg for TESO

11 years ago

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Honestly I would say don't worry about it, every MMO does this at the start thinking their going to be in the money. Then they find out that unless you're WOW there's no way people will pay a subscription fee. I really hope I'm right about this, because if its got such a large price like that, I won't even bother googling it to see if its potentially worth playing. Cheers for the info though!!

11 years ago

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EVE is still around and relatively successful. Plus, free expansions is nice.

11 years ago

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Thats pretty surprising, looked it up then and they do seem to have a paid subscription based. I'm hoping its going to go the way of SWTOR where it became sorta free so far. I would be interested to see how well EVE is doing and whether this model works for them although they do seem to be in the money.

11 years ago

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Well eve has been operating for 10 years now with a subscription model so they must be doing alright if the game is still up and running and the devs are releasing free expansions

11 years ago

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in EVE you can buy the subscription "token" (or whatver it's called there) with in-game currency, so if you are good at the game, and spent time, and effort on it it has no subscription fee.
Also the economical, and fight simulator in that game is very unique, and the fact that you can easily make real money in that game (after a lot of time, experience, and if you are with the same mentality+skill people) is a very big plus compared to any MMO.

11 years ago

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I am 17 and I need to use my money wisely,so I am not going to pay that kind of money for game

11 years ago

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Exact same case here, was kinda looking forward to some Elder Scrolls since i got inducted by skyrim, but this isn't worth it, I bargain hunt for games enough as it is!

11 years ago

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Meanwhile Gaben makes millions with cosmetic items in his free2play games... every month

11 years ago

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Don't worry, cosmetic items for $100 will also be included.

11 years ago

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Great! I'm sure, that people will enjoy the horse amor packs.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I don't believe any online game has a chance with a (only) subscription model nowadays. The only one still can do this is WoW and just because it's established over the years because it was the first big/popular one.

Nowadays there are too many (free) ones to chose of and because of that there are too few people who wanna pay monthly for something like this. A free base with some optional stuff you have to pay for is the way to go now because there are always some people who are willing to pay for every crap and on those players the game survives financially and on the free players the game survives in the populated part.

11 years ago

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WoW is only sucessfull, because the people playing it are "too dumb to other games". WoW now is basically what console to a shooter is. Made for the intellectual capabilities of a retarded 6y old.

11 years ago

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Better to be dumb than be a judgmental prick eh?

11 years ago

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Who says they can't be both!

11 years ago

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just because you entitle me as "judgemental" my statement still stands true. Also, why do a lot of people have theese agressive cry attacks, when they feel like someone judged them?

11 years ago

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Your statement is nothing more than an opinion that is insulting millions of people.

11 years ago

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Well, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't do anything that when presented to me would make me feel ashemed, or insulted about.
Also it's my opinion, based on facts, that if you play that game -which I guess you do- can see for yourself.

11 years ago

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You haven't said any facts at all. You're just spouting nonsense and claiming it as facts.

11 years ago

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No keys, attunements, prequests, or any actual knowledge is needed to acces, and beat them actual content, talking about 5man and raid as well. They added various ingame helper addons, because most of the people were unable to get the outside of the game, because downloading, and ctrl c+v is out of the reach.
The raid boss encounters are getting easier, and more uninspired with every expansion. You are getting basically free items from raid bosses which were ment to be challenging, and hard.
The raid finder tool allows you to beat the WHOLE actual raid content with absolutely no intellectual effort, you don't even have to interact with the other players, you don't have to communicate. The in-game addons, the reduced boss health+damage+abilities eliminate every possible challenge you might've faced.
Instead of actual worthwile content they gave "pet battle". They aliminated even the slightest bit of creativity from the talent trees, made them into: "chose the only usable one from 3 possibility each tier, omg so reworked, wow much creativity".
There are no longer any setup needed, because they gave the same abilities to multiple classes with different names.
No need to plan ahead, no need to accomplish anything, no need for human interaction. You log in, click on "gief item plz" button, you go through the dungeon, and have the item.

And if you have any connection to that game, you KNOW this.

11 years ago

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Okay, now see, that's something useful, something to discuss that's more than what you said before. Keep at that. I'll let someone who actually plays the game and knows what the hell you just said reply though. :D

11 years ago

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Ok jade, I will have to step up as the devil attorney

Yeah, biased opinion of an elitist snowflake.

I’m not 100% happy about some design changes concerning WoW, but I’m not spurting nonsense with clearly personal options about “what this game should be”.

