Recently, I've had a habit of buying games for pretty much no reason. Spent $350 on games I don't even have the console for and $350 is just a nice estimate, a very nice one. There's still the rareish psp games I got that's out of print and I refuse to get a used copy of plus the system itself that I didn't add to that equation.
Also, it doesn't help that I aim for the collector's edition and currently I'm importing games because some of sequels aren't released in the US but importing is cheaper than buying it from ebay so I have that going for me.
So, how do you refrain from buying games because I kind of need help at this rate?
I have no self control

11 years ago*

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I've bought games without owning the console, but only right before I'm about to purchase one. Generally I try to think about as many of these are applicable when I'm considering buying a game:

(added because well, necessary) - Do I own the console to play it on?

  • Will my PC run this?
  • Have I seen this on sale cheaper more than once or recently?
  • If game is a sequel, have I played the previous one(s)?
  • Do I feel this game is worth the price?
  • Can I buy this later at or below current price? (not rare or discounted)
  • Have I actually wanted to play this for awhile or does it interest me enough that I would pay full price for it?

If you answered 'no' to any of these things, then don't buy the game! Either you won't play it, can't play it, or can probably get it cheaper later. During sales I also think things like 'hey, this game is only $3, I can afford that!' then I end up buying like 15 games because 'oh I've only spent a few bucks here and there'. To avoid that, I think 'well, yes I could get a pile of games for that ~$50, but how many of them would I actually play and finish, instead I could totally get that new jumper/handbag/gimmicky talking cookie jar that I've wanted for ages but always told myself I couldn't afford to splurge so much on one thing.

11 years ago

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I don't, just buy whatever you want so long as your financial status can allow it.
If you are getting into trouble because of your spending you should stop but otherwise buy whatever the hell you want, that's the beauty of being a free man.

11 years ago

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  • make a budget for the year, with monthly detail

  • respect it precisely; about monthly budget, respect it on a clear monthly base (i.e. do not compensate between months)

  • control your budget and if you find you did not comply, give yourself a fine higher than just compensating on the next month; have a good controlling tool (i advice to make all your gaming spending with the same payment method; if you use paypal or cc, use the paypal or cc extract to do the control)

  • keep controlling until you have a long enough compliance time (let's say 2 years); then you could stop controlling but shall keep on having a budget

  • save your money for something really worth (that worthy object could be disclosed in many years, but you must be saving already)

  • seek familiar and/or professional advice when necessary

good luck!!

11 years ago

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I went broke and all the buying problem is now gone

11 years ago

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This thread has been completly copied This thread

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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By having no money.

10 years ago

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I don't.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by cxiong93.