The talent tree simplification? Better have meaningful choices about what spell you want to take than level up just to put one point to a 1% damage talent. Ok, a bit more freedom don’t hurt, but it isn’t hard to see the old talent trees are mostly for cookie cutter builds and now we finally can use abilities more tailored for a fight without respeccing everything.

Hard bosses? Dou you even beat Heroic Lei Shen? Heroic Garrosh? Damn, the bosses are harder than even since Cataclysm (H Rag is one of best encounters ever made) , if you think Blizzard is giving “free loot” you clearly didn’t fight against the same bosses as me. Ofc, the normal raid content at tbc and wrath are WAY harder than LFR and even normal modes, but there isn’t where the challenge is. If you want to fight hard bosses, well, you can do Heroics. If you are willing to do this you need to “plan ahead and have human interaction”, and you are bothered by casuals getting items, well you weren’t at the top of the pack at all.

You can have challenging content and accessible content, they aren’t mutually exclusive y’know? You don’t even need to play with the casuals if you compromise yourself in a big raiding guild

You don’t deserve to whine, you are just justifying yourself to feel special about that time you raided and visited elitist jerks to use the same cookie cutter builds and gems and enchants than the “big boys” and don’t want anyone of the so called “scrubs” to enjoy the game too.

11 years ago

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I never used EJ, I have a working brain, and can understand different stats, and how thoose impact the character. I don't want to feel special, not from a computer game anyways.
Also, I don't care, who accesses what. The HC content is nice, and it's a real challenge, but 95% of the player base won't see it, and it's not a new thing, either. If you still deny that game's focus is the biggest audience, who doesn't want any challenge at all, and doesn't want even the slightest human interaction (in a MULTIPLAYER game) than you are the typical "omg wow so good" passive-agressive person. Just look at any site/article talking about wow, you will find a lots of thosse.
Sure, there were/are some good changes, comfortable functions, but that really doesn't make up for turning the casual side of the game into a click-and-win or whatever I should call it, thing.
But, whatever the topic is about TESO, and I won't change any still-just-the-wow fan's opinion, and maybe that's how it should be.

11 years ago

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Agreed ^, WoW is nothing special

11 years ago

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im playing WoW right now while reading this, your dumb v__v

11 years ago

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I enjoy World of Warcraft and I find this bias and offensive. Despite the fact that I quit the game midsummer of last year, I defend it adamantly.

11 years ago

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Depends, todays WoW is complete casual shit, at TBC and classic it was hardcore raiding game.

11 years ago

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Depends what you call hardcore raiding :)

11 years ago

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Classic naxx and wotlk naxx, guess which one was "hardcore" ?

11 years ago

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That one example. Raiding in vanilla was horrible and I would never ever want to experience again. TBC was done well but still very time consuming (I'm talking here about 4-5 times a week raiding). IC HC was HC, no matter what people say (check statistic, not many people finished it in its time).

11 years ago

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I agree that I don't think any MMORPG could get away with a subscription model anymore, but WoW wasn't the first big and/or popular one. Ultima was a big deal, and Everquest was absolutely huge (and those were both during the days of predominantly dial-up connections). WoW had the fortune of coming along with an established IP at a time when a bunch of people were dissatisfied with the state of EQ, and the spreading of high-speed internet allowed WoW more latitude.

11 years ago

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On one hand you saying Ultima and Everquest were a big deal, but on the other hand you admitting it was during the days of dial-up connections which means that yes they were big around those nerds who were already online but the amount of people who were already online was alot smaller compared to today or '2004 numbers.

Therefore WoW was still the first big/popular online game for the masses not just for some nerds donw in some basement listening to the shrieks of their good old dial-up modem ^^

11 years ago

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Will not play for that price for monthly fees.

11 years ago

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That's the price for subscription-based MMORPG entry. It's not unusual.

That being said, I'll need to try a demo and see some post-launch gameplay videos before I can say if I'll buy it or not.

11 years ago

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WoW ranges from 20-80 dollars depending on what expansions you get if I remember correctly.

11 years ago

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Lots of people in comments on YT keep saying it's the most boring thing they've ever played. Lots of people thumb up their comments and agree in replies.

11 years ago

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Youtube comments. Seriously?

11 years ago

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Yeah. Cause that's probably where I watch TES:O trailers and gameplays. It's just people's opinions, why does it matter if it's YT?

11 years ago

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Because the average YT comment is intellectual sediment. :|

11 years ago

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Yeah I know that. But it's just people's opinion...

11 years ago

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I played during the stress test, and I was really disappointed. The world felt empty and the combat was far from interesting (there's no animation/particules when you hit a monster). I'm definitely not looking forward to it, I'll just wait for it to go F2P, as it will probably be in a few months/

11 years ago

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Well, there's zero difference to competitors, then.

Oh, and don't mention blunder wars 2 as a difference, they deliver zero content unless it's cash shop, so I'll gladly pay a sub if it's worth it.

That being said, the game needs at least three months so I can judge if it's gonna be worth it. As of the last beta, I don't think so.

11 years ago

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What the hell are you talking about? They add new content each month for no charge and if you rly can't live without the cosmetic crap just make money ingame and trade it for cash shop currency. While i do understand people that got bored of the game and/or it's performance issues quickly, i'm one of them, there's no reason to spout bullshit about it.

11 years ago

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It's what you call content. It's what I call "click three NPCs hear meaningless blabber in a shitty cutscene and that's it". Oh, and more levels for a shitty endless dungeon with zero fun but a nice grind in it. Maximum swag there.

11 years ago

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So because you don't like it, it does not qualify as "free new content"? I love your logic.

11 years ago

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Exactly. I don't play it because it's shite, hence they don't deliver, so the B2P model has failed.

11 years ago

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So because YOU don't like it, it means the game has failed and the B2P model is shit? Like i said above gotta love your logic and sense of entitlement.

You paid 60$(i doubt it since it got cheap rly fast but w/e), you got a very large game, events, bla bla bla, new content every month for free, you're not gimped in any way by the item shop and the game will probably get a paid expansion this year. I don't get how you can say the model failed? They give you all this stuff for the price of an AAA game which you play for 20-30 hours(at best) and never touch again, with no extra sub or anything. Last time i checked all servers were still High/Full so i guess people are just stupid and you know best.

11 years ago

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Exactly. Or are you dumb enough to judge a game by all means you won't ever touch?
If I was a horde player and they added one dungeon and set after another for 12 months, alliance only, it would mean the game had nothing to offer and the sub was wasted for a whole 12 months.

11 years ago

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But that was exactly my point, you make no sense, you can go back and play it whenever the hell you want, you're not paying a sub for it, you don't like the current content come back in 12 months and see what changed, you got more than enough content for the money you paid. Just because YOU don't like it does not mean B2P has failed in any way.

11 years ago

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The content might not be that great but still its something new that can give you fun for few hours every 2 weeks.A lot of my friends in-game dislike the current LS with Scarlett but we do it.With last update 2 new bosses appear...Now if you prefer wvw its normal to call it shit.
And also B2P model of Guild Wars and GW2 prooves that you are wrong since both games are being played(GW1 is automated atm,all hands on GW2).

11 years ago

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but we do it

Maximum victim level achieved. Such stockholm.

11 years ago

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Victim? Since when you are a victim for playing a game that can offer you some fun?

11 years ago

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Not without tons of modding.

11 years ago

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They are trying to rely on Skyrim's popularity. Probably, a lot of casual gamers will fall for it.

11 years ago

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This is my main concern. especially since bethesda wasn't even the one developing the game.

11 years ago

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If it helps, I actually have more confidence in Zenimax than I do Bethesda. If Bethesda were producing this, with their history of lacklustre patches, the game would be dead on launch.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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No way in hell am I paying a subscription fee for ANY game.

Well here's to hoping some savvy hacker finds a way to play it offline/on your own personal server without paying the subscription fee. Because thats the only way I would ever play it.

11 years ago

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I hope that for every MMO, personally, when they finally pass on.

11 years ago

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Well, didnt want to buy it anyway.

11 years ago

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Shiiiieeeet, now I will have to rewatch the whole series

11 years ago

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Honestly people are starting to go away from the whole subscription mmo stuff. Blizzard so far has been losing 100k subs every quarter. Star wars the old republic went F2P (Even though to really play the game you have to pay monthly but yea). Guild Wars 2 has sold an amazing amount of copies and it's a pay once game. This should have been a pay once to play kind of game. No one has the money to keep paying subscription fees and base + sub fees. It's either pay once or F2P. Would be better with pay once and expansions that offer QUALITY content instead of bullshit half assed content. Not going to buy until it hits F2P/Pay once.

11 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Tzell.